//------------------------------// // Introductions Are required // Story: Story of Me // by Genderswapped //------------------------------// Story of Me: Introductions are In Order In the land of Equestria there are many things that are certain that are present at birth. One of them being your siblings. Another being the spark that separates the good from the evil. Also you. Well at least I got the last one right or else we wouldn’t have a story. “Biology lesson time. What happens when two species come in sexual contact with each other. Answer you get a hybrid. If you want some details on hybrids, we don’t carry the organs to reproduce. Also hybrids have a tendency to be born wrong. Not saying that I’m one of them, but you should KNOW that I am far from normal.” In Ponyville Emergency Care, a baby was born and that being said this was no ordinary baby. It was me. One of my two moms had given birth to me. The two of them had gone through some insane and I mean insane efforts to make me. They finally came to an agreement that the loser would be the girl and the winner would transform into a male only so they could have special times, I wonder if they were playing Mario. Anyway back to me. I am conjoined. My skin is white like my mother’s. I’m blind. My two other siblings have their own hearts, lungs, throats, vocal cords, and brains but that’s it. The one on the left is gold with a silver stripe going down the underbelly. The other one is exactly the same as the second but the colors are reversed. There species came from my mother’s side. (The one that birthed me). Apparently her uncle was part serpent. Me on the other hand had the same curse that my first mother had. I was born with a black suit with a green bowtie. My skin was pure white. My only eye collides slightly with the top of my mouth. Speaking of eyes, I have three pupils in my one eye one for each sibling. The white part of my eye was yellow and the color that surrounded the three pupils were gold, silver, and red. I also have no legs, but the serpent part showed as I have a large tail. My wing were white, except for the gold underwing. To top it off I where a black fedora. “What ... shall ... we ... name ... it ... dear.” said a tired Eris after giving birth. “Hmm.” said Queen Umbra, “ How’s about ...” 1 Month Later... “Quinten,” said Eris “Just eat and you’ll feel better.” “Waa-..” Baby Quinten started to cry when Eris fed it a three bottles and began to sleep. “Ahh, our little demon was hungry wasn’t it.” says Queen Umbra as she rolls over to see her two favorite tyrants. She knew that one day the world will feel their wrath and rule with an iron fist, but for now they have a child to raise into the little hellraiser it was meant to be. “I can’t believe that curse still resides in the family.” Umbra quietly whispers to Eris. Eris responds with “Well at least we know its immortal like us, and it has a magical edge that curse provides. Although I thought the curse of the thousand arms was a myth.” “Well it’s not a thousand arms it is exactly 510. Hints why I named it Quinten.” she whispers as she pecks Eris on the cheek and brings her in for a hug. “What happens if the one who mustn’t be named finds it” Eris whispers worriedly. “Then we melt him to the sun in which he carries everyday.” Umbra whispers confidently into her ear. “I love it when you get chaotic.” Eris whispers in her ear. “I know.” Umbra responds quietly back. Meanwhile Somewhere In Equestria... “I feel a grave disturbance, brother,” Solaris says worriedly, “Something is upset the the balance of good and evil.” “Why would someone do something like that.” replies Artemis. “I don’t know, but we need to stop it. And we need to stop it now.” Solaris states clearly. “Shall I assemble the six?” Artemis asks. “Yes.” says Solaris. Two Weeks Later. After the second stoning of Eris and Before Queen Umbra’s Defeat... “Hide it! I need you to Hide it!” exclaimed Queen Umbra to it and one of her most trustworthy assistants. As six multicolor stallions were fighting right in front of the child's view. Spells were being cast and ponies were charging with these gold things around there neck. “Yes my Liege.” the slave states back. She began running in the direction of the Everfree Forest when she was cut off by soldiers, but was immediately running after a quick explanation. “Here stay out of trouble and out of sight.” the slave says as she dropped off the baby in a tree at the edge of the Everfree Forest. That's when it was heard. The screams of the defeat of Queen Umbra by the Crystal Heart. “Momma?” three voices said as they echoed through the Everfree Forest. The baby slithered its way into the Everfree Forest to begin its twisted existence as the top of the food chain once more. With one thing in its mind was a picture of its parents. With the thought of horrible things that it would do if they thought that they could go through this world and harm its parents like this. A week Later... I had survived by eating small animals and eating little fruits. The orange ones were the sweetest fruits. This is when I started discovering the true nature of the clothes that my skin resembled. When I was out hunting I came across a lizard that was just out of my reach so I tried and tried to grab it then I thought to myself if only if my arms were longer. Then my back started to shape into a long black with a sharp bit at the end of it and punctured the lizard. I didn’t think of it because I was a child, but the more and more I used it more tentacles would show and soon I met the max. These made hunting a breeze. Soon I was reaching bigger prey. From baby dragons, to the smallest species of hydra. I was becoming an adept killing machine that was programmed since I was born. Year has Past... Surprisingly having no one to talk to I learned to talk from the sphinxes that were living there as well. “I’m Hungry!!!” whined Gold. “I’m Thirsssty!!!!” whined Silver. “FINE!!!” yelled Quinten at both of them as they coward back into fear, “I think I spot dinner.” They all looked Hungrily at a manticore. “Besides I think our venom needs an ehancssement.” replied both Gold and Silver. “Sphinx.” replied Quinten as they both shut up. It started to unwind its assets as it moved closer to the prey. With a quick Yelp from the manticore it was already over as the trio slithered over to eat the dead manticore.” Meanwhile across the way a manticore biologist is shocked to see that his king of the forest slayed so easily by a trio more adept at hunting then it was or something else. Few Hours Later... “IT WHAT!!??” Solaris exclaimed confusingly. “I know I was as shocked as you are.” said Mr. Searcher “I’ll have to see this trio.” said Prince Solaris. “Indeed I will.”