Fantasy Misadventures

by Treppahcs

Help with Cosplay

Walking down the road, Fluttershy couldn’t focus on anything else but her shoes. Looking at her hand was a flyer for a convention that was going to happen in a couple of days. Ever since she saw the flyer, Fluttershy’s mind wandered back to the conversation she had with Rarity.

“Now, Darling, I’ll have the perfect costume ready by the time of the convention.”


“Now, don’t worry. I have everything covered.”

Fluttershy’s dilemma wasn’t the costume or Rarity’s generous nature. Her main dilemma was her crippling fear of everyone seeing her in the costume Rarity made for her. The thought of her making a fool out of herself was a frightening thought to her, she could even hear the voices.

“Isn’t that the girl who gives out those fliers?”

“What’s she doing in that?”

“She’s into that stuff?”

She felt a bit conflicted at the moment. On one hand, she wanted to go with her friend and wear that costume, but on the other hand, she didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of everyone.

“Maybe I shouldn’t go... but Rarity put all that time and effort into making that outfit. Oh, what should I do?”

Fluttershy sat down on a bench and put her head in her hands, worrying about every possibility that could happen. She brought her legs up to her chest and hugged them as she thought of every possible problem that could happen.

“You okay?”

Turning around, Fluttershy saw someone she didn’t expect to run into today. “Sonata?”

There before her was the ex-siren Sonata Dusk, wearing her black shirt and skirt with blue flame design on it. She waved with a smile on her face and said, “Heya, Fluttershy. How’re you doing?”

The shy girl wiped away a few tears as she quietly said, “I’m just going out for a walk.”

“You were sitting there for a bit though. Did you need a break?” Sonata said, taking a seat beside Fluttershy while smoothing out her skirt. Sonata opened her mouth to say something, but then looked down in confusion, which confused Fluttershy as well. “What’s that?” Sonata asked, pointing at Fluttershy’s hand.

Fluttershy looked at what Sonata was pointing at and froze momentarily. It was the convention flier she was referring to. She quickly moved the flier behind her and said, “Oh… um... it’s just a piece of paper I picked up.”

“Really? Cause it looks reeeeaaaaallllyyy familiar,” Sonata said, squinting a little bit, causing Fluttershy to giggle a bit as it reminded her of Pinkie when she’s being silly. “Can I see it for a bit?”

“W-why would you want to? ….If you don’t mind me asking,” Fluttershy asked, not looking Sonata in the eyes.

Sonata huffed a bit and muttered, “It’s gonna drive me crazy until I figure it out, so please let me see it.”

Fluttershy didn’t do anything for a few moments, as she was trying to decide on whether or not to show her. In the end, she decided to show Sonata the paper. “H-Here it is,” Fluttershy said, handing the flier over.

Sonata took the flier from Fluttershy and examined it closely... then gasped. “This is a flier for the convention coming up! I should show this to Ms. Fanta,” Sonata cheerfully said, handing the flier back to the shy girl. Sonata noticed the down look on Fluttershy’s face and asked, “You okay?”

Fluttershy looked away and stuttered, “I-I’m f-fine.”

“C’mon, Fluttershy. I just want to know why you look like Aria when she has tacos,” Sonata whined, still looking at the shy girl.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Fluttershy quietly said, wanting Sonata to stop.

“Please tell me what’s wrong. Does the convention bring back bad memories?” Sonata asked, somewhat seriously.

Fluttershy shook her head then said, “No, it’s not that. It’s just… my friend Rarity made me a costume to wear to the convention. It’s a ice costume but I can’t wear anything revealing.”

“That’s it? But that sounds like fun,” Sonata said, slightly confused.

“I’m just worried what everyone will say when they see me. I get so nervous when I’m in a crowd, but being in costume in front of everyone is scary. What if they laugh at me or call me names?” Fluttershy asked, as various images of people laughing at her popped in her head.

“It’s not that scary,” Sonata said, not seeing the problem.

“But it IS scary. Everyone watching you, judging every move you make. I couldn’t have fun if I was there,” Fluttershy whimpered.

Sonata looked at the girl in pity as she was thinking of something to do to help her. Nothing came to mind, as she hasn’t had to deal with a problem like this. It was always easy for Sonata when she was… on… stage.

