Mystery of the Draconics

by Wanderwing

The Meeting Assured

Mystery of the Draconics

Chapter 13

The Meeting Assured

I slept easily through the night, my body deciding rest would be the simplest way for me to heal. This proved true as I awakened feeling like a whole new stallion, ready to take on whatever the world had to throw at me. I got out of bed and stretched a bit. I wasn’t quite at my best yet; there were still twinges in my side if I stretched too far or bent the wrong way. Regardless, I would still be able to start out with at least the basics in the Tome of the Warriors.

I put on my disguise and ate a light breakfast. I was really lucky my wings had not been damaged in the duel. A draconic’s tome was sure to have plenty of flight related training, after all. I walked out of the inn and through town, keeping a low profile as best I could. I headed off into the woods in the direction of the cave I had claimed. Reaching the clearing around it, I found something surprising; the ground was marred in places with hoof marks, as well as a set of paws and claws, denoting a gryphon’s presence.

While it seemed there was nopony here now, the previous day somepony had clearly visited. Of course, the duel wasn’t exactly quiet or subtle, so somepony was sure to have noticed it. The gryphon Warmhearth had warned me about apparently hadn’t left town, and I was still set to meet them tomorrow. This was still a rookie mistake; I should have found a place farther away for the duel. Then again, how could I have known I would be fighting tornadoes?

The damage had already been done, but there would be no harm in making sure there was nopony staking out the place before I went inside. I flew quickly in between the trees and flew the perimeter of the clearing, but found nothing. After a short time I entered my cave, where I looked and found that while it was clear others had been here, nothing was broken. It seems that perhaps I have misjudged these ponies and the gryphon. That or they were simply trying to make me think they were reasonable.

I didn’t feel quite as safe here as I had in the past. Some ponies knew where it was now, and knew that I visited the area. I never got rid of the cracked metal mannequin from my fire practice. That left few options to any who found it, either a draconic had been there or an actual dragon, and I think it would have been much clearer had there been an actual dragon roaming this place.

I was unfortunately short on other options for places to practice. I should at least try a few things from the book before I run home like a scared filly. I opened the Tome of the Warriors and this time found the first entry page filled, but those after it were still blank. It seems I would need to master one tactic before moving on to the next.

The entry was faded, as if it had been written very long ago. The hoofwriting was not ornate or beautiful, merely functional. Simplistic as it was, I still found its contents intriguing. The first few pages were easy enough, simple studies of comparisons between draconic flight speed and patterns as compared to your standard pegasus.

Passing quickly through the basics, things like simple stretches meant to encourage muscle strength and streamline the body, I got to more complicated topics. One such topic was a way to increase the heat of the flames I can breathe, with the cost of the length of time that I can hold them and another that would allow me to train to hold a flame longer.

Each time I would complete an exercise, the book would somehow know of it, and reveal the next section. This continued to advance my theory that an extremely powerful spell caster must have helped the draconics create these tomes. This book however had clearly changed hooves much more often than mine. There were a few entries lasting only a page or two, and others spanning dozens.

In the longer entries there was often more information about the ponies writing it. Everything from records of battles they fought in, victories, defeats, glory and shame, all represented. There were tactics on commanding other soldiers, tactics of warfare and a few records of horrible acts of violence committed during the times of the gryphon wars. I found this last part quite disturbing, but then, most of these authors had not been proud of their acts. Most did them to prevent future bloodshed, or to try and stop the fighting using fear. In most cases this did not end well, and the tome would change hooves once more shortly after.

It appeared however that despite being a draconic tome it had been possessed by at least one gryphon. It appeared he had befriended one of my kind after the end of the gryphon war. He was called Moltclaw, and despite his name was a powerful fighter. He would fight his enemies with everything available to him, even learning a way to hold his wings so he could strike with them, without hurting himself. I obviously wouldn’t be able to learn his clawed fighting style, but the wing strikes I could learn. It would be foolish to attempt this so soon after the duel, my injuries were still in recovery, after all. I decided to stop here for the day.

