//------------------------------// // Fucking up, sleeping, bathrooms, and War RD?! // Story: Fate, Changelings, War, and Romance // by KittyKatKitKat //------------------------------// Well, I fucked up... At least RD will be more into me? Right? A more trustworthy man...Right?! "Hey? You alright? You seem to be staring into the ceiling...Kinda bothers me, man." I snap back into reality when I felt a hoof to the face...Not the most pleasant feeling i'll tell ya. "OW! Why the hell did you do that?!" "What do you think, sky-brain?! You where dosing off again! What's gotten into you?!" "Not much...OI think?" AAAAAnd yet another hoof to the face.... "STOP. IT!" Rainbow Dash just sighed. "Whatever, let's just go back to bed." Oh, yah. Did I mention I was in bed with RD? or, at least in a bunker bed. "I guess you're right. Good 'ight, RD." "'night" And from there, I went to sleep. -- A few hours later-- "Ugh...My head feels groggy..." I get to my feet and start walking out the door and down the hall quietly, not to make a sound. "Is there even a bathroom in this place?!" "No. But I see you've convinced my sister do make one, it's down the hall to your left." With half-lit eyes, I stare to see which pony was talking to me now, of all times... "Thanks, Luna." I blinked a few times, I then realized something. "Wait, WHAT THE HE-" "Shh...Quite, now I shall escort you to the nearest, and the only, bathroom." We walk down the hall and I FINALLY get to a bathroom, thank Celestia. "I have a few words of advice, dear Anon. When you come out this bathroom, you will NOT be safe. I have over heard what my sister plans to do with you...and it is not pretty." I ignore Luna and begin the holy ritual of using the bathroom at night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Well, THAT was Refreshing!" I walk out from the bathroom only to have spears pointed at me. "Halt, in the name of Celestia!" "Aaaand what the hell is this?" I point my finger at the guards. "You are being under arest for using a bathroom without the ruler's permission." I sprint too the conveniently placed door right next to me into the school's garden, I then hid in a bush. "We know you're here! Come on out!" I sit and wait, for what seems like hours. Until.... "Take, this! And that!" "Retreat for now! RRrr! We'll get you! Just, later!" I come out of my bush cautiously, making sure it wasn't just a trick. With the corner of my eye, I see RD, but not an RD I think should exists. "You all are a bunch of wimps! You come back here!" But, despite her efforts, the guards where gone, she then looked at the bush I was hiding in and...dare I say it...Picked me up like a cat... "Hey...What's-a human doin' out here? Shouldn't you be at tour dorm, squirt?" "I'm going to ignore that comment and ask you the same thing!" But....she wasn't haven' any of that. "Come over here...We have to hide. Quick! In this large and conveniently tree shaped like a changeling!" "Ow...Ow...ow!...OW!" (Let me tell you, being pulled on the ear by a pony with no fingers hurts!)