//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: The Dealing of the Secret // Story: Dark Tears // by Luna Lily Ruby //------------------------------// Celestia looked at Twilight, hoping she'd choose her side. "I mean, it's not like I'm over-reacting, right? This filly... I cannot possibly allow her to grow up normally, can I?" The self-doubt crept into her mind like poison. Shaking her head a bit, she stood attentive, her face a mask. "...Celestia. I'm sorry Luna, Cadence, but Celestia is correct, as always. This is too high a risk." "So we're just going to right away condemn the poor thing and give her no other choice of how her life could turn out? That's... Not okay. Not okay at all. I demand that I try to at the very least for five years. Once she is five years of age, we will see." "No Luna," Celestia stated firmly. "I'm sorry, but the risk is too great." "This so called 'secret'," Flurry Heart, who was sick and tired of being ignored, "is the dumbest thing ever! So what, she's reincarnated! Don't give me the 'ponies-are-scared-of-them' phrase, because Windigos are nothing to fear." "Look, it tore ponies apart, even now they can." Celestia was feeling very guilty. "The only reason I have not told Twilight - even Cadence - the true secret was because it effected them and would make them doubt everything." Celestia sighed. It wasn't her fault. What if they did find out that this foal was truly the first alicorn - ever? Even her own sister, Luna, didn't truly grasp the concept. This filly was the very one who shaped all good and evil, the Elements of Harmony and Disharmony, and could easily recreate the entire world. That would spell utter disaster, especially if pony-kind was still to live, chosen to continue existing. "I still don't understand Aunt Tia. It's not like Mom can't just use her unique spell," Flurry Heart retorted. "My magic," Cadence started gently, "is only to bring feelings of either love, friendship or just plain tolerance up to the surface. My spell doesn't just 'create' the love. It rises the feeling up to the surface, hopefully enough so that they realize that their argument was silly. If it happens to be so that they are meant to truly fight, then they wouldn't be so affected by my magic. So whether or not they're a couple or siblings, each time my spell is cast, it tailors to the recipients needs." "I'm sorry, but this is final. So, now the hard part... Death or lifetime imprisonment," Celestia informed her colleagues. "All in favor of death, please light up your horn. Imprisonment voters, please open your wings." Celestia, Twilight and a conflicted looking Flurry Heart voted death. Cadence and Luna, who had raised their wings, looked horrified. "I thought you were defending the filly," whispered Luna, shocked. "That was until just now. I realized that it must be serious if Aunt Tia says that an innocent filly should be put to death. I side with her and Twilight." Flurry Heart looked a bit apologetic, yet also now certain, causing her face to betray her emotions in the weirdest way. "At least do it in public eye then, sister," mocked Luna. "Oh yes! Let's see what Equestria thinks about it's esteemed leader murdering a foal," Cadence said sarcastically, backing Luna up. "A compromise, Flurry here is just barely of age after all. This filly has but one year to turn things around. If she has too much chaotic power-surges and shows signs of any villainous behavior, she forfeits her life," Celestia stated regally, a command rather then a suggestion. Luna, angry still, decided to push her very thin luck. "Of normally pony age for a cutie-mark. Seven years. Once she has earned her cutie-mark, we shall see." Celestia sighed, realizing truth in what her sister stated. "Very well," she growled. "Let it be the law of royal decree." Luna, who insisted upon taking care of the filly and Celestia had agreed. Now, sitting alone in her room, she sighed. She wasn't ready to sleep just yet and pulled out the latest Daring Do book. She was a close friend to Daring and often got the second copy, signed by her. Daring, naturally, got the first copy. Starting to read, she smiled, glad that Rainbow Dash seemed to have assisted yet again, her Wonderbolt's training forcing poor Daring into a workout, filled with jokes, sure, but all the same. Celestia quickly got sucked into the amazing world that Daring Do constructed carefully, giving off the fictional vision, even though, in truth, it was real. A few hours later, Celestia was sleeping quite soundly. She had put up a weak spell to protect her dreams from her sister, but she did not get an invasion of privacy. She was alone in her old bedroom in the Castle of the Two Sisters, and was just thinking. She was very glad that when Spitfire had retired, she had chosen Rainbow Dash to be the Wonderbolt Captain. Rainbow had truly grown over the years, just like Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Apple Jack, and Fluttershy. Rainbow, although going steady with Sorin' for the past two years, didn't want to get married just yet. Rarity, on the other hoof, married Fluttershy's older war-hero brother, the pegasus *Lighting Blaze, after Spike told her that he was no longer crushing on her, explaining that he's good 'just being friends' or 'like a sister and brother'. Spike eventually wound up marring a dragon named Crackle, someone whom he had connect to right away. Fluttershy was dating Discord, although he 'wasn't grounded enough' and would try to 'find a way to make Discord understand that it's better being friends' or 'tell him that if he really wants this to work, get a bit more grounded'. And the wedding of the decade was, of course, Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich's wedding! It was like no other, including Pinkie's party canon. That thing got upgraded with so much magic, it could now hold much more then Cheese's. Apple Jack was just starting to date a unicorn by the name of Eclipsed Scar, a caring and kind stallion who wasn't scared to get his hooves dirty. Starlight Glimmer, although still Twilight's student - her protegee now, as a matter of fact - was married to Sunburst, gratified for all of his information on spells, who, in turn, was glad to have someone to teach them and preform them for him. Yes, times had certainly changed. Although Twilight wasn't interested, Celestia hoped she would settle down, before she started to grow to the next stage at what was called 'Alicorn Summit'. It would mark the tenth year of Twilight's alicorn status. And then, suddenly, Celestia felt a tug in her chest. It was time to wake up and raise the sun.