Darkness of the Eclipse

by Silverstream233

Chapter 26

A few days after the battle ended

Luna stood alongside Celestia, Cadence and Twilight at the entrance of Tartarus. Her sister had agreed that all four alicorns should play a part in banishing Asteria.

"Are you sure you want to do this to me?" Asteria pushed her face close to the bars, but she was staring at Luna as she spoke. Luna's gaze hardened.

"There is no other punishment that we would have chosen for you," Luna replied, and dropped her gaze.

"I only ever wanted to better Equestria. Why must I be punished for wanting the things I desire so bad?" Asteria's gaze were fixed on Luna.

"Enough. You have not told us anything that would make us forgive you," Celestia said sternly.

"And what has Luna done?" Asteria snapped.

"More than enough," Twilight responded, before Luna could speak.

"Do what you must then," Asteria said at last, her voice weary.

They stood at each side of Asteria's cage, the tips of their horns glowing brilliantly. Their magic swirled around Asteria, glowing brighter until it transported her cage deep into the prison of Tartarus. Cerberus gave one hefty growl and shifted his position slightly to keep an eye on his new prisoner. The princesses climbed back into the carriages. Luna took one last glance back as their guards flew them back to Canterlot Castle. Inside the castle, Celestia and Luna sat side by side, reading some books along with cookies as snacks

"Hey, Celestia," Luna began.

"Yes, Luna?" Celestia's eyes shifted towards her.

"Can we promise each other never to keep secrets again? You don't know how I felt when I realized I had a third sister..and you've kept this secret for all that time. We need to be able to trust each other. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do Luna. And yes, I promise," Celestia rested a hoof on hers.

"O-ok...since you've told your secret...I want to tell mine. It's about Thunder Hoof...my guard," Luna began uncertainly.

"What's up? Do you want a new guard?"

"Oh no!" Luna said quickly. "It's just that...I..." She paused, not knowing what to say.

"It's ok. Tell me," Celestia said gently.

"Am I allowed to love?" Luna burst out. Celestia recoiled slightly.

"Of course you are! You love me, your friends, your kingdom," Celestia pointed out

"No...it's not that kind of love," Luna struggled to get the words out. "It's more like Cadence and-" Luna stopped, studying her sister's expression. There was shock in her eyes. Luna got up, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Luna, wait! It's ok!" Celestia told her.

"How can it be ok?" Luna snapped. "My duty shouldn't be to Thunder Hoof. His duty is to serve me, not love me. My duty is to protect Equestria. How can I-" She stopped, as Celestia hugged her close to her.

"Luna..." She murmured. "I can't stop your feelings for him, but I don't know if this relationship could ever be real. Maybe you will admire him, but I don't think it will become official..." She trailed off. Luna let a deep sigh.

"I understand," She said quietly. She headed towards her door, ignoring her sister's plead to come back. She nearly bumped into her adviser and closest friend Musical Night. She was a pale blue unicorn with a silver and purple mane.

"Princess!" She gasped, bowing down instantly. "My apologies! I didn't see you!"

"Don't worry about it, Musical," Luna said warmly. "Have you been looking out for any constellations?"

"Oh yes! I've written down all the cosmic events predicted for this moon," She opened the flap on her bag and gave her a list.

"I'll be happy to let you borrow my telescope!" Musical said happily.

"Oh no. It's quite alright. I'll be able to see it just fine from my window. Do you mind if I copy this?" Luna asked.

"I'll do it for you," Musical said instantly.

"No, it's quite alright," Luna began, but Musical dipped her head again.

"Your highness, it's my duty. She took her list back and raced off. Luna stared after her and shook her head, finally heading back to her room. She took out her book on nocturnal creatures and several other books and stacked them on her desk. It would be a long night. A loud buzzing noise disturbed her studies earlier that day and Luna walked towards the throne room where the noise was coming from.

"Luna! Is something wrong?" Celestia called out to her just as she was about to open the doors.

"The noises are distracting me. What is that?" She turned to the door once more, but Celestia stopped her.

"Asteria's dark magic messed up the room a bit so Cadence and Twilight are helping to clean it up. Her friends arrived a few minutes ago to help,"

"Are you sure you don't need me to help too?"Luna asked.

"Oh no, it's fine. You should rest," Celestia insisted, nudging her back towards her room. Luna looked curiously over at her sister, but didn't ask any more questions and headed back towards her room.

A month later, nearing the winter solstice....

As Luna read through her papers, a scroll flew into her room sent by a familiar green flame. Curious, Luna opened it and gave a small cry as confetti burst out, covering her mane. Laughing, she shook it off and read the letter.

Dear Princess Luna,

I hope you are doing well. I know you are very busy but my friends and I would like to invite you to a sleepover party on the 20th day of the 12th month of this year. Pinkie pie was very eager to make this invitation and Rarity helped to decorate it. I know it has been a while since we have seen each other and your last visit wasn't the more fun. Since we are friends, it is only polite that we invite you. Ponyville would love to see you visit more often, just as Princess Celestia has. We hope to see you soon.

Princess Twilight

Luna finished the letter and looked up, smiling.