There was not much time left before I was scheduled to meet up with the mysterious gryphon. I chose to return to the inn, hoping to meet Stoic there so we could form a plan. I had trained in my feather-flaps, so I simply covered myself in my cloak and began walking back to the inn, letting my wings rest after the training. I passed a few ponies who greeted me kindly as most do in this land. Every grin and wave filling me with hope, but at the same time my anxiety told me that if they knew how I really looked they would run in fear.

I thought back over all I had learned in the past week. I had learned more about the ways of the druids, including several of their most important secrets. I found enough wealth to keep me alive and well fed for some time to come. I had found a way to increase my training farther than I ever had before.

There was one thing more important than any of that, though. I had made allies, with trust forged in combat and mutual respect, who I could count on. I had a stalwart and strong ally ready to help me in any physical battle. I knew that should I ever be injured or need help in matters of magic, I could not hope for a better friend than Brightflare. Then there is Falling Star… my mind blurs at the thought of her, but nopony is more prepared than her to scoff in the face of danger.

I wished they had all been able to stay with me, but with just Stoic and I, we could still be a formidable force. If this gryphon wished me harm, we wouldn’t make it easy for him. After dealing with them I would likely have to leave again, though, and I loathed the idea of losing Warmhearth. She has been a great friend to me. If I needed to I would run, but if by any means I could avoid it, I would.

Lost as I was in my thoughts I nearly walked right past the door to the inn. I gently pushed the door open and moved inside. Unlike previous visits, the room was crowded with ponies. I gently pushed my way through the throng of ponies, trying to avoid spilling any of their drinks. It seemed there was another showpony in town. Her voice held the room in her thrall, and even I couldn’t resist swaying with the beat. I made my way up to the bar and greeted Warmhearth.

“Hello Warmhearth, quite a night for business isn’t it?” I asked.

“Yes, absolutely, Stoic asked me to tell you when you got here, you can find him upstairs in the room on the right, he want to talk to you about something,” she answered quickly before she was called away by an impatient customer.

“Thanks Warm, I’ll go right up, good luck with this crowd,” I called after her. I then quickly headed through the door to the backroom and up the stairs. With a knock, Stoic called me in. He was looking over a map of the area, with the place we had been asked to meet with the gryphon circled.

He spoke quickly, immediately getting to the point. “I have looked over the place we agree to meet, and I don’t see a way to be sure it isn’t a trap. I am not sure you should meet up with them at all; it’s too risky.”

Once again his old military connections were obvious. Though he tried to appear calm it was clear he had spent several hours trying to decide on the right tactics with which to approach this meeting.

“Yes Stoic, it probably is a trap, but if we don’t meet them I will never find out why they want to meet with me, and also how they found me. I know black isn’t the most common of coat colors, but they shouldn’t have been able to find me just from that. I’m afraid this meeting needs to happen. This is true now more than ever, my cave has been found, there is clear evidence as to my draconic nature there. They could reveal my secret which could endanger all who have helped me. We can’t allow that to happen. ” I said, shaking my head.

“I figured you would say something like that,” Stoic said, his face quickly turning to a sly grin, “So I already thought up the least risky plan. We will show up two hours before we were told to meet, then we will have the advantage. The building only has two entrances so we will be able to keep track of both quite easily. They picked the meeting spot well, there is no one living in or around this building, which means no one will tell the guards if they hear anything, or be in danger should a fight break out. I can’t do any more without having some clue as to their intentions.”
I thought quickly over Stoic’s plan, and his method of turning the tables on the trap seemed like an excellent idea. “Okay Stoic, this should work. Now, do we have an exit strategy?”

“Yes, there are windows on each side of the ground floor, just the right height to jump out of. If anything bad happens, we split up, I will run to the north window, and you to the south. The north window is close to another building, to which I have obtained the keys. I can hide there, but you are on your own. You will need to fly, and fly fast. I’ve seen gryphons who can keep up with the most talented of pegasi. I hope you get some rest tonight, you are going to need it.”

