The Love Demon

by Hazel_Hester777

Where Fate and Love Collide

Dusk finally arrived, Bunny and the others already left Twilight’s library at sunset when the alien woke up. They ran as fast they could to Fluttershy’s cottage, each had their own emotions and reasons. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were scared because of the thought that they may never see their pets or sisters ever again if they fail. Pinkie was both scared and excited because she was afraid of losing Gummi and she’ll be spending a risky mission with Twilight. Twilight was scared about the fate of everything she loved on the line, including the caretaker’s soul. Bunny was worried if she may fail and she either loses Equestria or her Mistress. Their fate was about to be determined, because they had reached their destination.

Bunny reached into her sling bag, grabbed the extra crosses, and gave them to each of her friends. The alien herself put a Baby’s Breath Flower wreath on her head to keep her from fainting. “Remember: whatever you may see or hear, don’t let it get to you” she reassured them before opening the door.

Wind blew at them the second Bunny closed the door behind them. Everything was in chaos. The inside of the cottage began to look like it was falling apart, animals were screaming for their lives, the Crusaders were scared to death, the demon was in the middle of the room absorbing their strength, Spike called out. “HELP!”

“That’s Fluttershy?!” Rainbow gaped in fear. “IF she still is” Bunny’s voice was monotone, the Exorcism’s Mark was starting to make her act different, rather mature and calm.

The demon cocked it’s head to Bunny and her friends, grinning ear to ear. “Well if it isn’t the little Servant, and you brought your friends too”
He tried to lash at them, but due to the crosses on their necks, it burned him again and he hissed. “Crosses again?! You clever little spirit!”
Bunny grinned in annoyance. He noticed the sigil across her belly, now knowing it was her who sent to rid him. He tried to lash at her, but she dodged his strike. The youngster grabbed the holy water in her bag, making it form a circle around him to prevent him from striking or escaping. Demon trapped, she got her burning incense and began to burn the fish heart and liver. He hated the scent of it. Bunny turned to Twilight again. “When I say now, you tell everything. It’s the key factor to getting her back”

The alien began to chant from the book, her eyes glowing white and sigil red. “In nomine Patris, et felii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen” she began, making the sign of the cross.” My Lord, you are all powerful, you are God, you are our Father “

“Ecce crucem donine, fugite partes adversa!” Sprays holy water across the demon, making him burn even more. Winds began to blow harder now, it was now starting to blow them away. Luckily, there were planks of sunken wood on the floor that they grabbed onto to keep them in position.

“What’s happening?!” Pinkie asked.

“This demon’s happening. He’s trying to distract us by blowing us away” Bunny replied.” I beg you Lord, through the intercession and help of the arch angels Michael, Rafael and Gabriel, for the deliverance of our sister who is enslaved by the evil one.”

The demon was already losing his mind as the alien kept chanting, there was now a struggle going on between him and the soul he was possessing. Fluttershy’s eyes began shifting colors from her’s to the demon’s. Bunny was already beginning to tear blood and it even kept coming out of her nose. Both were now on their breaking points.

“Imponat extreman parte stolae ejus.”

“C’mon, Fluttershy! Don’t let that spirit take you over!” Twilight cried.

“In the name of the Father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and all angels and saints, I command you to reveal yourself!” Upon those words, the demon’s spirit started to be extracted from Fluttershy, but it was still attached and draining her soul.

”Now, Twilight! NOW! GET HER BACK!”

“But, Bunny, you know what will happen”

“Twilight, look around! Everypony will die, Pinkie doesn’t know the truth, and Fluttershy’s dying!”

Twilight looked back at the scene, her love was in real pain. She thought about it, and gulped in fear. She climbed up on one of the standing platforms on the floor. Her heart beating fast, she called out to the Pegasus. “Fluttershy!”

The Pegasus looked at Twilight, hurt and tearing her own blood. “Fluttershy, it’s me, Twilight. I know you’re in there. This isn’t you, I know that you’re still fighting to re-take control of your body. There’s something I should tell you. My love Pinkie wasn’t even real, because…somepony put Love Poison in the cupcake I ate months ago!”

“WHAT?!” the pink earth pony was shocked.

“I’m sorry, Pinkie. But after Bunny broke the spell, I realized something else: I love you, Fluttershy”

The Pegasus froze in place, the demon was weakening instead of the host.

