//------------------------------// // Manehattan // Story: This is... // by WatchMeShadow //------------------------------// Manehattan, Equestrias largest city. It houses metal skyscrapers that can be seen for miles. It’s settled near the World Ocean, a massive body of salty water whose mysteries, chaotic weather, and inhabitance make the Everfree Forest look like a walk in Canterlot Park. It separated ponies from the homeland they fled so long ago. How the ponies of old survived or even managed to get past that watery death trap was any ponies guess. Well that’s not entirely accurate to say, Twilight Sparkle had recently discovered how much more capable her ancestors could be, and was making her own speculations on the subject, silently. “Wow! Ah never knew this place was that big!” Applebloom exclaimed in wonderment as she looked out the train window. The rhythmic undertone of the trains travel continued, ignored. “Heh, yeah it shure is somethin’, Ah can’t wait to show you the Mare of Liberty,” Applejack replied to her little sister who was across from her. She watched as the yellow filly, with a stained bow tie atop her mane, enjoyed the sights of Manehattan in the distance with her two best friends and Rainbow Dash. She brought her attention to Twilight who was also looking out a window, “So Twi, ya and Sweetie are gonna be staying with Coco Pummel?” Sweeties ears perked up and she got down from her spot at the window and moved up beside Twilight. “Wha-” Twilight said, leaving her speculative thoughts for later, “Oh, Yes we are staying with Coco. Apparently, Rarity mentioned to Coco that we’d be going on vacation to Manehattan in a note and she offered to chaperone Sweetie, one thing lead to another and now me and Sweetie will be staying at her apartment.” ”I can’t wait to see her, I want to thank her for sticking up for Rarity! That competition really meant a lot to her,” Sweetie squeaked. Sweetie has only heard good things about Coco Pummel. She was excited to finally get a chance to meet her. Both Applejack and Twilight sighed in acceptance, while they simultaneously said, “we know,” indifferently. It brought back memories of the trip that they met Coco in. Rarity was a real Sweatshop enforcer that trip, the reason child labor laws were made. They’d find it funny if it wasn’t for the fact that their only options at the time was to really let Rarity down or put up with her temporary attitude, and the former wasn’t an option. Rarity had done plenty for them in the past and they didn’t much like the idea of letting her down even if she was horrible about it at the time. Their work paid off in the end and Rarity unknowingly won the competition. Ultimately, the events around the competition made it so Coco had to inform Rarity of her win but at the loss of her apprenticeship. Sweeties face went blank before she got a curious gleam in her eyes, “Wait, so where are you all staying?” Apparently that thought had never came to her yet, even though she had tried to get all of them to stay at Coco Pommels. Which is to say a lot of, ‘one thing lead to another,’ happened. “We’re gonna be stayin’ at the Oranges for a few days then we got a hotel room reserved from, uhh Best Eastern, it’s not a fancy smancy hotel but they do a good enough job. Ah think Rainbow and Scootaloo will be staying there as well,” Applejack detailed. Rainbow brought her attention away from the window, but Applebloom and Scootaloo paid no mind, “Yeah, that’s right,” she said, “me and the squirt here,” she said roughing Scootaloo’s hair, who smiled and laughed, “will be staying at Best Eastern, as well,” she said before going back to watching outside. She brought Scootaloo into a hug with her foreleg. Sweetie looked on at the scene and it filled her with joy. “Don’t you worry none, Sweetie,” which caused her to look back to Applejack who smirked, “we got plenty o’ time to fall for all the tourist traps if ya really wanted to.” “We also have a meeting place and time set up so we can plan out our day, we won’t always be together but the first couple days we probably will be,” Twilight said, and Applejack nodded in agreement. “Okay,” Sweetie said satisfied with their plans. She went back to the window with her best friends and Rainbow Dash. They watched the city get closer and bigger. It was both amazing and daunting to Sweetie. She’s never been on vacation without her family before and she’s certainly never been to such a huge city. The train ride had taken up more than half a day when it finally arrived to Manehattan which is why they left in the afternoon instead of the morning, otherwise they’d arrived in the dead of night. They had to go through a security screening to check for changelings the second they left the train. That bothered Applejack, because she remembered not being escorted into a long line that usually got no results, and wasted everyponies time. She grumbled the whole way through the security check. Coco Pommel had been waiting for them so she could escort Twilight and Sweetie to her apartment. Sweetie was quick to thank Coco who merely stated that it was the right thing to do. They all ate out and made plans for tomorrow before they went their separate ways, since it was getting late. Applejack and Applebloom headed to the Oranges, while Scootaloo and Rainbow headed towards Best Eastern. Coco, Twilight, and Sweetie towards Cocos apartment. