//------------------------------// // Why Not to Touch a Dog When You Can Predict the Future. // Story: Visions // by CloverStarshine //------------------------------// Chapter 1 Why Not to Touch a Dog When You Can Predict the Future It was a beautiful sunny day. I woke up to the sleeping sun coming from my window. I got up and looked at my clock, reading 8:00 A.M. The sky looked beautiful and clear, I guessed that the Pegasi just have done some heavy duty. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the sink water and it exploded in my face. I heard a laughter from behind. "You should've seen the look on your little face," said Discord appearing behind me. "Priceless." "Oh hardy har har," I said. "Real funny Discord. Real funny." "What can you blame me?," he asked making a halo appear in between us horns. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but give a small giggle. Somepony else may find his pranks annoying, but I found them funny. "So you get any of your future predictions lately?," asked Discord. "No, not any," I said. Well when I first came here I kinda did have some visions, but Discord was always there to help me. We sometimes tried to stop them but sometimes, they happened anyways. "Made you breakfast," Discord said with a smile, magically contouring pancakes to the table. "We're they manually made?," I asked. "You know baking is the only manual thing I do," said Discord smiling. "Except for cotton candy." I giggled. If Discord were to have a cutie mark, I bet it would have something to do with baking. "The ponies back at school were wrong," I told him. "You do have magic and don't always use your powers for everything." "Thanks," he said. "And they were wrong on calling you crazy and phsyco." He hugged me and I hugged back. "Well better get to work," he said. "Sparks is not a barrel of laughs when a worker arrives late. Just ask Skye." I giggled as I finished my breakfast grabbed my keys, iPony, and wallet and put them on my saddle bag. Then i fed Angel and we both parted ways. I arrived a few minutes early to work so I tidied things up around the shop plus fed some of the fish. Later I heard the bell ring and was surprised to find Applejack at the counter along with her dog Winona. "Oh hi Applejack," I said. "What brings you to the city?" "Well my sister Apple Bloom wanted to see the big city," said Applejack. "So we two decided to come and brought Winona along so she won't feel lonely." "Yeah but what about Big Mac and Granny Smith?," I asked. "Well I thought since I was going to be away for a week bringing Winona along took off some work from Granny's and Big Mac's hooves." "Oh I see," said Fluttershy. "I thought on bringing Angel with me for work but, Mr. Shine is still pretty angry on the incident last time." "You know ya should call him Devil instead of Angel am I right?," asked Applejack. I giggled. "That's what Discord said." "By the way, he ain't hurting ya is he," asked Applejack her face tough serious. "Why do you always say that?!," I kind of yelled. "Why do you always think the worse of him?" "Well he did cause plenty mischief back in school," said Applejack. "Not to mention how he almost gets us killed sometimes." My face got red. Why were ponies always picking on him. Just because he looks different doesn't mean they should treat him like a monster. Well, I know a thing or two about how he might feel. "Well what brings you to the shop?," I asked eager to change the subject. "Winona here ran out of dog food," said Applejack. "Just here for that also treats." I grabbed one of the bags of dog food and handed it to her. "That'll be $3.15." She hands me the money as Winona barks happily. I reach down to pet her when, it happens. I'm on the streets and ponies are crowded around me. I look at the street signs reading "Filly Ave. and 71st." I then see Applejack talking to the food marketer when Winona sees a cat and her leash goes loose. She came after it and it isn't till later that Applejack realizes she's gone. By then Winona is a block away and the cat crosses the road. Winona goes after it as a truck drives towards her. Winona keeps running and then, the truck ran over her. I gasp as I see Applejack nearing her. I see her crying and putting a hoof on Winona. Blood is sprawling on the street. Then, the vision is done. "Hey Fluttershy," said Applejack. "You okay there? You look like you saw a ghost." Still recovering from my fright I tell her, "Keep a good eye on Winona." Applejack looks at me strangely then shrugs and walks out of the store Oh no it happened again. nother vision. My first thought goes to calling Discord and tell him about it. But then I think differently and knowing Applejack seeing Discord would only cause an argument between them two. So I decide to go alone. I go talk to Mr. Shine asking him if I could have a break. He looked at me strangely as well but told me I had twenty minutes. Grabbing my saddlebag I walk out of the store, and gallop to Filly Ave. The scene was just like what I saw. Ponies were crowded around me. I made my way to Applejack just before she entered the fruit shop. "Um Applejack," I called. "Fluttershy?," she asked turning to face me. "What in tarnation are you doing here?" "I just wanted to tell you that, if by any chance you feel Winona tugging one her leash," I start telling her. "Make sure to check that the leash isn't breaking. I, I mean you wouldn't want her running away and getting, run, I mean hurt would you?" She looked at me strangely again. "Fluttershy just tell me what's going on. Why would you leave work and tell me just to take care of my dog? That's not very bright of you. Is it Discord? You know you can tell me." "No it's. What?," I said my face getting red. "Not it's not Discord." "Sure it is," said Applejack. "That creep is nothing but trouble around ponies. Don't know why Princess Celestia trusts his kind to protect Equestria. Or in other words him." "Applejack can you stop being so mean?," I said. "Why are you so opinionated on what someone looks like?" "Because Discord is nothing but trouble," said Applejack. "And you should know that he's trying to hurt you." "Applejack stop it!," I yell. "Why can't you stop it. You don't know Discord like I do. You only care on what he looks like. He's the only one who understands how I feel!" "Oh if you love him so much why don't you marry him then?," said Applejack. "I'm sure he's way more important than your friends. Don't we understand how you feel." "No you don't!," I yelled. "No he understands me. You may think but you don't know everything about me." "What are ya talking about Fluttershy?," Applejack asked. "I'm saying that-," I started. But then I glanced at the leash, which was swaying from side to side, with no Winona. Oh no I thought. I wasted no second pushing past Applejack. "Fluttershy what the hay is going on?," Applejack asked. She then glanced at the leash I guessed and started running behind me. She then later was in front of me, being faster than me. We approached Filly Ave. and 71str. But it was too late. The truck already ran over Winona before either of us could make it. "No," I heard Applejack sob. I saw the blood, the reality of my vision. I didn't want to believe it but, it was real. "I tried to warn you," I told Applejack . "Oh you tried to warn me?," Applejack asked. "Al ya did is protect your boyfriend." "SHUT UP!," I yelled. Then Applejack went hurling to a wall. Oh no, I used my powers. I could feel everypony's eyes on me, closing in on me. "What are you?," Applejack asked. Frightened I just flew and bolted out of there. The clear skies turned dark and gray, the colors of my emotions right now. The rain fell just like my tears. I didn't go back to work. I didn't go to Discord. I didn't go home. I just sat there, in Central Park, on one of the trees, crying and sobbing. Why was I like this? Why couldn't I be like everypony else? Why were ponies so mean to Discord? All these thoughts just made me want to scream. Scream at my used to be BFF. Scream at the ponies. Scream at everything. Just make me want to destroy a tree. At this, the tree I was sitting on blew up. I came out, unharmed. Once again ponies' eyes fell on me. I just stepped back and, something, someone, pulled me.