//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Explore (Work In Progress) // Story: Sans in Equestria // by JustFanFiction //------------------------------// Sans slowly woke up, yawning out loud, rubbing his eye sockets. He then looked around for a bit trying to find Fluttershy but instead found a note, he grabbed it and started to read. "Dear Sans, I hope you had a nice nap, i'm going out with some friends, yadda yadda, feed animals, they each need different things, here's a list, sincerely Flutts." He put the note down, and started to stretch a bit. "Alright shouldn't be too hard, after all how tough could it be to take care of some animals, I got this." He smirked and started looking around the house and noticed the there was no animal in sight. "Guess their outside?" He opens the door up a bit just to see there was still no sign of her having any animals. "... Kid must be delusional, cause I don't see a singl-" He cut himself off as he turned back around and saw a ton of animals walking in. "... Is this kid preparing for an army?" He chuckles the grabs the note again. "So lets see here... simple... enough... only problem might be the bear honestly." He smiles getting up. "Alright uhh... all of you? Time for some grub." He uses his telekinetic ability to some food from the fridge. "Carrots, apples, celery sticks, fish, blah... blah... and boom all of ya!" He smiles seeing the animals eat then he notices on bunny just giving him a cold stare, thumping it's foot, Sans slowly got on one knee. "... Didn't I already get ya a carrot?" It shook it's head. "Oh... Well... Here then." He handed the bunny one, and it smacked the carrot away. "... Heh are we gonna have a problem little guy?" It's just kept staring. "... Fine then starve, not my problem now is it?" He bunny slowly hopped over to a vase, and tipped it over, smashing it. "... You are one ballsy bunny ain't cha? But I'll let that one sl-" Another smash, then another, he then lifted it in the air with his power. "Do you wanna have a bad time?" His sockets turned dark, staring at him. "Cause if you do that one more time, you're reaaally not gonna like what happens next." He slowly put him down, and eyed him, the bunny hopped over to a bowl, on top of a counter, and kicked it onto the ground. "... Little shit!" He lifted the bunny into the air, then started twirling him in circles, and smirks. "Say uncle." All he heard was a squeak, as he twirled faster. "What was that?" Another squeak. "Sorry can't understand ya!" He kept twirling, smirking, but then slowly stopping. "Alright, alright, I'll stop if you just act like a good little rabbit, capiche?" It nodded. "Good, now... let's try this again... Oh.... Well... Here then." He then handed him a carrot again, the bunny took it, then scurried off. Sans looked outside. "... Eh a little adventure couldn't hurt I guess." He smiles and walks out the door. "Gotta get used to this place somehow." Sans then walks towards a town. "So I'm on the surface?" He question walking into the town, then looking around. "... What the?" He noticed the only animal in the town was a pony. "... Could've sworn humans lived on the surface..." "ZOMBIE!" He heard a pony shout "Zombie?" He looked around, realizing they were talking about him. "... I'm a skeleton get it right!" But by the time he said this most ponies had already ran from him. "... Well then..." He kept walking, getting used to the area. Sans then noticed a store and walked up to it looking through the window to see tons of sweets, as he saw them he smirked, and knocked on the door. "Hello? Anyone home?" Suddenly the door swung open, and a pink blur pushed him inside closing it again. "SHHH Didn't you hear? There's a zombie out there we gotta be quiet!" It said. "Why does everyone think I'm a zombie?" He groaned. "They said it was all boney and nasty, and it looked like it just had the fight of it's life!"