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applebloom had only heard stories about the Oranges from Applejack. They welcomed them in and seemed nice enough, but it was weird suddenly having maids and butlers. She didn’t like it. It just felt wrong to her, even Granny Smith in her old age still cooked regular meals. The inside was well kept, she hasn’t seen a place this spotless since she’s been to Canterlot Castle before the changeling invasion. They had a colt her age there, but he seemed completely unrelatable, and almost stuck up, either way he had no interest in her or her life. That’s not to say he was mean or didn’t acknowledge her, he just seemed more interested in other things and didn’t seem to care to share them. Something she found strange and alien, after having been through soo many Apple family Reunions, and having to suffer through all the cheek pinches and embarrassing attention of her great aunts. She thought maybe it was an Orange thing. The apartment building that the Oranges lived in were made from various shades of orange brick, in a neighborhood that looked more vintage than it did ghetto. The large metal behemoths were blocks away but still could be seen towering over the rather large brick buildings, if she was on the other side of the road. It made her feel small and insignificant, but she couldn’t help but wonder how ponies made so many of those things. Applejack had plenty to talk about with the Oranges, but this visit wasn’t just to thank them for their generous support all those years ago, when she basically ran away from home. It was also to remind herself just why she needed to come to clean to Applebloom. She still felt those feelings whenever she got nostalgic, and it disgusted her that she could ever feel that way about her own sister. She wasn’t only doing this for herself, she honestly believed Applebloom has a right to know. She figured they would relax and explore the first few days with their friends. She wanted Applebloom to have a good time before she potentially ruined the rest of their vacation with her overdue confession. “So how has the farm life been treating you Applejack?” asked Blood Orange as he sat down. Applebloom was in the dining room trying to talk to a servant, and partially succeeding. “Well, we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs, but at the moment it’s been going great and I have mah sister to thank for that. Ah see things haven’t changed much around here,” Applejack said to the yellow earth pony. He had sky blue eyes and a orange as a cutie mark. She sat on a couch while he sat on a chair beside said couch. She slumped her shoulders in shame, “sorry Ah haven't visited more often. Yall were a great help to me when Ah was a young’n, Yall took me in and treated me like one of your own and for that I’ll be forever grateful. Ah-Ah… well thank you for that, and for letting us stay here for a couple days.” “You’re welcome, and it’s no trouble at all really you’re welcome here anytime,” he said seriously, before putting on a sly smile, “I’m also curious about how you became friends with a Princess? Your letter didn’t explain much…” “Well that’s quite the story,” Applejack said speculatively, she smirked mischievously, “but it’ll have ta wait. Hows about Ah tell y’all about it tomorrow evening?” Blood smiled, “I’ll look forward to it.” They sat and talked about various things. Applebloom and Tangerine Orange were quick to join in and they talked some more about how things were going in more detail till it was bed time. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rainbow and Scootaloo flew to the Best Eastern, it was a short flight, since they both packed light. The only thing Scootaloo brought with her was her mystery gift and some bits. Rainbow really only brought bits and a suitcase that contained toothbrushes, toothpaste, and some towels. She had no plans on eating at any fancy restaurants, and if she did she was sure Twilight would be pass enough for her to wear even old dirty farmers cloths to such a haughty restaurant. She doubted any of them would have the nerve to reject a Princess of Equestria, in fact she was sure they’d try to capitalize on it. More important than any of that though was the fact that this was her first ever family vacation, as much as she wanted to count the trip to Rainbow Falls as one, she just couldn’t. She was hyped and nervous, she wanted their first family vacation to be a good one. She also wanted to know what Scootaloos gift was and who it was for. She hoped it wasn’t for her, she’d feel awful if her little sister got her something and she didn’t get her sister anything, “So now that it’s only you and me, want to tell me what’s in the gift box?” Rainbow questioned as she propped herself up on her bed to look across to Scootaloo's. Scootaloo smirked, “If you beat me in a race, I will.” Rainbow frowned, the first day of flight training was terrifying for her. Scootaloo had no control and almost collided into the ground more times than