//------------------------------// // A Strange Start... // Story: Truth in my Eyes // by Sir Random J Guy //------------------------------// I threw my head back, staring up into the pretty blue sky, rubbing my tummy contently with my hoof. I let out a little yawn, before coming back down to the table I was sitting at. It was one of those outdoor tables at those restaurants in nice places, and I'd say this place is nice. I'm becoming quite fond of Ponyville. On the other side of this nice table, in a nice place, was a nice pony. Silver also looked stuffed, as he was doing what I had done not too long ago. "Whoo wee, the food here. Ooh, I forgot how good it was..." he said, almost sounding slightly winded he was that full. "Yup." I say dreamily, my eyelids drooping a little. It's still early. "This is possibly one of the best spur of the moment decisions I've ever made." Silver said happily, a mite of triumph in his tone. "Much as I like that cereal, this place does a proper breakfast, doesn't it?" "Yup." I need to splash some water in my face, or get some coffee, or I'll conk out soon. "Right!" Silver said suddenly, jumping up from his chair. "I'mma grab the bill. Scarlett, you can... Sit on your flank, and feel full, I guess." "Sounds good to me." I said, nodding happily at the thought. He then went off, inside the restaurant, while I began staring at the clouds again. Mmmm. This is nice. "So. Somepony had a good breakfast, huh?" A strange muffled voice asked. "Yup." I say dreamil- Wait, who? I looked down again, and I was greeted with a strange sight. In Silver's seat opposite to me, sat a mare. She wore a black latex suit, covering her from hoof to ear, pardon her eyes and snout. Which we both covered by a pair of black tinted flight goggles, like the kind those Wonderbolt ponies might use, and a plastic black muzzle. On her head, she wore a large black hat, leaving no clue to her race, except it was clear she had no wings. "What the...?" This was... Strange. And I dunno why, but I felt slightly uneasy. Maybe it was those piercing goggles. "Bout time we met, ain't it Scarlett?" How does she- "But enough with the pleasantries. Our time in this world isn't infinite, and I'm a busy mare. As such, let's stop beating around the bush, huh?" "Uhh, well what do you want to talk about then?" I asked awkwardly. She titled her head at me, and she was, I assume, staring intensely at me. Sizing me up maybe? Not literally anyway, that wouldn't take as long. (I hope I grow up big and tall when I'm older...) "You really don't know, do you? Or maybe you just pretend not to. Either way, I'm going to ask you a question." "What is it then?" I said, still feeling confused at the strange mare, and her even stranger outfit. "What would you say is the price of freedom?" Woah. That was not what I expected. Hmm, what was I expecting? From her, I don't know, but not that, that's for sure. "Well, I uhh. I suppose it depends." I responded, uncertainty in my tone. A little more than I'd like. "On what?" "If you're guilty or innocent. I suppose I have some faith in our law system, so for the innocent it's time and patience." "And the guilty?" "Uhhh, a lot of money I guess? Bribery can be expensive. Least I'd imagine so. Cause, the kind who'd accept bribes are probably greedy." I said, more confidently than last time. "Especially if you're a Watchpony..." I muttered under my breath. The Mare laughed gently. "Yeah, they are annoying at times. And easy to manipulate." I cocked a brow as she said that. "But I say the price of freedom is usually a little more simple. Determination." "Well, yeah. I suppose that's a way to put it." "It takes determination to last how ever long the system takes, or... Determination and a lot of work to get a guilty pony out." She said, the areas of latex around her muzzle stretching as she spoke, as if she was... Smiling? "Take my word for it, Lil' Buddy!" Her tone seemed a little more cheery than her previously flat tone. "Would you know about that sort of thing, Ms...?" I questioned her, cocking my brow as I did so. "Ohhh yes, I'm very experienced indeed." She still spoke with her cheerier tone, her latex still stretched in the same way as before. "And, call me Hat. Ms. Hat." "Ms. Hat?" I asked, all confused like. "Yup! I like hats, plus what would be the point of this disguise if I told you my real name, silly? You probably wouldn't know it anyway." "Well, that begs the question why are you wearing that disguise?" I asked, while glancing back to see if Silver was coming back soon. "Why does anypony wear a disguise? And don't worry about Silver. He's in good hooves." I stopped right then and there, a cold sense of dread crawling over me. "To hide from ponies! Duh. Or kinky roleplays I guess." She said, tapping her hoof against her chin in