The Spark

by rikkuidol

Chapter 2: The Gathering

Canterlot Castle Labyrinth "Center"


hmhmhm.....It's Been A while....old friend.....


"indeed" said a voice coming from a Marble Statue

New Phyrexia "The Core"

"That loathsome dragon! what more does he want from me?" said tezzeret

"i must unchain myself from him, but what to do and where to go?"

master tezzeret....i have a message from lord bolas said an unknown voice

"Show yourself! If are one of his messengers..." screamed tezzeret

ahhh but i cannot, i have been watching you master tezzeret, as per orders of the lord... said the unknown voice

"that Blasted Dragon!....grrr...what does he want now?" growled tezzeret

here.....all the information you need is in this here scroll.. and with that said, a scroll came flying to tezzeret, and as soon as he grabbed hold of the scroll he stabbed in the direction of where the scroll was thrown and it connected with something....something soft.

gwaaah....*coagh* *coagh* expected...master....tezzeret......

"foolish stalker....this might be a chance for me to be free..." said tezzeret, he then unfolded the scroll and read through it, but all the letter said was:

....The Plane of Equestria...Everfree Forest

Zendikar "Eye of Ugin"


there sat Sarkhan Vol, ever watching as one by one different types of Eldrazis came out of the Eye, when a Greenflame suddenly came out of nowhere and a scroll appeared out of the flame.

"hmmm...what is this?...." said sarkhan he then unfolded the scroll and read through it, but all the letter said was:

....The Plane of Equestria...Everfree Forest

"by your master...." said sarkhan, and with that, a rush of information rushed through sarkahn.


"Blasted Witch! where are you now?" screamed Garruk, after following liliana for days maybe even weeks he found her scent in this perculiar plane, where it was like the swamps of innistrad, but there was something wrong with the location itself, it was alive, the swamp was alive more like a decaying forest than a swamp, ever watching, he felt creatures watching him, even the trees are watching him, but a certain feeling of freedom was enveloped around him.

"hmmm, even if you looked cursed it seems that you are free..." said garruk directing it to the forest in which he is located and let out a small grin and chuckle.

"..........unlike me, chained to this wreched witch! Vengance shall be mine!" screamed garruk



"Blast it jace!! where are we now? are you sure you got it correct this time?" screamed Chandra

"Hold your tounge woman! t'was my first time Planeswalking in a group!" said jace

And with that, the two started to quarrel with each other.

"where do you think we are Gideon?" said elspeth

"I am not sure Elspeth, but it seems that we are in front of royalty...." said gideon while looking at an unusual Horse, it had Wings and a horn with mane flowing like the void with multicolors and a symbol on its flank that closely represents the White mana.

Silence Befell the room, both Gideon and Elspeth Stared at the Mythical beast from down a huge set of stairs with red carpet, while chandra and jace where still quarelling.

"......Welcome to Canterlot Travelers, or better yet, Welcome to the Plane of Equestria"


To Be Continued


Writers Notes: Sorry it took a while to make the next chapters, i will be uploading chapter 3 and 4 a bit later, thanks for Reading! =D