//------------------------------// // Ch 5 - Unwanted Encounters // Story: Haunted Memories // by XtremelyXtreme //------------------------------// Haunted Memories Written by XtremelyXtreme Chapter 5 - Unwanted Encounters Scythe went to work for Berry Punch the very same day. He was actually pretty excited to earn some bits for himself, and did the job with no hesitation. After all, putting the brands on wine bottles and storing them isn't difficult at all. Scythe had been working for about three hours, storing a crate-full of 'Royal Canterlot Raspberry Wine' onto the wooden shelves in Berry's unbelievably large wine cellar. The cellar, which was obviously under the Ponyville Wine Shop, stretched for about two whole blocks. Examining one of the dark red bottles, Scythe check the price tag taped onto the bottom. It read 30 bits. "Thirty bits? Jeeze...Pricey..." He muttered to himself, although he wasn't really shocked. The Ponyville Wine Shop's popularity wasn't limited to just Ponyville. It was exceptionally popular in other parts of Equestria, and even the neighboring land Domus. After the deed was done, Scythe put a hoof through his red and black mane and walked up the stairs back to the main level of the Shop. Berry was sitting at the front counter, talking to three stallions who were making a large purchase; five bottles of 'Equestrian White Wine.' "That'll be thirty-five bits, please." Berry said politely to the stallions, who payed happily. One of them turned around and glared at Scythe, giving an audible 'Hmph,' before turning with his two friends and walking out the door. Scythe sighed and looked around the Shop. It was expertly decorated, with wooden walls, floors, and shelves (Obviously stocked with bottles), and a big sign in the middle that says Welcome! No need to think, just pick your drink! Scythe chuckled at the silly rhyme and walked up to Berry, paying no attention to other glaring customers looking for a good bottle of wine. "There you go. All done with that crate." Scythe said happily, smiling warmly. Working seemed to get his mind off of everything else. He'd pretty much forgotten about all the stress and anxiety. "Good. Thanks, Scythe!" Berry said warmly. "The delivery pony should be coming by in about a half hour with another few crates for you." "Alright. What can I do till then?" Scythe inquired. "Hm...I guess you can go on break, then!" Berry answered. Just then, Scythe could hear something coming from the back room of the Shop, which was locked to everypony but Berry and now himself. It sounded like talking, but he couldn't make anything out of it. "Hey, you hear that?" He asked aimlessly. "Hear what?" Berry obliviously answered. Scythe could swear he could hear something. Moving closer, he could make out two voices, one sounding aggressive, and the other sounding small and nervous. He opened the door to the back room, which turned out to be a small office, and realized that the voices were coming from behind a door in the office which lead outside. He pushed open the door to see two ponies, both Unicorns, one a small pale-pink filly, and the other a big dark red stallion. "No! I don't wanna go with you!" The filly shouted at the stallion nervously. "I don't care what you want! I'm your daddy, and you're coming with me!" The stallion shouted back angrily, reaching out to grab her, apparently forgetting about his magic. "NO!" The filly yelped and jumped back. "Don't tell me no!" The stallion moved forward. "Uh, excuse me?" Scythe made his presence known. The filly turned her scared gaze to Scythe and gasped. "Scythe? You're okay!" The filly shouted. "Berry?" Scythe addressed the pink filly, who's name was Berry Pinch. The stallion turned to Scythe angrily. "Can I help you, bud?" He asked Scythe, fury in his deep voice. Scythe wasn't intimidated. "Yeah. You can tell me what's going on here?" He said steadily. "Here's a good answer: None of your damn business!" The stallion snapped, turning back to the filly named Berry. "I don't care what the court says, you little shit. You're coming with me!" He yelled angrily at the trembling filly, and moved forward again. Scythe stepped up and blocked him. "Um, no. If you don't have custody of her, then you don't get her." Scythe said defensively. The stallion scoffed. "Get out of my way." He tried to move past Scythe, but was still blocked. "Do you want me to kick your flank?" "Do you wanna challenge me, tough guy?" Scythe asked challengingly. "Pfft, step back, kid. I