“Great work Stoic. I’ll get to sleep early, I want to be ready tomorrow. You know, you are pretty good at this, just how high ranked were you, back in your military days?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“I knew I’d have to talk about this if I went into tactics.” Stoic said, with a rather dour expression. “I had reached the rank of Staff Sergeant. I was in charge of training the younger recruits and control of a unit. I was good at it too; I had risen in the ranks faster than nearly any other officer had. I was on the fast track to becoming one of Celestia’s greatest generals. Then the greatest thing in my life happened.”

“What was it Stoic, what could be so great it could pull you off that path?” I asked.

“I fell head over hooves for one of my soldiers. This is generally frowned upon, but we were young and in love. She was only two years younger than me, and she was called Silvershield. We saw each other whenever we could get away from our duties, it wasn’t long before things got a little crazy. We found out I was going to be a father and we had to ask for leave. Celestia has a soft spot for love stories, and we both secured several years of family leave, but I was made to promise to return to my rank at the end of that allotted time.”

“That seems as great a reason to stop as any, but why then are you so unwilling to talk about it?” I questioned. Fatherhood was an acceptable reason to leave, and if he was meant to go back anyway, why was he working for a mercenary company?

“Because that isn’t the end of the story… but that’s for another time. I’ve answered your questions, now it’s time for you to answer one of mine,” Stoic said. “What is it you plan to do after this? Sell the treasure you found and then just return to looking for more secrets? What drives you to throw yourself into danger’s path as you do?”

“You know that Stoic; I need to prove that my people aren’t monsters. I want my people to be able to reveal themselves. I don’t expect you to understand, you have never had to hide what you are. I search for knowledge and secrets because it is all I have. I can’t be with my family for fear of endangering them. I can’t lay down roots and start a new life because I am so scared, so scared that ponies will see me as a monster again. I can’t stop until the truth is known.” I said, speaking vehemently, almost as if I were possessed.

“And if you can never prove it?” Stoic asked. “What if the evidence eludes you, and you are left running? I would like to offer you an alternative. I could try and pull some strings, get you accepted as a mercenary with the Shieldstallions. You are a strong fighter, and we could use more ponies like you.”

I was shocked, and for a moment, I considered the idea. If I joined with an organization, they may be able to protect me. Or, I could draw attention to them, make them more vulnerable… No, I couldn’t accept. “I thank you for your kind offer, but I can not take you up on it. If you will excuse me, I need to get to sleep… we have a big day tomorrow.”

Stoic stomped his hoof, seeming frustrated. “You are so stubborn! Why can’t you just take the easy way? Ugh, fine then, go get some sleep. We can talk more tomorrow.”

“Alright, goodnight then Stoic,” I said.

He grumbled in response. As I left I heard him mumble under his breath, “He is too much like Courage.”

I had no idea what this could mean, but I just shrugged it off and headed back to my room. My usual routine of barricading my door and removing my disguise soon complete, I curled up on my bed. I knew the dreams would come again tonight, though. I sighed and let the darkness take me.

Just as I expected my night was full of dreams. They were…unpleasant, to say the least. I was on trial, where I sat at the defendants table, and was alone. I was accused of the burning of an Earth pony village. Innocent though I was the evidence all stood against me. Despite my claims I was found guilty and the jury demanded my death, the court quick to agree. The only fitting punishment, it was agreed, was for me to burn as the village had burned. Dragonfire seared my flesh. I felt everything as my mane and fur burned away, I was burned to the bone. Every moment of pain, every iota of suffering filled my mind.

Then the scene changed again, and I saw the one who had truly burned the village. A mad unicorn cackling in the nearby trees laughed as I burned. I knew somehow he had gotten away with things like this before and that he would go unstopped for a long while unless someone stopped him.

This was my goal, I knew. I would find the truth, and reveal it to the world. Regardless of the cost to myself, the world would know. Madness is not found within a single race. I knew that the events in my nightmares often occurred in the past, but if I could change things then history would not be allowed to repeat itself.