//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: What Lies Ahead // Story: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Anarchy // by Simply Anarchy //------------------------------// After successfully rescuing Pinkie Pie's family from certain doom, the girls have returned to Ponyville to get some much needed rest. Of course, rest is the last thing on Twilight's mind. "Is something wrong, Twi?" Applejack asked noticing her friend's troubled look. Twilight was preoccupied with her own thoughts. She looked at her friends. "I know I should be happy that Pinkie's family is safe, and I am.... but I also can't help feeling like there is more to Anarchy's game than just blowing things up." "Whatever could you mean, darling?" Rarity questioned curiously. "I mean, it can't be a coincidence that he targeted the Pie family. Especially since they are so far out of his way." Twilight explained, while rubbing her chin. Rainbow Dash was just as lost as Rarity. "What are you getting at, Twilight?" "Think about it. He orders a robbery in Ponyville. He causes a riot in Ponyville. He terrorizes a school in Ponyville. Everything he has done thus far has been in Ponyville. So, why would he change his pattern now?" Twilight posed to her friends. Starlight pondered for a moment. "Maybe he's just trying to get under our skins. I mean, he did burn down Applejack's barn." Starlight looked over at Applejack, who frowned as a result of her last statement. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up so abruptly." Starlight apologized sincerely. Applejack gave a weak smile. "It's alright, Starlight. You were just tryin' to help." She said sadly. Twilight was still fighting her thoughts. "There has to be more to it than that. I just know it." Twilight assured herself. "Maybe he got bored of Ponyville, and decided to expand his efforts elsewhere. He has to know we are hot on his trail here." Rainbow inputted. "That hasn't stopped him before." Twilight stated doubtfully. She began thinking to herself once more. Then, the wheels in her head began to turn. "There is something strange about what he said to us earlier. He said that he would have a princess sharing his ideals by the end of all of this. What did he mean by that?" "I assumed he was referring to you." Starlight replied uncertainly. "After all, he does seem to have an obsession with making you miserable. Maybe, he's trying to turn you against Princess Celestia." "But what about Princess Luna? He sure seemed to know an awful lot about her. Maybe he's tryin' to bring Nightmare Moon back." Applejack added. "But Nightmare Moon is gone for good, right?" Fluttershy questioned nervously. Pinkie hops next to the yellow pegasus. "Duh! Don't you remember? We gathered the Elements of Harmony, and used them to shoot her with a gigantic rainbow of friendship!" Pinkie exclaimed energetically. "I don't think Nightmare Moon will be a problem for us anymore. But Princess Luna could still be a target.... although..." Twilight paused for a second to think about the other possibility. "What about Cadance? She is the only one of us that he didn't try to manipulate. He just warned her of what he was capable of. He didn't even attempt to bring her into the spotlight. Almost as if he didn't want her to fear him." "That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Starlight inquired uncertainly. "Maybe." Twilight lowered her head and sighed. "I think we should sleep on it." Rarity chimed in. "Tomorrow is a new day. We will have a less troublesome time answering these questions after we all have had some much needed beauty sleep." Twilight nodded her head in agreement. "You're right, Rarity. It's been a long day. Everypony go get some rest! We will need it for tomorrow." Twilight assured her friends. "Goodnight, girls... and stay safe." ________________________________ "Don't you ever sleep?" Firefly quizzed as she approached her boss. Anarchy was looking out a window. He chuckles at her question. "When you have a mind as active as mine, sleep is something you tend to get very little of." He stated directly. He gazes at the moon, which shone brightly upon his view. "You know me.... always thinking of what lies ahead." Firefly looked at her boss uncertainly. "Why not attack them while they are all sleeping? Then, you could focus less on scheming and more on sleeping." She proposed trying to be helpful. Anarchy turned away from the window to look at his ally. "I guess you could call it my code of honor." He began explaining. "Our goal is to inspire ponies to rise up against the tyranny of their rulers. Ponies won't rally behind a coward." He