
by Genderswapped


Thousands of Years before Solaris...

There were wars all across the Everfree Forest. Sphinxes were fighting for domination over the Sirens and Manticores. Lives were lost in the thousands. If this were to continue this way they would wipe each other out into extinction.

That’s when the first ponies started to intervene. They created golems made from the purest of steel in order to equalize these terrible wars. The creators were Umbra, Shackles, and Ironworks. Umbra built what was by far the most powerful golem. It was gold with silver and steel plated through it. It had poisonous gas going through the vent where it’s sight was. It had sharp blades coming out of it's back. Its size was as big as a nobleman’s house. One of it's arm sported a cannon which held hot fireballs and it’s other hand was laced with venom at the tip of its sharp claws. The thing that made it so powerful was that it could wield magic, but unlike a ponies magic it’s wouldn.t fatigue. On the chest was a hollow X that had toxic gas flowing out of it at well.

Shackles golems were made of steel. Their weapons were made from iron in order to keep from melting when they overheat. They were rather small golems, but were still the size of the houses. These golems were given a priority to end the war and if any of the other golems gets out of line have them torn apart.

Ironworks golems were built with lightweight materials like aluminum. This was done so they can fight sphinxes in the skies. They were given small knives at the end of their tips in order to fight without needing a heavy weapon to weigh them down. They were the size of Shackles golems and fought like they were the size of Umbra’s golem.

With their plan set in motion they were ready to move in and end this war. As they entered the Everfree Forest the Manticores were the first to attack. They were made quick work by Umbra’s golem, and it was clear that it was easy for it. They were quickly ending this otherwise endless war, and then there were the white flags. The three unicorns had did it. They changed the course of history. Many months had passed since then and the golems were excellent protectors for the growing pony population. Until Umbra’s true colors were revealed. She quickly became a tyrant and with her golem at her side nothing could change that.

The two other pony’s needed a plan to stop this tyrant from destroying their peaceful city. So they devised to containment facilities. One they named the Crystal Heart which would be used to imprison Umbra. The other would be called ‘Tomb of a Thousand Golems’. They would fuse all the golems to imprison the golem in a tomb for which only they can open.

The execution of the plan went wrong. They managed to get the golem in the tomb first. They forgot about how powerful Umbra’s magic was. They were killed before they could even lay a hoof on her.

Dusk Shine”s Snapping Day...

The darkness was starting to get to Dusk Shine, so Queen Umbra decided to take this opportunity and turn him in the tyrant she always knew he was.

“I want you to choose Dusk Shine,” Queen Umbra said as she had his friends over a pit full of spikes, and his precious Barb in a machine that would slowly pull her apart, “Your dragon or your friends.”

Dusk Shine was starting to break under the pressure and he made his biggest mistake. He answered. “Barb.” he said in a beaten tone. With a devilish grin Queen Umbra did the exact opposite. She let his friends go and turned on the machine. Dusk Shine was shocked and horror crept all through his face. His number one assistant was crying out in agony for what felt hours when in reality it was minutes. Then the room fell silent with a rip and blood splattered everywhere. Umbra turned off the machine and released Dusk Shine from his shackles. He ran over to her upper half.

“I’m Sorry.” he whispered to her lifeless husk and shut her eyes. As he sat there and cried, there was a new feeling starting to emerge. It was rage and darkness. As he opened his eyes the white part of his eye turned red and his iris’ went black. His horn started shootout sparks of black magic. He was far stronger than any pony even alicorn. He glared into the soul of Umbra who was grinning. “UMBRA!!! I’M GOING TO RIP YOU TO SHREDS. AND THEN I’LL BURN THOSE SHREDS THE GROUND.” He echoed through the chamber as he rammed his horn into her heart. To his surprise she was laughing for she had just unleashed an unspeakable evil on the world.

“My... Wrath... Lives...” Umbra said as she died. As Dusk Shine turned to his “friends” as they all shivered in fear as he left them.

It didn’t take him long to make his threat known. Dusk Shine the Terror, had saved the day and at the same time doomed it. He murder anypony who tried to oppose him. He tore apart the castle that his teacher lived in and injured the two ponies in the process. He turned Princess Bluebelle into a shell of her former self. He casted a spell over her that made her a submissive bitch with no backbone. His mentors weren’t seen ever, but he was smart to know that his former master would return to overthrow him along with his family, all except for Gleaming. He had her locked up in one of the castle until she told them where they were.

Year has past since then...

“How do we beat a monster that is three steps a head of us every fucking time?” asked Artemis as he and Flare Warden were running from another one of Dusk’s patrol officers.

“I have no clue but if we don’t jump we are going to miss our window.” Flare replied as they reached the edges of their camp. “On three. One. Two Three!!.” As they jumped through a magical barrier that teleported them to a hidden cave miles from where they just were.

At the camp, you saw ponies walking around with weapons and supplies. The tents were ragged to the point that rain could get through the tents with ease. Artemis was still recovering from one of the wounds his shoulder. Unlike his brother he was able to walk and fly and perform magic at his full capacity with minor scars since Dusk Shine’s act of treason. His brother was paralyzed from the wings down though. His magic was starting to peter out, but he still tried to do everything in his power to fix what had happened a year ago.

