If Freedom is a State of Mind

by Ripcord

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It's been at least an hour since me and Twilight kissed. She felt confused and asked me to go downstairs so she could think. My mind was quickly fleeting from me and I could think of one thing. That kiss, her lips were soft and the instant it happened in felt like forever. I'm sitting downstairs right now, waiting patiently on a pillow. I couldn't shake this feeling that Twilight would like to be more then "friends" but what else is there. I don't understand I mean friendship, Ice cream, orange juice and Twilight's kindness is so new to me. So much is new to me, this day has opened my eyes to the possibilities of this world. They were endless and yet limited to each pony, it seems like there is a restriction to everything good. It doesn't matter because the kiss, all that happened to me, and all these ponies. I care for all of them but a few questions slipped their way back. Who am I, what kind of pony am I, and what am I meant to do. I have to figure out these simple yet enigmatic questions but I can't do it alone.

The day drug on, I spent most of my time reading some of Twilight's books. I was reading a book on poetry so I decided to try and write one of my own. I grabbed a piece of paper, some ink, and went to work. I called the poem” Serenity in the Night", and I began to write.

**The night was bliss, a gentle kiss.
It's bittersweet touch of the heart made unseen scar.
I sat and watched the stars dot the sky and imagine.
Of what you may ask, just a little pony on my chest.
I held her close and let her sleep silently upon me.
The night's serene cover hid my bashful cheeks.
I laid back and slipped away, letting the moment last.
For the night has given me the finest gift**

It felt right, but it wasn't perfect by any means. I walked away and went outside, it was raining out. The rain pounded my body and cooled it quickly, I ran out into the middle of the town. Everypony watched as I stood there and looked into the sky. A smile shot across my face and I jumped up and began to run and slide around. Soon all the fillies, colts, and mares came out to play. We all enjoyed a simple time in a muddy village square, laughing and playing care free in a waterfall of muck. My mane was coated in mud but my eyes and smile shown through. The fillies all gathered around me, I crouched down and leaped forward. They scattered quickly, laughing as they did so. There parents watched as I ran by and chased the kids. I was running almost full speed and everypony watched as I shot by, running faster then most Pegasus can fly. I tried to stop but it was to slippery.

I dropped my flank again and slid fast down a hill heading straight towards an apple orchard. I large red pony looked up and saw me flying down the hill. He took a step to the left and I flew into a tree, apples fell from the tree into baskets around the tree.

"Thanks partner," He said in a deep yet friendly voice. I couldn't reply, I was dazed from the smack and the tree cracked around my area of impact. The red pony tried to pull me off the tree but couldn't. He took some time to think and came back, he wrapped a rope around me and stuck the other end to his foot. He walked back to the end of the rope and kicked as hard as he could. I was sent soaring into another tree but I wasn't stuck to it this time.

"That was fun," I said sarcastically.

"Ha yeeup," The large red pony said. "Why don't you come inside and wash off, you'll feel better," He said politely.

"Sounds like a plan," I replied following him through the orchard. It was speckled with trees filling each row to it's fullest. The trees were full of red spheres, If I remember correctly from Twilights books it's called an apple. The large red pony saw me gazing at the apples and passed me one. I was hesitant at first but his nod made me feel confident I won't have any side affects from eating it. I took a bite and my mouth filled with a potent flavor, it overcame my taste buds and hit home.

"You look new in town, my name is Big Macintosh," Big Macintosh said looking at the trees.

"Oh hi my name is 7," I replied happily.

"7, no son what’s your real name?"

"I don't have a name, the only name given to me is Subject 7,"

'Oh sorry 7 I didn't know, still welcome to town," Big Macintosh said as we entered the house. A sweet smell filled the air and an old mare was pulling something covered in bread out of an oven. I walked in and Big Macintosh pointed to the hose on the other side of the house. "Applejack should be out there, she can help you," Big Macintosh said pulling the crates of apples in. I walked through the house, tracking mud the whole way. I was stopped before the door by a little red haired filly. She looked intently at me and then she spoke.

"Hi stranger my name is Apple Bloom," Apple Bloom said cheerfully.

"Hello sweetheart my name is 7, where is your sister," I asked.

"Oh she's out right now, but I can help you!" Apple bloom cheered. She grabbed my hoof and pulled me through the door to the back porch. There was a tap with a hose on it, Apple Bloom ran over to it and turned it on. The force was to much for the little filly to handle and the hose went everywhere. I walked over and grabbed it smiling at her. We both enjoyed a good, wholesome laugh and I washed myself off. Apple Bloom walked around me with a confused look.

"Where's your Cutie Mark mister?" She asked shyly.

"*gargle, spit* Oh that thing, never had one," I replied.

