//------------------------------// // Ch.2 The Deal // Story: Family of Discord [OLD] // by Sonic Gamer //------------------------------// Discord was in the Everfree Forest, wandering around, and talking to himself. “Who does she think she is telling me how to be myself?” he said. “I’m the spirit of chaos, and I’m not gonna apologize for acting like it!” He then spots a unicorn trapped under a chariot with a wheel broken off. “Oh help, somepony help me, oh~!” the unicorn cried out. Discord walked up to the unicorn to help him. “I think I see a bright light through a long tunnel!” Discord then lift the chariot, freeing the unicorn. “Grandma, is that you?” The unicorn was no other than Akito himself. “Yeah, it’s me, Granny,” Discord answered sarcastically. “D-Discord!” Akito responded, looking scared. “D-don’t hurt me!” “I’m not gonna hurt you,” Discord replied. “But, you’re Discord, the spirit of chaos, aren’t you?” Akito asked. “Yeah well… I used to be,” Discord answered. “Look, get out, or get crushed.” “So, you’re not gonna use your magic on me?” Akito asked. “Where have you been?” Discord replied, fixing the chariot with his magic. “I’ve been reformed more than two decades.” He then walks away. Akito started to follow him. “Whoa hey, what’s the rush?” he asked. “Where are you going?” “No where,” Discord answered. “Wow, what a coincidence,” Akito replied, “I was just heading there myself. Why not I give you a ride?” He then stops Discord. “I insist! C’mon, it’s the least I can do, after what you did for me.” Discord didn’t seem so sure. “I got cotton candy and chocolate milk!” Discord’s stomach started to growl; apparently, he didn’t eat anything at the party. So, he thought about Akito’s offer. They then rode on the chariot, and they were having a conversation. “...and when I got home, they were on the ceiling!” Discord said, finishing his sentence. The both of them then laughed from Discord’s punch line. “Y’know, Discord,” Akito started, “You’re one fun guy to hang with.” “Thanks,” Discord replied. He then let out a sigh. “Y’know, my life isn’t so easy anymore,” “Oh yeah?” Akito replied. “I just wish I had one day to feel like the spirit of chaos again,” Discord said, taking a sip of his glass of chocolate milk. “Well, why didn’t you say so?” Akito asked. “Magical transactions are my specialty!” “Wait, you’re telling me that you have a spell for that?” Discord replied in shock. “Sure do!” Akito answered. “Now, let’s see here,” He looked through his magical contracts until he found the right one. “Ah ha! Here we go.” He then places the contract in front of Discord. “Spirit of Chaos for a Day. Imagine Discord, you’ll be all like ‘Roar!’ and everyone will be like ‘Oh, get away from me! You’re so hideous, and scary looking!’. It would be like the good ol’ days, Discord, where everypony took you seriously. And, you were still known as the spirit of chaos.” “OK, what’s the catch?” Discord asked. “Catch?” Akito replied. “No catches really. However, there is…” “Alright, I knew it,” Discord interrupted. “So, what do you want?” “A day,” Akito answered. “A day?” Discord replied. The cotton candy machine makes a ding sound. “Oh, cotton candy’s done!” Akito pointed out. He then trotted over to the cotton candy machine. “In order for this to work, you have to give something to get something, so in this case, you have to give a day to get a day.” “I can’t just pick up and leave my family,” Discord replied. “Oh, but that’s the best part, Discord!” Akito said. “It’s a magical contract, they won’t even know that you were gone! And by the time this day is up, you are gonna feel like a changed draconequus.” “Still, I don’t know,” Discord said. “Eh, whatever,” Akito jestered. “No big D! Now, do you prefer pink or blue cotton candy?” He turned back to the cotton candy machine. Discord thought about it as he stared at the contract. “So, which day would I have to give up?” He asked. Akito smirked. “Oh, any day, a day from your past,” he answered as he swirled the paper cone around in the machine. “How about the day you got the blue flu, or the day you lost a pet?” He then swirled it around faster out of anger. “Or maybe the day a bunch of motherbuckers ruined your SCHEME!” He accidently put too much cotton candy on the paper cone. He calmed down, and used his magic to split that huge chunk of cotton candy. “Hehe, just an example.” “Oh, I get it,” Discord responded, thinking which day from his past he wants to give up. “Oh, I know,” Akito started to suggest. “How about a day you couldn’t remember, like the day you were an infant? A tiny, innocent, mindless infant.” “Eh, alright then,” Discord answered. “Excellent!” Akito responded. He then gave Discord a writing instrument. “Just sign it, and all of your problems will disappear.” As Discord was signing the contract, Tirek was watching from Tartarus, and he was excited. “C’mon, sign it,” he said anxiously. “Sign it, sign it. Sign it already!” Discord then finished signing. “Y-you signed it,” Akito said with a smile. “So tell me, what happens now?” Discord asked. “Have a nice day,” Akito said with a maniacal laugh. He then poofed away, along with everything else around Discord. Discord was then in a golden void, and ended up falling back into the forest. He used his wings to land safely. The contract was falling too; after Discord caught the contract, he noticed the tour pony going by. As when Discord was about to