//------------------------------// // R is for revenge // Story: The Heart of Worlds // by Alchemystudent //------------------------------// Rarity slowly woke up, finding herself laying on top of a pad with several yellow circles lying on it. Looking around, she found herself in a grey room where a stallion sat behind a console, "My word, where am I?" The stallion pressed a button on his chest,"Captain, I've found the source of the anomaly. It's... a mare." He looked at Rarity,"Who are you?" Rarity slowly got up, her legs slightly wobbly, "A pleasure to meet you. MY name is Rarity. Care to tell me where I-oof-am and why I am so wobbly?" A door to the side slid open as a purple unicorn mare dressed in red with gold pins on her lapel entered,"You are on the starship ESS Celestia. I am it's captain, Twilight Sparkle, and you are most likely suffering from temporal dizziness." "Twilight! How did you get here," Rarity said with a gasp. Then she stepped, "Wait, temporal? So, you are just a future Twilight?" Captain Twilight raised an eyebrow,"So you are from the past? Come with me, Rarity, I'm going to have our doctor check on you." "Yes, that would be best," Rarity said, walking with Twilight. "Pardon me for asking, but did you say, Captain Twilight Sparkle, as in we are on a ship?" "Yes, we are on a ship." Captain Twilight said,"And please, call me Twilight, Ma'am, you are not under my command." "Of course, Twilight," Rarity smiled, seeing a lot of her Twilight in this future pony. Turning around and looking out the window, she let out a gasp, "We're in space?" "Yes, ma'am, we're on a continuing mission to explore strange new life, and seek out new civilizations." Captain Twilight explained. There was a small part of Rarity that made her squee, "Um, excuse me, but may I use the ladies room for a second." "It's to your right, Ma'am." Captain Twilight pointed to two doors with a blue stallion and a pink mare symbols. Rarity quietly ran in and began to squeal, "A starship! A real starship! Oh, if my friends were here they would never let my fangirliness down!" after a few moments she walked woul and nodded, "Let's continue. Captain Twilight nodded as she led Rarity down the corridors. Several ponies in gold uniforms passed them by, along with some elks and rhinos. Twilight went to a door, and a pink head popped,"Hi, Capy!" She looked at Rarity,"Ooh, is this a new patient!?" "Pinkie?" Rarity asked. "That's the name! Dr. Pinkamena Roxanne Pi!" Pinkie said with a grin. She grabbed Rarity and took her inside,"Let's have a look at you!" "Why certinllliee" Rarity yelped as she was dragged inside. Pinkie took out a small device that went over Rarity,"Hmm, how do you feel right now?" "A little whoozy at first, but right now I feel better," Rarity said. The device beeped and Pinkie nodded as she pulled out a smaller device and put it on Rarity's head,"There ya go! Now you won't get any diseases with your slightly weaker immune system!" "You only put a device on my head," Rarity remarked. "Duh, it was an immuno-syringe! It produces a positronic field that keeps the bad germs away!" Pinkie said with a smile. "Um, right," Rarity said, shaking her head to get some of the techno-babble out of her head, "So am I free to go, or is Dr. Pinkie going to give me a cupcake before leaving (probably won't just because my Pinkie would doesn't me-" "Here ya go! Old family recipe!" Pinkie grinned as she gave Rarity a cupcake. Rarity paused for a moment, then took the pastry in her magic and began to eat it There was a small smile on her lips a she ate, content at her friend's ability to stay the same throughout history. Turning to walk out, sh met up with the captain, "Um, Twilight, I am quite curious, but when am I?" "You are in Celestial Year 1265." Captain Twilight said. "300 years, my word," Rarity looked down, her eyes wide in shock. Looking up, she then asked, "And I suppose that Spike, Celestia,and Luna are all right?" "Yes, Celestia and Luna are now queens, while Spike is on Acapulcolt Planet for his retirement plan." Twilight said. "Oh, how wonderful for them," Rarity said, choosing not to ask questions about her friends, for fear of the timeline. "You wouldn't happen to have seen if anypony else has time traveled recently have you? "Not that we know of yet." Twilight said, before her badge beeped, "Um, I just did the checks on the engines, Miss Captain Ma'am..." A quiet voice said. "I expect the report at 1600 hours, Lt. Fluttershy." Twilight looked up at Rarity,"Come on, I've already set up some quarters for you. Rarity smiled at the hospitality, "Oh, thank you Twilight, you are too kind. Where are the guest cabins?" Twilight indicated a room to her right as she lead Rarity along,"Right there. We'll figure out a way to get you home later. I'll send somepony to keep you company." "Thanks you," Rarity said as she walked into the cabin. The cabin itself was standard, with a bed and a table. On the end of the room wa a window that showed the stars passing by. Rarity sighed at seeing the plainness of the room, "Oh, thi will not do, not at all. Computer... what can you replicate for me beyond food?" "What do you desire?" The computer said in a husky male voice. "Ooh, well somepony is a dear," Rarity smiled at the sexual sounding voice. Flipping her mane, she began a long list of items. After a few moments, her room was changed. The bed was now decorated in a glitter fest of sparkles, while the table now had a doily. The window had curtains and the carpeting was now light blue. Rarity wiped her forehead as she looked over the room, "Not bad, it will do for now. Now to take a shower, I must be a mess." Walking slowly to the shower stall, the white unicorn looked over her shoulder at the comm, "Now, Mr. Voice, I expect you to be a gentlestallion and not peek in on me as I shower?" she said with a wink. "Very well, ma'am." The camera