Sonata jumped from her seat and yelled, “THAT’S IT!!!”

Fluttershy jumped as well, but in fear rather than excitement. Looking at the blue haired girl, Fluttershy stuttered, “W-What’s it?”

Sonata grinned and said, “I can hypnotize you to make you more comfortable with crowds.”

“H-Hypnotize me?”

“Yeah! I can make it so you can have fun at the convention and not have to worry about anything,” Sonata said, excited she can help the troubled girl out. “It’ll be easy for me to do.”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure about using hypnosis to help herself. It’s not that she didn’t trust Sonata. It’s just that she never liked the idea of letting others control her. Sonata could make her act like an animal or make her say something embarrassing, but... she looked so eager to help. Letting out a sigh, Fluttershy said, “You sure this will work? …If you don’t mind me asking.”

Sonata shook her head wildly as her ponytail bobbed with each movement. “I’ve done this enough to know what I’m doing,” Sonata said, as she pulled out a pocket watch… from somewhere.

“Um, okay... if you’re sure,” Fluttershy lamely said.

Sonata smiled as she started to swing the watch in front of Fluttershy. “Now, all you need to do is watch the watch and relax,” Sonata said gently.

Fluttershy just sat there and watched the watch swing gently while thinking, ‘I wonder if this will work?’

“Just watch as the watch swings back and forth. It’s calms you down while gazing at it and don’t look away,” Sonata slowly and lowly said.

Fluttershy slowly moved her head as she started to calm down. ‘I can’t look away. Must watch,’ Fluttershy thought, not resisting.

“Keep your eyes on the watch as you feel your muscles relax, starting at the feet. You feel this feeling slowly travel up your legs as all the tension disappears. You can’t look away from the watch as you listen to my voice,” Sonata said, happy to see the shy girl listening to her.

Fluttershy continued to follow the watch and Sonata’s instructions as her legs felt weightless. ‘Need to relax. Listen to Sonata,’ Fluttershy thought simply.

“You feel your tummy relax as the feeling travel towards your chest and down your arms. With each second you feel relaxed, your mind gets a bit slower,” Sonata said, seeing her arms go slack.

‘Arms relaxed… Listen to Sonata,’ Fluttershy thought, as she leaned against her chair.

“This relaxed feeling travels slowly up to your neck and to your head… Now, I need you to listen real carefully. I’ll be counting down from 5, and once I reach zero, you’ll fall asleep and be in a hypnotic  trance,” Sonata calmly said.

‘Count… Zero… Trance,’ were the thoughts going through Fluttershy’s head.

“Five, feeling your eyelids get heavy. Four, feeling your head droop. Three, getting even sleepier. Two, almost there. One, your eyes are closing. And… Zero,” Sonata said, as Fluttershy’s head fell forward a bit.

Sonata stood there for a moment, admiring her work. “Now then... Fluttershy, can you hear me?” Sonata asked, having done this a dozen times over.

“Yes,” Fluttershy said, monotoned.

“Now Fluttershy, you have been hypnotized by me: Sonata Dusk, Stage Hypnotist Extraordinaire.  Do you understand?” Sonata asked.

“Yes, I have been hypnotized by Sonata Dusk, Stage Hypnotist Extraordinaire,” Fluttershy droned on.

“Now, whenever you’re in this trance, you’ll listen to anything I say, and you’ll only come back into this trance when I say the phase “Trance Time”. Do you understand, Fluttershy?” Sonata asked.

“I will go into a trance when you say “Trance Time”,” Fluttershy droned.

“Now to help you with your little clothing problem. Fluttershy, you will forget about any problems and insecurities you have with any revealing clothes. You will even feel more comfortable wearing those kind of clothes, as if you were wearing your most casual outfits,” Sonata said, working her magic so to say.

“Comfortable wearing revealing clothes,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Now, I want you to have fun at this convention so here’s your next order. Whenever you wear a costume, you will act out the role or character depending on the costume, as if aspects of their personality have mixed with yours,” Sonata said, trying to word this carefully as possible.

“Act like the costume. Like parts of their personalities have mixed with mine.”

“Now that you have your commands, you’ll follow them even when you’re out of this trance, but you won’t find it weird that you’re acting like this. Now, when I snap my fingers, you’ll wake up, feeling refreshed,” Sonata said, then snapped her fingers.