get annoyed, one of the tour takers noticed Discord, and warned everypony else. They believed that he was a creature from the Everfree Forest, and got frightened. So, the tour pony had his chariot pullers to run away as fast as they could. This made Discord happy, his wish came true. After he kissed the contract, he went into Ponyville, and pulled some harmless pranks on everypony there. Now that they were scared of him again, Discord was being taken seriously again. He was enjoying every minute of it, until… “What a fun day,” Discord claimed as he was flying in a possession that looked like he was lying on his back. “I feel like the spirit of chaos again!” Then, something came up in his mind. “Y’know, something seemed… different about those ponies.” He then stumbled upon where the Golden Oaks Library used to be, he then frowned. “Oh, Twilight’s library. She had so much good memories here, and Tirek had to blow it up.” He then let out a sigh. “At least she has her castle. Speaking of which, I should probably pay her a visit.” He then teleported to Twilight’s castle, only to notice that it wasn’t there anymore. “What? What happened to Twilight’s castle?” He then began to sense some suspicion. “Wait a minute? Something different about those ponies, I get it now! There cutie marks are missing! Missing cutie marks, Twilight’s castle gone? It’s just like when…” A bad thought came to Discord’s head. “Oh no.” He then teleported back to his castle, only to notice that it’s back to the Castle of the Two Sisters. “What happened to my castle? It’s like I’ve never moved in. It’s like I’ve never touched it. What’s going on?” He then teleported inside the castle, trying to look for Fluttershy and Zany, calling for them. He then teleported to Screwball’s house, thinking that maybe she knows what’s going on. But a lass, her house was gone, too. “What!? First Twilight’s Castle, and now my daughter’s house?” Up from above, Mothball was flying with Mantis, Bombus, and Akari. “There he is, your majesty!” Mantis told Mothball. “Alright,” Mothball replied, “Let’s take him down!” They all charged at Discord. Discord heard buzzing, and looked up. It was Mothball with three other changelings. “It’s Mothball!” He said in relief. “Mothball! I need to talk to you!” Mothball didn’t listen to him, and knocked him out with a laser from his horn. (heading) Discord woke up in a cocoon made made of crystallized mucus. He was being carried by Mothball and the other changelings. “Mothball, what’s going on?” He asked. “What are you doing?” “You’re our prisoner!” Mothball answered. “You have the right to remain silent!” Discord was confused. “Look, is this about what happened at party?” he asked. “If so, then this is a bit extreme.” “Look, you must be mistaking for someone else,” Mothball replied. “I don’t even know who you are!” “Don’t know who I…? C’mon Mothball!” Discord was getting frustrated. “It’s me, Discord, you’re father-in-law?” “Father-in-law?” Mothball questioned. “I never got married, not yet anyway. I still need a queen to repopulate our race. The point is, I’m not married. And what makes you think I’d marry an offspring of your species?” Discord got tired of arguing. “Can you at least tell me where you’re taking me?” he asked. “The ruler of Equestria, of course,” Mothball answered, “Lord Tirek.” “Tirek?” Discord was shocked, “I knew he had something to do with this, but why are you following his orders?” “Y’know what?” Mothball replied, seeming annoyed, “I heard enough of you!” He used his magic to make a strap of duct tape appear around his mouth. “Like I said earlier, you the right to remain silent!” By the time they got to Canterlot, Discord saw some horrific sights. It was now populated with changelings, and all the ponies were their slaves. They forced the ponies to give them love three meals a day because that’s what changelings feed off of, love. It was either hugs, kisses, even sex. That’s right, the changelings would even rape ponies to feed off love. In the castle, the three princesses, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, were chained to weighted metal balls. It wasn’t much longer until Mothball and his recruits brought Discord to the throne room, where Lord Tirek sat on the throne that once belonged to Princess Celestia. “My Lord,” Mothball started, “We brought him here as you ordered.” Tirek became excited. “Oh, Discord,” he said, “Attention everyone! This is the guy that made all of this possible!” All the changelings cheered from what he said. “King Mothball, give me a moment with Discord if you please.” “Yes my Lord,” Mothball replied as he left the throne room with no questions asked. “So, Discord, how are you enjoying your day?” Tirek asked. “Alright, Tirek, what’s going on here?” Discord asked, “How did you get set free again?” “Well, if you must know, I’ll tell you,” Tirek showed Discord a flashback with his magic. “As you can see, I’ve gained enough power to break out of Tartarus, and so I’ve travelled all over Equestria to take all of it’s magic. However, I also needed alicorn magic which Princess Twilight Sparkle was holding to protect. We fought one-on-one, but we were at an impasse, so we settled on a trade. Her friends’ freedom, for all the alicorn magic she had, and she chose her friends.” He then ended the flashback. “She would do anything for her friends, even if it meant the fate of all of Equestria.” “But then, I gave