“I promise you, my love for you is real and true. Remember when you fainted yesterday at my house? I was worried you wouldn’t wake up. I’m sorry about how you’re suffering, and it was all my fault. I wanna make things right with you again. I don’t want you to suffer, I don’t want you to die. So, please, forgive me. Come back, Fluttershy. Come back to us.”

The mare heard everything, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She began cry, not blood, but tears of joy. She longed to hear that. At least now, she wanted to come back. She went on fighting with the demon, he was weakening now.

“Loveithan!” Bunny cried out. The demon glared at her. “By the power of God, I condemn you back to HELL!” The demon screeched in pain, it was even more hurtful now for Fluttershy too. Twilight sensed it, she had to talk to her to keep her fighting.

“Flutters, this will end soon. You can’t give in!”

“NOOOO! “ the demon screeched.

“Get her to fight from the inside, get her back, Twilight!”

“Remember that picture of us with Bunny?” The Pegasus nodded, remembering that nice day. It was when at last, her alien friend had been accepted into the group. “Remember that day you said you would never forget?” Fluttershy now had the upper hoof. “You said we meant the world to you” Another nod. “This is what you’ll be leaving behind” Fluttershy finally won, the demon was now completely expelled from her body. With a small smile played across her lips, she fell to the ground unconscious. The demon tried to escape, but Bunny caught him.

“Oh no, you don’t! This time, I got you!” she threw a demon ball at him, which hit him square on the head. It caught him, and caged him on the spot. The alien grabbed it, went to wall, drew a cross in a circle, and chanted. “In Nomine Patris, et filii, et Sprititus Sancti, Amen”. A portal opened from where the symbol was, on the other side was Skeleton Jack, Bunny’s uncle.

“Ah, Bunny, my niece. What brings you by?” he spoke in his accent.

“Just caught him” she held up the demon ball, Loveithan was trying to escape. But he fell in fear when he saw the guardian. “Ah, Loveithan. So, we got you at last” Jack put a seal on the ball, making it permanent. “Poltrust would have been proud of you” Bunny nodded at her uncle’s words. As the portal closed and Loveithan was being put away, she grinned at his defeat. “I’ll see you in the Underworld, you sick freak”

Then something wonderful happened, not what ponies would expect, but what a Servant would after an exorcism. The wind stopped blowing, the cottage turned back to normal, the animals, The Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Spike finally were put down. Each and all of them ran back to their sisters, and owners. The sigil Bunny’s stomach finally faded and disappeared as she began to feel like her hyperactive self again. But Twilight ran to Fluttershy, who still hasn’t woken up.

“Fluttershy? Fluttershy?!” she shook the yellow mare’s body, there was no response. Twilight turned to Bunny. “Is she…?”

The alien hopped to her mistress, she held one of her forelegs. She felt a pulse at normal rate. “She’s alive, she survived. She’s just a little tired, she’ll be up in a bit” Twilight thanked Bunny.

The others began to leave, all happy now that everything was back to normal. Twilight looked at Pinkie. “Hey Pinkie?”

The earth pony glanced at her. “I’m sorry”

“I know” Pinkie walked out the door and closed it behind her. Bunny, Spike, and the other animals went upstairs, leaving Twilight alone with Fluttershy. Not a second passed when the yellow Pegasus woke up.



The Alicorn hugged the caretaker. Fluttershy was surprised at first, but after a while, she returned the hug. “Oh Fluttershy, I thought I lost you”

“I thought I wasn’t gonna make it”

“I promise I’ll never hurt you like that again”

“I’m fine now, Twilight. I forgive you”

Twilight pulled away, she looked into Fluttershy’s eyes. And she looked into her’s. Both happy together. Twilight then noticed that it was still nighttime. “Um, Shy, I was wondering. Well, would you like to go star-gazing with me?”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight dumbfounded and confused. “What?” she smiled.

“I mean, wait, did he make you forget? Oh, you might have not heard. I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“Oh shut it!” with a quick move, Fluttershy pulled Twilight in and kissed her. She stopped briefly, but smiled and continued when Twilight knew she felt the same.

Bunny was watching them from the window, she flew back upstairs to spread the news. “They’re kissing!” she announced. All the animals and Spike cheered in joy.

Back downstairs, both finally pulled away from the kiss, giggling as they left for the field. They were watching the constellations, hoof and hoof. They were now happy with their newly started relationship.