Fluttershy’s head snapped back up as she blinked her eyes.

“How do you feel, Fluttershy?”

“I feel… good? Did you hypnotize me?” Fluttershy asked, wondering what just happened.

“Sure did, but follow me,” Sonata said, grabbing Fluttershy’s arm and dragging her down the sidewalk.

“Where’re we going?” Fluttershy asked, trying to run so she wouldn’t be dragged along.

“You'll see,” Sonata said, smiling a Pinkie like smile. She continued on walking down the sidewalk, but suddenly stopped and quietly said, “It should be around here somewhere.”

Fluttershy was panting like one of the puppies at the shelter as she asked, “What’s around here?”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just looking for… THAT!!!” Sonata yelled, as she resumed dragging the shy girl with her. She opened the door to a small shop and walked inside as quickly as possible.

Fluttershy didn’t know what happened. One moment, she was in the store, and the next, she was in a small changing room. “Sonata, what’re-?”

“No time. Here,” Sonata said, opening the door of the dressing room and handing Fluttershy a folded piece of cloth, “Put this on now!!!”

“Why do I-?”

“Just do it,” Sonata said, closing the door as she left the small room. “I’ll be waiting outside, so come out once you have it on. I’m so excited!”

Fluttershy just shrugged and started lifting her shirt up.

Sonata had been waiting for a couple of minutes for Fluttershy to come out and wondered what was taking her so long. Knocking on the door, Sonata asked, “You okay in there?”

“Um... yes... I’m just finishing up in here,” Fluttershy said from the other side, sounding a bit nervous.

“Well, come out then. Let’s see how you look,” Sonata asked, barely containing her excitement.

“Just a second… Just need to… fix this.”

Sonata was wondering what was going on in there when she heard the sound of the doorknob turn.

The door opened and Fluttershy stepped out in a very tight dress. The dress itself was a dark green color as it flowed into a pencil-like skirt for her. The torso part of the dress was just two straps that showed off cleavage and her bellybutton. She did a quick turn, showing off her ass being squeezed as her breasts threatened to pop out, as she asked, “Well, how do I look?”

Sonata gave a quick once over and said, “Can you give me a little twirl?”

Fluttershy gave a small nod and did a slow spin, showing off her back side and her tightly squeezed ass. “So?”

“Perfect,” Sonata said, giving Fluttershy a big thumbs up.

“Oh, thank goodness. I was wondering if the dress suited me,” Fluttershy said, trying to smooth out the skirt.

“Well, it suits you perfectly. Now, why don’t you change back into your clothes, and we can leave,” Sonata said, glad that the hypnosis worked.

Fluttershy went back into the dressing room and returned a couple minutes later, wearing her white tank top and green skirt. Once she put the dress into a basket outside the dressing room, Fluttershy followed Sonata outside and gave her a big hug while saying, “Thank you, Sonata.”

Sonata let out a joy filled laugh as she returned the hug to the once shy girl. “It was no problem, but there is the matter of my payment,” Sonata said seriously.

Fluttershy let go of the girl and quietly said, “But I don’t have a lot of money on me.”

Sonata scratched her chin as she hummed to herself. “No money, huh? Well, I guess I can have you pay me in another way, if you want,” Sonata said, turning to face away from the shy girl.

“W-What is it?” Fluttershy asked, unsure that she wanted to know.

Sonata turned back to face Fluttershy with her arm up in the air and said, “You can pay me back by having fun at this convention, silly.”

Fluttershy blinked before giggling a little and said, “Okay, Sonata. I’ll have fun at the convention.” Fluttershy blinked once again and yelled, “I have to call Rarity. Anyways, thanks again, Sonata.”

Sonata just smiled and said, “No problem. Now, go and talk to your friend.”

Fluttershy ran away as fast as she could, leaving Sonata alone by the store. She started to kick her feet as she began to walk down the road herself. “I really do hope she has fun. Wish I could go and see what all the fuss is about,” Sonata said, mostly to herself. She then smiled to herself and said, “...Miss Fanta did want to see what people do for fun.”

The next day

“Oh, I’m so glad you changed your mind, darling. It would have been ever so dreadful if I had to come here by myself,” Rarity said, buckling her belts.