"But how? you're all grown up and you still don't have yours. Oh boy does mean I'll never get one," Apple Bloom said ducking her head. I walked over and hoisted her up, I sat her down and then proceeded to do the same.

"I don't know what I'm meant to do in this world and I never had a chance till now. I've recently been experiencing the world and it's beautiful. So you, little one, shouldn't worry because you got your whole life ahead of you. The possibilities for both of us are endless," I said nudging her over. We again, enjoyed a good laugh before I got up to leave. Apple Bloom ran over and hugged me.

"Thanks mister and good luck," She said.

"With what?" I asked.

"Oh I know that look mister, you going to try and find something,"

"Ha, your good Apple Bloom!" I said smiling. I hugged her one last time and walked off, I looked back and waved goodbye to the Apple Family. As I walked the rain stopped and the last bit of daylight started to show through. I wanted to go back to Twilight and talk to her but I dare not run after the past two experiences. I smiled as I remembered what Twilight said a few days back because maybe I do like to fall off things. I stopped and looked back at my flank, still blank but I hoped. I walked back into town watching the mud around me begin to dry. Smoke rose from it as the setting sun rapidly heated the cool muck. I felt it was safe enough to run now but as I looked up, I was a few feet from her door. I knocked and the door swung open, Twilight was there with a startled expression on her face. I smiled and hugged before walking in and sitting down on the pillow from before. I looked over and saw that my poem from before was still there, I tried to hide it but Twilight saw me doing so.

"I already saw it 7," She said. My eyes widened and I turned red, I still tried to hide the poem behind me but it was noticed once more. Twilight used her magic and floated the piece of paper back over to her and she placed it in a bag. I got up and walked towards her, she looked over and then looked away.

"I'm sorry Twilight I hoped you wouldn't see that," I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my head.

"Why are you sorry, it wasn't perfect by any means but it still means a lot to me," Twilight said softly. I hugged her and kissed her on the head, I don't know why I did but it felt right. I walked off and headed upstairs to get some sleep, Twilight came with me. "You can sleep with me tonight if you want 7," She said blushing.

"Oh no that’s not a pro.....what the hell, sounds like a plan," I said happily sitting down on a chair.

"Aren't you going to bed?" Twilight asked.

"I have to tell you something first,"

"Yes, what is it?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow, I need to find out who I am,"

"No you ca..," She stopped herself to think. "If your leaving then, then good luck," She finished with a tear falling from her face.

"I want you to come with me,"


"Come with me Twilight, go on an "adventure" with me, like the heroes in your books,"

"You want me to come with you, why?"

"Well I think your an awesome friend, well I want to be more then friends but I don't think something exists. Still you are the only person I can see myself doing this with, so what do you say?" I finished. I saw a twinkle in her eyes, something I've been getting a lot lately. She came over to me and hugged me.

"Yes 7, *sniff* I will come," She said. She began to cry a little so I carried her over to the bed. I laid down with her and comforted her until the little spurt passed. I held her close even after she was done, her head rested next my chest. My heart raced and I knew she could feel it, still I remained with her. Soon we drifted to sleep in each others embrace, a perfect way to end a wonderful day.

*BANG* "What the hell was that!" I yelled shooting up from bed. I ran over to the ledge and jumped over, I hit Twilights table breaking it in half and started running towards the sound. My mind told me something was wrong and my heart said save her. I ran to the basement and Twilight was picking up some machinery that fell. I let out a sigh of relief and walked down the stairs, Twilight looked up at me but quickly went back to work. She was packing supplies for the trip, quills, ink, paper, bits, est. She looked very exited to go and was sweating from the effort she put forth packing. I watched diligently making sure that she was ok, it must be a protective instinct. I walked back up stairs, I went to the kitchen to see if I could try and cook some breakfast.

I turned on the stove and walked to the cupboard and got some orange juice. I grabbed a pan from under the sink and put it on the fire. I waited a little bit and poured the orange juice on the pan. I put the orange juice back in the cupboard and grabbed two bowls. after a few minutes I poured the now steaming hot orange juice in the bowls and placed them on the table in the kitchen. I grabbed a vase and some flowers to put in the vase. I returned to the counter top and grabbed some spoons and put them in the bowls. Twilight came up at this point and saw what I did, she smiled and sat down.

"You can cook?" She asked.

"Maybe lets see," I replied. Twilight looked down at her bowl and smelled it, she broke out laughing and looked at me.

"Hahaha, did you fry orange juice," She said laughing.

"Yup, now dig in," I said jubilantly. I dove in and Immediately spit it out. "W-what happened to m-my delicious orange delight," I cried.

"How about you leave the cooking to spike," Twilight said holding back another onslaught of laughter. I continued on shiver on the floor wondering why it tasted so bad all of a sudden. Twilight came over and sat on me, I looked up and she smiled and we both broke out laughing.