in the corner turned off. Rarity smiled as she stepped in and let the shower wash over her. Using her magic to do her mane and comb over her, she let her mind wander to her friends and the others. (I wonder how the others are doing at this moment. Have they found their own way back? Or are they lost as well?) she sighed as she ran the soap along her back rubbing her forelegs lowly. She gave a small chuckle when she saw a small cut on her shoulder, "And where did you come from? Or were you there all of this time??" shaking her head, she leaned back a little against the shower wall, letting some of the water run down her chest and sides. "If only the nobles could see me now... they would be crazed. A lady not minding a few cuts? Well of course, after all it was in the service of a good friend. And if asked would I do it again... of course I would." Running some of the soap along her flank, she smiled,” After all, a lady never leaves a pony alone if they are in need, and I am a lady first and foremost. Now, to enjoy my time aboard this ship as much a I can!" she said, turning off the water and walking out in her bathrobe and towel wrapped around her head. A beeping sound came at the door. “Just a minute!" Rarity sang, pulling out a small closet that the replicator gave her and began to put on the outfit, "I need to get decent. "Miss Rarity, we don't normally wear clothes, unless it's a uniform." Applejack's voice came through the door. Rarity smiled widely as she heard Applejack's voice, and walked to the door and opened it, "Well, it will not do for a lady like myself to remain naked while others are clothed.” Applejack was dressed in a golden version of Twilight's uniform,"That's not a bad thing, Rarity." She tipped her hat,"Excuse me, I forgot to introduce myself, Ah'm the Chief of Security, Applejack!" "Rarity Belle," Rarity said, putting her hood to her white uniform that she was wearing and gave a little bow. "I assume that you were the one Twilight said she would send to keep me company?" "Eeyup! Ya are a very special guest, Ma'am. If there's anything ya need, just let me know!" Applejack said with a smile. "Is there any chance I can see the bridge?" Rarity asked with a curt smile. Applejack scratched the back of her head,"Welp, we're not on Red Alert, so yeah, Ah can show ya." "Thank you," Rarity said, ready to follow Applejack. The bridge was large, with Twilight sitting in the center, while a certain rainbow colored pegasus was in a blue uniform off to the side. Rarity looked around at the bridged, amazed at the sights. Looking to Rainbow Dash, she walked to her, "Excuse me, miss, but what do you serve on board the ship? Rainbow turned to Rarity and smirked while holding up her sunglasses,"I'm the navigator! And occasional weapons pony." (OH sweet Celestia, she's our navigator," Rarity thought to herself, resisting the urge to shiver. Walking from the side of the railing to stand next to Twilight, she asked, "So, where is the ship heading?" "Well, we were heading for the Narn Nebula for some explorations." She looked up,"In fact, one of its planets is coming up right now." "May I watch, you can understand that I have never seen a planet from here before," Rairt passed. "That is alright, but you'll have to realize that we're going to have several security guards keep watch of you." Twilight said,"We don't know what will happen if you die before going back in time." "You don't think that it will be That dangerous, do you?" Rarity asked Rainbow shuddered,"We've lost many a gold-shirt to random flank monsters..." Rarity nodded and stood next to Twilight, "Right, I understand." she said with a small shudder of her own. "Good. Applejack, Pinkie and I will go on the away team." Twilight got up,"Rainbow, you have the helm." Rarity followed behind the group, her desire to see something new was burning in her. She hoped that the world might give her a chance to get some inspiration The group transported to a large red forest, with an eerie silence surrounding them. Twilight pulled out a small device and began to scan it,"I don't see any readings. Sparkle to Ship, What can you scan, Sunset?" Sunset's voice came out of Twilight's badge,"I'm getting some minor life form readings, but there's something to the west of you, I can't make it out." "S-Sunset?!" Rarity gasped. "Yes, our science officer." Twilight explained. "Fitting," Rarity smiled as she walked around, looking at the flora and fauna,. taking a small look at the west, she asked, "What do you think is there? "Maybe some sort of anomaly, a secret base, or a vault filled with horrific experiments." Twilight said,"It could be anything." "And each one of them sounds seemly dreadful," Rarity said. (And let me guess, Applejack is going to be eag-" Applejack stood in front of them,"Alright, let's get a move on, Yee-haw!" "Well, color me surprised." Rarity said chasing after the orange mare They came up to a large metal building, with a door broken in. "Oh my, what could've done this?" asked Rarity. Applejack frowned as she lead the group into the building. Around them were several scraps of metal, and blood was on the walls. Sounds of scraping were heard from beyond. Rarity stepped to the side of Applejack and turned her head to the sound of scraping, "Who's there?" A moaning sound came from a room to Rarity's right. “Oh, dear Celestia, please don't let that be a monster. I have had just fixed my mane," she said, looking into the room. A bloodied pony was rummaging through some shelves. "S-sir, are you alright?" The bloodied pony turned, revealing a red light from his eye,"Rarity Belle. " He walked towards her,"You will come with me." Um, I would rather not," Rarity said, "Especially if you are as bloodied and horrid looking as you are!” "Magi-Borg!" Twilight ran into the room fired a beam of magic at the thing. "M...Magi-Borg?" Rarity asked. "Beings made out