Broken Diamond

by The Bricklayer

Part 18: Endings, and New Beginnings...

First thing felt was surprise, that was the first thing Caesar felt when he saw one very, very pissed off Written Script standing before him. Then it was rage, he dared interfere at this critical moment? He had nerve, a lot of it if he thought he was going to get Diamond away from who she rightly belonged with, that was for sure. No, that was wrong, Script had the nerve to interfere with Caesar getting his money he'd been denied all those years ago. He had to build himself up, piece by piece just to get by and not live on the streets eating out scraps of food like some Celestia-forsaken commoner.

Then it changed to amusement, a dark amusement as Script was too late to stop him now. But it was the last feeling that really shocked Caesar's mind. It was at the back of it, a small niggling one nagging away at his brain but yes, there it was. Fear. Caesar, just from looking at Script's furious expression and his horn alight with magic felt afraid.

"You... I should have known it was you." Script snarled, Caesar was the most logical choice as he'd obviously benefit the most from the Rich Family's demise. Why Script hadn't considered it before or just outright rejected the thought he didn't know. Maybe it was the fact that it was just too obvious, perhaps he thought it wasn't his business and just let the police figure it out as that was what they were for, or maybe even his concern and worry for Diamond becoming a better pony made him keep his mind off the mystery. Whatever it was, Script didn't particularly care for a answer to that now, because he had his answer to the first question in front of him and he wanted to see Caesar not behind bars, as that was just far too good for him, but dead at his own hooves.

"Yes, I suppose you should have. Amazing, all your talk about hating lawyers and you never even ONCE thought it might have been little old moi." Caesar mocked.

"You can't get away darling, not when it's two against one." Rarity commented, but Caesar only laughed.

"A fashionista and a history teacher? You really expect to put up a fight with those kinds of backgrounds? I was a boxer before a lawyer you know, so don't blame anypony but yourselves for the broken nose that's bound to result." Caesar mocked.

"Oh, so you doubt me just because I'm a lady do you?" Rarity huffed, incredibly offended that this "Stallion" thought her trade was something to be mocked. It was not so, after all with the time and work she put in it to just make money for herself and her family made it being far from a easy trade to be in!

"Stupid, sexist and crazy. The list just keeps growing doesn't it?" She added in a completely dry and deadpan tone of voice, (She'd spent enough time around Twilight and Script to know how to make such remarks.) with a raised eyebrow at Script who could only chuckle back.

"You know, this is just another reason why I like you. You can be just as deadpan as me." Script replied with a smile before Caesar rolled his eyes in a mocking manner.

"You two lovebirds done yet, I've got some killing to do here." The insane pony said in a bored tone of voice only to get a remark from... guess who, Written Script.

"Oh shut up, I've heard just about enough out of you and your muzzle." He retorted as the two circled each other like vultures, even as Rarity worked on untying Silver and Diamond in the background.

"You, go on!" She whispered. "Get out of here, it's best we let these two handle things."

Neither filly saw any reason to argue and ran out the door with Rarity, but she should have stayed longer as Caesar suddenly pounced and had his knife to Script's neck but then again perhaps Rarity wasn't needed after all as Script headbutted Caesar making him stagger off Script in shock and pain as he rubbed his bleeding head with the history teacher getting up off the floor.

"You know, you really do sicken me. But there's one thing I just can't figure out. That arsonist, what's your connection with him? Gay lover, the "Love" in the letter would seem to imply that." Script questioned, and his opponent laughed.

"Oh, nothing like that. He's my brother, both of us got cast out from the family tree, him for being just outright nuts." Caesar chuckled darkly. "Filthy didn't want anyone to spoil his ever-so perfect family." He added, hoping to draw sympathy but none was given.

In fact, and to Caesar's surprise, Script laughed back and shook his head in a almost pitying motion. That is, if Script actually did pity him. That pitying motion, that shaking of the head wasn't pity for his family drama, but for how much of a idiot really Caesar was.

"Now, I'm not saying Filthy's no angel, but he did a smart thing in getting rid of you two. You two are both mental peas in a bleeding pea pod of insanity." Script snapped.

"It's all relative, if you were in my position you'd probably do the same thing." Caesar commented back towards Script, who gave him a look of both disgust and disbelief.

"No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't resort to such... drastic measures like you did." Script commented before his voice took on a hugely sarcastic and mocking tone as he told Caesar exactly what he thought of him and his plan.

"Oh boo-hoo, my brother cut me out of the family inheritance so I go ahead and contact my other cut out brother and burn their bloody house down leaving them dead and an orphan behind who I then decide to kill too just so I really will get my money!" Script mocked in that tone mentioned above before his tone went right back to that same furious one it had a few moments before.

"Oh, do me a favor and grow UP! Life's no bowl of cherries, you take the punches you get and just DEAL with them like a stallion, not like some little WHINGING BRAT who didn't get his way!" Script snarled, and at this it was revealed to have become the last straw holding back Caesar's own anger which had been rebuilding itself for the past few moments and he once again tackled Script and their bodies crashed through a window glass shards cutting into their fur and drawing blood but both was so focused on the other they didn't care as they landed on the wooden platform that was where ponies waited for the various trains that came through here.

Both ponies were panting in exhaustion, with Script wondering when help would arrive. He hadn't picked a fight with anypony in years, despite his bad temper and Caesar on the other hand, despite not being a boxer anymore still had his muscle and was using every bit of it. This was shown when Caesar once again tackled Script to the floor with a few wooden splinters snapping off and digging into Script's back.

"It's over, sooner or later I'll score the blow that'll get you and leave me free to deal with Di-"

He never got to finish as Caesar then felt a gun barrel on the side of his head. Help HAD arrived, as after Rarity had left with Diamond and Silver she'd alerted the police to Caesar's location and they'd come as soon as they heard.