thought, glancing waywardly. When she glanced back towards me and the even more confused face I was pulling, she then seemed to snap back to reality. "Oh! Right. I guess I shouldn't talk about that sorta stuff around you. You are only a foal after all. As much as you don't act like it. Kinda like her..." "What's that supposed to mean?" I said sharply. Too sharply. Whoops. A little anger seeped into my tone. I don't want her to think I'm becoming hostile, as she could hurt Silver if she gets annoyed at me... I should just try play along. "You know exactly what I mean. I know you d-" She cut herself off, a look of realisation (probably) crossing her face. "Anyway! To business! Sorry, I'm easily distracted. Not such a good thing in my trade, huh?" As she said this, a waiter was trotting past the table, only glancing at us slightly, till he noticed Ms. Hat, then he stopped, and looked at her with a weirded out look. "Ohhh waiter! Can I have some soup please?" He looked at her some more, still weirded out. "Sure?" "Well, get to it then! Chop chop!" She claps her hooves together to emphasise her point. After the waiter seemed to get over himself, he then responded. "Yes, Ma'am!" Before trotting off speedily, forgetting he was carrying somepony's food on a tray. Ms. Hat then turned to face me again, those black goggles piercing through me. "Soooooooo...?" "So." "Uhhhh." I'm not really good at carrying conversation often, nor starting them, so I don't really like being shoved on the spot like this. Poor me! "Well. I think we've both wasted enough time today. Sorry. I was supposed to discuss your debt, but seems that'll have to wait till another time. Cause uhh... Well. My assistant, Ms. Horn, she needs to get somewhere really soon." She then got up off her chair, getting ready to leave. "Okay then." I said, still not really having a clue what really just happened. And what "debt" does she speak of? "Well, twas fun, Scarlett, but I must go! We'll talk again soon, no doubt! And maybe I'll actually get my point across next time, huh? Anyway, buh bai." Ms. Hat then promptly began to trot off quickly, into the distance. I sat there, a silly face on me, my stomach still sore from that (Admittedly yummy) breakfast, still thoroughly confused. And worried. She knows a bit too much. I mean, sure, I was in the newspaper, but they don't print The Daily Trotter in Ponyville. Wait. Where'd did that copy at home come from...? It was marked with today's date, so Silver couldn't have gotten it yesterday in Canterlot, so... "Here is your soup, Mada- Huh? Where'd she go?" The confused sounding voice of the pale cream waiter pulling my back to reality. "Huh? Oh, uh, I dunno. She just up and left." The pale cream stallion, with a shiny blue mane looked at me, with a slightly annoyed face, before sighing, and shaking his head. "Some ponies..." He tutted, before trotting off again, hoping somepony would order soup soon. Not long after that, my favourite (And only) uncle made an appearance. "Silver! What took you so long?" "Oh! Scarlett! Something strange actually happened to me!" Silver said, taking his seat once again, filling the mare's place. "When I was finished paying the bill, and was about to come back, this little filly came up to me! Cute lil' thing. She seemed lost, and said she couldn't find her mommy. Looked like she'd been crying. So, I helped her look around a bit, but then she suddenly thanked me, and ran off!" I stared at him for a few moments, before asking: "Was she a unicorn...?" "Why yes! She was! How'd ya know?" He asked, with a tone of casual curiosity. I just stared at him, with my look becoming even more worried. "Scarlett?" I dived across the table, hugging him tightly. "Um, yay?" He hugged me back, still a mite confused. I had a really bad feeling in my tummy, and not just from being over stuffed (Although I'll admit that played a big part in it.) but I also had this feeling of dread, dawning over me. I don't trust that Ms. Hat character, and I don't trust her assistant either, maybe even a little less, since I haven't met her. I loosened my grip around Silver. I wonder what could've happened if she got angry at me... I shuddered slightly. "Scarlett...?" He seemed worried now. "I'm just glad you're alright." I said happily, with a sigh of relief. "Glad that I'm alright...? Course I'm alright! I was just paying a bill!" He said happily, ruffling my mane. Just like Daddy... Now's not the time for that. Getting off him and turning towards the semi-busy streets of Ponyville, I turned to him and said. "Well, let's go then! I need a nap!" I said, exaggerating a yawn. "Oh, okay then. Lead the way!" As we began heading home, I felt better. But as I did, I noticed the figure of small horned pony, running out from behind the restaurant hastily. Oh no...