//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - Catching Up and Heading Out // Story: Bucky's New Year // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// *** 1 *** New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day were occasions when the Weather Pegasi made sure to avoid putting up any clouds in any town in Equestria. Especially since the ending of the current year and beginning of a brand new one was a pretty big deal to every pony. None so much as Princess Luna who, for the most part, had the majority of the night off to celebrate with all the ponies who stayed up long into the night to celebrate all that was and all that would be. New Year’s Eve was also a super special time since it was when Fall and Pint’s Pegasus pal, Bucky, was born. This year, the yellow-colored prankster who had a heart even more golden than his mane and tail would be joining his Pinto Unicorn friend, Pint, in turning seven years old. As Pint had done, Bucky invited the whole class from Ms. Star’s schoolhouse to attend his birthday celebration. Although a number of the kids had other plans with their families, a fair number would be attending with their mother’s and/or father’s. In particular would be Fall’s filly friend, Candy Cloud. What made ‘Bucky’s New Year’, as it had become to be known, was the tradition of getting together to party through the night until the moon princess officially declared the old year had passed with the new one just beginning. They would all then drink sparkling cider, share their resolutions for the new year, and go to sleep knowing they’d wake up the next day to Pint’s father, Blissy, baking up the best New Year’s Day breakfast ever. *** “Hey, Fall!” beamed Bucky as he jovially stomped his hooves in the snow. “Are you ready to come to my party?” “Very,” she replied with a nod. “I’ve even gotten every possible chore they could force on me done, too.” “Do you still get help?” asked Pint. “You did say every pony was really being super helpful and nice around Hearths warming.” Fall sighed as her pig tails bobbed along the sides of her head. “Not so much,” she replied. “Some ponies read in the newspaper about how Gallant and Softy had lost their parents just before Hearths Warming. So, just yesterday, their adoption papers were finalized and now they’re gone.” There was a pause as neither Pint nor Bucky knew what to say. “I’m happy for them,” said Fall. “They deserved a good family.” “So do you,” added Pint. “I have you two,” Fall said with a smile. “And Softy told me her and Gallant would be living around town. So, maybe, they’ll be able to help find me a way out of here, too.” Pint and Bucky looked at each other. They knew Fall was being very optimistic, which was good, but they knew it would take a lot more to get her away from the toxic environment that orphanage had within it. “Do you know if either of them will be in Ms. Star’s class?” asked Pint. Fall shook her head. “I’m not sure,” she replied. “All I know is that Softy promised she’d find a way to see me as soon as she found a way to do so with her brother.” “Well,” grinned Bucky while preparing to jump over the fence. “You’ll always have us!” FWOOSH CRUN-CRUNCH-CRUN-CRUNCH Bucky landed quite gracefully over on Fall’s side of the fence. “Wow!” awed Fall. “That had to be your best leap ever!” “Well,” grinned Bucky. “You’ve given me a lot of opportunities to practice.” Fall tucked a small object under her headband, hopped onto Bucky’s back, and held on tight as he reared back, scraped his hoof in the snow, and leapt proudly over to the other side of the fence. “Freedom!” cried the yellow Pegasus as he landed upon the other side. “You really are getting better,” complimented Pint. “I’m so used to you fumbling about as a Pegasus, but I really think your becoming less of a klutz.” Bucky snorted towards his undersized, Pinto friend. “And how is that magic coming along?” he asked. “F-fine,” stammered Pint. “I can almost lift a book off the coffee table in our living room.” “You know I’m just messing with you?” asked Bucky while positioning himself so Pint could climb up alongside Fall. “When aren’t you messing with me?” asked Pint as he hopped aboard and snuggled against Fall. “Good point,” giggled the proud, yellow Pegasus. “I don’t see me stopping anytime soon.” Pint smiled as he looked into Fall’s blue eyes. He truly was happy to see her and know that he, his family, Bucky’s family, and their other friends would be all together to celebrate the New Year. “Ready to head off for the most awesome time of your lives?” asked Bucky. “Yeah,” said Pint. “Let’s get away from this place.” “Oh! ” gasped Fall. “Do you know if River Runner is coming to the party?” Bucky thought for a moment. “Not sure,” he said. “I just invited the whole class and thought whoever could make it would make it to my party.” “Okay,” said Fall while jumping down from the yellow Pegasus’ back. “I just want to get something real quick.” Pint and Bucky watched as fall dug out her school bag from underneath the snow. She then opened it and pulled out a collection of Backyard Brawlers cards. “Is that it?” asked Bucky. “Yes,” she replied while handing the cards to Pint before Bucky knelt down for her to get back on his back. “And we’re off!” proclaimed the proud Pegasus as he galloped off towards his house.