//------------------------------// // Lunch Time // Story: The Life Of Pinkie Pie // by Moon Princess //------------------------------// Lunch wasn't necessarily Pinkie's favorite part of the school day. Sure, she got sometime to relax, eat, and hang out with her friends, but she and Twilight also had to sit next to Babs. Its wasn't always fun. For one, Babs was just downright annoying. Everyone thought so. She acted like a know-it-all and was just obnoxious. She liked Pinkie, but Pinkie didnt like her. She liked hanging out with Twilight, but Babs didnt like Twilight. The only reason she hung out with her was because of Pinkie. This already was a bad situation. Babs and Twilight always argued with each other. When they couldn't find a solution, Babs blamed it on Pinkie, so she always felt guilty for something. Pinkie had a stomach ache one time at lunch because she was so scared of Babs. She sat outside by herself, this time being successful hiding from Babs. She only went to talk to Twilight for a second, and then walked away. Babs pulled Twilight with her to go look for Pinkie. "What is wrong with you?" asked Babs once they found her. "You dont have a stomach ache, you're fine. Youre being a real bitch!" Pinkie didnt understand. She never did anything wrong to her. She cried in her science class, and lied saying that it was because of stuff at home, knowing that Babs would once again turn the story around. Twilight was really sensitive. She cried a lot, mostly at lunch. Babs always yelled at her and called her a crybaby. Pinkie tried standing up for her, but she knew Babs couldn't be stopped. Pinkie and Twilight tried staying away from her, but she would go looking for them and would always wind up finding them and she wouldn't leave. They played games with each other on their computers, which always lead to arguments. Babs started arguments over the smallest and stupidest things with Twilight. Twilight would often get extremely frustrated and cry, and Babs would once again call her a crybaby. Pinkie was concerned about Twilight. She knew something was wrong, and was determined to find out what it was. "Hey Twilight." said Pinkie. "Yeah?" replied Twilight. "What's wrong?" asked Pinkie. "What do you mean?" "You're always crying. Is everything okay?" "It's just, there's a lot of stuff going on at home and here." "Like what?" asked Pinkie. "You can tell me." "I've, uh, been thinking about, well, killing myself." Pinkie was shocked. Her best friend was suicidal. This was the first time she had to go through something like this. Her great grandfather died not too long before this, and she didnt want to lose anyone else. "I've been bullied really bad." continued Twilight. "Mostly by Babs. My grandfather died not too long ago, and we were close. My parents have been arguing with each other, so I stay up late and cry a lot. I hate this. I just want to die." Pinkie wasn't sure what to do. She had no experience in this. For the first time in her life, she felt lost. Babs eventually found out. She and Pinkie tried taking her to the school counselor, but she wouldn't come. They eventually had to trick her into going to their lockers to bring her to the counselor. They had to pull her inside once she realized what was happening. "Hello." said the counselor. "What do you girls need?" "Twilight wants to talk to you." said Babs. "No I don't!" she yelled. "I'm fine!" "Girls, please." said the counselor. "Please let me speak to Twilight in private." Pinkie didnt want to leave her, but that was probably the only way to get her to talk. Babs and Pinkie quietly left the room to go get ready for their next class. They later found out that the counselor got premission to let Twilight's parents know how she's been feeling. She would try hurting herself often. She was taken to the hospital to get help from her doctor. They worked out a plan for her to use the next time she felt like this. They discovered that she got help at the last minute. They said she was at the tip of the iceberg. Everyone always complained that Pinkie defended Twilight too much, but she was the only one who really knew what was happening. Besides, she wasn't just going to sit there an let her best friend get yelled at. Twilight was later assigned a special school counselor that she saw every Thursday at lunch. She would meet with her in private, and she would check up on Twilight to make sure she was okay, and find things to keep her happy. Even after all this, Pinkie knew that she was never fully cured. Things went okay for the most part after that, until Babs called them over to the field at their school at lunch a few months later. "So Twilight." said Babs. "Remember how you were suicidal?" "Yeah." said Twilight. "Well I am too." Not again. "What do you mean?" asked Twilight. "Theres crap going on at home." replied Babs. "My grandparents are dead, I've been accused of raping my brother and my dad hit me for it because he believed it, and my parents are divorced so I rarely see my dad. There's knives at my house, so it wouldn't be hard." Twilight whispered something in Pinkie's ear, and Pinkie nodded. Twilight quickly walked away while she stayed with Babs. Twilight came back with a teacher. She had told her what Babs said. "Babs." said the teacher. "Is it true?" "What, no!" said Babs in a high pitched voice. "Yes it is." said Pinkie. "What!" said Babs. "Im just kidding!" "Babs, this isn't something to joke about. Talk to me tomorrow." The teacher walked away. Pinkie isn't sure what happened after that. Babs is still alive, but she still doesn't know she was joking or not, or if she ever got help. Boy, were those days at lunch crazy or what.