of magi-tech that look like real creatures, but are actually cybernetic monstrosities bent on assimilating others.” Twilight said, getting in front of Rarity. "And that thing wants to... uggh!" she groaned, unsheathing Vorpal "Yes, but how did it know who you were?" Twilight asked. "More importantly, don't forget that where there's one, there's usually more." Applejack looked behind her as some shuffling sounds came from beyond. "Maybe it looked up some ancient history?” Rarity asked, getting ready for a fight. Several ponies shuffled out, their red sights trained on them. Rarity sent her blade through some of the bot's legs, cutting them down. Then she rolled out of the way of the laser bolts and shots. Moving nimbly, she ran from side to side, trying to keep one step ahead of the fire. Applejack put her hoof out forward, holding a small device on it that fired on the borgs. "Be careful, they'll adapt!" Twilight shouted. Rarity sighed, "How predictable, of course they would. " she groaned as she watched her blade bounce off the shield. "How many are there?" Dr. PInkie looked around,"OH, about ten." Twilight gently pushed Rarity towards her,"We're going to have to retreat." "Don't do that, Captain." A deep voice said,"I barely got to see you." Twilight gasped,"Prosen Con!" "Who?" Rarity asked A tall alicorn stallion with a brown coat and a white mane stepped in between the Magi-Borg,"That would be me." "Oh-ohhhhoh!" Rarity blushed, "A pleasure to meet you sir. I am Lady Rarity, and what, pray tell are you doing with these dastardly Borgs?" "I had just taken them over," Con said,"Rarity, I remember your face. I've seen you when you were older." He put his hoof to her chin. "I do hope it was a pleasant meeting," Rarity said, a small blush coming to her white cheeks "You just stood there, admiring my physique, until you realized my plan." Con growled. "Much... like I am doing Now?" Rarity chuckled and backed up to where the others stood, "But... how are you so young?" "I was sealed by your children the moment I attempted to seize my rightful place as a prince." Con said with a frown. Rarity smirked, "Ah, I see, you're a madstallion then." "That's what you said before, and it still angers me." Con scoffed as he walked back to his borg,"I see you must plan on trying to stop me from killing Celestia and Luna." "You plan on killing the princesses? How?" Rarity asked. "By assimilating them with these." Con indicated the Magi-Borg. "And what makes you think that anypony here will let you? And why take revenge, surely a handsome stallion like yourself can find something better to do with his time?" Con scraped his hoof on the floor,"Do you realize that I've been stuck in stone for centuries?" "And surely that must mean you must have a desire to see how have changed since your return," Rarity said. "Actually, no. The anger I feel right now is the only thing keeping me sane. It kept me sane as I was trapped." Con said with a frown. "I am sorry to hear that, that you let your own anger rob you of anything more than a thirst for revenge," Rarity said, looking down and shaking her head. "Do not pity me." Con said, tapping his hoof,"Take them." He said, commanding the Magi-Borg to attack. "O'Flien! Beam us out!" Twilight shouted, causing the group to beam back to the ship. Rarity looked back at the teleport and sighed, "What a shame. I feel sorry for him. Applejack frowned,"Yeah, if you ignore the atrocities he committed during the Eugenics Wars..." "The Eugenics Wars?" Rarity asked Twilight sighed,"40 years into your future, an arms race will be started between the Zebras and the Equestrians. The result of this was a scientist who wanted to create some sort of super pony by genetically engineering alicorns. Con was one of those ponies, and one of the most dangerous. Con decided to go against the plan to be used as a soldier, and instead go for Celestia and Luna's throne. "And that is when my children stopped him," Rarity said. Twilight nodded,"They used their Harmonic Powers to seal him in stone and sent him to space." "And that is where we are," Rarity said. "How are we going to stop him" "Well, first we have to find him." Twilight said, leading Rarity to the Bridge,"And I believe you can help." "How?" Rarity asked. "I'll answer that, if that's alright with you." Fluttershy appeared in the hall. Rarity smiled (Fluttershy is still Fluttershy) "Well of course dear.” "You see, I have a special kind of device that can track specially enhanced lifeforms.” Fluttershy said, looking up at Rarity. "And how will I fit in?" Rarity cocked her head. "You do have a locator spell right?" Fluttershy asked. "Why yes, though I mainly use i to locate gems," Rarity said. "Well, could you locate part of your own DNA?" Fluttershy asked,"If not, I'm sure Sunset would help." "I could try," Rarity said, closing her eyes and making her horn ignite with blue energy "Good, because you see, Con was enhanced using the blood of the previous bearers of the Elements." Flutters said. "I see, and that is why you need me," Rarity said,nodding as she looked around, " Fluttershy gave Rarity the device,"Now, put your magic into-" an explosion rocked the ship. "MY word!" Rarity exclaimed "We're under attack, Red Alert!" Twilight shouted, causing a red light to blare across the area. She ran to the bridge, where a large horse-ship was firing on them. "And what by Celestia is that?" Rarity asked, hooves on the rail. "Captain, she's hailing us!" Trixie said at her communications post. "On screen!" Twilight said. Con appeared on screen,"Did you really think you can escape from me?" "Oh, hello again, mr. Con," Rarity said with a bo "Lady Rarity." Con bowed,"It will be a pleasure dueling you to the death." "A duel? Are... you challenging me?" Rarity asked. "Well, of course! It will be a pleasure to fight the illustrious Rarity in a duel, especially since you are