//------------------------------// // 4 Into the Streets // Story: Equestria Wasteland // by Atriark the Scribe //------------------------------// The streets of Ponyville were still; only a howling wind tore through them. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Paladin Armor wished there was something, some pony to see. It didn't have to be hostile, just some living soul besides he and his team. His heart ached to see these streets when they once held life; but they only offered decay. The emptiness of the cobbled roads were enough to cause him pain in his chest. There wasn't anything he could do. He was born in the wrong time, the wrong place. Hardship, bloodshed, and death were all he knew. Leading ponies to fight for an ideal was what he was raised to do, and what he was good at was war. Was it for the better, the greater good? Paladin Armor hoped so, prayed it would lead to a better world. Even if it meant he was cursed to live in a waking nightmare his whole life. These thoughts ran through his mind as he trudged through the dusty streets of Ponyville, his charges following obediently behind him in single file. It was hard for Armor, trotting through these streets of a once prosperous town; buildings falling apart only due to neglect. When he returned from this expedition, he'd push to have the Brotherhood come in and reestablish a community here; the town deserved that. “Paladin?” Scribe Sparkle asked. “is something on your mind?” The armor clad unicorn turned to her, his helmet concealing his soft expression and smile as he looked upon his sister. “Wishing for better days again,” was his response. The lavender scribe chuckled, “You're kind of a dork sometimes, you know that?” Armor rolled his eyes under his helmet. “Should we stop and let you have some time to refocus? I don't want you daydreaming and leading us into an ambush.” He scoffed at that. “We don't need to stop, and you need to stop worrying. Now fall back into line, I'll be fine.” Scribe Sparkle rolled her eyes, knowing her brother could see her. Other than that, she obeyed orders and resumed her spot in line. She may have been Paladin Armor's sister, but she knew how much she could get away with before he'd have to start treating her like her commander. Movement down the road drew Armor's attention. While he magically lifted his energy weapon by his side, his heart leaped. Maybe this town wasn’t utterly abandoned. Maybe there was still life here and not just phantoms of the past playing with his vision. “Movement, fifty plus hooves* up,” the Paladin announced, aiming his rifle in the direction. His team reacted, all drawing weapons and spreading out, just as he had trained them to do. “Any Pony got eyes?” Scribe Lavender asked. “Negative,” replied the Knight “Advance,” ordered Armor. The five marched forward, the three scribes moving from cover to cover, sometimes hiding behind the Paladin and Knight until a new bit of cover came close. The two ponies in power armor didn't bother seeking cover, their heavy metal suit would provide more than enough protection for them should a fight break out. Fifty hooves felt a whole lot further for Paladin Armor with his weapon drawn and ready for a fight. He was neither nervous nor anxious as he stepped closer to the corner where he had seen the movement. Years of field experience had steeled his nerves. Somewhere inside him, the undisciplined side, he hoped that somepony was around that corner, a friendly equine. However, his hopes were for not. The streets beyond that corner were more empty than the one they stood on. No abandoned wagons, no smashed it over turned barrels, no loose piles of rubble dotted the immediate area. “We should be moving on,” ordered Paladin Armor, unease settling upon him, his hope fading away, he added a command. “Double pace.” He couldn't tell if he was just spooked or if it was just a healthy amount of paranoia, but the street had him on edge and everyone in his party could feel it. They moved quickly along the cobbled road, Paladin Armor setting the pace at a swift canter. It didn't take long for them to reach the crumbling outskirts of the town. “Sir,” Scribe Lavender began, her breathing heavier than the rest. “What's wrong?” The Paladin's pace slowed to a stop and he looked around. “Sir,” his Knight said, stepping forward. “I don't think we're alone.” Paladin Armor took off his helmet and rubbed his forehead with a hoof. “Of course not, streets don't clear themselves.” “No, I mean right now,” he replied. “I believe I saw a figure move in that building. The building in question was a two floor, sloped thatched roof hovel similar to most in Ponyville. The thing that set this one aside from the rest was the intact nature of it. From where they stood not a blemish could be seen, and the roof was not caved in. The windows were boarded up with solid and thick planks, tightly pressed together. Surrounded by its decaying sisters, the home looked like a shining fortress; easily defendable with the closest building being a stone's throw away and half collapsed. “I spy movement sir. In what appears to be a large garden or small park,” reported Scribe Lavender. “Knight, go with Lavender, maybe our earlier spectre is following us. The rest, follow me.” Ordered Paladin Armor, once again levitating out his magical energy weapon. The two Scribes pulled out their weapons and fell in behind their leader, alert and uneasy as the three of them approached the boarded up building. The door was on the far side, likewise boarded up with solid planks. “Paladin!” called Scribe Smiles, “the door’s barred.” Trotting over to the green Scribe, the large unicorn Paladin looked the door over. “Pretty solid planks sir,” reported Smiles. “There is no signs of rot.” The stallion leaned forward and gave the planks a sniff. “And, given by the smell, I’d say it was cut no more than a week ago.” “What do you think the odds of somepony being inside?” Armor asked, eyeing the planks once more. “Quite low I would say. Unless they have some other way of getting inside. If there is an alternate way of getting in, then this would be a good holdout point. IF there is no other way in, then I would say that this building is holding something somepony doesn’t want to get out.” Paladin Armor looked to Scribe Smiles, then to Scribe Sparkle. “Well, only one way to find out.” The armor clad unicorn turned around, aimed for the door, and gave it a powerful kick. The pneumatics in the legs that aided in movement gave his kick more strength; the door splintering and cracking. The two Scribes barely had time to ready their weapons before Armor reared back for another kick, bucking the door inwards. “That was quite risky sir,” Scribe Sparkle complained when she was confident her superior was done kicking. “A calculated risk,” replied Paladin Armor. “I don’t entirely do things based on curiosity. Well, most of the time. If something was kept here, it’d be in the basement. Not where there could be a dozen potential weak points for the thing to escape from.” He paused as he broke down the edges of the door. “And so, I really don’t think we have much to worry about.” The Paladin made his way inside, followed by Scribe Smiles. Scribe Sparkle looked around hesitantly, then she too made her way in. Armor took a few steps inside, admiring the dusty but intact interior. He was looking over the chairs when he heard a soft “eep”, almost as if spoken by a foal, followed by something clattering to the ground. Immediately the three members of the Brotherhood of Steel had their weapons pointed in the direction of the sound. There stood a petrified yellow and pink maned pegasus, trembling at the sight of the three. At her hooves was a small caliber pistol. “State your name,” ordered Paladin Armor. It could have been the imposing, dark colored power armor, or the electronically distorted voice, or the weapons pointed at her. Whatever the cause, the unknown pegasus toppled to her side, unconscious.