she’d like to admit. Luckily she was there to stop that. Rainbow was barely able to keep up to her and almost wanted to call off practise that first day, she feared for her sisters well being. She kept in those thoughts and feelings at the time, since she knew Scootaloo was also deathly scared of flying, or rather her wings. Luckily, Twilight came up with a solution that helped Scootaloo gain more control of her freakish ability to fly. It happened to be the same solution that she used to help Scootaloo gain control of her ground magic. In the end, they raced. Rainbow never thought she’d feel proud for losing, but she certainly did, “Yea-no, I’d rather not rain shards of glass down on Manehattan pedestrians.” Scootaloos eyes bugged out, “Oh... I’m glad you said that, I might have considered showing that off…” It’s true, Scootaloo had considered doing just that, but only briefly. She had already decided against it. She was merely trying to change the subject away from her gift, in a clever way. Something she’s gotten exceedly good at after two years of living mostly on her own as a runaway orphan. She had help in the form of Pinkie Pie, but she was usually able to get others off her trial unknowingly with misdirection. Rainbow looked at her sister slyly, “I can’t blame you, but seriously don’t do that anywhere near buildings with glass, I learned that during Cadences wedding…” Rainbow noticed they went completely off topic, not to mention the fact they had previously talked about that incident soon after they discovered her sisters capabilities, “What if I beat you at tic tac toe?” she proposed. Scootaloo brought a hoof to her chin, “Hmm, no,” she smirked at Rainbow, “Sorry sis, but it’s a secret, and don’t worry I’ll tell everypony what it was and who it was for before we head b-ba b-back,” she stuttered as a sudden strong surge of happiness and gratitude over took her completely by surprise, she couldn’t help herself as she jumped off her bed across the floor and onto Rainbows bed. Tears rained down her eyes and she hugged Rainbow fearsly. The last week had been the best of her life like a dream come true. There had been a couple times that she actually thought she was dreaming but she was over that now. In her blind happiness she failed to realise something. Something that She just now realised that she had. Something that she’s wanted for a while. Something she once accepted as unattainable. Rainbow didn’t know what happened. One moment they were talking just fine, the next her sister was crying and hugging her tightly, “h-hey what’s wrong?” She didn’t like seeing her sister like this, tears welled up in her eyes, whether it be because of the tight grip, her now moist breast, her sisters continued attempts at talking, or what. She didn’t know. She hugged back with one foreleg and stroked her rough hair with the other. She patiently waited till her sister calmed down enough to say whatever she was trying to say. “Be-before w-we,” Scootaloo sniffed then rubbed her nose and eyes with a foreleg, “before we head ba-back home,” she finished, smiling wildly as tears continued to rain down her cheeks. Rainbow didn’t see what the big deal was. She looked at Scootaloo questioningly, who merely continued her hug and smiled back up at her. Rainbow had grown use to her house, after all she had been living in it for a while now. She liked it far better than the orphanage she grew up in. There wasn’t anything special about it that she could think about, especially when compared to pretty much all houses in Cloudsdale. Well she did clear out a guest room and helped Scootaloo decorate it how she wanted it. That was a nice bonding experience she’d treasure, but she still failed to see what her little sister meant. As she thought about it Scootaloo’s smile waned a little, she didn’t like that. she put up a fake smirk, hoping to revive that smile, “Well…” she said, not really sure what to say, “yeah, that’s cool I can wait before we head back home, before y-you-” she stuttered, what she just said echoed in her mind and her eyes dilated in understanding. Home. She gasped and brought Scootaloo into a hug, now that she understood what had her sister so happy, “I love you sis,” she whispered. Rainbow felt like she was on top of the world. She was giving an awesome filly somethings that she never had growing up; a family and a home. Her eyes got misty but she didn't care. Scootaloo renewed her hug, “I love you to big sis.” Rainbow gently laid her chin on top her head and loosened her hug a little but otherwise didn’t move. Neither of them wanted to stop the moment, because they both felt great and loved. It was also comfortable. Eventually, it had to end but they now felt a lot better about everything. They decided to go to the indoor swimming pool. Unfortunately, it was closed for the night so they headed back and got some sleep. