//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Twelve Years Ago in Canterlot // by SS Nomad //------------------------------// Cadance sat across the table, deep in thought. Shining Armor was not exactly the stallion she'd expected him to be when she'd first encountered him. He lacked the macho military streak that most of the guards had, and that made him interesting. She could tell he'd evaded the question of why he joined the guard, but let him off the hook on that since the question had made him visibly tense. As she watched him grow flustered, she could tell her efforts had paid off. It didn't take an expert in body language to see he was attracted to her. She just kept smiling and sipped her mocha. He'd been fun to talk to and even more fun to toy with. Maybe, just maybe... Cadance stood gracefully and finally spoke, "Would you excuse me for a moment?" Shining looked like he was happy to get some time to think, but then realized, "I'm not really sure I can, I'm supposed to be guarding you." "Oh please," Cadance teased, "I'm sure you guys already have the building surrounded. I mean look, Lancer is right over there." Behind Shining Armor, and doing a remarkably good job blending in, another royal guard unicorn had taken up a position near the end of the bar in order to watch the hallway that lead to the back door and restrooms. Sergeant Lancer had been in the guard for many years and had developed a decent rapport with Cadance in that time. She wouldn’t quite call him a friend, but he was always a welcome presence. Cadance nodded toward the back hallway and continued, “Besides, it’s not like you’re allowed in there anyway.” It only took a short moment for Shining Armor to catch on, “Oh, yes, of course. I’ll just, uh… wait... here then.” Holding in a light chuckle, Cadance turned toward the restroom. On her way past the bar, Lancer spoke up, “Torturing the new recruits again?” The chuckle finally escaped her lips, “Only a little.” They both subtly turned to look at Shining Armor, who was facing away from them shuffling awkwardly in his seat. Lancer was the first to speak up, “I guess he still takes you seriously.” “Lancer,” Cadance replied with mock insult, “I’m a princess. We need to be taken seriously. It’s his job. Yours too, I’ll remind you.” “Don’t worry Princess,” he replied after a sip of his black coffee, “I take you exactly as seriously as you deserve.” “Shut up, Lancer,” Cadance snapped playfully. Stepping into the hallway, Cadance turned back to look at Shining Armor. He still seemed to be distracted with whatever he was stressing over, so this was the perfect opportunity. She closed her eyes and focused on her magic. Despite her inherent magical aptitude and it being her special talent, it still took immense focus for her to view the strands of fate and see whose souls are bound to one another by their destined love. She took a deep, practiced breath, putting a hoof to her chest as she inhaled and letting it fall as she exhaled. She was hopeful for what she would see, and it was distracting her. She repeated the process, letting her mind clear. Finally ready, she opened her eyes. Lyra was at the table. Clearly flirting with Shining Armor. Concentration immediately shattered, Cadance quickly started moving back towards the table. Lyra had some sort of package, it almost looked like a gift of some kind. Cadance wasn’t sure what was going on, but since it was Lyra, she didn’t like the odds. Lyra turned to her as she approached, “Oh hey, there you are.” Struggling to not show her distress at the situation, Cadance responded, “What brings you here, Lyra?” Lyra shrugged, “Eh, you know. Walking home when I saw a suspicious number of bulky stallions wandering around outside the building, so I figured you were here.” Cadance glanced to Shining Armor, who looked more confused than ever, before asking Lyra a follow up, “Did you need something?” “Nah, just felt like saying hi, since you bailed earlier,” Lyra explained, a smug grin slowly forming on her face, “Mind if I join you two?” Cadance finally saw what was happening, “Actually, I was about ready to leave. Shining, could you go grab the bill from the counter?” Shining Armor, happy to have a mindless order that brought him away from confusing mares, hopped up and walked away from the table. As soon as he trotted away, Cadance turned to Lyra and spoke in a frustrated whisper, “What’s your game, here?” Lyra smirked, stealing one of the last donut holes from Cadance’s plate, “You’re not the only one who can cock-block.” Cadance quickly blushed and stammered, “I wasn- I mean. He’s… Shut up.” With her victory secured, Lyra leaned on the table, looking over to Shining Armor at the counter, “Not bad, though, how’d you find him?” “He’s a guard,” Cadance replied shortly. Lyra smiled and parroted in a poor imitation of Cadance's voice, "'I don't look at my guards like that.'" Cadance only responded