Ghost story

by mikele_11

18_... never give up.

Spears had been destroyed by a pillar of fire before they could hit me. "What?" I asked.

"Demon Ghost! What are you doing ?!" Disharmony shouted. Suddenly in front of me will Demon Ghost, and to his left and right were my ghost blasters but in the version of ... demon.

"Nah. I save skin my only friend." Demon Ghost said effortlessly. "Now only one thing." He said. Dg blasters turned and shot out the poles. "Now, run Ghost. I will stop him."

"Thanks. I think." I said running away. At some point I felt the earthquake, and suddenly from the right wall broke shadowy figure pushing Chaos and both pierced through the left wall. "WTF ?!"

} Run away and don't stop! {Shouted GG. I resumed running. I approached an intersection drug and ran to the left. I went through the door and found myself in a Celestia room. There, I saw a hole leading to the outside.

= Reddis efficient at 85%. You can go back. =

> Well, what are we waiting for? Move! <Ordered DG. I started running and jumped from the balcony, then spread my wings. I flew into the forest, but suddenly I heard a whistle. I looked to the left and quickly escaped the bullet.

} They got us! We must run! {Shouted GG. I had flown to the ground and landed. Then I started running in the direction, which previously I flew.

"I shouldn't have more problems." I said. Suddenly I heard a shot and a tree to my left was destroyed.

"There he is!" Shouted one of the 'people'.

"Gotta go fast." I said running. I heard they moved behind me and shot at me.

> One thing is certain. When you come back, you take care of this crystal. <Spoke quietly DG. I shook to myself.

"I'll remember." I replied. Suddenly, a bright flash and I was on some meadow. The sky seemed to be red. "What happened?" I asked.

"Ortix here. I can not get into your universe, so I move you on the time pockets. At some point I will be able to get to you and help you." Ortix said. "Prepare for a series of jumps." He added. Suddenly, the area around me began to change at different places, although I not at all changed places. Suddenly I stopped and saw that all around was a desert. "So here was gone the whole series Fallout." Ortix said standing next to me.

"Wait. This is Fallout Equestria? We better disappear from here. I'm not going to meet mutants." I said.

"The customer is our master." Ortix said and with a bright flash I was back in the woods.

"There he is!" Someone shouted. Yes. I am where I should.

"I'll handle it." Ortix said. His eyes flashed blue color and fired radius that destroyed everything within his sight.

"Wow." I said. What I saw was really wow.

"Maybe we need to go?" Ortix said heading toward Reddis. I recovered and went after him. "A little bit damaged, but that's no problem." He said. Suddenly, with a twinkle of his eye Reddis was fully operational. "Please. Half Tardis with basic rooms, stabilizer magic, automatic transmitter Artron and coral console. For you." Ortix said looking in my direction.

"Are you seriously?" I asked. He shook himself. "Wow. That must now run." I said, looking toward the castle. On the other side flew chaos.

"I'll keep him." Ortix said and walked toward the dark monster. I went inside and saw the interior.

"Okay. Time for going back in time." I said, walking over to the console and including a variety of things. Instead of the sound of destroyed Tardis I heard now sound of normal Tardis. "This is the sound that I like." I said firmly. Suddenly the engine stopped, and Reddis stopped. "I'm at home." I said, opening the door. When I went outside, I saw what I was afraid to see. I moved in space, not time. "Ortix! Ortix! Ortix" I cried. Suddenly the door crashed and Ortix looked like he went through hell. "I tried to go back in time, but it doesn't work." I said. He looked in my direction.

"This is what I was afraid. Permanent damage to time. Only god power can back you in time." Ortix said. "What are you waiting for? Go to Reddis. I'll do it." He said pushing me inside. I had to say something, but he closed the door. "Approx." I said. Reddis suddenly began to shake up after a minute stopped. I opened the door and saw that I was in my house. When I looked at my watch, I saw that I was a minute after my going forth. "You sly fox. You gave advice." I said to myself.

"I told you." Ortix said, standing on my left. "If I'm not mistaken, everything should be normal. Oh, and I have a request. Get rid of the great buildings that you did." He added.