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Coco lead Twilight and Sweetie to her apartment. Sweetie felt nervous, she hasn’t traveled much even though her parents do often, they haven't taken her with them, much to her chagrin. The city was huge. Buildings towered above her. She felt like an ant in a metallic forest. She stayed close to Twilight, as they trailed behind Coco. The streets were well kept, but there was so much hoof traffic that she didn’t dare leave Twilight's side. The sun was setting by the time they were a couple blocks away from Cocos apartment. They decided to save bits and walk there which lengthened the trip significantly. As they got closer the streets became more ominous, less ponies were outside, and the lamps that would soon light up the street seemed a little older and ill kept. It wasn’t merely that it was getting darker, the alleyways seemed to carry a little more boxes and litter the more they walked. Soon trash was littering even the streets, and ponies seemed a little more apprehensive of anypony they passed. The doors were caged and windows barred like they were prisons. Sweetie pressed herself against Twilight, she didn’t like this place. They passed by a beat up basket ball court surrounded by an old rusted fence. Ponies were playing a game. The players taunted each other as they played. They tried to ignore the players and hoped they wouldn’t pay them any mind. They did much to their relief. It was gonna be too dark for them to be playing soon enough but for now there was enough light. As they kept going a faint pungent smell began to make itself known, almost like it was several weeks old restaurant food. The streets seemed abandoned except for the occasional shady character. The worn down brick buildings displayed some unique artistic choices, for lack of a better word like vandalism. Twilight felt a little worried for Cocos safety the closer they got to her apartment. This was definitely a ghetto if she ever saw one and she considers herself fortunate that she hasn’t until today. She wrapped a wing around Sweetie, instinctively. She chuckled nervously, “So Coco, are we close yet?” “Yep,” Coco said in a almost forced cheery voice, “it’s just ahead,” she said pointing ahead of them. They kept walking and things seemed to only get worse, she could see a rat on the other side of the street scurrying across the sidewalk and into a dark alleyway. She noticed that Sweetie saw it too, but they kept pace with Coco, who seemed to be going a little faster. They noticed a group of ponies ahead of them, across the street they were approaching. The group yelled and hollered. Twilight could see two ponies that were in the middle of the group, doing something. They weren’t fighting, that much was clear this far away. Whatever it was it sounded antagonistic, before the group yelled provocatively. As they approached the street Coco turned much to Twilights and Sweeties relief, and went to the guarded and gated entrance of the apartment building just across the street from those ponies. A burley earth pony guard with a sinister stare stopped them and asked for something which Coco produced. He got out some keys and opened the door for them. They entered a surprisingly well maintained indoor, though age was clearly showing its mark, it looked gaudy. Twilight wondered how Rarity would react to all this, something to do with a fainting couch, followed by decor solutions. They followed Coco up a flight of stairs to a hallway that also looked gaudy but well maintained. She unlocked her door and gestured them inside. Twilight and Sweetie entered and were greeted to the sight of the same gaudy carpet, walls, and window drapes. The furniture, few contemporary artworks, work area, and other stuff that was clearly Coco’s; however, was a refreshing sight. Even though it didn’t blend too well together with the background. As they stared at the rather small apartment room, they heard at least four different locks lock behind them as Coco locked the door. Sweetie remained next to Twilight's side and visible relaxed the more locks they heard lock. Then silence filled the room, “So Coco,” Twilight began cautiously, “how have things been going?” Twilight already asked that when they ate out and she said great, but after everything she just seen, she felt the need to ask again. “They’re going great, the theater has kept me busy,” Coco turned to look at Twilight who had concern written on her face, “Oh,” she said in understanding, “I know this isn’t the best block in Manehattan, but it’s not the worst.” Twilight's eyes bugged out, “There’s worse?” This place was one of the more depressing and threatening places she’s ever been, she couldn’t imagine how it got worse, “I thought we were going to get mugged out there, how could it get any worse?” Sweeties presence became known to her as she pressed against her. She sighed, “no, don’t answer that,” Twilight smiled genuinely, “thanks for letting us stay here for a week, I appreciate it.” It didn’t take them long to settle in. Coco offered them the bed and said she’d sleep on the couch. Twilight protested at first but Coco insisted. Like most pony beds it was far larger than it had any right being and finding their own space was no problem. They got some sleep, for they had a big day planned tomorrow. