//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 A dangerous reunion // Story: The Forgotten Sister // by MStardust //------------------------------// Carefully taking the Elements of Harmony to the throne room, Celestia looked proudly into the faces of fifty or so guards, the sleepy but worried element bearers and a now very unconvinced Luna. Everything went perfect. Whatever was coming out of this mirror, wouldn't stand a chance. Or so she thought. "What's the matter, Princess Celestia?" Twilight came running to her. She looked even more out of balance than on the day of a test and that should mean something. "The mirror hasn't awoken for ages." she answered meaningful, knowingly skipping the detail about a former student of hers, "We believe that an old enemy from another dimension is soon to return." With this she handed out the Elements of Harmony, desperately ignoring her sisters sighing. Luna was everything than happy about this outcome, but since she didn't know what was going on, she had decided to lie in wait for a chance to intervene. Shortly after everything was coordinated, the guards new their tasks, the elements where in place and Luna had placed herself behind the mirror, where she could watch this without being in the way, the magical mirror started to glow brighter. While everypony steered their eyes on the portal, a dark purple alicorn hidden under a black but fancy looking cloak slowly walked through. "I should have expected a welcoming committee." she grinned and slowly bowed down before Celestia. The princess herself didn't quite understand the situation. "What brings us to this unexpected reunion?" she asked seriously. "All in good time." Asari answered still grinning. Celestia froze in shock, when her horn released a single wave of dark blue magic, not only slinging the guards, but even the element bearers hardly against the next wall, leaving most of them unconscious. The next attack was a laser going directly on Celestia`s forehead, making her cry out and fall unconscious herself. A second later it was Luna's magic imprisoning the hooded mare in a huge bubble. The remaining guards ran towards the bubble to secure it while Asari calmly turned around and removed the hood from her head. She was adult now and she wore a crown and jewelry, but not the one she would wear as a princess of Equestria. "Luna!" she called out in joy, "I'm so happy to see you!" That was more like Asari. Luna almost got carried away and opened the bubble. But she got herself together in the last moment. "What is wrong with you?!" she screamed "Why would you attack your own sister?!" She huffed angrily at her still surprisingly calm sister. "She didn't remember me, did she?" Asari asked almost proudly, "My spell makes her remember! If she wakes up, she will understand the situation and its important that she does." Luna stared at her in surprise. This was exactly the little sister she knew. Drastic but with a good and innocent meaning behind it. She struggled a moment, but eventually opened the bubble. "Bring your fellow soldiers to the medical court!" she ordered the remaining guards, them came closer to Asari. "Care to explain yourself?" she said strictly, but with an inevitable smile on her face. The first thing Asari did was to give her sister a huge hug. "Its all her fault." she mumbled. "I doubt that!" Luna replied "Tell me the whole story!" "I was so angry when Tia banished you!" she shouted "I didn't want to have anything to do with her!" "So you ran away and erased her memory?" Luna asked. "No, I- I started creating a second dimension of my own, where I could have my creations without her watching my every move." "YOU made a second dimension?" Luna asked surprised. "Yeah, well. Discord had told me ho-" In that moment a seemingly endless stream of different creatures came out of the portal. Luna watched in shock as they invaded everything around them. Those with wings flew right out the windows, the others ran almost panic-stricken towards the doors. "L-l-let me explain!" Asari cried out after the first shock was gone, but Luna had already attacked her. Hit by a laser beam she was thrown halfway trough the hall. Luna already prepared for her next shot when somepony else's magic hit her from above, leaving her wounded and unable to stand. "Stop it!" Asari screamed and a teenage alicorn colt flew down towards her. Luna thought she was hallucinating when she first saw her attacker. He had dirty brown fur with darker dots on his flanks and a short mane in the same tone. His cutiemark consisted of three cute little parasprites, but what really took the attention was that his horn, wings and lower legs where those of a changeling. He landed beside Asari and promptly took a pose ready to fight, but Luna didn't have the energy nor the overview to attack them. They just stood there staring at each other until the stream of creatures slowly came to an end. "I told you to wait!" Asari scolded. "There was a panic." the young colt tried to explain himself "If I had kept them in any longer, they would have overrun themselves!" They walked closer to Luna and Asari started healing Luna with her magic. "Destroy the portal." she said after the last hybrid being had found its way through. The room had gotten silent, for all those creatures had run outside and only the unconscious ponys where left behind. No sign of any guard. "What is the meaning of this?" Luna hissed. "As I was going to tell you-" Asari started to explain, but got interrupted by an awoken and seriously angry Celestia. "YOU DISLOYAL LITTLE-!" "Let me explain!" she cried out and walked towards her. "MY OFFICE! NOW!" Celestia hissed. She forcefully walked out of the room, Asari with a sorrowful expression right behind her. The colt wanted to follow them, but Asari shook her head, leaving the two of them alone. Luna, with some effort, stood up and looked into the messed up room. "What just happened?"