//------------------------------// // Chapter 14 : Full Metal // Story: The Khronos empire // by Cyrusquest //------------------------------// [Golden Gleaming POV] Well well.... Khronos is going to take us prisoners in his own airfortress. A great opportunity, eh? "Take the prisoners to the airship. We're going home." said Khronos. Discord and I came up with a plan; he knows how to disarm the Inhibitor Devices but we need to distract Khronos. That's when Discord gave the signal. "I wonder what creative name they have for their nation?" wonders Discord with his mischievous smile. "Hey Khronos?" I called out. "What's the name of your nation?! Khronosland?" I joked sarcastically. ".... It's called Keuriseu, or to you Equestrian, it's called the Unknown Land." he asnwered. Many ponies began muttering about. Yeah, I'm surprised too. Who would've thought there's actually conciliation living in the Unknown Land. "Let's get on with it...." sighed Celestia. She really believed she let everypony down. I glanced at Discord. "Discord, did you manage to break the Inhibitor?" I muttered but he didn't reply so I continue bantering. "Well, are we going to get a T-shirt or a coloring book?!" He's ignoring me and trots away but I know I'm annoying him. "Come on, do we get something out of this!?" I complained then Zeus nudged me. "What are you doing?! Are you trying to provoke him and get us all kill?!" he asked me. I just winked at him and replied through my gritted teeth. "We're distracting them." I said. "Eh? What?!" he asked but I shush him. Discord managed to overcome one of the Inhibitor then deactivates the inhibitor of the Zealot since they are not as strong as the others then he appears behind us. "This is going to be fun!" he smiled. I spread my wings and tackled Khronos, flinching him slightly. "Take that, Kh--...Oh." I said as he grabbed my mane. "I grew tired of your insolence, mare!!" he growled. "Well, we grew tired of playing games, Khronos! Oh, princesses? The Three are free!!" he called gleefully. Immediately, Celestia, Luna and Cadance rose up and combined their powers, blasting him across the airfield and collided against the bomber plane, exploding upon collison. Celestia told Discord to take all her people to a safe location. Discord fled with the others except for Zeus and I, as we want to help the princesses. Khronos survived the explosion and evade the incoming attacks from the princesses then ordered his troops to attack us. We are still regaining our powers so we ran away. "Okay, what's the plan?" Celestia asked me. "I still haven't got to that part!" I sheepishly answered as we evade the lasers. "Oh great." groaned Luna. "You gotta be kidding me!" she argued. "Unbelievable." Cadance added. "Hey! I'm working on it!! I think we should try to stri--wait!!" I stopped as I saw the air fortress. "Look. the air-fortress! Let's use that! Zeus, you're the pilot!" I grinned. "Yike! ON IT!!!" he panicked as he ran faster. Where's his lightning wings, I wonder? We all entered the plane and locked the door then Luna got on the right gunner in the mid-section of the airplane, she load the turret and fire at the incoming the Khronos Troopers. "Get this plane running!" she boomed. "OK OK Princess!!" said Zeus as he starts up the airplane. "I need a co-pilot!" as if on cue, Spitfire suddenly appears, sitting on the co-pilot seat. "W-What the!??" she exclaimed as she check her surrounding. "I can guess who brought you here, ma'am. I need you to help me, alright? Everyone, buckle up!" said Zeus as he got the airplane in the runway. "O-Okay." she nodded and start assisting Zeus. Discord then appears before us. "Can I ride along?" he asked as guns are firing at us. "A little bird told me you need a co-pilot so I brought you one. Oh I always wanted to ride in an air fortress!" he said with such excited expression. "DISCORD, I TOLD YOU TO TAKE MY PEOPLE TO SAFETY!!" screamed Celestia in anger as she peaks out from the left gunner seat, opposite of Luna. "Oh but I did, my dear Celestia. They are all safe and sound in the Kaninu Kingdom." he answered "Well, that's a relief." said Cadance. "Sorry....and thank, Discord." she apologized and thank the God of Chaos as the plane speeds up and lift off. "SEND OUR FIGHTERS!! AFTER THEM!!!" ordered Khronos in rage and all the troops enters their futuristic P-51 mustang and took off. "Well, we managed to get out of there and we're home free." said Zeus. "Yeah!! || Oh right! || Whoohoo!!!" cheered everyone but I noticed something tailing us. "I think we celebrated too early, 'cause here comes the Khronos fighter plane." I said. "Somepony man the