//------------------------------// // Oh Fuck me // Story: Snails Spicy Story // by Genderswapped //------------------------------// Local Hospital... Spice had awoken in a hospital bed with a cast on her hips. She had broken them the last time she fainted. Yet she couldn’t really see why the cast had to cover her whole leg. That’s when she noticed that she was exposed, and just her luck was her best friend Snips sitting and staring at her with a confused look on his face. “What?” Spice asked nervously. “Why did you lie to me?” Snips asked with disgust etching his voice. Spice winced. “Because you're terrible at keeping secrets.” said as she looked in every direction but his. “You know that’s not true I can keep a secret. Remember last summer.” Snips said in a matter-oh-fact tone. Spice just shuddered at the thought. “Anyways when the hell were you going to tell me I don’t know... that you were A GIRL.” Snips yelled in whispery tone. “First of all no one was supposed to fucking find out. Secondly I didn’t want an awkward situation like the one we’re in now. Thirdly, I honestly thought you would get an idea that you're friend hasn’t been in the P.E Locker rooms. Dude, who uses pink card sleeves on their Unicorns versus Pegasi trading cards.” Spice replied. Snips thought about it for a second. “Okay the first one I don’t understand. Second it would have been easier to just tell me. The third one is because of your bones dude. Fourthly a lot players use pink card sleeves,” Snips replied, “Explain the first one please.” One backstory later. Snips just sat back and shock. “Well are you still my friend, dude?” asked Spice. Snips shook his head back into reality. “Of course. Hhhh, you should have just told me I would’ve understood. You're my best friend. It is going to take more than one little lie like that to making me you're friend,” Snips said staring at his friend,”That’s funny that you're the only girl in the school that plays Unicorns versus Pegasi.” “Well it is the only game that I can play that I actually like. Plus I’m still a nerd at heart,” Spice said, “Well technically speaking I’m the same pony just looks a little different.” “Anyways, you're casts require you to use a wheelchair for now. You won’t be healed for at least six months. At least that’s what the doctor said.” Snips said as Spice smacked a hoof into her face for being a fucking fragile idiot. “He also said we’re free to go when you're ready. Wait before we go what’s your name?” asked Snips. “Spice.” replied Spice as they made their way out of the hospital. Meanwhile at Princess Twilight’s castle... “So explain how the plan works again?” asked Cheerilee while Nurse Joy nodded. “We slowly break it in. Why do you think I sent her best friend to see her first,” said Princess Twilight, “Besides it doesn’t cause widespread confusion. We will have to move her to the orphanage over by Fluttershy’s cottage. That way she isn’t with an all male orphanage. Instead all female orphanage. The good news it isn’t that far out and she won’t lose her friend.” “I’ll tell the orphanage that she is being transferred and tell the other orphanage of the misunderstanding.” Rarity volunteered. “We’ll tell Spice,” sighed Twilight, “SPIKE! Do we still have that spell book on how to change the hardness of matter.” said Twilight. “Yeah but I can't reach it,” Spike said sarcastically, You know exactly where that book is.. it's under your fucking hoof.” “No its-- woah woah.” Princess Twilight said as she ran into a wall. Nurse Joy and Cheerilee winced as they helped the princess up. “Thanks Spike.” Twilight said sarcastically. Comic book store… “Spice, why are we here again?” Snips asked questioningly. “Because it helps me relax,” she replied as she paid the man for Unicorns vs Pegasi cards, “Besides I need to finish this deck so I can kick your ass tomorrow at this damn tournament.” “Haha. Fat chance,” Snips said as he chuckled at his friends arrogance, “You know I'm the champion three years in a row. Might as well just give me thatfucking booster box so I don’t have to waste your fucking time.” It was true that her best friend was a total beast when it came to this god forsaken card game. Last year he got lucky, he mother fucking top decked a fireball and kill me that same turn. As they left the card store Spice notice two things, and both of those things were the last thing she wanted to see in her condition, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. “Well if it isn’t Fucktard 1 and Fucktard 2.” said Diamond Tiara in disgust. “Yeah the fucktards.” Silver Spoon chipped in. “Don’t you fuckers have better shit to do.” said Spice. “So the rumors about the cripple are true.” said Silver Spoon “The dickless male with twigs for bones is making threats in his oops should I say her weak condition.” Diamond Tiara said as the two bullies laughed. “Well fuck off now ain’t gonna get shit from us.” Snips said boldly. “We already got we came for. Were looking dead at her.” Silver Spoon said as they left the duo. “What do you think they meant?” Spice asked Snips. Snips just shrugged his shoulders. Little did she know her life was about go to ground zero.