in your prime." Con bowed. "Well," Rarity said, sashaying down the side of the bridge, putting a hoof through her mane, "I thank you. I won't deny that you are correct, that I am in my prime. The my swordmare skill is a good as it's ever been. But, how can I be sure you won't attack them while I duel you? Or that you have something up your sleeve. Forgive for asking, but you must understand that ponies lie you usually have something up your sleeve." "I will be honest. My ponies will be attacking your ship while we duel. They will only stop when I fall." Con said. Rarity's movements caused the entire bridge to watch her behind. "And what, pray tell," Rarity asked, twirling her mane, and winking at Rainbow Dash, "will happen when I fall?” (Can you call for backup? she wrote with her hoof "Or escape?") "Then we will launch an all out assault on your ship." Con said. Dash regained her composure, and gave a silent nod as she pointed to Trixie. "There is something that still troubles, me," Rarity continues, sliding up against Trixie, before spreading a little bit of her legs for Con "How can I be so sure they won't attack of their own whim when I win. Or they will get their own comrades." (If it looks like I will fall, run. And then send a message to my friends, I am so sorry.") Trixie gave a small salute. "They respect my orders, Rarity. Though, if they do attack, you are in your right to fight them." Con said simply. "Very well then, what are the terms of the duel?" Rarity asked, sashaying to the screen, looking over her shoulder and smiling softly to her friends. "In my ship, there is a holo-deck. We will both enter and I will set up an arena, and then we use our blades to fight." Con said, pulling out a rapier. Rarity nodded, "And when is the duel?" "At 1500 hours tomorrow. Don't be late." Con said, as the transmission cut. "My good sir," Rarity said, walking away with a wink, "A lady is never late, she is always on time." Applejack looked at Rarity,"Ya sure about this?" "Yes," Rarity said, "I can be used as a distraction and I no that I can beat him. ee may have the strength, but i have the skill." Twilight got up and looked at her,"But, you shouldn't throw your life away like that. He could still kill you!" "He will not," Rarity smiled, "Because... I will win, and besides....s o will you." Twilight blinked, and then blushed,"What makes you say that, I'm not that good..." “Because, I know your ancestor, and she would never quit. I bet you know of a way to handle those nasty borg ruffians and are figuring out several ways to win right now, are you not?" Twilight looked down and gave a nod,"Well, I do have something of a plan: The Harmony Drive." "The harmony drive?" Rarity asked. "Where we use the Powers of Harmony to fire a massive phaser that can destroy anything." "Do you mean the Elements?" Rarity asked, "Are they still here?" "Uh, sort of. You see, somehow the-" She looked at Rarity,"Does the name Tirek mean anything?" "You mean that old foals tale that I used to scare Sweetie Belle every nightmare night?" Rarity asked. "... Yeah, give it a few months." Twilight said simply,"Me, Sunset, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack will go to the Engine Room to power the Drive. "And you will beam me to Con's ship," Rarity said, nodding. "Are you sure it will work?" "Well, it's worked on Borg before. The amount of Harmonic Convergence is too much for them to adapt, but it leaves us tired." Twilight said. "Well, here's hoping that back-up for the Borg doesn't come while I am gone. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and freshen up for my duel," Rarity smiled. A door opened up as Sunset came out,"Can I help? I really want to talk to a time-displaced pony!" "Of course dear. I might have questions for you as well." Rarity said as she smiled at Sunset. "So, what's it like in your time? I did lots of research, but I want to know what it's like to actually be there!" Sunset squealed. "A lot less technologically advanced, and a lot more down to earth," Rarity aid. "Celestia and Luna are still princesses, and the six of us are still great friends.” "I bet you were, oh!" She beamed,"What about my ancestor, what was she like?" Rarity smiled softly, "Only the nicest mare you could meet. While, she had some troubles in the beginning, deep down, she was a true friend and I was lucky to have met her.” "Wow, I mean, I heard she was cool, but..." Sunset stared wide eyed in awe as the ship's hair salon went passed them. "OH my, a hair salon! Come on, we can talk more there!" Rarity said, taking Sunset in. "So tell, me more about why you joined? Sunset sighed,"Well, I joined because I wanted to see the galaxy, and all the different organisms it had.” As the hair stylist went to work, Rarity nodded, "I know the feeling. One of the thing I loved about adventuring with my friends is seeing the various cultures and worlds. It's how I got some of my better ideas." "Wow, oh, I wish I could say some of the outfits you made, but I don't want to ruin the timeline." Sunset whimpered. Rarity nodded, "Do not worry, I won't ask. I prefer to be surprised." "Good." Sunset said. She sighed,"Do you ever get scared, doing things like this?" "Most of the ime," Rarity said. "Most of the time it’s the excitement of traveling and seeing something brand new that keeps my spirit up. But, I do indeed get scared. I am only a seamstress with skill in swordsmareship after all. However, there is something that I am more afraid of than fighting "What's that?" Sunset asked. "Letting a potential friend die knowing that there was something I could do to help," Rarity sighed as she felt one of the hair stylist run shampoo through her mane. "Applejack, Rainbow Dash, they'll jump at the chance to help because it’s either the right thing to do or it’s exciting for them. Me... I need to be helpful, I need to be there and do something