picks up an apple and takes a bite out of it. "Besides, I would rather defeat them at their best than crush them while they are most vulnerable." He says while chewing. He swallows the remnants of apple in his mouth. Then, he smirks. "I want them to know that I beat them. But enough about me! Why are you still awake, my dear?" Firefly smiled. "Honestly, I just can't sleep. I guess I am just as eager as you are." She responded gleefully. "I admire your dedication. It is a major reason we have made it thus far." Anarchy praised. "Our numbers are small, but with your determination, we have outsmarted those princesses time and time again." Firefly blushed at his compliment. "Th-Thank you. That... means a lot coming from you. We couldn't be in more capable hooves than yours, sir." Anarchy put his hoof on her cheek. "They will suffer for what they have done to us. For what they have done to you. We will make it all right." He reassured the pale mare. "Do you trust me?" "Always." Firefly declared loyally. A wide grin appeared on Anarchy's face. "Good." He pulls a file out of his desk. "Because our next move is the most crucial part our plan. And it can only be carried out by our most loyal and dedicated soldier." He hands her the file. "And that... is you." He watches her as she looks over the file carefully. She looks back to him uncertainly. "It is up to you. If you want to back out now, I would understand. This is your choice to make. If you walk out of here, I will not stop you. But should you stay... we will avenge our fallen brothers and sisters... together." He extends his hoof to her. Firefly looks back down at the file in front of her. This plan... it is very risky... not to mention dangerous. She looks back at Simply, who continues to hold out his hoof. She had always felt safe with him. She had never questioned his orders, and look how successful they have been. He was never wrong. He always had a plan... and that is why she loved him. She put her hoof in his. "I'll do whatever it takes. I won't let you down. I promise!" She stated with certainty. Anarchy smiled with elation. "That's my girl." ________________________________ The next morning, the friends have gathered at Twilight's castle once again to figure out Anarchy's plan. "Where's Twilight? Normally, she's here by now." Applejack wondered. "Tell me about it. Usually, everypony beats me to the table." Starlight responded feeling surprised. "She was up most of the night pacing. I swear, she wore some grooves into the floor in the process." Spike said bluntly. Rarity was sitting in her chair applying masquera. "The poor dear must have a lot on her mind. I don't blame her one bit." "These last few days have been so hard on her. We should let her rest a bit longer." Fluttershy added. Rainbow was unsure. "I don't think that's such a good idea. She would never forgive us if we let her sleep in, while Anarchy is out there causing trouble." "I'm with Rainbow on this one." Starlight agreed. "We need all of us if we are going to figure this out." "Good point. Spike!" Rarity calls out. Spike immediately rushed over to Rarity. "Yes, Rarity?" "Be a dear, and go wake up Twilight." the white unicorn commanded. "Wait. What? Why do I have to do it?" Spike questioned puzzled. Rainbow Dash chimed in. "You're the one that lives with her! And besides that, you are her assistant." "Well, I know... it's just... I... umm... she..." Spike stutters nervously. "What's wrong, Spikey-Wikey?" Rarity asks with concern. "Well... Last time I woke her up, she kinda... sorta... turned me into a pinecone." He managed to say, as he winced having endured a painful flashback. The girls looked at Spike like he told a bad joke. "A... pinecone?" Fluttershy asked curiously. "You're kidding, right?" Rainbow adds in disbelief. "Why would I make that up?" Spike reassures them. Rainbow's eyes water with joyful tears. "Pffft..." She attempted to hold back a laugh... to no avail. "Bahahahahahaha!" She erupted with laughter. Spike was very unamused. "Ha ha ha... Go ahead! Laugh it up!" Rainbow continued laughing for a good minute or two, before Rarity elbowed her in the ribs. "Ow! Hey!" Dash cried out in pain. "What Rainbow is trying to say is that we will be right here in case you need us!" Rarity reiterated on Dash's behalf. Dash pouted grumpily at Rarity as she gave her a stern look. Spike stood idly for a moment. "I don't know..." "For me?" Rarity batted her eyelashes and put on her best puppy dog face. Spike blushed wildly. "Alright. I'll do it for you." Spike ran towards the hallway door, but turned back to Rarity before going any further. "If I don't