Then there was his nephew. Prince Tempo was mentally torn. Not only did he lose his friend that day, he managed to lose his sister and his wife all in the same moment. He promised to himself if he ever crossed paths with Dusk Shine, he would beg for death by the time he was through with him. The main 6 slowly died off as they sacrificed themselves for one reason or another. The only one that remained was Bubble Berry and he wasn’t looking to good. He and Elusive were on a recon mission, but Dusk found them and he was aiming for Bubble Berry, and that’s when Elusive jumped into save him. He was still injured and Elusive was no more.

“I have a plan, but this will be our last chance to end this.” said Solaris to the ragtag band of the resistance.

“What is it?” asked Tempo.

“Thousands of years ago before me, our ancestors fought a common threat which was just recently vanquished. She had created a powerful monster that would only obey its owners twisted will. It’s being held in the ‘The Tomb of a Thousand Golems’. It got me thinking if we could aim that monster at our monster we might be able to stop the greater threat.” said

“You’re asking us to have a monster kill a monster.” said Artemis

“What makes you so sure that it is going to fight Dusk?” asked Flare Warden.

“Because golems were built to protect their master having already failed it’s job it has to avenge her. So the one who killed Umbra was Dusk,” said Solaris, “I will retrieve this golem myself and walk it back to Dusk’s castle, and then they will duke it out till one of them is dead or contained.”

“Where is the tomb?” asked Tempo.

“In the middle of the Everfree Forest,” answered Solaris,”I leave tomorrow, and no one will stop me.”

It was agreed then that he would stop this problem. He would die a hero saving his world from total destruction, or die trying.

The Everfree Forest...

As much as he wanted to set the course alone his brother advised against it, so his plan had actually a chance for success. They walked in silence through the Everfree Forest in order to not draw unwanted attention to deadly creatures.

“I think I see it.” said Artemis. As they came to a steel contraption. Artemis lit up his horn to open the door, but to their surprise it opened itself. As they entered they noticed that there were several dead golem husks at the entrance. As they continued deeper the husks became bigger and bigger with even more enhancements.

They noticed an enchantment on the wall that told the user how to activate it and deactivate the golem, but was written in sphinx so nopony would find out how to activate the golem. It told a story of a queen and her golem destroying the very civilization that early pony’s tried to make for themselves.

That’s when the hallway led into a door. As they entered the door a large gust of wind hit the princes. When they could finally see, the sight shocked them. There were 40 golems. 20 of them held one piece from connecting and the others did the same with the other piece. Solaris grabbed one piece and Artemis grabbed the other. As soon as they did though the tomb started to close itself. Artemis began a quick teleportation spell and left without a trace.

When they poofed back at camp they were stunned. The camp was on fire and ponies were engaged in combat with each other. Dusk had found them.

“Leave brother, you're our last hope at survival.” Artemis said as he rushed into the heat of battle. As he left Solaris grabbed the other piece that his brother had left him and ran into the forest. After the battle they were all captured, luckily no casualties yet. Solaris decided he would follow Dusk’s troops back to their capital.


It was one of the darkest days in pony history. The good guys were defeated. The hope left the people. Their one and only leader hasn’t been seen in over a year. The rebels were being made example for what happens to pony’s who think their might above Dusk’s

“Today the rebels will be executed in front of everypony,” roared Dusk Shine from the top of his castle. “The immortals will be casted in stone and will be stuck that way.”

The crowd went silent. They watched in terror as the tyrant was about to murder his only rival. They were beginning to lose hope. Until Solaris walked into the city and right up to the stage where his fellow comrades were being executed.

“Well, well, well, well if isn’t Solaris.” said Dusk Shine slyly as his evil gaze was locked on his former teacher.

“We call upon you last golem. To retrace the steps that were wrong and fight the one that destroyed your creator. To show the world why golems are feared and why hell burns those who enter it. Last golem emerge and seek revenge.” Solaris chanted under his breath as he cut his hoof and blood rolled over the two pieces and he put them together right before the guards grabbed it.

The two pieces began to glow fiercely. They started to form a huge cannon and large arm with sharper claws at the end. It started to form it's gold and silver platings all over it’s body. It started to grow to double the size of a nobleman’s house. It’s body started to give off it’s poisonous gases which killed the guards around it. The hollow X on it’s chest started to do the same so as the holes where its eyes should be.

For once in his rule Dusk Shine was impressed. “So you can’t expect this piece of oversized garbage to beat me.” said Dusk arrogantly. The golem stared at it’s rival and rose it’s cannon and fired at him. Dusk disintegrated the ball of fire into a ball of ash with a single wave of his finger. He teleported down to see what this monster was going to do.

“Target Aquired. Execute.” it said robotically as it lunged at Dusk who teleported away. He then casted a fire spell and shot at the golem. With the explosion, Dusk thought he had won. That’s when It grabbed him and threw him three blocks. As it walked out of the explosion completely unscathed.

“I like an opponent who can fight.” he said as he got up only to be grabbed and thrown several blocks further. It raised it's cannon and started firing in repetition at Dusk. He teleported and fired off a stronger spell at the golem. “As you can se-” Dusk Shine said as he was interrupted by the golem grabbing his leg.

“Finish Him.” it said robotically. It cleanly tore off one of Dusk’s leg. It then gutted him inside and out for the whole crowd to see. Dusk was dead, The golem just walked into the Everfree forest and teleported away. Afterwards Dusk’s spells were lifted from these people. The mind control spell on Bluebelle was gone and she quickly ran to free the prisoners there. The executioners dropped their weapons and bowed to their new leader. As did everypony else. Who could blame them after going through hellish events.