going to get my daughter." The stallion said rudely. "I said I'm not going with you, you big jerk! I'm staying here with mom!" Berry yelled at her father and ran to the door. The stallion lunged to the side to try and catch the pale-pink filly, but Scythe moved and pushed him against the wall. "Berry, close and lock the door!" Scythe shouted to Berry, just as the stallion swung a punch at his face with a hoof. Scythe ducked and landed two quick blows to the stallion's stomach, causing him to stumble back in pain. "You messed with the wrong pony, mother bucker!" He shouted, before lunging forward. He caught Scythe from the midsection. Scythe held back the stallion effortlessly. This brought great surprise to himself, but he shook it off, throwing the stallion back. He hit and cracked the wall with a loud thud. Out cold, too. Scythe went wide eyed and stared at his forehooves. "How did I...?" He asked aloud, very surprised and confused, before shaking his head. "Not important right now..." The door swung open, and Berry Punch stood with her daughter, a knife in her mouth. She looked to the left to see a familiar red stallion slumped against a cracked wall, passed out. She dropped the knife. Scythe looked at the little pale-pink filly. "Berry, what was THAT about?" Minutes Later "I told him to go away, but he wouldn't listen!" Berry Pinch explained fearfully. "Was I bad for saying no to him? He IS my dad, after all!" "Of course you weren't bad, sweetie." Berry Punch explained to her daughter, gently stroking the filly's mane. "You were smart to say no. He's a bad pony." She looked over at Scythe, who had one eyebrow raised in curiosity. "So...Why was he so obsessed with getting her?" He asked. "Well, the court gave me full custody of her, which meant he wasn't even allowed to see her. He's a big time druggie, anyway. The only reason he wanted her is to make himself look good." Berry Punch explained. "'Oh, look at me! I have a daughter! All the mares will TOTALLY want a family man!'" She mocked, waving her hooves around for emphasis. "But...If you hadn't stepped in when you did..." She stopped herself, knowing it's best to not think about it. "Thanks for standing up for me, Scythe." Berry Pinch said happily, smiling up at Scythe. Scythe smiled himself. "No need for thanks, squirt." He said playfully, ruffling her mane with a hoof. "No, really..." Berry Punch started. "You saved her from what could have been really bad. Thank you." "It's okay, Berry." Scythe said light heartedly, hugging both ponies. Three Hours Later It was now 9:00PM, and Scythe was finished work. Coming back up from the cellar underneath, he noticed Berry Pinch look at something uncertainly. "What's wrong?" He asked, but saw the answer before he heard it. Berry Punch was stumbling towards the filly, an empty bottle of wine right next to the counter. "H-Hey, Scy--HIC--Scythe. Whassup?" She slurred. She was drunk. Very drunk. "For the love of...Berry, go upstairs to your room, okay? I'll come up and talk to you in a few minutes." Scythe explained annoyingly, with a sigh. She complied without hesitation, running up the stairs to her bedroom. "G--HIC--Good idea, S-Scythe...We're...HIC...We're all aloooooone..." Berry Punch said lustfully, greatly slurring her words. She moved forward toward Scythe in a very suggestive way. "C'mon...HIC...Let's have some fun!" She wrapped her pink forelegs around the light brown stallion, who pushed her off. "Whoa whoa whoa! Slow your role, Berry. I like sex as much as the next stallion, but we're through. We were through two years ago." Scythe explained strictly. "Come on...It--HIC--wont hurt any--HIC-pony!" The intoxicated light-grayish-mulberry mare advanced again. Scythe was about to react, before Berry dropped to the floor. She had suddenly fallen asleep. Scythe just stared awkwardly, before picking her up. He put her on his back and led her up to her room. He pushed the door open gently and brought the sleeping mare to her bed. Lightly setting her down on the bed, he couldn't help but chuckle. After he was sure Berry Punch was okay, he went to her daughter's room. Entering the room with a sigh, Scythe started to speak. "Berry, you really shouldn't have seen that." He paused for a moment to think of what to say next. "Your mom...It's that she likes to drink...That 'Stuff,' which makes her feel really nice. Especially when she's sad." He explained awkwardly to the filly, who stared up at him with pale green eyes. "But...Why is she sad?" She