come back... I just want to let you know... I lov--" As if on cue, Twilight comes bolting around the corner frantically. "Girls! Thank goodness you're here!" Spike sighed in relief. "Whew. I thought I was a goner for sure!" Rarity walks over to Spike. "What were you going to say, Spikey? You love what?" Spike's eyes widened in terror. "I uh... I love... a-prons? Yes! Aprons! I love aprons! They are so helpful! That's what I was going to say! I really do love aprons!" the young dragon blurted out in defense. Rarity tilted her head in confusion. "Umm... o-kay." Wanting to change the subject, she turned her attention back to Twilight. "Anyways... Twilight! What has you so riled up this morning?" "I've been thinking more and more about what Anarchy could be trying to accomplish." Twilight declared tiredly. "Twi, did you get any sleep last night?" Applejack asked spotting bags under the alicorn's eyes. Twilight tilted her head as if she didn't understand the question. "What? Oh... yeah... a little. But I have--" "How much is a little?" Applejack interrupted. Twilight huffed. "I don't know... about two hours? Something like that. But that's not important right now! I think--" "Two hours?! Darling, he is not worth losing your precious sleep over." Rarity claimed absolutely. Twilight began growing impatient, mostly due to her lack of sleep. "Look, will everypony just stop worrying about me?! I'm fine!" Twilight exclaimed harshly. She snorts angrily, but then looks around at her friends who are all wide-eyed as a result of her vicious tone. She sighs shamefully. "I'm sorry, girls. You're all right. I should have gotten more sleep. And I shouldn't be taking it out on you." Rarity smiles weakly. "It's quite alright, dear. Now what did you want to tell us?" Twilight took a deep breath and released it to regain her composure. "Last night, we were debating which princess he could be targeting, and it got me thinking. Everything Anarchy has done, he has always left clues for us to figure out his next move. Well, what if everything he has done has also been a clue?" She proposed hypothetically. "A clue to what?" Starlight asked curiously. "His main goal." Twilight stated. "I know it sounds like a stretch, and I questioned the idea myself. But then, I made a realization." She glanced over to her friends to make sure they were following along. "All of his crimes have had one thing in common... family." Rainbow looked at Twilight in confusion. "Family? What about it?" "Just think about it. He wants to take us down, but he knows that in a direct confrontation, he would undoubtedly lose. Soooo... he used our families to break us down. He knows us... maybe too well. He knows who we are, what our specialties are, and even worse than all of that, he knows who our loved ones are." Twilight explained. "So what you are saying is that he is targeting our families. So, we just need to get all of our families out of his way, before he can get to them. Sounds simple enough!" Rainbow concluded proudly. "I'm not finished yet." Twilight smiled coyly. "I may also know who he is going after next." Rarity lit up with anticipation. "Well, what are you waiting for? Tell us, darling." "He wants to scare the princesses, right? He has two options in that case. Either Princess Celestia's family, which consists of her sister Luna, or... mine and Cadance's." Twilight postulated. "If I were a betting pony, my money would be on the latter." "You think he's goin' after yer folks?" Applejack inquired unsure. "Well, Cadance is my step-sister, and Celestia and Luna's parents aren't exactly around anymore.... so yeah." Twilight stated affirmatively. "So, what are we still doing here? Let's go pay your parents a visit!" Rainbow exclaims eagerly. "Not just yet." Twilight commanded calmly. "We need a plan. This is just a theory after all." Starlight stepped forward. "What did you have in mind?" "Considering that I have been wrong about him in the past, here's what I'm thinking. Since he has already hit their families, Applejack and Pinkie will come with me to my parents' house. The rest of you should go and get your families to safety. We'll meet back at Canterlot Castle." Twilight declared with determination. The girls looked to each other and nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me." AJ stated positively. Twilight smiled with confidence. "Okay. Then let's do this." At her command, the girls all departed immediately to their respective families. This was their chance to catch Anarchy, before he can do something to anypony else. His overconfidence will be his downfall. And, Twilight was going to make sure of it.