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “So what’s the plan for today?” Rainbow asked as she leaned on Applejacks shoulder. She didn’t really pay attention when they made plans at the restaurant last evening. They all sat at their meeting place, a breakfast restaurant around a round table. They were currently waiting for their food. Twilight face hoofed and groaned, “First we’re going to Time Square to shop around. Then we’ll be going to the Mare of Liberty, and then we’ll end the day with a walk in Central Park.” “Aw, Ah was hoping we could maybe visit Babs and maybe have her come with us?” Applebloom pouted. “Sorry no can do sugarcube,” Applejack said while politely brushing Rainbow off her shoulder, “ya know Babs is still grounded for the last crusade she and her friends went on,” Applejack reasoned. “But how was she supposed to know one loose screw could cause a seven hour back up in cart traffic?” Applebloom questioned. Babs had sent a letter apologising for not being able to meet them at the train like the CMC had her a year ago. In the letter she described why she and the CMC members of the Manehattan branch got grounded. She said she’d be ungrounded on what will be tomorrow, and was looking forward to then. “Look, Ah know it sucks, and most of the blame probable belongs to the mechanic who didn’t double check their work, or even more so to the impatient owner of the cart for rushing the mechanic in an unsavory manner…” Applejack sighed, “but don’t worry none. You’ll be spending all day with her tomorrow, and I think yall might be surprised,” Applejack said knowingly while looking at Coco, who had decided join them for breakfast. Applebloom grumbled but accepted that she wouldn’t get to see her favorite cousin and good friend today. Twilight noticed Applejacks figurative nod towards Coco. She knew what it was about, after all she helped make it possible with Coco and one other. She didn’t want the CMC getting any clues on what they had planned for tomorrow. It’s supposed to be a secret, “Are you sure you can’t come with us today Coco?” “Sorry,” Coco said bringing her attention to Twilight, “the theater needs me to readjust some dresses and fix some tears that happened during practise,” she said with a embarrassed smile. Their food came and they ate and talked about what they were looking forward to most in today's joint trip. Coco gave them some tips on where to shop and things to do while at those locations. They headed towards Time Square when they got done, while Coco went to work. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Giant metal buildings towered above them on all sides. Advertisements of various products and large companies proudly displayed themselves for passersby. Hundreds of ponies were walking every which way on the crowded the street. Street performers and doomsayers alike littered the area pining for bits and attention. The performers seemed on edge, like they expected anypony that passed by or watched their show to steal their hard earned bits and run. The street was spotless and the air somehow clean, despite the number of ponies sweating in the summer heat. They shopped around and enjoyed some shows the street performers provided. Everypony they passed seemed much more guarded as soon as they got near Time Square. Like they all had a bad experience with somepony they trusted and expected strangers to be far worse. It was subtle, most the time. Shops were different, some shops had somepony shadow their movements like prison guards. They weren’t discreet about it at all. It was disheartening to be treated like a thief. Overall though they had a good time and got to see some good acts. One of the more interesting things that happened was Rainbow saw a sign that promoted Manehattans Martial Arts Festival. Apparently it was already underway. She talked them into going to watch some tournaments tomorrow. They didn’t really have anything planned much for tomorrow, outside of meeting up with Babs and her friends and going to the theater Coco works at in the evening, not that Applebloom, Sweetie, or Scootaloo knew anything about it. They just knew they were going to hang out with Babs and her recruits all day nothing more. They decided that if Babs didn’t have anything planned for them outside of going to the theater then they’d do that. They dropped what they bought off at the Best Eastern, since that was the closest place. Twilight considered teleporting hers and Sweeties stuff directly to Coco’s but she honestly felt it was safer at the Best Eastern. They headed out to the Mare of Liberty after that little detour. Ferries to the island that held the Mare of Liberty wasn’t too far from Time Square. The buildings that had covered the World Ocean from view where now becoming less as they approached, “Woah,” Applebloom said in astonishment as she looked upon the vast blue of the World Ocean, and the sole island in the distance with a giant green statue of a mare holding a torch and book in what looked like a nightgown. She’s never seen so much water before. Applejack smirked at her sister's amazement, “Oh, yall haven't seen anythin’ yet,” she commented, “Come on lets go,” she said while looking at her sister and friends then continued walking only to bump into somepony by accident, “oh, sorry ‘bout that,” she apologised to the stallion who had staggered back from the force of the accident, “yall alright?”