with a flat, disappointed stare. At least, until something caught her attention, “What’s in the box?” Thrown off, Lyra looked at her gift box. After a few seconds staring, she looked inside, “Looks like chocolate things.” Cadance leaned over, “Bon-bons? You bought two dozen without knowing what they are?” “Yeah,” Lyra replied, “I dunno, I was at the chocolate shop and they looked good.” “You stole my donut,” Cadance announced, stealing a bon-bon and taking a small bite. Her eyes widened, “Where in Equestria did you get these?” “You know that confectioner on Saddle Street?” Lyra asked, lifting a bon-bon but not taking a bite. “Apparently a mare from out of town is apprenticing there and makes these.” “I need these in my life,” Cadance responded seriously, finishing her confection. “Need what?” Shining armor asked, returning to the table. Cadance pointed at the box of chocolates and the large decorative label on the lid. Shining Armor regarded it seriously as Lyra ate her bon-bon whole. Just as he was about to reach for one, Lyra abruptly closed the box with magic and put it under the table. “Nope,” Lyra announced, “These are mine. Both of you go get your own.” Disappointed in Lyra, Cadance turned to Shining Armor, “Well, I suppose I can’t spend the whole night here, can I?” “After you,” he gestured toward the door. Over his shoulder, Lyra was making exaggeratedly encouraging faces at Cadance, but she shrugged Lyra off and turned toward the door. Reminding herself she would have more chances to catch Shining Armor alone, Cadance defeatedly left the shop. The smell of an herbivore owned tavern never set well with the Queen of the Changelings. The drinks smelled like mulch and there wasn’t that wonderful aroma of charred flesh. On top of that, the sounds of a dozen or so rowdy ovines was a cacophony even to the ears of one who lived with the song of a thousand voices in her head at all times. The atonal bleats were pushed to the background as she noticed her target. She looked almost like a light brown furred changeling without wings. What an odd creature. Chrysalis couldn’t really tell what the face looked like, since he had a large hat on and was writing some notes as he sat in the far corner of the bar. Chrysalis approached calmly, calling out to the stranger in her stolen voice, “Are you busy?” The pony looked up, clearly surprised at a goat abruptly appearing, “Um… Not particularly. Do you need something?” Now able to get a good look at her, Chrysalis could see the pony’s face properly. So oddly similar to a changeling. It was almost troubling. She could taste the suspicion and curiosity off of the pony, and she knew enough to guess that this particular soul had seen strife before. “I’ve heard that you’re an adventurer like me, I was just wondering if we could trade notes,” Chrysalis effortlessly lied. The pony calmed, “Oh, sure. I take it you’re from the tribes to the south?” “Yes,” Chrysalis bleated, “I heard you’re from the other side of the Hayseed, is that correct?” The pony nodded, “Yeah, a nation called Equestria. Wonderful place, very peaceful. If you can find a way through the swamps, it’s worth a visit.” Chrysalis cackled inwardly, “I might just. Do you have a map?” “Yeah, hold on,” he said, rummaging through a saddlebag, “Here we go.” It was a smaller swamp than Chrysalis had realized. The details of the map were certainly good enough for her. Now knowing where she’d be going, she looked up to the pony, “These maps reasonably accurate?” “They’ve always worked for me,” he replied. With a smile, she stood to leave, taking amusement at the pony’s confusion. Apparently he expected something in return for that information. The thought amused her. After a passing nod of gratitude to the subject who brought her here, she silently collected Squire and walked out the door of the tavern, into the darkness of night. Princess Celestia stared up at the moon, regrets and pain in her heart. What was wrong with her? Why was she always lying to her loved ones in an attempt to keep them safe? It was no wonder the Elements of Harmony had given up on her. Honesty had left her heart centuries ago. It hurt her to lie to Cadance like this. To manipulate her dear niece. She just saw no other way. Looking back down to the streets, she saw Cadance and Shining Armor walking along and chatting amicably. Maybe there was hope. Maybe she didn’t need to force fate to her designs. No. She had to keep trying. There wasn’t enough time left for things to develop naturally. It would be easier if prophecies were more exact in their nature, but she knew. She only had a matter of days to make this happen. Damn everything, Celestia was willing to hate herself for this. Equestria must not fall. The Millennium of Peace must be upheld. She looked up at the moon once more with determination. There was only one path to walk that would see her redemption. She was going to walk it.