"Okay, but I leave Columbia, Rapture, Aperture and vehicle magazine." I said. He seemed reluctant.

"Don't use any vehicles from the warehouse, unless you need them. In addition, Don't bring things from Columbia, Rapture and Aperture to Equestria, and I will accept you will." Ortix said.

"Consent." I said. *System. Turn off everything except the Rapture, Columbia, Aperture and magazine. *

>Shutting down
>Black Mesa: shut down
>Blaperture: shut down
>Bunker: shut down
>Grand factory: shut down
>Checker: shut down
>SG-C: shut down
>Destiny: shut down
>Aurora: shut down
>reactor production: shut down

*System. * Gulp * Cut off the factory. * I said regretfully.

>Do you agree completely disable

* Y ... yes. * I said.

>Final shut down
>Irreversible effects 5 minutes

"Well." Ortix said passing through the gap. "Ah. And don't do sonic rainboom." He added, and then the gap is closed. I tried as best I could not to cry. Years of my work will be lost for 4 minutes.

= There is no use crying over spilled milk. =

"Bwehehehehehehe! Bwehehe!" I cried.

"Shut up!" Goldy shouted, somehow throwing dough into my mouth, although he was in the living room, and I was in the kitchen. "I watch very curious and interesting movie." He said. I stood next to him and saw that Goldy watching zootopia. "Just getting started." He added.

"You know. You've convinced me." I said, sitting down next to him. "Just one question. How do we have access to the Internet, television and radio from Earth, since we're in Equestria?" I asked.

"Ortix do it all. Do you remember? You're in the team IS, and he takes care of things from Earth." Goldy said. I nodded.

"What are you watching?" Fredbear asked. Goldy and I looked in his direction.

"Zootopia." We answered together. Fredbear nodded and sat down next to me.

}Boys! Take popcorn. We will watch the film! {GG shouted.

"What we gonna do now." I asked when movie was over. Goldy reached down and pulled out a box with Deadpool movie. "Oh! Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I shouted.

"Tomorrow." Goldy said. I was sad. "Now I am going to eat dinner." Goldy said. Before I could say anything, he teleported. "Huh. Nevermind." I said. Suddenly, above me opened a gap and I was overwhelmed by wooden crates. "Umf. What is it?" I asked, but I heard something, and suddenly ...


On my head down a metal tube. "Hey. What is it ?!" I asked.

"Sorry. It's my fault. I forgot to fix the pipe from the steam system. I'm so sorry." Ortix said raising mentioned pipe. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Why you have steam system on the ship?" I asked.

"The sauna of course. My metal is extremely demanding and sometimes I have to use the sauna to paint didn't drop. In addition, thanks to this I am brilliant. Now, excuse me. I have to repair the pipe." Ortix said and then the gap is closed.

"Do you need help?" Fredbear asked. I waved dismissively claw.

"I can handle it." I said removing boxes. Then I got up and suddenly I had an idea. "Fredbear. I need your help. I know it's late, but would you be able to bring me these things?" I asked giving list. He nodded and left. "It will be just great."

"I hope she likes black." Goldy said to himself, improving the bow-tie. He stood uncertainly at the door, but decided to knock.

*Knock, knock, knock*

The door opened, and on the other side stood the mare, who Goldy goes out to dinner.

"How do I look?" Mare asked. Goldy had a good view of her. She was in a great dark dress with jewels.

"You look brilliant. So what? Let's go, Princess?" Goldy ask. Luna smiled and stood next to the Goldy.

"Of course, I hope that I will be happy." She said with a sly smile.

"Of course you will. Of course." Goldy said happily.

"Not only you are one, who know Ortix, but I know more." Dron said, standing in front of the entrance to the great facility. "I believe that excluded all this because of one and unusual god. Am I right Shadow Ghost?" He asked.

"Of course you are. But I still don't know, why we need to be here." He said uncertainly. Dron laughed.

"Because, my dear friend, we won't allow that such technology be wasted. Black Mesa is the perfect place for me." He said blowing up the door with the orange magic. "I know how to resuscitate a dead place." He said with the gloomy note in his voice.