. The stallion brought a hoof to his head briefly and looked around confused, “Yeah, I’m...okay?” he even sounded confused. “Are ya sure sugarcube? Cause you look a little lost right now,” Applejack offered. She might not know every place in Manehattan, but she might be able to help him find a landmark. “Yeah I’m…” he brought a hoof to his chin, “just have you ever got a feeling that compulsed you do something, only to realize how silly it was later?” the stallion asked. “I have!” Sweetie squeaked out, “It was when Twilight enchanted her doll!” she continued in excitement. Twilight blushed and looked away but her thoughts about Sweetie got tainted, she almost felt like she couldn’t trust Sweetie with anything. She felt like if she told Sweetie a secret everypony would know it by sundown. Applejack brought a hoof to her withers to show support and she suddenly felt guilty for her previous thoughts. She wasn’t sure why she felt so sure Sweetie would betray her trust just then, but looked back to Sweetie. Sweetie frowned slightly, “Her mane wasn’t pretty at all,” Twilight silently glared at her in resentment. That doll was one of her favorite things growing up and she didn’t like hearing ponies say negative things about it. Sweetie was oblivious to the glare she was receiving and continued, “it was okay I guess,” and Twilight sighed in defeat. “Um, yeah,” the stallion said rubbing the top of his head with a forehoof shyly, “sorry bout that. Anyways, I’ll be on my way then,” he said and began to walk away. “Alrighty then. Yall take care now, ya hear?” Applejack said then yelled as he walked away. He waved a forehoof in acknowledgement as he continued walking. They continued their walk to the docks so that they could buy a ride to the Mare of Liberty. They got stopped by the guard as they approached an entrance to the harbor, to once again be checked if they were changelings. Applejack was annoyed by this, even Canterlot wasn’t this blunt with changeling defence, though they did have fancier ways of detection. After the magical pat down they searched for a ferry boat to take them to the Mare of Liberty. It looked like hundreds of boats were docked around the harbor, in various states of repair or disrepair. The faint smell of seaweed was present as they walked along the polished wooden planks. The summer sun shone down on them relentlessly, making them sweat. It didn’t take long to find a ferry boat. It seems a ferry company that owned two ferry boats did most the ferrying and the signs didn’t hurt, “Well that’s a lot more expensive than it use ta be back in the day,” Applejack noted, to the pony who was selling tickets, and her friends. “Yes, well times change and so do ponies,” the ticket sales pony said as her head shifted about like she expected somepony to gank her, “you’re free to find a different ferry boat lady,” she said gesturing around the harbor. Twilight along with everypony else looked to the other side of the dock. They saw an old beat up and rusted medium sized boat. An old kooky looking stallion with a long white beard sat on an outdoor lounge chair on said boat, he wore a dull green overcoat that was patched various shades of dull blue in some places. He looked at any passersby with suspicion and malice. He noticed them staring at him and he stared them down before bringing a forehoof eye level and pointing at his eyes and then at them and repeated. Twilight looked above the old stallion to see a sign that advertised his ferry services, at a higher rate than the price that had just been given by the tickets sales pony, “um, no that’s fine we’ll pay,” she said as she brought her attention back to the ticket sales pony. They bought their tickets. The mare graciously checked every bit for authenticity before handing them their tickets and letting them board the ferry. Luckily for them it was just about to set sail so they didn’t have to wait long. There were already some ponies on the ferry. They all looked a little on edge. One pony clung to a duffle bag like she expected some pony to come and snatch it from her. The ferry crew kept a hawk like watch of the ponies on deck and even each other, like they trusted no pony. At one point during the ride a crew member asked the mare holding to the duffle bag to show him, ‘what she was hiding,’ like he expected her to be up to know good. She was defensive about it but showed him the camera equipment inside, and he went back to his perch. They felt persecuted with how defensive everypony seemed. One unsettling ride later and they arrived at the island and were up close to the giant copper statue turned rustic green thanks to oxidation. They waited at the entrance for a tour guide to walk them to the top at the crown. Several nervous ponies filtered out the entrance and the tour guide was last, “and that concludes your tour, GOODBYE!” she said in a fake cheery voice full of restraint, then she noticed the new group of mostly spaced out ponies and muttered something under her breath, “Welcome to the Mare of Liberty,” she said with a huge fake smile. She gestured the new group inside. Applejack and company were first to filter in followed by the other ponies as the tour guide lead from behind it was