for somepony and help them. When I saw Twilight run into the library that day, I knew she was going to need somepony to help her. I didn't know what it was, but I knew I was going to help in someway. Guess it's just my element I suppose. "Wow, I always wondered what it was that made you go into that library that day..." Sunset sighed. She grinned a little,"Hey, I'm working on a project in the holodeck, would you like to see it? "I am not sure of the others’ reasons, but I think you'll find we all have our own," Rarity nodded. Getting up with her man now done in a top-knot, she smiled, "Why of course dear. Sunset lead Rarity to a small door that opened to a small grid-like room,"Activate, Ponyville, circa 1013." The room shifted to a perfect replica of Ponyville. Rarity gasped in amazement, "It's beautiful. You have been working on this?" Sunset nodded,"The Old Ponyville's only a shadow of what this is, so I've been making a program to recreate it as it was." "You did a marvelous job," Rarity said, walking through the streets. She had a soft smile when she looked at her boutique, "Simply amazing. Why do you have such a love for the past?" "My parents were archeologists, and it's kind of something I've always had an interest in, even though my talent's in biology." Sunset said, walking next to Golden Oaks. Rarity nodded, "I can understand, my talent is in gem finding and making things beautiful, but I love to create dresses and renovate old things." Sunset smiled,"Oh, yes! I know that you're responsible for making the Castle of the Two Sisters like brand new!" "One of my better accomplishments," Rarity smiled, putting a hoof onto her chest with pride "Oh, that's not all, you also-" She covered her own mouth,"Oh, I'm not supposed to tell! Oh, time travel's hard!" "Indeed," Rarity said opening the door to the library, "There is so much I want to know, so much I want to ask, but I know I can't.” "Yeah, it's just as bad with us because there's so much I want to tell you." Sunset looked around at the library. "I can imagine dear," Rarity said, and then looked to Sunset, "I take this to mean that... Sunset will be staying in Equestria?" "Well, yes and no." Sunset said, with a frown,"It won't be spoiling too much, but, Sunset will go back and forth between worlds at times." Rarity smiled, "We, at least she will survive. We were all worried about her back home. “ Sunset smiled,"I know how that is. I have to watch my captain risk her life almost daily." She looked on her hoof,"I think you may want to get some rest." "Just a little bit longer?" Rarity asked, "I want to enjoy home for a little bit more.” "Sure." Sunset said, smiling at Rarity. Rarity sat in the middle of the library and began to read a little. After a few moments, she put the book away, and walked to Sunset, "You did a marvelous job with this program." "Thank you, I tried my best to put together the actual books that Twilight had here." Sunset said with a nod,"She actually preserved a list in the archives of every book she had here." "Of course, I wouldn't expect anything les," she said, walking out, "How far does this extend? to the edge of Everfree?" "At least." Sunset said,"I'm still trying to recreate Fluttershy's cottage." Rarity smiled and pulled out a photo, "Would this do?" The picture was of her as a young adult standing in front of Fluttershy's cottage, the yellow pegasus now with a mane in a bun. "Oh, this is an early photo of you?" Sunset said in shock. "It was when I first met Fluttershy, the poor thing was so scared of going outside. But i could not let a beauty lie that e confined, so I took her to a spa,” Rarity said. "Wow," Sunset took out a notepad and began to write,"This is fascinating new information!" "You're quite welcome, though it’s a shame Pinkie isn't here," Rarity said as they walked to the edge of the holodeck, "She has a plethora of stories." "Oh, I bet she does, though, I can imagine she'll talk a mile a minute, and I wouldn't be able to jot it down fast enough..." Sunset chuckled. "Oh, did you you know that one point I met Rainbow Dash when," Rarity then began to talk fast while bouncing around the ship before shooting confetti out of her mane, "Like that?" Sunset laughed,"Yeah, like that!" "Trust me dear," Rarity smiled, "Pinie would be a lot faster." "I guess. My Pinkie told me a lot about her, even when I don't ask..." Sunset mused. "Like her ancestor right?" Rarity asked. "Yes, like ancestor like descendant."Sunset nodded,"I wonder if your descendant is just like you." "That's right, I haven't seen my descendant," Rarity said walking down the hall to her room, "You wouldn't happen to have a clue about her?" "No, I don't." Sunset said,"I haven't gotten the chance to look." "Well, I hope to stay long enough to meet her, it would be an interesting experience," Rarity said, walking to her door "I hope so too, although,"Sunset giggled,"It would be awkward." Rarity giggled and went into the room. She let out a sigh as she looked out at the stars they passed her by. Her mind drifted back to the holodeck recreation, and her own little life back in her time. With a smile, she placed a hoof to the window, "I have to do all I can, to protect them." "Would you like some tea before you go to sleep?" The computer asked. "Yes, please," Rarity said, sitting on her chair. A spot of tea appeared in Rarity's hoof. Rarity nodded and took the cup of tea and sat down, taking in the smell of the tea's aroma. "Come on Rarity, take your tea. It's only right for a lady," the white unicorn with a red mane said, sitting at a table. "But Uncle, if you want me to be a lady, why do you keep training me in swordsmareship?" Rarity asked, sitting across from her uncle. Hearing a squeak, she looked over to the crawling Sweetie Belle, "Sweetie, don't play with Uncle Esteem's-" The unicorn chuckled as he gripped the baby unicorn in his magic and