Fluttershy was fixing her yellow top and said, “Well, I had some time to think and thought that I should at least try this once.” She knew that was a lie, but she didn’t want her friend to blow this out of proportion.

“Well, none the less, I’m happy you’re trying out new things, Fluttershy,” Rarity exclaimed, pulling her sleeves a bit.

Fluttershy just put on a brown jacket that showed off her stomach and said, “Well, I always wanted to cosplay, ever since I started to watch some anime.” She buttoned the jacket up and grabbed the belt off the table before putting it on. Once the belt was fastened, Fluttershy looked behind her to see that the skirt was on perfectly and grabbed the bag holding the last part of her costume.

Fluttershy turned to face her friend and saw the costume Rarity was wearing. She was wearing a pair of skin tight shiny black pants that mostly cover her high heels. Rarity was wearing a shiny red long sleeved top, with black sleeves under them, that had no neckline and showed off the teal necklace and a generous amount of cleavage. And the finishing touch were the glasses she was wearing, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

“Is that what you’ll be wearing?” Fluttershy asked, thinking that Rarity’s outfit was very fitting for her friend.

Rarity smiled and shamelessly said, “Why, yes, it is. I played one of the older shooters called Sin Episodes and just loved Elexis Sinclaire’s outfit. And you pull off that Yang look very well.”

Fluttershy kicked her foot and said, “Well, I always liked how kind and easygoing she was. She was always ready to fight for her friends, no matter what.”

Looking at the clock on her wall, Rarity gasped and said, “Look at the time. We have to hurry, or we’ll be late.”

Fluttershy just nodded and followed Rarity out her bedroom and out her house door. It only took them fifteen minutes to get to the convention and another five to get inside.

“Well, here we are, dear,” Rarity said, looking at everything inside the convention. She could see many people in costumes, rows of vendors and even a stage all the way in the back. “I can’t wait to see what they’re selling here,” she said excitedly, holding her hands in front of her and squishing her breasts together.

“I’m hoping to find a new plushie or maybe a cute anime,” Fluttershy said, scanning the vendors.

Rarity looked at her friend and asked, “Why don’t you finish putting on your costume?”

“I’m sure I have everything on,” Fluttershy said, confused and looking down to see she had the right shoes, skirt and top on. She even had the orange scarf around her neck, so what was she missing?

“Darling, you forgot your gloves.”

“Oh, thank you for reminding me, Rarity,” Fluttershy said, opening her little bag and pulling out a pair of gloves with large gold bracelets. She slipped on the gloves, one on each hand, and buckled the bracelets on. Once they were on, a voice echoed inside her mind.

“You will act out the role or character you’re dressed up as. You will act out the role or character you’re dressed up as.”

As the command went through her head, Fluttershy’s eyes closed and opened, gaining a fire inside them. She stretched a it and cockily said, “Alright, let’s get this show on the road.”

Rarity looked at her friend in confusion and asked, “Are you okay, darling?”

Fluttershy gave her a smirk and said, “Of course I’m okay. Now, let’s rock this place with a Yang.”

“Very well, darling. Shall we move on?” Rarity asked, having an uneasy smile on her face.

“Sure, maybe we’ll find an awesome game or something,” Fluttershy said, pumping her hands in the air like she just didn’t care.

Rarity just looked at her friend, thinking she was acting a bit weird, but pushed it to the back of her mind. Fluttershy was acting almost like her friend Rainbow Dash, but why did she feel a bit scared of that?

“Then, let’s go this way first,” Rarity said, pointing to the left.

They began walking around, looking at the various shops and vendors there. After looking around for a while, Rarity was carrying a bag full of games, fabric and a few cosplay items, while Fluttershy had a bag with a game and a poster.

Fluttershy was feeling a bit bored and said, “We gonna just walk around, or are we gonna do something exciting?”

Rarity smiled and said, “We will, don’t worry. We’ll just check a couple more stalls and …”

“Excuse me?” a new voice said.

The two cosplaying friends turned to see an older man in a black suit with a green scarf holding the hand of a little girl in a black dress and red hood. “I’m sorry to bother the both of you. You see, my daughter wants to ask you something,” the man said, as the little girl hides behind him.

Looking down, he said, “You can ask them. They won’t bite.”

