//------------------------------// // Part 9: Back to School (Rariscript or Bust Part 1) // Story: Broken Diamond // by The Bricklayer //------------------------------// Script Residence: Potion slept soundly in his bed, quite content and lost in the dreamworld his mind had created for him. In it, he was in a huge auditorium with tons of ponies watching him as he was present a award from creating a medicine that cured all diseases. Now if this were the real world, Potion if by some miracle he made it out onto the stage would have just fainted on the spot but as this was the dream world he was in that didn't happen. He had a bit more confidence in himself. "I... I... I don't know w-what to say." Potion stammered nervously. Potion may have had more confidence in himself, enough not to get stage fright but the dream world was still somewhat realistic in his demeanor. "Say nothing, you earned it." Twilight as a Alicorn Princess said as she presented him with the award, which was a golden statue of a scientist pony. "Now there's one more thing you have to do for me." Twilight said to him. "A-And what's that?" Potion stammered again. Twilight leaned in very close before whispering "Wake up." And then Potion's whole world faded into white and was consumed by noise. Potion sat up at once as the music breeched his ears. His father stood in the doorway smirking holding a Neigh-Pod as Potion gave him a dirty look. "Gah! Neighisa? Really dad? Y-You know, sometimes I really question your taste in music." Potion replied in a completely deadpan tone. "Well, it's a school day and I had to wake you up somehow. Almost feel bad though, you seemed far too lost in that dream of yours." Script said dryly. "H-How much did you hear?" Potion asked, not really wanting to know. Script smiled like the cat that got the canary. "Something about a award. Didn't really make much sense." Script lied and Potion could only groan and stuffed his face into his pillow muttering about how it had to be a nightmare he was in right now. "Well, as soon as you're done you can come to breakfast. Diamond's already up." Script commented before walking out of the room. A few moments later Potion came to the dining room where Diamond was already there, eating some pancakes at the table. Potion gave a none too discreet dirty look to his father while Diamond caught. "Do I really want to know?" Diamond asked dryly. "Don't ask." Potion grumbled before going over to the fridge and carefully looking inside. He sighed in relief, no pudding monster this time around. Potion then remembered Script called the Haz-Mat team the very next morning after it had been discovered. "You want me to walk you to school before I head to class?" Potion asked as he put on his backpack. "No, I can handle it. Besides, Silver's father is taking me." Diamond replied while Script looked a bit downhearted at that. He wanted to be the one to walk Diamond to school. Not even a half hour later, Diamond and Silver were in front of the schoolhouse and to their surprise were greeted by the CMC. "Hey guys!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she waved. Diamond blinked just to make sure she wasn't seeing things, but when her eyes opened Scootaloo was still there. "...Well, this is new." Diamond mumbled. "This could take some getting used to." "To say the least." Silver agreed. "Are you sure we haven't been transported to Bizarro World?" She deadpanned and Diamond giggled and said "Oh Silver, you always manage to tell the funniest jokes." "I try." Silver said proudly. "Ah managed to save y'all your favorite seats." Apple Bloom put in and Diamond and Silver actually smiled at her as they walked inside and sat down at their desks. Cheerilee came in and clapped her hooves in excitement. "Alright class, get out your papers and pencils as we've got a lot to do today!" Cheerilee exclaimed. "Today we're going to learn about the wonders of multiplication! Now doesn't that sound fun?" "Spare me..." Diamond muttered as Silver yawned. As Cheerilee continued to speak, Sweetie Belle suddenly turned to Diamond with a worried expression on her face. "Hey, how's Potion?" Sweetie asked nervously, although if it was out of concern for Potion or she was still nervous about Diamond it was hard to tell. "I'm rather worried about him, after how he was when we last saw him." "He seems to be mostly back to normal." Diamond replied. "Still, I do want to keep a eye on him." "Yeah, probably would be best." Apple Bloom agreed. "As mah sis always