"Yikes!" Luna jumped back when she lowered the letter and saw her sister standing there.

"Sorry, Luna," Her sister apologized but she was snickering slightly.

"Don''t do that," Luna grumbled, as she placed the letter on her desk. Celestia peered over to read it.

"You've been invited to a sleepover? That's wonderful!" Celestia smiled warmly.

"But do I have time to go?" Luna asked worriedly.

"We all need a break from our royal duties sometimes. Even I take strolls in the garden to relax a bit, but you never really join me," Her sister's voice grew small.

"I prefer walks alone with my guard, but we could walk together next time," Luna said calmly, careful not to mention Thunder Hoof's name. "A stroll in the moonlight would be nice," She added. She peered over at her calendar and blinked in surprise as she realized how close her birthday was.

"I'm not sure if I can go to the sleepover. We always celebrate my birthday the day before," Luna said suddenly.

"We can change things up a bit this year. I'm sorry, Luna but I'm not even sure if I'll have time to celebrate it with you. I'm really busy that week," Celestia's eyes were upset.

"Oh,"Luna said softly. She turned back to her desk so her sister wouldn't see her tears.

"Luna...I'm really sorry," Celestia began but Luna cut her off.

"It's fine, sis...royal duties are important..and I..can you just leave me to my studies?" Luna said at last. Celestia cast one last glance at her before exiting her room. When she was gone, Luna told her guards to fetch Musical Night.

"Is everything alright, princess?" Musical walked into her room and closed the door behind her.

"Everything's fine. I just need some company. Come, let's sit on my cushion," Luna waved a hoof invitingly.

"Are you sure?" Musical looked uncertain.

"Musical Night, I've already told you it's ok for us to spend time together. We're friends. And when we're alone, I'd like you to call me Luna," She said firmly.

"Alright, pri-, I mean alright Luna," Musical settled down next to Luna. "Is there something you need to talk to me about? Wouldn't Celestia be better?"

"No," Luna said flatly, her voice dull. "I'm not the happiest with her right now."

"Oh," Musical leaned in closer to Luna. "Why not?"

"She told me that she might not have time to celebrate my birthday this year," Luna said at last, her voice quivering.

"What?" Musical gasped. "But why? She's always had time!"

"Exactly. Even when she has plenty of royal duties, she's found time. Maybe she's actually mad at me for abandoning her that night," Luna said bitterly.

"That wasn't your fault!" Musical said fiercely. "You told me that she ordered you to leave. Why would she blame it on you?"Luna was lost for words. Part of her still resented her sister, but not because her sister had forced her to abandon her, but because of the words she had spoken that night. It had been bothering her for a long time, but she never wanted to speak to her sister about it. With a sigh, Luna poured out her feelings to her friends and the words that Celestia had spoken while wearing the corrupt amulet. The only other ponies who had heard those words were Twilight and her friends.

"I know she never meant it, but it still hurts hearing those words coming from her," Luna finished. Musical's eyes were full of concern and she wrapped her hooves around Luna to give her a hug.

"I'll tell the guards I'm having dinner inside my room. You can stay and eat with me. I rather not see my sister at the dinner table," Luna murmured. She poked her head outside and spoke with the guards before slipping back inside. She walked out to her balcony and peered out over the city of Canterlot.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Here's the list of cosmic events you wanted," Musical pulled out a rolled up piece of paper wrapped in a sparkly blue ribbon from her pocket.

"Thank you," Luna placed the parchment on her desk. "So, how is your sister doing? Silver Pen, is it?"

"Oh yes! She's doing great! She's always in her room, writing up stories. She's getting ready to sell her newest book. She's planning on opening a book store in Canterlot," Musical night said excitedly.

"That's great!" Luna smiled and wrapped a wing over her friend. She used to magic to levitate two books and they spent the rest of the afternoon reading and talking. At dinnertime, the cook bought in two plates of food. After they ate, Musical and Luna sat reading books together when a soft knock interrupted them.

"Yes?" Luna called.

"Your highness, your sister wishes to speak with you. May she enter?" A guard's voice answered her.

"You should talk to her," Musical urged.

"No," Luna said firmly.

"We are busy," Luna told the guard. "Tell her to come another time."

"But your highness, she says its urgent." The guard insisted.

"Very well, she may come in. Musical, could you excuse us?" Luna got up. The purple unicorn dipped her head and exited the room.

"Luna, why weren't you at dinner? Were you feeling ok?" Celestia asked worriedly.

"What is the urgent matter you needed to speak to me about?" Luna questioned, ignoring her sister's concerns.

"It's about Black Ember, Trixie's cousin. He wants to redeem himself," Celestia told her. Luna felt shock coursing through her body along with anger as she remembered what he had done.

"I will never forgive him," Luna said coldly. "If that is all, I must go raise the moon. Good night," She turned and closed the door behind her sister as she walked out. She walked onto the balcony and slowly raised the moon with her magic. After she was done, she organized the area where she and Musical had sat. As she tucked herself into bed, she hoped that she would have good dreams to visit that night instead of the haunting image of Nightmare Moon looming over her.