The little girl in the cloak peaked out from behind her father and slowly walked in front of the two girls. She looked down at the ground and asks, “Can I hug you? Pretty please?”

Fluttershy bent down till her knees were on the floor with her arms spread. “Of course you can. Come here, you sweet child.”

The little girl looked up and had a smile on her face, as if Christmas came early this year. She then ran at Fluttershy with her arms open and gave her a big hug while laughing. Fluttershy returned the hug as she stood up.

The father smiled at the cute scene and said, “Would you mind if I got a picture?”

Fluttershy winked and said, “Anything for ‘Ruby’ here.”

“Alright, just stand still,” the father said, pulling out his phone and pointing it at them, “Now, say ‘Grim’!”

“Grim!” Fluttershy and ‘Ruby’ yelled as they posed. The phone flashed as ‘Ruby’ had her hand raised, making the peace sign, and Fluttershy did the same thing. Once the photo was taken, Fluttershy bent back down, setting the little girl down, and giving her one more hug before letting her go back to her dad.

The father looked at his daughter and asked, “Now, what do you say to the nice lady?”

‘Ruby’ turned to face Fluttershy and said, “THANK YOU, YANG!!!”

Waving gently to the adorable girl, Fluttershy said, “Anything for a sweet girl like you.”

The two left, with the little girl waving like crazy. Rarity had a kind smile on her face as she saw her friend do something kind for that sweet little girl. “Shall we get going, darling?” Rarity asked, wanting to look at the last few stalls.

“Yeah, I want to see if there’s… anything… cool,” Fluttershy said, looking at something to the side.

Rarity looked a tad worried and said, “Are you alright, Fluttershy?”

“Yeah, yeah. Just gonna go over there,” Fluttershy said, walking towards one of the stalls.

Rarity followed Fluttershy to a small table that had a bunch of plushies on it and on the wall behind it. The plushies ranged from anime characters to even iconic mascots and animals. She saw that Fluttershy was examining one of the plushies that looked like a Welsh Corgi, if she remembered correctly. Since she was occupied looking at the plushies, Rarity decided to look at another stall near there.

“Zwei,” Fluttershy softly said, stroking the stuffed animal before cuddling it as if it was real. Turning to the vendor, Fluttershy asked, “How much for Zwei?”

The vender, a young blonde man wearing a black hoodie, blue pants and some white chest plate, looked at something off to the side and said, “For that one alone, it’ll be $30. But if you want, you can buy another one, and it’ll be $50 all together.”

Fluttershy didn’t like how high the price was and said, “That’s a bit high for a plushie.”

The guy scratched the back of his head and said, “Sorry, but the prices are set by my friend. Wish I could help you though.”

Fluttershy was about to argue with the vender, but then thought of something else. She gave the vender a little smile and said, “You sure you can’t lower the price just a bit?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” he said, shaking his head a bit.

“Not even if I do a favor for you,” Fluttershy said leaning forward to show a bit more cleavage.

The boy blushed a bit and stammered, “I-I can’t d-do that. I-I m-mean... I’ll g-get in trouble.”

“Now now, I’m not asking for them to be free. I’m just asking for a lower price,” Fluttershy said, giving him a suggestive wink. “What do ya say?”

He looked around nervously, trying to see if anyone was watching him. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he said, “Okay, I can give you a small discount. For the two it’ll be $45.”

“Still a bit too expensive. How about $30 for both,” Fluttershy said, leaning forward a bit while licking her lips.

“$40 is as low as I can go,” the boy said, trying to keep his eyes on her face. It was harder than he thought, when they were practically in his face.

“$30, and I’ll give you a special surprise,” Fluttershy said, winking.

He didn’t say anything for a moment before he sighed and said, “Sure.”

Fluttershy grins and said, “Awesome, now close your eyes.”

The boy narrowed his eyes and harshly said, “I’m not falling for that trick. What’s to say you won’t leave as soon as I close my eyes?”

Fluttershy had a gentle smile on as she said, “I promise I won’t run. Now, close your eyes.”

The boy closed his eyes and grumbled, “Not like this isn’t the first time.” He just stood there, waiting for something to happen when he felt a hand on his head and his pocket moving. He was wondering what was going on when he felt lips touch his own. Opening his eyes, a flash went off in his face.