sperry ball and the upper turret!" ordered Zeus. "GOT IT!!" Cadance and I said. As for Discord, he dressed up like Slash of Gun 'n Rose and began playing the hit song Welcome To The Jungle. I'll admit, it pumps me up! "Oh yeah!!" yelled Discord as Cadance and I got on the turrets, load them and we turns to the turret at the enemy plane. "Got'em on my sight!" said Cadance. "Let's do this!" I said as I ready my hoof on the custom-made trigger for ponies. They start firing rapid-laser bolts at the P-51. I blasted one out of the air and Cadance crippled one of their wings, sending it spinning in a frenzy. Luna is shooting but boy, she's a terrible shooter as she missed alot until she nailed the pilot and pierce the cockpit. "Celestia! On your one o'clock!" warned Zeus. "On it!" Celestia fired her turret and the plane tried to shoot her turret but she nailed him and shattered them apart. "Luna! On your 10!!" warned Spitfire. "Alright!" she said. Again, she missed the fighter with every shots and the fighter returns fire, shattering her right transparent shield. "Ugh, missed it!" said Luna. "Don't worry, Luna! I got it!!" said Cadance as she start firing at the plane, from nose to the cockpit, mutiliating the pilot before exploding. "Take that!!" she cheered. "Somepony get in the front gun and blow these Khronos out of the air!" yelled Zeus. "Allow me!" Discord created a duplicate to continue playing the music and man the turret then blew up 4 P-51 in the air. "I guess he got blown away." he made a pun as he wore his shade like a boss! Ha ha. "Please Discord, this is no time for jokes!" Celestia reminded him. "Oh! Oh right." pouted Discord as he fold his arms and clicked his tongue. More enemy fighters appears in the horizon and we all brace ourselves. The fortress managed to sustain the damages given by the enemy then they all immediately fired laser-bolts and rockets, Zeus and Sunset used evasive maneuver, I managed to shot two down, Cadance blasted one, Luna destroyed two and left one critically damage that explode afterward. "BUCK YEAH!!!!" cheered Luna. "KEEP IT UP, WE'RE ALMOST OUT OF HERE!!!!" said Celestia with a strong hope as they finished off the remaining fighters. "Luckily for us, we're entering to Applaloosa airspace!" said Spitfire through PA. "We're finally out of Khronos' reach!" added Zeus and everypony celebrated. "Well, I'm glad to be here to help you guys." said Spitfire. "What were you doing before Discord brought you here?" Zeus asked. "Well, we were fighting against Khronos' Zealot units with the Skyslayer..." as Spitfire continue chatting with Zeus, Cadance approached to Celestia. "Celestia." she began. "What?" she asked. "I feel two powerful Alicorn magic near here." she said as she concentrated. Can they sense other alicorns? "She's right. I feel it too. It could be--" before Luna answered, Cadance's memory flashes and see the images of the Mane Six at Applaloosa town. "It's Twilight!!! We need to reach her!!" she gasped in excitement. "Are you sure?!" asked Celestia. "It is Twilight and another Alicorn. Students of your?" asked Luna. "Oh dear me. It's Sunset Shimmer!!! Zeus, descend now!!" ordered Celestia. "Okay princess! We are now descending." said Zeus as he flipped the switches and pulled levers. "Okay, all we need is to find a landing zone." smiled Spitfire. "I'm glad that this is going to be over soon, right Discord?" I asked. "Do tell. I hope Fluttershy is with them, so I can tell her that I'm terrible sorry for missing out our picnic date and that I had some chaotic things to attend to!" he said as he pulled out a file that was filled with chaotic imagery, both comedic and bizarre. I gave a small hint of smile. "Well, that's descent of you." I began to climb up the ladder. "I'm sure she'll understand. I always thought that the Mane Six are just fair--" I suddenly noticed something coming at such surprising speed, maybe faster then me then I noticed it's Khronos! He rammed against the mid-section of the air fortress. "I HAD ENOUGH WITH THIS GAME!!!" he roared as she did a downward kick and pressured the plane down, trying to crash us into the ground. "Hold on, we're going to have a rough landing!!" yelled Spitfire and we strapped on. The plane is descending too fast so the Princesses constructed a barrier for everyponies including Discord. We crashed 8 miles away from Applaloosa. We all survived thanks to the barriers and quickly got out of the fortress before it exploded. The Mane 6 arrived before us, probably because they saw the explosions and helped us to head into Applaloosa. But where's Khronos? Did he destroyed himself??? To be continue...