Twilight that medallion you gave me,” Discord responded, “Which was the final key to the…” “You mean this medallion?” Tirek interrupted, showing Discord the Medallion. “What!?” Discord became confused, “How did you get that back!?” “How could I’ve given it to you, if you never existed?” Tirek asked rhetorically, swirling the medallion on his finger before it flung off. “You better start making sense, you dirty senator!” Discord demanded. “Well, remember that unicorn you met in the Everfree Forest, Akito?” “You know him?” Discord was shocked. “Yep, I was using him as a probe so I can spy on Equestria while I was imprisoned in Tartarus.” “That was you!?” “Yep, I was able to trick you once again. You wanted to feel like the spirit of chaos again for a day, and in order for the spell to work, you had to give me a day from your past, and the day you chose was when you were an innocent, mindless, little, infant.” Discord was shocked again. “You took the day I was born.” “No, Discord, you gave it to me.” “Enjoy this while you can, Tirek, because when this day is up…!” Tirek interrupted him, “Let me stop you right there. You haven’t even heard the best part, Discord.” He then used his magic to make a sand glass appear. “Since you were never born, as soon as this day comes to an end, so will you.” Discord looked at the sand glass. “Where’s Fluttershy? Where’s my family!?” “Ugh, you still don’t get it, do you, Discord? You see, you were never born, you never met Fluttershy, your offspring don’t exist!” As Tirek pointed out Discord’s mistake, all changelings laughed at his demise. “Screwball,” Discord said to himself in sorrow, “Zany.” Tirek and all the other changelings laughed at Discord’s demise. Discord became furious, at went to his limit. “TIREK!!!!!!!!” He then broke out, and charged at Tirek. But, Tirek grabbed him, and threw him across the room. When Discord landed, he spotted the medallion. “The medallion,” he grabbed it, knowing what to do with it. He then teleported out of the throne room. “After him!” Tirek ordered the changelings. The changelings went after Discord. Discord then noticed Mothball, I can’t leave without him, he thought. He then grabbed Mothball, and flew off. “Hey, let go of me, you freak!” Mothball demanded. “Oh, shut up!” Discord replied. Eventually, they were both out of the castle. “He escaped, along with the king, my Lord,” a changeling scout told Tirek. Tirek got upset, and squashed the changeling like the bug that he is. As Discord and Mothball were above the forest, Mothball struggled to get out of Discord’s grasp. He kept kicking and punching him; eventually, he kicked Discord in the crotch, which caused them to fall to the ground, in the forest. “OK, look!” Mothball started, “I don’t what you’re planning that involves kidnapping me, but I’m pretty sure that there will be a search party, and your plan will be…” Discord covered Mothball’s mouth, interrupting him. “You have to listen to me!” he said. “I’m your friend.” Mothball took Discord’s paw off of his mouth, “Yeah right, friendship is a type of love, and love is weakness to the enemy, but strength for us!” “Mothball, you have to trust me!” “Why should I trust you?” “Just look deep inside me; see who my loved ones are, and you’ll understand. I know you have that power.” Mothball then stared at discord for a few seconds, suddenly, he teleported away from Discord, and ran off. Discord got upset, “Alright, fine! Go away, see if I care! Who needs you anyway!?” He then sat on on a rock, and then he dropped something. It was his lockket, he picked it up and looked at the picture inside it, which was his family. Discord looked back at all of the good times he had with them, and knowing that he may never see them again, he became filled with deep sorrow. He even shed a tear when he remembered what his daughter Screwball said to him one time, “Daddy, I’ll always be your little girl because you are my Daddy Discord, and I am a piece of you. I love you, Daddy.” “Hey, are you OK?” Discord turned to where he heard the voice. It was Mothball, he came back. “I saw inside you, and saw your loved ones. Now I know that you were telling the truth back there. I’m sorry for how I treated you.” “It’s fine,” Discord said, wiping his tears. “I don’t get it though, how come I have no memory of you?” “Well, it’s like this.” Discord explained everything to Mothball. “Oh, that explains it.” “Yes, and after what I did, I’ll never be able to see them again.” “Unless you find the exit clause.” “Yeah, exactly,” Discord paused in shock, “Wait, what did you say?” “I’m talking about the exist clause. Every magical contract has one.” “Mothball, I’ve read the fine print, it doesn’t say anything about an exit clause.” “You didn’t expect it to be that easy, did you? You have to do some sort of trick to the contract.” “What do I have to do to find it” “I don’t know. Sorry that I’m no help here.” Discord then came to an idea. “But, I think I know someone who does.” Then, out of nowhere, they became surrounded by several ponies covered in mud. Two of them included an earth pony with brown fur, a collar with a green tie, his name was Dr. Whooves; the other was a grey pegasus with a blonde mane, and crossed eyes, her name was Ditzy Doo, but everypony called her Derpy. “Halt, we have you surrounded!” the Doctor said. “Any servant of Lord Tirek must be destroyed!” Derpy said. Discord and Mothball were frightened.