"Well, lookee who we have here." Bon-Bon's mocking tone came as she grabbed Caesar and pulled him off Script as another police pony helped him up.

Caesar then felt his forelegs moved behind his back and hoof-cuffes slapped over his hooves as Bon-Bon said with a smirk. "You know, it's my great pleasure to finally say Caesar Rich, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent-"

"And I suggest you please do, as your voice just makes me want to punch you." Script put in, as a few police ponies chuckled and Bon-Bon gave him a dirty look, although her amused look in her eyes showed she didn't mean it really.

"No talking to the prisoner please. Now as I was saying, you have the right to remain silent as anything you say can and will be used against a court of law. But if you wish, and I highly suggest you follow this advice a LAWYER can appointed to you. If you do not want one... well, no need to say this but you're bucked." Bon-Bon commented dryly after she'd finished reading Caesar his rights, which she found funny as him being a lawyer he'd know about all of this but she was just doing it anyways as part of police procedure. (Well, that and she just wanted to make fun of him a little.)

Script smiled as he saw Caesar loaded into a carriage and he drifted off into unconsciousness. It was finally over. But just before he went under, he could have sworn he saw a ghostly figure resembling Filthy Rich smile at him before fading away in the misty night. Maybe he was just hallucinating, but it sure seemed real enough...

Ponyville General:

Later that night, as nurses looked Script over to make sure there wasn't any permanent damage from his and Caesar's (Who'd quickly earned Script's former title of That Ass.) little brawl, Diamond was watching. She felt worry, her father had saved her and now she didn't know how badly hurt he was in doing so. Then, she heard three sets of hoofsteps behind her, and turned only to see Scootaloo, Sweetie and Apple Bloom. She then felt ashamed, as she remembered her last conversation with the trio.


Diamond winced, and hung her head.

"Uh, listen guys I don't think we should be speaking anymore, not after what I said to you." Diamond said sadly, but had a hoof laid on her shoulder by Apple Bloom much to her surprise.

"Naw, no need to be feeling sorry for yourself and crying over spilled milk as Granny Smith likes to say. Sure, we was a bit mad at first, but once we heard from Potion the circumstances surrounding the day..." Apple Bloom trailed off as Diamond blushed red even as her jaw dropped. She then noted to give Potion a big thank you next time she saw him. But then, to her even bigger shock, Scootaloo then held out her tiara. It was muddy, but still recognizable.

"We... Uh, kinda found this. Think you might want it back." Scootaloo said, and Diamond smiled as she took it and put it on her head as all three filles gaped at the action. The old Diamond never would have even touched anything with mud on it.

"What?" Diamond asked as she saw their expressions. "It can be washed later, right?"

She then heard her father groan as he awoke and rushed into see him.

"Diamond..." Script smiled.

"I'm so glad you're alright... Daddy." Diamond said, and at this Script broke out into another smile. Neither knew what the future may bring for them, but they did know this. They'd face it together.

Canterlot Castle, a few years later...

Four years had passed from those events, and now Diamond at 17 years of age (Potion 19.) now found herself at a wedding. But not just any wedding, oh no. The wedding of her new mom and dad, Written Script and Rarity (Soon to be Script) Belle. Beside her, sat her now marefriend Apple Bloom who smiled at her. The youngest Apple's hair had now blossomed to be as long as her sister, and she now kept it in a ponytail just like her.

"Bet ya been waiting for this day, huh Di?" Apple Bloom asked, and Diamond smiled. She had, and now it was finally here at last.

In the pews across from them, Raindrops blew her nose before handing the handkerchief off to Silver Spoon and Sweetie, who were sobbing at the beauty and romanticness of it all. She sat in front of Potion, who was smiling at the sight unfolding before him. Behind him, sat Rarity's father Magnum who grumbled under his breath "You think this time will work better then last time?" He still held a major grudge against Script for breaking his daughter's heart the first time around.

"Oh, I think it will... I hope." Potion replied nervously to the large stallion, before making a noise of embarrassment as the baby Princess Flurry Heart began sucking on his suit's tie as she and her mother sat next to him. Cadence pulled her daughter away and whispered a quick apology. Potion just looked right at his drool covered tie and sighed. Life still sucked for him sometimes it seemed.

"...I'm not going to get the deposit back on this am I?" He muttered even as Princess Celestia herself officiated the wedding, with Good Eats as Script's Best Man and the now Princess Twilight as Rarity's lady in waiting. As for the necklace bearer, that role was fulfilled by Scootaloo, who now had a longer mane and properly sized wings which she used to fly down to Script and Rarity.

Celestia cleared her throat.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to unite these two ponies in marriage for the second time. They may have had some bumps in the road, but they pulled through them and came out stronger even when it seemed like their love was a failure." Celestia said.

"...You got that right." Magnum muttered, and his wife smacked him for being rude as Potion and Diamond gave him dirty looks.

"Now, do any of you have anything you want to say to each other?" Celestia asked, and Script spoke first.

"Yeah, I do. With the benefit of hindsight, I don't know why I ever divorced you Rarity. ...Faust above, I hope that sounded good and none too cheesy." Script muttered to himself in embarrassment. Rarity smiled even as the audience chuckled before she too spoke.

"You may not have been the Prince Charming I ever expected, but you are the one for me and the only one I want." She said.

Even as the two newly weds kissed and the necklaces were put on Rainbow Dash let out a yell of "Oh yeah! Time to do my thing!" and flew up into the sky with a mighty BOOM! and broke the sound barrier washing the sky in color in a Sonic Rainboom as everyone clapped and cheered. In the middle of it all, Diamond smiled. Everything was perfect, and she wouldn't change one thing...