more spacious on the inside than it looked like it could be but still cramped with so many ponies, and lots of stairs. The tour guide pointed out some facts about the statue that most knew and some that were more obscure. They finally made it to the top at the crown and were surprised at how much space was available to look out. Though there was enough ponies there to fill it out, “Can any of you,” she said almost accusingly, “ponies tell me why the Mare of Liberty looks out towards World Ocean?” the tour guide asked in an almost hostile manner. “Oh oh oh oh!,” Sweetie exclaimed excitedly with her hoof raised and wagged about, “Wasn’t it to ward off monsters that occasionally came from the World Ocean and to welcome ponies coming to Manehattan?” Twilight patted Sweetie on the head proud of her answer. The tour guide face hoofed, “That’s incorrect.” Twilights jaw dropped in surprise, how could that be wrong? Sweeties answer is exactly what she’s read in several books, “you’d be surprised how often ponies get that wrong,” she said smugly, like she liked proving them wrong, “that was just a superstition created by a fiction book series that the non-fiction writer Tattered Truths had mistaken as fact, while several other non-fiction writers used his book as source material. So any other guesses?” the tour guide said with a twisted smirk. She appeared to have enjoyed that a little too much, and in a sadistic fashion. Applejack raised her hoof, “it’s supposed to show ponies longing to head back to our homeland.” She had learned this when she last visited the Mare of Liberty years ago. It was bringing back bittersweet memories. She didn’t even appreciate the sites back then. “That’s correct,” the tour guide affirmed with suspicion, she smiled a fake smile, “now if you have any questions feel free to ask me, otherwise enjoy,” she sounded like she hated saying that word, “your time here.” They looked out at the vast ocean on one side and large city on the other side through the arches in the crown. Twilight wondered how ponies could accomplish so much, as she looked at the giant sprawling city ahead. It made her consider what kind of horrors awaited ponies who tried to cross that ocean. She couldn’t see it in the distance, but there’s a distinct line where the ocean suddenly gets much darker as it dips into unknown depths. The distinct laughter of three fillies she’s gotten to know over the last two years interrupted her thoughts. She turned to see them laughing at something Rainbow had said, and all she could think about was what she would have to tell them. It bugged her that she didn’t know the answer, but it was a devastating possibility that they had a right to know about. She put those thoughts out to the back of her mind for now and enjoyed sights. After the tour guide ushered them out they headed back to the mainland, with another unsettling ferry ride, so they could cap off their day at Central Park, after going through another changeling security check. Central Park a forest completely surrounded by giant metal buildings. In the air, it was a strange sight to see. It was fenced off but had gated entrances around it. They entered and were pleased to see that it was well kept. The walkway and benches were far different from that of Ponyville's and Canterlot's. The benches were all metal and the walkway dark grey. That along with the buildings towering the trees on either side gave them a unique feeling that only Manehattan could. Like they were in a little slice of nature that ponies caged. As they walked the buildings did kind of disappear as the trees got thicker around the trail. A few other ponies were using the few available trails, some sat on the benches they passed. Eventually, they came across a mare with an ice cream cart when the trees opened up to a grass field with tables, some ponies were already lined up buying some. Applejack suggested they get some to so they got in line, “sorry I’ve ran out of pistachio and small cones,” the mare announced as Applejack and company approached. “Well shoot, that’s alright Ah’ll have a medium vanilla ice cream,” Applejack said, “also ice cream's on me so get whatever yall want,” she offered to her friends. “Sweet thanks Applejack,” Rainbow thanked, then ordered her ice cream. The rest followed soon after. They thanked Applejack for buying them their ice cream and continued their walk. Applejack said not to worry about it. Applebloom did worry a little. She knows the farm has had it fair share of monetary problems in the past, in fact that was one of the driving reasons why she desperately wanted to learn alchemy; so she could instantly grow trees and hopefully solve their problems. Ultimately, she decided that some ice cream even if a tad expensive wasn’t going to break the bank. She also figured that if it did somehow end up being a problem, she would grow whatever plant would sell best now that she could. After their walk through Central Park they headed back to the Best Eastern to pick up their things then headed back their temporary residence for the night, except Rainbow and Scootaloo who said their goodbyes and headed to the indoor pool. Overall they had a great first day in Manehattan.