
by mr_shimmer


I couldn’t be luckier. Johnny D came by and had me drive him to the airport, meaning that he trusts me with his two thousand one Ford Explorer. Standard rules apply, keep it gassed up, don’t dent it, and clean it before he gets back. The red Explorer made getting Lyra to her new residence much easier.
Of course the filly just fell asleep the moment I turned the air conditioning off. It was kinda of a cheap trick, but I honestly have no idea what I would do if she was awake. A curious filly is probably the last thing I need, as an inexperienced driver. So I did the same thing my dad would do to get me to my doctor appointments.
Wait, I’m human, she’s a unicorn. The closest I would think we are would that we are both mammals...
But she evolved from a completely different ecosystem. Potentially meaning that all the genetic markers scientists use for determining that classification. Or she was sent back in time for some weird reason, and and something happens to the world. Her species could then have a few of the markers, but then she could even have human DNA markers. Which of course leads to a whole new slew of potential problems. Or few less, seeing as remnants of great plagues would in theory still exist, and she would already inherited the necessary immunities.
I really need to stop going off on tangents, now that I have such a adorable filly to look after. Even if they are somewhat related to potential problems she may have. I just need to focus on the here and now. I need to handle her basics. Inputs, food, water, care, and outputs. Well shit, I have no idea on how to potty train puppies, let alone sentient beings.
I am in no position to be a parent. I don’t own or rent any property, I am functioning off of an allowance and what I have left over from my summer job last year. And I am single. No one to watch her if I go off to get a job, or really do anything. It was bad enough being away for at most an hour, while I dropped off Johnny D. She was so worried, the look on her face when she saw me almost made me wish for a camera. I have no idea what I’d do if I lost her.

Well I do; You’d mope around for a while, and either go crazy trying to find her, or have your memory of her repressed, like I was. You’d probably go though your life feeling as if you were missing something. Eventually you’d try joining the military, to see if it can replace what you don’t even know you lost. You will throw yourself into it, just to distract yourself. Eventually you will be deployed, and as a coping mechanism start remembering the reason you’re out there. Your friends, your family, and your filly. Although she will probably appear as at most an out of place, ghostly image, you will start seeing her. Then as you get yourself some professional help, you’ll get pulled out of active duty.
After being pulled from active duty, you will probably visit your hometown, and start to remember the repressed memories. You will start to remember the day you first laid eyes on her. You’re psychiatrist will take these impossible memories as a sign of your ‘condition’ worsening. From there it doesn’t end well.
Of course ever since we had the stupid thought to address whatever was poking around in our head directly, you can’t hear me. Which means you just can’t think the way you did before finding Lyra. I can’t even influence your subconscious. Or is it our subconscious?
Wait, here it comes again. Well, what are you going to do this time?

Cold, and wet. And I am not in the recliner at Johnny's.
What just happened?
I think I can hear someone talking, but I can't make out the words.
The tones imply that someone is reporting a failure to a superior. The slight hesitance, followed by angered reply is kinda obvious.
Wait, was I blackbaged?!
Do they have Lyra?!
Think logically, if they had Lyra, they wouldn't need to keep me alive. Right?
Well, I going to assume that they will wait until I can understand them, or speed that along, before interrogating me.
And now they are taking off the hood. Oh my, it is bright out of the bag.
"Mr Johnson. Can you understand me?"
"Whear aim I?" Ok whatever they injected me is is still in effect. Funny I can think with all coherence. It kinda reminds me of back when I needed speech therapy. I know what I mean, I just can't say it.
"Classified." Of course, where else would I be? "Where is she?"
"Tha Stachew obf Liwberty iis inn Neww Yoke." As long as you are not specific, I don't have to tell you anything, mister business suit.
"Where is The Unicorn?"
"My Plusshi of Twlightt is uonder my bed." It sounds like my speech impediment is clearing up.
"I don't have time to play games with you. Where is The Unicorn?"
"I don't kneow whatt you'r talkin about."
"Put him under." Hey they're putting my hood back on, and moveing my chair. OOOOO COLD! They're waterboarding me! ok, just a small taste, ten seconds, to intimidate me. To show me that insouciant behavior won't be tolerated. Now they taking off my hood again. Hopefully my full system shock will let me speak properly.
"So, Mr Johnson, have figured out whom I am seeking?"
"I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet, I will conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the Corps of cadets. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie cheat or steal. I am always accountable for my actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will improve my mind and strengthen my body. I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the construction and American way of life. May god grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
You have tortured an American citizen. Yet you are not afraid of repercussions. Therefore you plan on killing me. Why should I tell you anything?"
"Again." And back into the hood, then the water. Twenty five seconds again.
"Anything useful to say?"
"Just a question, how are you gonna do it? Write up a runaway note, dump my body in the woods near my hometown? Let the savangers get to the body to prevent any cursory examination from revealing the torture?"
"Actually we weren't going to dump a body. Just place a runaway note. Now, why don't you tell me where The Unicorn is, and you will stop getting hurt."
"Simple, every second you waste on me, is a second you're not actively searching for her. Another second for her to make to safety, another second for my contingency to activate. So why shouldn't I be Loyal, do my Duty as her protector, why should I Respect you, why should I stop this Selfless Service, compromise my Honor and Integrity, by giving in to pain, and not stepping up with Personal Courage?"
"For one, you are tied to that chair, so you won't be stepping up to anything. Secondly, I don't have to stay here and listen to you rant. I can always assign someone beneath me to oversee your interrogation. Your not doing her any favors by prolong our search. And stop it with reciting or quoting thing, its just tacky. Put him under, thirty this time." Five... Ten... Fifteen.... Twenty... Twenty Five... Air!
Is that gunfire in the background. OK, they haven't taken off my hood, and they are scurrying about. That gunfire is getting awfully close. Like it down three doors, close. Two doors. Oh I think the door to this room just exploded. A few more gunshots. Skilled, disciplined gunshots, not people going wild. Well, I'm being captured by someone else. Or detained if you're in mixed company. Well hopefully this is enough of a distraction for that cute filly to hide herself. Oh, they even have the decency to remove my ho-od. Those are American Military uniforms. I would be more specific, but I can see Army, Navy and Air Force in this room. Wait, why does that Airman have a Rainbow Dash patch? Wait, wasn't there a class at Vance Air Force Base that used them. But those are jet pilots, not boots on the ground. What the hell is going on!
"Daddy," Why is Lyra in a live fire zone! "wake up." Wait, what?