//------------------------------// // the division // Story: Another world in the darkness // by Thunder Facade //------------------------------// 162:25 the moon was going down in the horizon and just a few rays of the bright yellow sun could be seen ahead of us. I began to hear some chicken in the distance and more trotting. The forest finally ended in a curious little town the purple unicorn introduced. "This is Ponyville po... I mean ahm? How should I ca..." "Humans, just humans" said Daniel still a little angry. As we walked in the villa or 'ponyville' as they called it, I would had care more about the complexity in the area, and how they could have shops, houses and roads like the ones I’ve seen in my past world; why would these ponies live in houses and small towns when they were gods?. Earth ponies still confused me, they don't have any wings or horn, and so how could they live among the ‘gods’?. But then again, my mind needed some sleep and asking didnt come to me at all. My head needed some sleep and all this happening at once made my senses spin. The closer we were to ponyville the more ponies that would hide in their respective houses and whisper about our presence. 'Wait the "gods" are scared of...us?' I thought, I fell a little strong among all my questions but it didn’t last long. A white horse with a colored mane and tail came out of the sky standing in front of the purple pony. I couldn't believe my eyes. “A damn alicorn!” I whispered, the purple pony talked to her and occasionally pointing her hoof at us. I tried to read the alicorn’s face but she had one of the best poker faces I’ve ever seen. “Did you, humans, were the ones who injured this bear in that rough way?” she said, she was a little disgusted at saying humans and I could only imagine the worst of reactions. “That bear was the one who wanted to…” I was cut off by Daniel who walked closer to the alicorn and told her. “Yes, I did” those cold words again, the alicorn only looked at him a little confused and eventually she responded. “Can you explain yourself, human?” again with that disgust at saying human, a few seconds of silence and intense gazes between Daniel and the alicorn passed by before Daniel spoke again. “I will explain everything if you care to save our friend here” He pointed at Anthony who was resting on my back. “And about the bear?” the alicorn insisted, Daniel sighed and said calmly. “My friend Alex will fix it and take care of it until it recovers… deal?” those last words came numbly and cold, the alicorn turned to look at me, I was a little scared but I slowly nodded without even considering Daniel’s words. She then whispered something to the purple pony besides her and again looked at Daniel. “On my back now please” Daniel was stunned at this but rapidly did as she said, the alicorn then flew away to what it appeared to be a hanging city on a mountain, with Daniel on her back. “Lucky bastard” I told myself, I forgot I had Anthony on my back and quickly turned to look at the purple pony. “Where did she took him?” “Oh don’t worry, he’ll be alright” I didn’t trusted her words but I was not going to question her. “So…are you going to help us with that bear?” of course the damn bear, shit shit shit, Daniel said something about fixing him? And taking care as well, how the hell would I take care of the animal that just tried to murder us, I was about to refuse and right before that I heard that cold “deal?” inside my head, Daniel meant that I had to help them with the bear if I wanted Anthony alive. “Uhm, s-sure” how stupid I felt. Really? I was supposed to heal an almost dead bear? Hell, no turning back now. “Aright, please follow me” again we started walking to an odd structure with what it seemed like camping sites on its left. “I’m twilight sparkle by the way” she said softly, I just nodded at the odd name. We made it to the emergencies room and as soon as the ponies saw me and my friend on my back they all run away with fear locking themselves on some of the rooms, only some stallions held their positions investigating my anatomy curiously. Twilight then walked near one and whispered something on his ear, he widened his eyes and ran to a close room to prepare everything inside, he then shouted me. “Quickly get him inside and lay him on the bed” I ran to the room and sneaked in because the doors were kind of smaller to the "normal" ones, I laid him on the little bed, he barely fitted in, I gasped in fear as I saw his wounds again and they seemed to get worst every minute. “Don’t worry; he’ll be alright in a sec” said the doctor stallion breathing heavily and looking deep in Anthony’s wounds. “We’ve had this problems before, you know, of ponies wondering carelessly in the Ever Free forest, I just need to…NURSE!” in a just a dash of time a white pony with light pink mane came in and attended the doctor. I must admit that in all the tension I found this very odd, odd because it was like hearing and seeing human doctors in a pony shape. “Uhm, s-sir?” I heard a very familiar little voice coming from behind me, as I expected it was the yellow Pegasus, she was covering her head with that long mane of hers and looking down on embarrassment. “Oh, yeah, how can I help you?” she stepped slowly away from me and suddenly gasping at the feeling of the cold white wall behind her. “I uhm…I just needed to t-tell you that…uhm, Oh never mind!” she ran away sobbing and in the edge of tears, and as weird as that was I felt hurt inside and felt like a monster, I couldn’t think about anything but to apologize to that Pegasus. I went out of the