“Here you go,” Fluttershy said, handing him a few dollars and a rectangular object.

One look at the object, the boy knew it was his phone and unlocked it to see an interesting image. The image itself was the girl he was just made a deal with kissing him on the lips. He was staring at his phone for a while and said, “No one’s gonna believe this.”

Fluttershy was humming to herself as she hugged her Zwei and Beowolf plushies to her chest. “Best deal ever,” she said, as she bumped into someone, “Sorry.”

A familiar voice said, “It’s okay, Fluttershy.”

Looking at the person she bumped into, Fluttershy saw a familiar blue haired girl in a black and white maid dress with a headdress and stockings. “Sonata, what’re you doing here?” Fluttershy asked, surprised that her friend was here at the convention.

Sonata dusted off her dress and said, “Well, you got me interested on what it would be like to come here, and I wanted my friend to come with me.”

“It’s not Adagio or Aria, is it?” Fluttershy asked, looking around for any orange puffy hair and purple twin tailed girls.

Sonata got a sour look on her face and harshly said, “They wouldn’t come here, no matter what. Adagio would be like ‘I wouldn’t be near these simpletons’ and Aria would say ‘Only losers go to those things’.”

“Um… If they’re not here, then who’s your friend?” Fluttershy asked, generally curious.

Sonata moved her hands to her left, in a showing kind of manner, and said, “My bestest friend, Fanta, is here with me.”

Looking to where Sonata was showing, Fluttershy awkwardly said, “Um… Sonata, there’s no one there.”

“What you mean no one’s here?” Sonata asked, looking to the side to see no one there. “Fanta, where did you go?”

“I’m right here.”

They turned around to see a girl with light brown skin, long black hair and silver eyes. She was wearing a cream colored suit jacket, plaid skirt, white button up shirt and a red tie. The girl also had black nylon stockings, nice red shoes and an adorable pair of cat ears on her head.

Sonata let out a sigh and said, “Where did you go, Fanta? I thought I lost you.”

The girl, Fanta, just smiled and said, “I’m sorry, Sonata, but I saw some books that I could use.” She looks at Fluttershy and said, “Is this the one who told you about this gathering?”

“Yup. This is Fluttershy. Fluttershy, this is my bestest friend, Fanta,” Sonata said, introducing the two to each other.

“Hello,” Fluttershy said, holding out her hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Fluttershy,” Fanta said, grabbing the offered hand and shaking it. “I must thank you for telling Sonata of this gathering. It’s been an interesting experience,” Fanta said, letting go of Fluttershy’s hand.

“Oh, I just talked to her about a problem I had, and she helped me out,” Fluttershy said cheerfully.

Fanta gently smiled, glancing at Sonata, and said, “Of course she helped.”

“By the way, what were the books you got?” Fluttershy asked, as her mind went to a very graphic subject.

Fanta opened a bag she was carrying and pulled out a few hard covered books. “I found a vender selling these books that had a few clothing designs in them. I thought they would be good another time,” Fanta calmly said, as she put the books back in the bag.

“Cool! So, we can use them?” Sonata excitedly asked, bouncing up and down like Pinkie Pie.

“Of course,” Fanta said.

“YAY!!” Sonata said, doing a little twirl and causing Fluttershy to giggle to herself.

“Fluttershy, where are you?” an accented voice said.

Fluttershy turned to see Rarity looking frantic as she called her name. “Over here!” she said, waving her arms around.

Rarity came rushing over and said, “There you are, darling. I almost thought I lost you.”

“Naw, I was just talking to a new friend,” Fluttershy nonchalantly said, as she pointed towards Sonata and Fanta.

Rarity looked at the two and said, “Isn’t that Sonata Dusk? And who’s the other woman?”

“Yeah, that’s Sonata and her friend, Fanta. She seems to be interested in custom clothes or something. She got some artbooks for it,” Fluttershy said, shrugging her shoulders.

“Oh, she is? Well, maybe I should introduce myself,” Rarity said, mostly to herself. She walked over to the two and said, “Hello, you two.”

Sonata stopped her little dance and waved at Rarity, while Fanta politely asked, “Hello. May I help you?”

“Well, my name is Rarity, and I was just talking to my friend, Fluttershy. She told me you were interested in some clothing designs. I just wanted to tell you I could help you if you’re ever interested,” Rarity said, looking at the silver eyed girl.

