//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Adventures of The Lost One // by TheChosen1 //------------------------------// Chapter 1 I feel something nudge me as the feeling of slumber leaves my body. I wonder why I was asleep? What was I doing before I fell asleep? A gruff voice says "Hey dude, you alrighty? You do know you are asleep in the middle of a tomb right?" I slowly open my eyes and see three figures stand above me. The one directly in front of me seems to be the one who spoke and says "Easy there kid, you look like you just rose from the dead. Here sit up slowly." He helps me sit up I reach out to grab my head that seems to hurt and I see I have a hoof. Of course I'm a pony....wait.... am I? I don't remember what else I could be. I look down and see a blue coat on my body. "Here kid, I got some water drink up" He puts a canteen of water to my lips and I down the cold crisp water. After I finish I look up to them all and ask "Thanks I need that." "Ahh he does speak! Kid we need to get out of here fast. The undead dont stay down long here. We blasted most of them to get to here, you are the only non-undead thing here and seem to be lost. Come quick." The owner of the gruff voice grabs his canteen back with his claws. Wait claws? I inspect him closely and notice he was a Griffon. "Kid lets go don't look back, I hear them coming." He then looks at the other two before taking off with them. No other choice, no clue what he means by undead, zombies aren't real are they? I gallop after them. After a several confusing turns they stopped suddenly. I look in front and see two lumbering pony shaped figures. The griffon speaks up "Take them down Spiff." The figure on my right that is really large and covered in metal. Armor? Yes of course what else would it be. The armored figure picks up a giant hammer off his back and slams the first pony in our way. I was shocked...what did these ponies do to deserve an attack like that? I then notice the pony get back up as if not even attacked. How did he not even get knocked out?! "Hey hes back up!" I shout. The armored figure lands another hit on the ponies head and it spatters blood and brains all over the ground. I never seen blood in person. It was horrible why did they do that? "Why did you kill him! It was just an innocent pony." The Griffon looked back at me "That" he points to the dead pony "Is not an innocent pony. It was a zombie. Now stop running your lips and start running your legs." The group continues their run forward. We run up a flight of stairs that have seen better days. Lobs of stone missing and if you don't watch your step you could trip and fall. As we reach the top I see a light at the end. The others stop and don't move they appear to be waiting for something. I was about to speak before the griffon holds his hand up signaling to don't talk. I look at where we are and see some interesting things. The walls are in horrible condition. Crumbling in several places, pillars that hold up the roof are also in bad shape. At least half of them are on the floor in broken bits. Torches line the walls illuminating the area. In front of us the wall way opens up to a room. Pillars are lined up nice and evenly....well the ones still standing. That's when I hear it. A growl coming from up ahead. A pack of dog like creatures walk out into the light. In this lighting they seem to be made of wood, but that makes no sense. Wolfs are made of flesh and fur, not wood. The third figure which is a pony with wings, a Pegasus, steps forward and speaks in a feminine voice "We have what we came for, let us leave and the deal is complete. You get free roam of this area now." Her voice....it was so soothing. It compelled me to do what she wanted. Movement from the pack of wolves shook me out of it and I soon forgot about it. "We have decided as a pack to go back on our deal. We rather eat you AND have free roam of this area." This wolf seemed bigger than the rest....WAIT DID IT JUST TALK?! The Pegasus speaks up "You know none of you can fight us. We already took our half of your pack before you pleaded like cowards. Why the sudden change of heart?" The pack leader laughs "Cause we were offered a better deal, kill the blue one including you three. We get free roam. Now ATTACK!" The pack rushes forward at us. The three figures I have been following this whole time just stands there. As if they don't see the mob of wolfs coming at us. In fear I spoke up "Hey what are you guys doing? We need to run!" The Pegasus turns back and gives me a wink and a smile "Just wait about 7 more seconds you will see." See? See what? We need to run now! Suddenly I hear a click and an opening appeared on both sides of the hallway. Another click happen and fire soon filled the hallway burning all the wolves. Their cries are short as they are burned alive. A third click is heard and the fire stops, while the walls closed up. None of the wolves were left except ash. The armored figure laughs "HAHA! Stupid wolves, they should not have messed with us! Good idea leaving trap up." The Pegasus flips her mane "Of course, why else would I have done such a thing. Now lets get out of here, this place gives me the creeps longer than it should." They walk past the piles of ash toward the opening as I follow them I notice they are happy. Why would killing them bring them smiles? Of course they were going to try to kill us, but we could have ran and found another way out. *-* After escaping the tomb sunlight touches my face. We appear in a forest. Trees reach high up covering up most of the sky with just a few rays escaping to the ground below. The weather is fair. Not too hot not too cold. After a few feet away from the tomb, everyone stops and sits down catching their breath. I sit down with them reflecting on what exactly just happened. I woke up to these guys. Follow them out of a tomb. Watch them kill zombies and burn wolfs alive. All in the span of an hour? This is crazy! Why am I even following these guys. I should get away when I can. They are crazy, I could be next on their kill list. I stand up when the Griffon speaks up "So...Kid. You got a name or something? Calling you "Mr. Blue Earth Pony" so what is it?" I look up at him. "My Name? Uhhhh" I think for a moment. What is my name? Then it came to me "Marche, and yours?" I look over him and the others. The griffon smiles. "Ahh yes we haven't even told your our names yet. My name is Thoron. The big guy is called Spiff, while the Misses here goes by Sweets. Nice to meet you Marche. Now that we are all buddy buddy. Allow me to explain things." Thoron stands and walks as he talks "We three are a trio of adventures. We go off on quests and wander lust drives us to new places. We call ourselves the misfits. A Griffon, a Pegasus and a Gem Dog working together is quite unique. We were sent by an Oracle to find something in this tomb that will need us to guide it to discover its true power and blah blah blah Oracle nonsense. So great and mighty Marche what do you say? Care to travel with us and see the world? It doesn't have many benefits, but I am sure riches, fame, and glory will bring you around. " I process what he is saying. I have no idea who I am. Where I came from. No memories before the moment I awoke. All I have are my wits and this bag....WAIT BAG?! GOD MY OBSERVATIONS SKILLS SUCK!. I take the bag off my back and open it and look in side. I see a smaller pouch which I set aside for now, a canteen full of water, some rope, other odds and ends. At the bottom there is something shiny and metal sticking out of a leather sheath. I pull that out, how it fit in the bag without making the bag stretch out I have no idea, blame magic. I look over it and pull it out of the sheath. The sound of metal ringing fills the air as I pull out a sword. This thing was simple. Nothing fancy just a normal sword. Thoron walks up and grabs my sword inspecting it. "Lets see what you have kid. Simple short sword. Great for beginning swordsmen. Light enough to use in one hoof/claw/hand/etc. Can even hold it in your mouth if needed. Looks like you got all the gear you need. Glad you decided to join us!" He puts the sword back in my bag, places the bag on my back, then puts his arm around my neck leading me toward the others as we walk through the forest.