Shipfic Folder Series

by SS Nomad

In Which Big Macintosh Admits Something to Rarity

Humming as she worked, Rarity’s day was going along quite nicely. Unlike the average pony, who tended to slowly come to hate their work, she truly loved making dresses. Making the day’s prospects even more delightful was an upcoming date. She and Big Macintosh had been seeing each other for a few months now, and he had proven quite a charmer. Reserved, but sturdy. Quiet, but affectionate.

Rarity beamed, perhaps this was a relationship she wanted to take further. The going had been slow, Mac being more reserved in romance than she’d expected. It took him almost a month to gather the will for their first real kiss, but what a kiss it was. Noticing she’d stopped working, Rarity got back to making dresses with added fervor.

A knock came at the door. Surprised, Rarity stepped into the main room and swung the door open, expecting a customer. Instead, the doorframe was nearly filled with a wall of muscle with a vibrant red coat.

“Afternoon, Rarity,” Big Mac stated in a tone most would hear as flat.

Rarity knew better, she could hear the hesitance in his tone, “Mac, darling. Do come in. Is something wrong? You’re here awfully early.”

“Yeah, well, Ah just came from the doctor,” he mumbled, having trouble making eye contact.

“Oh my goodness,” Rarity exclaimed, rushing to his side to look him over, “Are you alright? What happened?”

“Well,” Big Mac explained, “Ah’d been feeling sick recently. Kinda tired too. AJ told me to see the doctor and uh…”

“Yes, darling, do go on,” Rarity egged.

Big Macintosh cleared his throat and took a deep breath before announcing, “Ah think you mighta got me pregnant.”

Rarity was shocked still for a moment before sense got the better of her and she started laughing, “Oh, dear, I can’t believe you just got me with that. I feel like a total fool. I must say, impressive prank.”

“Uhh…” Mac scratched at the floor hesitantly, “Ah ain’t jokin’.”

Rarity’s laughter froze in her throat, “I… what?”

“Doc said Ah was about two months in.”

Rarity raised a hoof like she was about to argue, but no words formed properly in her mind.

“Ah’m not really sure how you want to handle this,” Big Mac mumbled awkwardly.

Rarity sat on the ground, dumbfounded, “But you’re a stallion.”


“Big Mac, you do understand how pregnancy works, yes?”

Mac stamped the ground and snapped out in frustration, “Well darn it, Ah thought Ah did, but Ah guess Ah was wrong.”

Rarity craned her neck around to look at Big Mac’s underside. Everything looked perfectly normal for a healthy stallion of his size. She looked up at him again in confusion.

“Should we like… get married or something?” Big Mac awkwardly posited, “Like, ain’t that what you do in this sorta sityation?”

“But we haven’t even…” Rarity trailed off, making hoof gestures, “You know…”


“Do we really-” Rarity started before a quick pause to think about what she was saying, “This feels so ridiculous to say. Do we really know it’s mine?”

Big Macintosh looked insulted, “Ain’t like Ah been with anypony else in the past two months.”

“I didn’t…” Rarity stumbled before deflating sadly, “Sorry, that came out wrong.”

Big Mac walked over and put a hoof over her shoulder, “Don’t worry, Ah understand.”

Rarity looked up at him through dampened eyes, “You do?”

“Yeah,” Mac explained, “Ah was the same way when Ah got Derpy pregnant.”