turned her around towards some plush toys. Taking a sip of his tea, he looked back at Rarity, "What do you think a noble is?" "Fancy, well-to-do, and is someone who uses his power," Rarity said. There was a frustrated sigh escaping his lips, "These Canterlot 'nobles' have so ruined what it means to be nobility. There is more to being a noble and a lady than walking around in the latest fashions and having the most money.”Esteem remarked, "A good noble should not be afraid of helping others, to be able to stand for something, and most importantly put his talents to helping others than himself." "Is that why you chose to be a guard and Father chose to give up all of his sports earnings?" Rarity asked as Sweetie Belle crawled to rarity. The white unicorn sighed and picked her sister up, trying to keep the squirming little foal under control. "Yes, my brother could've taken you to live the high life in Canterlot, instead he chose a quiet life in Ponyville with... Pearl," he sighed at the last name. Shaking his head he looked at Rarity, "I hope that you learn what it means to be a lady from your visits with me." "Yes, Uncle Esteem, i do," rarity smiled. "To be generous to those who need it, to be always at somepony's service, and to give all you can for somepony else," Rarity smiled, thinking back. (Are you ok, Rarity? You are covered in-" "It's ok Pinkie, really," Rarity said, licking the frosting from her hooves, "This is for your parents anniversary after all." "Ok, so this trick is going to take some time and-what's with the swimsuit," Rainbow Dash asked. "I am not about to ruin my coat!" "Rarity, you barely have time to-" "Tut tu Applejack, watch the mistress at work!" Rarity smiled.) "Hmmm, still time before my battle, I wonder if Fluttershy or Pinkie need help," Rarity said, getting up and heading to the med-lab. Pinkie was looking intensly at a computer, her eyes closed. "Is she asleep?" Rarity wondered as she walked closer. A loud snoring came from Pinkie's mouth. Rarity giggled and put a blanket onto the pink pony and walked away. Pinkie then appeared in the doorway in front of Rarity,"Hi Rarity!" "Why am I surprised!" Rarity screeched when she jumped in the air Pinkie giggled,"I get that a lot." She sat back down in her chair,"So, how are you feeling?" "Fine," Rarity said, nodding, "a little worried about the upcoming battle and for all of you, but fine." "No need to worry about us."Pinkie smiled,"We've been through worse, just like that encounter with the Serpents-" She was interrupted by a rhino entering the room. "Excuse me, I need your help!" The rhino said, then he pointed to his shoulder,"My punching shoulder's acting weird!" Pinkie nodded and turned to Rarity,"All of my other nurses are asleep, so I'll need your help." Rarity nodded, "What do you need me to do-punchin shoulder?" The Rhino nodded,”The shoulder I use to punch with!” "Rarity, punch him in the shoulder." Pinkie said,"And see if he screams in pain." Rarity nodded and gave a direct punch to the shoulder “OW!" The rhino said. "Ah, I figured as much." Pinkie went over and used a device on his shoulder,"You've over-exerted yourself again! I told you to be careful!" "But," The rhino frowned,"I need to get stronger!" "Well, right now, you have to rest that shoulder of yours before any permanent damage is made!" Pinkie glared at him. Rarity looked at Pinkie, "Need anything for the arm?" "Yes, you see that little spray on the table? That's a hypo-spray. Put to his arm and press the button." Pinkie said. Nodding, Rarity gave the rhino a hypo The rhino smiled,"Thank you, little pony!" He patted Rarity on the head,"I'll try to be careful! And you better be careful too, Fabulous Warrior!" He smiled as he left the room. "My, he's energetic isn't he? I never seen something like him before "Well, he was one of the first aliens we met!" Pinkie said,"The Rhinos were once our enemies once First Contact was made... until we introduced them to the Yaks. Now we're buddies!" "The Raks?" Rarity asked, "I think I have hear rumors about them." "Oh, right, you haven't met them yet..." Pinkie whispered,"Oh, I shouldn't have said that! I'm a bad pony!" she covered her mouth. "It's ok, it's fine," Rarity said, putting a hoof onto Pinkie's shoulder, "It’s one a minor spoiler, as long as you didn't say anything big." "Oh, you're right," Pinkie gave a quick smile,"At least it wasn't big." "Yes, lie Twilight's home being destroyed or her gaining a student or something," Rarity remarked. Pinkie gave a nervous grin,"Yeah, that would be silly!" Rarity went to the engine room to look in on Fluttershy Fluttershy was sitting in a chair, using a screwdriver on a small device. "Fluttershy what are you working on?" Rarity asked Fluttershy gasped as she saw Rarity,"Rarity! Oh, I'm just doing a little light bulb trick for my daughter." "...Your daughter?" Rarity asked. "Yes, you see, I adopted a little filly a few years back. She's resting back in my quarters right now though." Fluttershy said. "That is so sweet," Rarity said with a smile. "You aren't worried about her being a on a big starship? "No, because I know she's safe, thanks to my captain." Fluttershy gave a soft smile. "You put a lot of trust in her," Rarity nodded, "You've been working together long?" "Oh, yes, for three years." Fluttershy said. "Three years," Rarity said impressed as she sat with the image of her old friend. "Almost as long as me and my friends. How did you meet?" "Oh, it was when she decided to come ask for my aid." Fluttershy explained,"She recruited me to help explore the galaxy after finding out that I built this ship." "You built this? Amazing!" Rarity said Fluttershy blushed,"It's not that amazing..." "But it is, constructing your own starship and making sure it works" Rarity smiled. Fluttershy blushed even harder,"Well, I mean, some ponies might do it better..." "I think not," Rarity said