You in Equestria: Let's Save a Kingdom

by RatherHomely


You straighten your T-Shirt and give a polite cough. You didn’t pass your Speech Fundamentals class for nothing! “Pardon me, my good gem” you begin. “I can’t help but notice that both of us have similar interests. We’re like two stones of the same quarry, you might say.”
Tom remains silent.
You continue. “I know one thing’s true; you care for Rarity and I care for Rarity. We both want the best for her, right?”
More silence.
You tug at your T-Shirt nervously. “Um, you see, Rarity is in a bit of a funk right now. Discord's messed with her brain, and she’s become very greedy because of it. If I could just put this around her neck she’d-”
Tom retorts with silence.
“Oh, er, I guess that’s a good point…”
Tom follows up with intense silence.
You begin to sweat. “My mother and I have a great relationship! Don’t you dare bring her-”
Tom concludes with silence.
You break into tears. “Well if that’s how you’re going to be, then FINE. I don’t want to help her anyway!” You run down the stairs, eyes blurry with tears of shame. You swear to never share the horrid messages that cruel stone relayed to you. Never…

> Screw Rarity, you’re never going anywhere near Tom again! Back to the list!