The Life Of Pinkie Pie

by Moon Princess

Pinkie Pie's School Morning

Pinkie Pie silently sat in the car with her mom on the way to school. She was scared to go. She had been bullied a lot in school in the past. Called names, stuff taken from her, called names in different languages they knew she didn't understand, etc. Bullies were the things that often made her scared to even show up there. She wished that things could get better.

She sat silently, looking out the window, having her usual daydreams on the way there. Pinkie dreamed about superheroes, magic powers, or really anything she was interested in. She had all these great ideas for stories, but never thought they would ever be useful.

Her thoughts were interrupted once she reached her school. She grabbed her backpack and said goodbye to her mom. She walked into school, not caring that she was late as usual.

She quietly went to her locker. The sounds of her footsteps echoed through the halls. Once she arrived there, she opened her locker, and only kept the items she would need. The rest were put in her locker until they would become useful for her. She grabbed a notebook, a binder, a pencil, and her computer. Once the items were collected, Pinkie closed her locker and walked to her classroom.

Pinkie was scared to show up. There were these two people that seemed to love bugging the shit out of her. The first was Babs Seed. Her so called 'friend'. Babs, Twilight, and Pinkie used to be best friends, until Babs started being really mean to them, and they weren't sure why. She would spread lies about them, have a bad attitude, and start arguments for no reason. Pinkie tried telling the school counselor about it, but Babs would always turn the story around and act like she was the victim. She would not leave Pinkie and Twilight alone.

Next was good old Noteworthy. Pinkie only saw him at the beginning of the day, but she'd prefer not to see him at all. He called her fat even though she was really skinny and light weight for her age. His sister Diamond Tiara thought she was one of the popular girls in school. Even she told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. He would embarrass Pinkie by making weird noises and yelling out things and blamming it on her. Of course everyone else in the class would join in on it. She liked her teacher, but hated and dreaded seeing her classmates. What a catch. She slowly walked into the classroom.

"Youre late again." said Noteworthy, all to happy to remind her.

Pinkie ignored him and took her seat, which just so happened to be next to Noteworthy and Diamond Tiara. What luck.

Pinkie wasn't the most attractive pony at school. She had really long hair that was always in a pony tail, she had glasses, and bad acne. Noteworthy was pleased that he could remind her how bad she looked everyday.
Noteworthy would then start whispering things in Spanish to Pinkie Pie. She didn't know spanish, and he took the advantage. His sister on the other hand could, so she just sat there the whole time and laughed at her.

Pinkie kept her eye on the clock, waiting for these two periods she was stuck in there for to end and for break to start. Of course it wasn't coming anytime soon.
The teacher was having them get into groups for a project, and they could pick their partners, which was the part Pinkie hated about being in that class. Babs would force her to be in her group. Pinkie couldn't stand her, but she didnt have a choice.

Once the teacher let them walk around and find their partners, Pinkie tried hiding from Babs Seed, but it didn't work.

"Pinkie!" said Babs, pulling on Pinkie's arm. "Come be my partner! "

There was no use telling her no. She would force her to do it anyway.

"Uh, okay." said Pinkie. Babs pulled her by the arm as they went to go look for other ponies to be in their group. Pinkie hated being pulled, but Babs wouldn't listen to her.

Once they got their group together, they had to start working together. Pinkie kept quiet, because Babs would just shoot down any idea she had. Babs mostly used the ideas she came up with.
They had to work on an anti-bullying poster, (how ironic) and it needed pictures and bright colors. Pinkie wasn't really good at drawing, but the teacher let them trace pictures as well. Pinkie had a few ideas, but she just kept her mouth shut.

They made a lot of progress the first day. They had Pinkie hold onto it overnight, which was a huge mistake. When she brought it back to school the next day, she put the poster on top of her locker while she got her things. When she was done and reached for the poster, it was gone. Somepony stole it.

Pinkie's heart started beating out of her chest in fear. What would Babs say? She slowly walked into class.

Babs was pissed when she found out. She started yelling at her. The other members of the group were disappointed in her, too. Once Babs was done yelling at her, she and the others had to work fast to remake the poster. Pinkie shared some ideas that could help them work faster, but they were all shot down. Just as she predicted.

Things got heated really fast. Babs became frustrated because things weren't going her way. They didnt finish the project in time, so they had to come in at lunch. Pinkie, Babs, and Carrot Top were the only ones out of the group that came. They still had a lot to do, since most of the time was spent arguing with each other.

Babs started tracing the one picture that was required for the poster, which left nothing for Pinkie and Carrot to do, since Babs had the poster. She looked at them and complained that they weren't doing anything and were being lazy, when she never gave them anything to do. They started writing down things on pieces of paper and would later glue it onto the poster.

Pinkie really didnt want to be here. Its the last place she wanted to be, but she knew Babs would be pissed if she didnt come help.

It was only half way done when the bell rang, but she honestly didn't care. They learned that that had to wait until tomorrow to turn it in, so this time they left it in the classroom overnight, not trusting Pinkie with it thid time.

Usually at lunch, she would sit with Babs and Twilight Sparkle. They would sit in the cafeteria, eat, talk, and play games on their computers. Everything seemed normal, but on the inside, Twilight was screaming out for help.