Fanta nodded her head and said, “I might have to take you up on that offer. Do you have a way I could reach you?”

“Of course,” Rarity said, as she took a piece of paper and pen out of her cleavage. She wrote down her number and handed it back to Fanta and said, “If you need some advice or want to order a custom outfit, just give me a call.”

“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind,” Fanta said, taking the paper and putting it in her pocket. “Unfortunately, we must be going. It was nice to meet the both of you, and we’ll meet again,” Fanta said, walking away with Sonata following her.

Rarity saw the two disappear and said, “Well, should we continue on our way, Fluttershy?”

“Sure, but let’s get some grub,” Fluttershy cockily said, as she rubbed her stomach.

Rarity sighed and said, “Sure. I’m feeling a bit peckish as well.” The two walked off, looking for the food court or a vendor if possible.

A few hours later

The two girls were laying down on Rarity’s large four poster bed, with their stuff all over the place. Rarity was on her back, still in her costume minus the heels and glasses as Fluttershy was slowly taking off the jacket.

“I have to say, this was exhilarating,” Rarity said, not moving from her spot on the bed.

“It was tiring, but it was fun,” Fluttershy quietly said, not affected by the hypnotic suggestions. “Maybe we can do this again next year?” she asked, as she removed the belt from her hips.

Rarity had a tired smile on her face and said, “Maybe we can, but we’ll have to plan our next outfits soon. I always liked that one character from the Fire Emblem game.”

Fluttershy just nodded as she looked around the room for something. “Rarity, where’re my clothes?” she asked, not seeing her usual white tank top and green skirt.

Rarity groaned as she propped herself up and said, “They should have been near my hamper, darling. Can’t you see it?”

“Um… No, and I can’t find your hamper either,” Fluttershy said uncertainly.

“Mother or Sweetie must have done the laundry then. Check my closet. I should have a spare outfit you can wear,” Rarity said miffed, as she fell back into the soft mattress.

“Okay, thanks,” Fluttershy said, walking towards her fashionable friend’s sizeable closet. Opening the door, Fluttershy walked inside and started to look for any kind of clothes she could wear until she got home. She looked on at a few of the dresses, inside a couple of drawers and even in a rubbermaid container but only found one of Pinkie’s spare cheerleader uniforms.

Holding up the purple uniform, Fluttershy was wondering if it would be okay to wear this. “I’m sure Pinkie has a few other uniforms for some emergency,” Fluttershy said, putting the outfit on a shelf. She began pulling off the rest of the costume, the shirt and the short shorts, leaving her in her green bra and panties.

Fluttershy wrapped the skirt around her and said, “I’ll just wear this till I get home.” With the skirt on, she grabbed the shirt and put it on as a voice echoed in her head.

“You will act out the role or character you’re dressed up as. You will act out the role or character you’re dressed up as.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and opened her eyes as a huge smile formed on her face. She felt full of energy and ready to cheer but heard someone knocking on the door.

“Fluttershy, did you find some clothes?” Rarity asked from the other side of the door.

“Yeah, just finished changing and ready to go!” Fluttershy yelled out enthusiastically.

“Alright, darling. I’m gonna be getting in the shower, so just leave whenever you want,” Rarity said, walking away from the door and into the hall.

“I feel like I’m missing something,” Fluttershy said, wondering what she was missing. She turned to see a pair of rainbow pompoms and a rainbow colored hair scrunchie. “That’s what I’m missing,” she said, grabbing the scrunchie and pulling her hair back into a ponytail and grabbed the pompoms.

“Okay, I’m ready to cheer the team to victory!” Fluttershy said, coming out of the closet and walking out of Rarity’s bedroom. “Wait, when’s the game? I want to spend sometime with the boys after the game,” Fluttershy pouted, pulling out her phone from her skirt.

Turning her phone on, Fluttershy saw that it was 8:47 pm. “Awww, it’s too late to do anything, and I have a curfew. Maybe I should go home and get a cute outfit ready for the boys tomorrow,” Fluttershy said, sounding happy again.

Fluttershy started to skip away. Once she was outside Rarity’s house, she started humming to herself cutely. She couldn’t wait for the next day.