room and asked Twilight if she could put an eye out for Anthony, she happily nodded and I went out to follow the trail of the Pegasus, some of the ponies saw me chasing the crying Pegasus, some of them stepped away of my path and ran to their houses, and some others looked at me with angered faces and it seemed like they were about to chase me as well, strangely none of them did and I continued my ‘chasing’. She was running towards an alleyway that later continued to the forest, I gasped at the sight that she might enter to the forest again and that I could find myself another angry bear in there. I followed her into the alleyway, she had stopped at the end of it crying and sobbing silently, the sight of that made me want to cry, but I held my tears and slowly walked next to her and crouched, I slowly wrapped my arms against her back, I heard a little squeak and felt the intense heat coming out of her. “Hey, Fluttershy right? I’m so sorry about earlier, if I harmed your feelings in any way, I want you to know that I’m very sorry about it, I didn’t mean it” I heard her crying had stop and she became lighter, I unfold her and turned her around. I saw those red cheeks of hers and a stunned freighted watering teal eyes looking at me, I realized I just had apologized and hugged a pony, a beautiful female Pegasus, ‘ah! Damn what am I thinking? She’s an animal for god sake’ I thought. “I’m sorry for that, I-I wasn’t thinking” hopping that the yellow mare would not take that too seriously. “Oh, you don’t have too, thanks for helping me” I hardly heard those final words, and the little squeak she gave afterwards them, I gave her a grin and began to ask her about what she called for me in the first place. “So…you wanted my help for something right?” she shook her head to take off the dizziness she had on her mind. “Oh, yes, I wanted to ask you for help with the bear…if that’s ok with you” just how could I refuse that? “Of course, shall we get going?” “Oh, uhm, yes” So there we go out of that alley and every pony looking weird at us, since I was…Well time we got to the hospital, the bear was on his last hours and I quickly started to drag the bear slowly to Fluttershy’s cottage, which was at a ridiculous distance judging on the weight of the bear. As I walked to the cottage between all the weight of the huge animal, I began to think what was it that I was going to do to even help the dying bear. Before I could think of something, Fluttershy welcomed me to her cottage; I walked in and let loose the bear on the ground. A lot of small rodents and other tiny creatures frightened in the dark, behind furniture, I felt a little scared at the moment, but then I heard her sweet little voice again. “What can we do for him? I’ve never seen such wounds before” she said, those were some ugly wounds right there, I almost felt bad for the bear. “Do you have some hardy thin thread and a pin?” there was a short silence that seemed like hours to me, I raised my head to look at Fluttershy, she had a worried face and widened eyes. “Why do y-you need that?” I thought she was joking with that but soon realized that she wasn’t. “Well, because I’m gonna sew his wounds, haven’t you’ve done that before?” “Of course not!” she said with a higher tone. “Oh excuse me, I’m such a big mouth” she hid behind her mane and lowered her head. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, it’s not that big deal, but don’t you know anyone who can help me get those?” personally I was thinking about her flying to the hospital, but then another funny name came up. “Uhm, well Rarity may lend you some of those” why did my mind go to a mental picture of a disfigured pony? “Who is this ‘Rarity’?” “Oh, she’s one of my best friends, she works out on the boutique, she’s one of the best stylist in all of equestria” that sounded very ironic if my mental image was right, and equestria? Well that made sense if ponies were like people around here, though we never had a territory called humantria or something like that. Anyway, the health of that bear was my priority so I didn’t ask more about the Rarity and Equestria topic. “Oh great, can you help me and go ask her for some please?” I tried to talk as normally as I could. “Uhm, are you r-really going to do t-that?” she said frightened “Sorry Fluttershy but for that kind of wound there’s no other way, but worry none, it won’t be hurtful for the bear, I promise” “P-pinkie promise?” I was stunned at these words, a moment of silence passed until I got back to life. “Wa…what did ya said?” she just blushed and turned to the entrance. “Oh, n-never mind, I’ll be back as soon as possible with the…things” she said quickly before she left and almost slammed the door, and the bear snored a bit, I pushed back and sat on one of the little sofas in fear. All the tiny creatures shinny eyes staring at me, not to mention all this fatigue because of my sleeping problems at night, shit I’m just gonna take a little shut eye. “Please do” I whispered to myself before falling asleep on that soft little green sofa…of hers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry for not posting earlier but i had a rough week of exams and i had no time to write. any grammar errors? repetitive words? please leave a comment with them. also put i like if you want moar. if i get 5 likes i'll continue to the next 3 chapters called "day one" and the name of the person i would be representing. it ends a little like this day one(Alex), day one(Daniel) and day one(Anthony). thanks for reading. "SHARE IT FAIRILY, BUT DONT TAKE A SLICE OF MY PIE" -Roger Waters