said, there is no such thing as being too careful." "Good advice." Silver said to her before Diamond jumped in. "Still, I want to help Potion somehow and get him some more confidence and be able to stand up for himself." Diamond said. "Hey, maybe you should introduce him to that minotaur dude Iron Will!" Scootaloo suddenly piped up. "I've heard he can make anypony assertive. Just ask Fluttershy!" "Didn't that backfire big-time?" Silver asked, vaguely remembering how the normally sweet and kind pegasus became a huge bully. "Eh, that was probably a one off thing." Scootaloo replied, waving a hoof dismissively. "I'm sure that-" Suddenly there was a coughing sound and the five fillies looked up to see Cheerilee with a annoyed look on her face as some of their classmates snickered. "If I may continue?" Cheerilee asked, and the fivesome looked somewhat embarrassed at being caught. Outside the Schoolhouse... A hour later, the filly fivesome were outside for recess. As the rest of the class played on the playground, Apple Bloom and Diamond had a little heart-to heart. "Ya know, Ah'm liking this change of yours Diamond." Apple Bloom said. "Seems spending time with Potion was a good thing for ya." "Yeah, I guess so." Diamond said sadly. "I just wish I could have been a better pony sooner and avoided being completely horrible to you guys." Diamond continued before she gave a huge sigh. "But you can thank my mother for that." Diamond said, with Apple Bloom looking confused. "What do ya mean?" She asked curiously. "My mother... She was like how I was only a million times worse. She always wanted me to be a perfect little copy of her, and not caring what I wanted to be like." Diamond sniffed, and Apple Bloom winced. To her, that did sound pretty horrible. "But you're getting better now. Just how concerned ya were for Potion a few days ago says it all doesn't it?" Apple Bloom asked. "You really believe that?" Diamond asked bitterly. "Even I don't believe I can change after all this time. I... I want to make up for what I've done but I don't know how..." She trailed off. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll think of sumthing." Apple Bloom replied kindly before a thought struck her. She'd looked around the playground, but noticed one particular filly was missing oddly enough. "Hey, Ah just thought of sumthing." Apple Bloom wondered aloud. "Where's Scootaloo?" Meanwhile, Potion was making his way to his next class, namely Script's history course. In the hallways, it was chaos right out of one of Discord's wildest dreams as students exchanged their books for the one they needed for their next class. Potion, all the while was trying very hard not to get caught up in the mayhem and stay out of everypony's way. Mind you, he was trying and failing utterly. "H-Hey watch it!" Potion stammered as somepony ran past him. Of course, his small voice combined with the din of students talking to each other made him go unheard. After several more instances of this, finally Potion gave up trying to complain. "Oh sweet Luna, what did I do to deserve this?" Potion muttered under his breath as he ducked into a broom cupboard to hide out until everything calmed down. Suddenly a voice came from behind him. "Hey Potion!" Scootaloo's voice exclaimed happily from behind him and Potion yelped and jumped nearly high enough to hit his head on the ceiling. "H-How'd you even get in here? S-Shouldn't you be in school?" Potion asked nervously once his heart rate calmed down enough for him to speak. "It's recess." Scootaloo replied and Potion felt rather silly with himself as he remembered. "As for how I got in here... I've been playing Metal Pony Solid! I picked up a few things." "You know, I d-doubt Rainbow would like you to be playing that specific game." Potion stammered, his older brother instincts taking over even if Scootaloo wasn't related to him. Scootaloo laughed off Potion's concern. "Are you kidding? Rainbow's the one that introduced me to that game in the first place!" Scootaloo told him cheerfully and Potion groaned before he was handed a letter that said "To Written Script. Love, Rarity." Potion groaned even louder this time. It seemed his plan to get Rarity and his father to make up was coming back to bite him big time. "Eh... No offence, but I think dad would be able to tell it's not Rarity's handwriting." Potion put in. "To-may-to, to-ma-to." Scootaloo replied, brushing off the Bat-Pony's concerns. "I know what I'm doing." "I-If you s-say so..." Potion trailed off.