//------------------------------// // On The Other Side Of The Wall // Story: Saving Equestria // by HazardFacts //------------------------------// Chapter 2: You know how in stories when someone is scared crud-less that their blood runs cold in their veins. Well I am here to tell you that that is no joke. My blood really went cold in my veins. I was freaked out. It was like waiting for your dad to come in and give you a serious ‘talking to’ about something that you’ve done. Like when you’ve really messed up and torn the line. That’s how I felt. And what’s worse, the wall kept pulling. My forearm was next to go. The rest of my arm followed suit. My shoulder. I was trying to pull back as hard as I could. I didn’t care if I broke my arm, I didn’t care if I lost it. I would be getting the heck out of there as soon as I could. I never closed my eyes, mistake number one. I kept struggling, mistake number two. If there was a third base and home plate I either never thought of them or didn’t make it. Okay now. I don’t know where to start this next part, but I really want to get to the part where I fight the royal guard. (Ugh. Okay CT, just power through this, you can get there) But seeing as it wouldn’t make much sense if I just skipped there, I’ll let everyone know what happened up to that point. Didn’t take long. So when I woke up I was in a tree. Yeah, that’s right, a tree. A friggin tree. To make a long story full of description deserving of Hemmingway short, as soon as I moved a few branches under me gave way, broke, and sent me into free fall. Thinking back on it, I’m not sure how the branches were supporting me when I was sleeping. On second thought I really don’t care. Then I was on the ground. I didn’t really feel it at first. Falling had jolted me into a full awakening; problem is that whenever that happens it hurts my head. It’s like thinking myself into a headache. My mind just goes into a checklist of functions that my body is supposed to perform, and it has to make sure that it does them perfectly. Man it just gives me a headache, and that headache spreads to the rest of my body and makes it feel like I’m suffering from adrenaline withdrawal. That’s the best way for me to describe it. Even if it doesn’t make sense, I’ll always find some kind of way to describe something based on how it really feels, or I think it would feel. When I was able to function right again I realized that it really didn’t hurt. It felt a little bit stiff coupled with some soreness but other than that I was fine. As far as I could tell anyway. After pulling myself up from the dirt, I felt a little angry. Yeah that is a total load. I felt frustrated like nothing else. I was Joe Jackson mad. I didn’t know where I was anymore or which way home was, I didn’t know where anyone else was, and I’m the kind of person that get’s easily worked up. Long story sho-… talk about overusing that phrase. Bottom line, I punched a tree. After I punched said tree it broke down and started falling in my direction. I lunged to the side and avoided the massive trunk, rolling to cushion the impact of myself with the ground. I landed on my feet in a crouched position and stood up, still seeing red. I came back to my senses and began rubbing my fist, which was still curled up and hurt too much to move my fingers into a resting position. One, I just toppled a tree with my bare hands. Two, I just dodged it and landed with cat like reflexes. Three, it actually hurt. All of these facts put together points to me not dreaming as well as this moment being totally awesome if not freaking me the heck out. Normally when my hand hurts that much I move it around as much as I can. If you perform harder and more painful tasks, then the easier and lazier tasks will seem to hurt less if at all. Soon enough I had my hand un-balled and in it’s default resting position. Then a thought hit me, I am so screwed if someone comes out here and finds me with a knocked over tree so close to me. Then I realized how dumb that was. Anyone would think that it was already like that. Here I am, a random teenager with a brown coat, jeans, and a pack of Twizzlers in my pocket, and nothing on me that could cause a tree to fall down like that. So why would I be worried? That didn’t stop me from walking away. I had a feeling that I knew where I had come from and that should be the way I go. I was dumb enough to believe that I was still in the same forest. I’m going to go on ahead and skip all of the sights, sounds, and smells that should have at least given me a hint as to where I was, and just go straight to what tipped me off. As I walked through this forest I was constantly listening and checking over my shoulder for any sign of anything that would be a danger. I met a bear I would climb up a tree. I’ve never climbed up a tree in my life… but then again had I just broke a tree in two by punching it so... yeah. I checked my watch to see what time it was and found that I was still wearing my triple down spiked purple watch that I had found on the floor who knows how long ago. Everything started to click back in place. I was then met with a message. -^v- Royal Guard Unit Inbound -^v- … “Royal Guard?” I asked aloud. Yeah, one of my problems; I say almost everything on my mind out loud. Almost everything. My listening had paid off, as I heard a rustling not too far from where I was. I was, once again, scared blood cold. I half consciously moved back slowly, trying not to make any noise, still listening for another rustle that never came. As gray and white figures jumped out of nearby bushes (if I remember correctly it was about 3 total) I ran the heck away.