//------------------------------// // Super Duper Party Ponies // Story: Any Birthday but Mine. // by Crystal Ash //------------------------------// Twilight burst into Sugarcube Corner. "What is it, Pinkie?! Did a monster attack Ponyville? Did Luna turn into Nightmare Moon again?! Or.. or... Discord betrayed us? Or, no, it couldn't be." Twilight lowered her voice. "Did we run out of peaches?" "No, silly! It's even worse than any of those things. Even worse than running out of peaches!" Pinkie said. "Spit it out, Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash said, annoyed. The whole Mane 6 had been woken by Pinkie screaming "Emergency! Emergency!" Now they were all gathered at Sugarcube Corner. "Um, I think I'll just be going back to my cottage... th-that is if you don't mind...." Fluttershy said softly. "Ok, ok, no more delays." Pinkie sighed. "Tomorrow is Cheese Sandwich's birthday!" Pinkie's friends stared at her. Rarity cleared her throat. "And this is a bad thing... how, exactly?" Pinkie made a frustrated noise. "This means I have to plan the best party ever for the best party pony friend in ONE DAY!" "I'm sure you can do it, Pinkie. And we will help you. But, right now, we're going back to bed. It's three in the morning." Twilight said, not unkindly. "Oh. Right." Pinkie blushed and watched her friends stumble out the door. =~o~= Pinkie slid down into her secret party planning cave. "Come on, Pinkie. This is serious business." The party pony thought to herself. "So, where should I have the party? Sugarcube Corner? No, too small. Cheese's party needs to be the best, so it'll take up a lot of room." Pinkie tapped her chin. "Oooh, maybe Twilight's castle? Now, what to get for the party." She flipped through Cheese's files, yawning. Cheese Sandwich Likes -fruit punch -cheese sandwiches (obviously!) -bubbles and balloons Well, there wasn't a lot to go on. Pinkie figured they liked a lot of the same things, since they were both super duper party ponies and all. How about... Cupcakes, party favors, sleep.. =~o~= Pinkie bounced up. "Morning, Gummy!" Gummy looked guilty, for he had been chewing on the pink pony's tail, but Pinkie didn't notice. "Wait a minute.... Ah! The party! I slept all day and night! See you later, Gummy!" Pinkie zoomed out the door. Gummy's glazed eyes drifted apart, and the green alligator started chewing a nearby balloon. =~o~= Pinkie galloped down the street, stopping at the streamer stand. "I need ALL the streamers ya got! I'm having a party emergency!" The stallion frowned and said, "Well, I'm almost out of stock. A pony stopped by last night and bought all he could. You can have what's left, though." Pinkie had to hold in a shriek, but she took what was available. She trotted to the banner and paint stand. "You're out of stock too? UGH!" Pinkie bought a tiny scrap of a banner. It was all the vendor had. "I guess I'll just have to use frosting. That's not too bad," Pinkie murmured to herself as she headed down the road. =~o~= It was the same at all her usual party suppliers. Each stand had been cleared of merchandise. "Is everypony in town having a party today!?!" Pinkie yelled. "Nonetheless, I have to make this the best party ever." So, gathering her party cache, she raced to Twilight's castle. "TWILIIIIIGHT," Pinkie screamed as she ran down the hallway. There was a big crash, and Twilight stepped out of a room, quickly closing the door behind her. "Pinkie! What brings you here? I haven't seen you since yesterday morning." Twilight said. "Twilight, I slept all day and night and now I don't have any time for the party! Hey, why didn't you come and get me? I did tell you about the party... "I guess I was... busy?" Twilight responded carefully Pinkie Pie studied the Princess and shrugged. "Anyway, can I set up what I have in the Cutie Map room? Pleeeease?" Pinkie begged. The purple alicorn froze. "Well, um.. That room is being used.. But I can try to move to one half and hang a curtain separating the room?" "Oh, yes, Twilight. Anything you have." Pinkie cried. Twilight trotted in the room and, a few minutes later, called Pinkie in. While the pink pony hurriedly set up the party, her friend tried to make conversation. "So.. I heard Cheese is in town.." Pinkie paused "He is? Oh, that's perfect. Did you know it's his birthday today? I'm planning his party right now! It's a surprise." "You already told me that.." Twilight sighed, then grinned suspiciously. "Well, would you like me to go get him?" Pinkie nodded earnestly. Twiligth's horn began to glow and the curtain fell. Pinkie's jaw dropped. On the other side of the room, a huge party was set out. Huge balloons shaped like the pink pony, her cutie mark decorating everything, plenty of cupcakes, sparkly flowers and right in the middle of it was Cheese Sandwich, with everyone in Ponyville behind him. Pinkie rushed forward and hugged him, and he hugged right back. They laughed and cried at the same time. "Y-you did this all for me?" Pinkie sobbed. Cheese smiled. "Yes, with some help. And even when I practically cleaned out all the supplies, you still managed to plan a party for me!" The two ponies separated. "Thank you so much," Pinkie cried. "No, Pinkie, Thank you. You inspired me as a colt, and reminded me of the true element of laughter. Thank you, Pinkie." Cheese said. The citizens of Ponyville sighed, "Awww." And as Pinkie and Cheese hugged again, the flowers exploded into fireworks, lighting up their faces, and showing true joy.