with a smile, "Yours is unique so it makes it the best for you dear. “ Fluttershy began to slump under the table,"Oh, my..." Rarity chuckled, "So modest." Trixie chuckled behind her,"Yes, it's hard to believe she's an officer of the Federation." "Oh, hello Trixie," Rarity smiled as the blue mare arrived,"I am a little curious as to how you arrived on this ship. Trixie smiled,"That is a long, great tale of magnificent adventure-" "She was at a bar, and when the Capt'n asked her to be her communicator, she jumped at the chance in a millisecond." Applejack said, leaning to the side. "I suppose you had seen it yourself?" Rarity asked. Applejack smiled as Trixie grumbled about her lost dramatic story,"Yeah, I was Twilight's first recruit. We were in the academy together, and that friendship is what made her decide to pick me." "Was she anything like the past Twilight? Very studious?" Rarity smiled. Applejack looked around,"Well, not exactly." She whispered in Rarity's ear,"You didn't hear this from me, but Twi? She never studied, yet she always passed her classes. She usually spent her time joyriding in hover-carriages. She's not proud of that." "I can imagine," Rarity said. "What changed?" "Well, one day she got into a fight with a couple of Rhinos, with one stabbing her in the chest. When she woke up, she realized how quickly she could die, so she decided to make the most of her life." "A fight? But why was she in a fight," Rarity asked, watching as Pinkie came by to pass around drinks. Trixie sighed,"That's because of me. You see, I decided to gamble with them on pool, and I won, but the Rhinos' tempers flared, I fought them, Twilight joined in because she saw me in trouble, and the rest is history." "And that is when she had found each of you," Rarity said, bringing out some blankets and resting with the team as they went to some barracks. "Yeah, she even found a way to grab me." Dash said, flying up above them,"I was busy testing out some bi-planes when she found me." "...Bi-planes?" Rarity asked "Yeah, where a pony takes a wheel and uses a lever to control a flying machine. I was testing it for my little brother, Scootaloo." "Brother!!" Rarity said in shock, "Sorry, I am used to my Scootaloo being a filly." Rainbow laughed,"Figured I'd get that reaction." She looked down at Rarity,"Hey, did my ancestor really do the Sonic Rainboom?" "Oh yes, she did," Rarity smiled. "She performed it a Cadence's wedding and once when she was very young. It helped me find my cutie mark and bound us by a string of destiny." "Wow, amazing." She yawned,"I always thought she was the best pegasus ever." "Well, I won't say the best. Both she and Fluttershy were pretty good I must say," Rarity yawned "Yeah, but she's better..." Rainbow slowly fell asleep. “Ancestral favoritism," Rarity uttered, falling asleep. A loud ringing noise woke them up. "What was that?" Rarity asked, jumping up. "That's the alarm." Rainbow said angrily, before pulling the covers over her,"I wish she would change it!" "Wake up or warning?" Rarity asked, shooting up. "Wake up, an annoying one!" Rainbow shouted. "It works." Twilight said, walking in. "Good morning captain, "Rarity smiled. "Morning, Rarity." She motioned towards the door,"Ready for your breakfast?" Rarity noded, "Oh yes, I cannot wait to taste some future cuisine." "Good, replicate some apples from Zacherle IV, computer!" Twilight said,"Those are really juicy." "Mmmm," Rarity smile taking a plate and eating "You are right, very tasty” "So, how was talking to everypony last night?" Twilight asked. "Wonderful, it truly felt like I was back home," Rarity said, "Why didn't you join us?" "I... didn't want to intrude." Twilight gave a soft chuckle,"You were bonding so well with them. "Oh, we wouldn't have minded," Rarity said, "we would've loved the company." Twilight blushed,"But I get so busy with Captain duties,"She gave a sad sigh,"Some days, I don't think I spend too much time with them..." "Well, I do happen to know of a few scheduling tools, "Rarity smiled. "Really?" Twilight asked. "Why yes," Rarity said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a sheet with her magic. "Twilight gave it to me for my birthday last year." Twilight gasped,"Are... you okay with giving it to me?" "I..." Twilight smiled as she took the paper,"Thank you." She pulled something out of her uniform,"Here, take this medallion as thanks." Rarity smiled, "Thank you." "Now, don't you have a duel to get to?" Twilight said with a smile. "Oh, of course," Rarity said, walking away. "I just want to help a friend first." she said with a wink as she walked to the transporter bay, "All right, I am ready." O'Flien sent Rarity to the other ship. Con was waiting for her, various Borg surrounded him as grey wiring laid out before her. "I take it to mean that is your holodeck?" Rarity asked. "No my dear. The Magi-Borg have a poor sense of decorating." He said with a smile. He took her by the hoof and lead Rarity down a long corridor to a large door. He pressed a few buttons, allowing the door to open to reveal a small field, with Canterlot in the distance. "Well, maybe I can help later," Rarity said as she watched the field appear before her. Looking up at Canterlot she smiled, "Hmmmm, thank you so much for making it homey." "I'd thought you'd like it." Con smiled, bringing out a rapier,"It is as beautiful as I remember it." "Indeed it is," Rarit said, bringing out her sword Vorpal and pointing it at him. "You still can stand down." "No, this for all that time spent forcing me to go through space in eternal torment!" He stabbed at her. “Shame, vengeance is so unbecoming," Rarity said, blocking the stab and pushing it to the side. Jumping to his left, she stabbed twice and followed up with an upper slash. Con stepped to the side of the stabs and grunted as the slash hit his face. He did a vertical slash across her barrel, watching