Angry Bird

by Thadius0

July 13th - Signs of life

Okay, this is getting fucking ridiculous, this is.

I agree, my American friend.

We go to where we heard the signal yesterday, we poke around, what do we find? Something that closely resembled a firepit. Which, granted, I don't mind anyone making. But then there was of runes or whatever the hell those squiggles were.

Whoever is giving off this odd signal is responsible for the rune circles we have been seeing.

You would think, with this sort of trail, they would want to be found. But no. Of course not. I booted the radio up again and we couldn't find hide nor hair of that signal at all today.

It could just be that whoever it is is skittish.

I just want to know who it is and how they're leaving those circles around! I mean, have you seen most of the people these days? Hooves! Granted, Yvonne can do that...thing. She's getting really good at it too. So maybe she could move...I dunno, a candle and do something like this. But she's been manning the radio!

So not only is it likely to not be her doing this, but it still does not answer the question of what their purpose are.

Could just be something like our spray-paint markings to denote which houses we've raided.

Could be. I don't get that feeling, though. These feel...deliberate for a different purpose.

Yeah, they weird me out as well. Upside though, I saw the others actually pay attention to you today!

It would seem familiarity removes fear.

And I saw you skipping breakfast.

...I am not hungry. I do not know why.

We really need to find out what you eat. And how often you eat. What, are you part snake now? No, that wouldn't explain why you look sorta like a bug.

I will try to take note of when I feel hungry for you. And when I stop feeling hungry.

That'd help. I'd like to be able to pin it down. Hell, my diet as it is unnerves the others. Your lack of one freaks me out. Mostly because I'm not sure if we're doing it right.

Understood. So. Tomorrow we hunt again?

Yeah, but I think I might go it alone. I'm...half-decent at the flying. I'll get close in the cab, then fly around and see if I can't pick up signs of someone in the city.

I see. And what will I do?

Play lookout. Just in case whoever it is comes here instead. And yes, that means you and Yvonne will have to get along. If need be, I want you to help out Grace with the raiding as well. She's starting to have to go out further and further to get anything.

...Understood, my friend. I will try to do as such. I just hope they will let me.