//------------------------------// // Meeting rarity(revised) // Story: A teenagers guide to equestria // by Rangefinder Rewinder //------------------------------// Rex silently stirs from his slumber,leaning up In his bed. "God I feel like Shit..." He says rubbing the sides of his head. His head has been killing him, ever since he started walking to the tree house. He shakes his head, hoping it would go away. He slowly turns, and sits on the edge of the bed. Marcus silently snores under the covers. Rex smiles, thinking of lazy nights back home with marcus sleeping peacefully next to him, as rex watchs whatever he can find on tv, or YouTube if he couldn't find anything on tv. But thinking of home, only makes him wish he was already there. Rex gets up and walks to the window, he opens it and sees one mare walking down the street.He leans out of the window, taking a deep breath."Well atleast the air is clean." He starts tapping his foot against the wall, a habit he developed over the years. "Why is everything in this place so damn colorful? It looks like a four year olds dream." He says accidentally ramming his toe into the wall, he bites his lip instantly feeling the jolts of pain go through his body. He can barely hold in the storm of insults, he looks at the mare in the street who's still just walking." Hey you!" He yells at her as she looks around looking for the sound of the voice, she finally sees rex. "M-me?" She says confused and scared. "Yes you!!" Rex yells back in response. "W-what?" She says timidly. "Fuck you and everything you live for" He says before slamming shut the window, walking back to the bed. He sighs and falls back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. He looks at Marcus who's still sleeping peacefully where he was before, rex shakes his head at how the dog can sleep through so much. He leans up and looks at the door to the room, contemplating if he should look around."fuck it." He whispers getting up, walking to the door. He puts his hand on the handle, about to open it when he hears voices coming from outside. "Thank you again for coming, it is rather urgent." He hears the familiar voice of twilight sparkle. "Oh its absolutely fine darling, I was planning on coming over today anyway." He hears a slightly posh voice that he's never heard before. "What is it that you wanted to tell me?" He hears the posh voice say. "Well......me and applejack found a.....strange thing in the woods, it looked injured so we brought it to applejacks barn." He hears twilight say. "Oh my is it okay?" He hears the posh voice say. "Yes...I think so atleast, he's staying in the guest room. He's asleep at the moment." He hears twilight say. "He?" He hears the posh voice say. "Yes....it's a male, it also can speak." Twilight says. "Hmm, may I see him?" The posh voice says. "Well....only for a moment, but be quiet." Twilight says, followed by loud hoovesteps coming up the stairs. Rex bolts to his bed and under the covers, pretending to be asleep. He hears the door silently creak open, as he hears silent knocks against the wooden floor coming towards him. "This is it?" He hears the posh voice say right behind him, as his back is against the door. "Yes that's it." He hears twilight say. "Poor thing...what's his name?" She says stroking rex's cheek with her hoof, sending shivers down his body. "Rex I believe." He hears twilight say. "He has a very strange name." He hears the posh voice say. "Hey my name isn't that strange..." Rex says suddenly turning over, making the mare jump. He finally gets a look at this unknown mare, she has a snow white coat and a wavey dark purple mane. The mare sits on the floor surprised, "oh....uh, hey." rex says looking down at her. "Um......hello." the mare says back,"twilight says your name is rex?" She says standing back up, now eye to eye with rex. "That is correct, and your name is?" Rex says staring into the middle of her giant eyes, wanting to make a comment on how she looks like a giant marshmallow. "Rarity, it's a pleasure to meet you rex." She says smiling. "The pleasure is mine." Rex replys. "You're so polite as well!" Rarity says giggling a little. "I aim to please." Rex says laughing a little. "You'll fit in perfectly" rarity says turning back to twilight. "Well hopefully I'll only be in here for a few days." Rex says hoping that twilight can actually send him home. "If you happen to be staying longer than that, don't be afraid to ask me for anything you need. Especially if it has to do with your wardrobe." She says walking past twilight. "Yes rarity is the local fashionista, she makes the best clothes ive ever seen." Twilight says walking over to rex. "Well...sorry for bothering you, you may go back to sleep if you wish while I start preparing the spell." She says with a sigh, walking out of the room shutting the door, bathing the room in silence. Rex sighs and lays back down his head still aching, he closes his eyes. Trying not to think about his current situation, his mind floods with thoughts of home,making him shiver. Still putting his mind at rest, he's sleeping within minutes.