her movements carefully. Rarity let out a yelp as the sword manage to pass through the armor. Taking a swipe, she aimed at his legs before going for the flank with a thrust Con leaped over the swipe before parrying the thrust. He swung downwards and then thrusted forward.With a quick slash, Rarity parried the hit, but was unprepared for the stab in her shoulder. With a yelp of Pain, Rarity stared at Con. Stepping back, she thrusted three times bfro slashing upwards and then into a cross slash, following with a thrust.Con took all of the hits to his body. He smirked as he licked the blood from his muzzle and cross slashed at her, and then swiped at her legs. Rarity pulled back in disgust that licking of blood, and then blocked the cross slash before thrusting back. She groaned when she felt the sword cut into her leg. Con sidestepped the thrust as the area shook, causing some bits of the hologram to fizzle. He thrusted forwards at Rarity's chest. Rarity barely managed to block the thrust, returning with one of her own. When she then slashed at his chest. Con blocked the slash, as the area around them began to catch flames. He twirled and slashed at Rarity.The slashes cutting Rarity's back, leaving a deep red gash. As he returned to his position, the flames began to make a line across the battlefield while a girder fell in between them. Jumping onto it, Rarity quickly began to run up it. Con jumped and ran down it, swinging his sword at her as explosions were heard. Rairt blocked each swipe and strike with her blade, At one point the two were in a blladelock, "This place is exploding, is your vengeance that powerful?" "Yes, I will die happily, knowing my vengeance is satisfied!" Con pushed forward as debris began to fall around them. "You're mad!" Rarity said, pulling the blade down and then slash at the midsection of Con. Watching as the girder began to crumble, Rarity used her magic to pull a piece of debris to her and jump onto it, keeping herself afloat. Con screamed as he was slashed. He leaped up several piles of debris and jumped to strike at Rarity,"Perhaps I am mad. But it is only you who made me that way! You, your friends, and your children!" "I have no control over what a pony does with their lives," Rarity said, keeping herself aloft with her magic. Con flew up in the air and struck down with his blade,"Is that an excuse? I won't bother saying more, you'll know of your mistakes in time!" Several spears of metal fell with him. Rarity let out a grunt as the blades collided, causing her to crash down with the spears. Getting up, Rarity yelped in pain as one of the spears stabbed her hind leg. Looked around she braced herself for a torus slash, holding the spears in her magic from hitting Con. Con looked up,"Why are you keeping the spears away from me?" Rarity threw the spears away, "Can't let a strapping stallion like you die that easily, right? Not while you are a good fighter.” Con smirked,"You could've ended this quickly if let them fall!" He thrusted at her. "Well, it would no be fitting if you did not die by my hoof," Rarity said thrusting at the same time. The blades struck along each other until Rarity's blade struck Con in the heart. Con looked down, blood splattering from his mouth,"Well, it looks like you've won." He said as the ship began to explode around them,"Thank you..." A fire ball came towards Rarity, only for two white hooves to wrap around her. The ship exploded in a rainbow, the mares on the deck looked intensely. Twilight sat down in her chair,"She's... not responding." She put her hooves to her face,"We lost her..." "Lost who, now?" Celestia said from behind her, holding Rarity in her hooves. "Rarity landed on the ground, panting. Looking down at her wounds, she saw that her body was healed, "What on earth... Princess Celestia!" exclaimed the unicorn as she bowed before the queen, "My apologies for the title, force of habit." Celestia smiled,"That's alright." Suddenly, the entire bridge glomped Rarity,"And I see they're happy to see you too!" "Girls," Rarity said, her decor forgotten as she hugged them back, "I am so glad that you are all right. "We're alright? We're glad you're okay!" Twilight said, wiping a tear from her eye. "No, was more worry about you lot." Rarity said. "I was hoping that you all wouldn't die on me," Rarity said with a tear. "You idiot." Rainbow chuckled,"You were in more danger than us!" Rarity smiled, "Not really... I had you waiting in the wings." Twilight's eyes widened,"I... thank you." Celestia chuckled,"You seem to have no problem making new friends." "Well, I was stuck in an unknown world with familiar faces, the best way to survive is to make friends in this case," Rarity said with a toss of her mane Celestia smiled, as she looked at the medallion,"Oh, you've already acquired Generosity's medallion?" "Is that what this is?" Rarity asked, holding up the medallion. Celestia nodded,"It grants its wearer the ability of foresight: You can detect the owner of any object you touch.” "Amazing," Rarity said in amazement. "It also seems that my predecessor also knew good fashion." Celestia nodded, before giving Rarity a letter,"Here, I'm sorry you had to wait so long to get it." Dear Rarity, It is my understanding that Valtor has trapped you. For that, I am sorry. I know he's a beast, and all seems hopeless, but fear not! Trust in Twilight, for she has a plan. Generosity. Rarity nodded, and then turned to her friends, "My friends, thank you for letting me stay on your ship and stay here. Than you” Twilight hugged Rarity,"No, thank you for being our friend." The rest of the crew nodded in agreement. Celestia looked at Rarity,"Your Trixie was also here back on Harmonia. Perhaps you'll pass each other," She said with a smile. "Oh I do hope so," Rarity said, looking at the portal, "I am ready Celestia nodded as her horn glowed, bringing Rarity back.