asked innocently. "W-Well, she's not sad...But she just likes the feeling she gets when she drinks that stuff." Scythe paused again. "Look, I'll get your mom to talk to you about it tomorrow, okay?" "Are you leaving?" Scythe thought about it for a moment. "Well, I don't like leaving you two alone here overnight. At least not when your mom is...Hopped up on that 'Stuff.' I'll stick around here tonight, alright?" "Okay." Berry smile happily, before jumping up and hugging Scythe. "Good night!" "G'Night." Scythe said with a smile, and then he turned towards the door. "And Scythe?" "Hm?" "Thanks for protecting me from my dad." Scythe simply smiled again. "Not at all, squirt." Four Hours Later At was now 3:00AM, and Scythe was nearly asleep. He had to shake himself multiple times to keep from the tempting slumber. Noticing the time, he remembered that it was closing time, but he had closed much earlier due to Berry Punch passing out. Anyways, the last thing he wanted to do was talk to customers who were looking for a drink. Who knows what they'd have to say to him. Trying his hardest to stay awake, Scythe decided it would be best if he went outside for some fresh air. He unlocked the door and stepped outside. The cool night air was moist, but nice. At least there wouldn't be anypony there to glare at him. Or so he thought. "Now I gotcha!" Said a familiar female voice. Scythe wheeled around to see who it was. Rainbow Dash. Again. "Oh no..." Scythe didn't hesitate to express his annoyance. "I told you I'd find you again! Now, I have a few questions!" Rainbow Dash stated strictly. "No..." Scythe sighed and turned around. Before he could even touch the door, the hovering Pegasus put her hoof against it. "You're not going anywhere." She said, a slight hint of aggression in her voice. "Why are you--...I HAVE to go in! I'm supposed to be watching the place." Scythe said frustratedly. Rainbow Dash just gave a suspicious look. "...I work here." Scythe added, before forcing the door open, surprising Rainbow Dash. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." Rainbow Dash managed to slip into the Wine Shop just as the door was closing. "Get out." Scythe commanded irritably, eyes half narrowed. "Why?" Rainbow Dash asked smugly. "Because. It's after hours, and I don't want you in here. Get out." Scythe commanded, not stepping down. "Mmmmmaybe I don't want to! This is a free land, after all!" The rainbow maned Pegasus shouted. "Sssshhhh! Will you keep it down? There are two sleeping ponies upstairs!" Scythe hissed back angrily. Rainbow Dash simply smiled. "Ohhh...So you're house sitting? Or, shop sitting, rather." She said with a smug grin. "What? No, I'm not shop sitting!" Scythe hissed again. "Uh-huh. Suuure. You can go ahead and lie all you want. You can't hide a secret from me." Rainbow Dash said, crossing her forehooves. "I'm not--Look, just leave, please!" Scythe was starting to get frustrated, and a little angry. "I don't think so! Now..." Rainbow Dash said, gently flying further into the Shop. "I've never had alcohol. What's it like being drunk?" Scythe was a little surprised to hear that she had never gotten drunk, but shook it off. "Find out on your own time. As for right now..." He gestured toward the door with a light brown hoof. Rainbow Dash scoffed. "If you're trying to get rid of me, you're gonna have to try harder than that!" She said with a laugh. "Now, how about a taste of wine?" She reached out to get a bottle. "Hey! If you take a sip, you have to buy it!" Scythe almost shouted. "Oh, come on! What's one sip gonna hurt?" "I said no! Out!" "Why?" "I already told you." "Not a good enough reason, pal. I'm staying right here until you answer some questions." Scythe sighed. This would come eventually. "What do you want to know?" He asked irritably. "...Are you a te--" Rainbow Dash began, but was cut off. "No. See, I knew you'd ask that! No questions. No staying here. Out. Now, Rainbow Dash." Scythe spoke with a strong tone of frustration. Inside, he was getting increasingly angry, and could lash out on her at any moment. He had to get her away, or get away from her. "Look, I have to use the bathroom. Don't you dare touch anything." Scythe spoke coldly, narrowing his eyes and walking to the washroom in the back room. Entering the cramped washroom, he started thinking. -For fuck's sake...Why won't she just leave? And why's she so interested in me? A gorgeous mare like her can easily--- He broke himself out of thinking with wide eyes. -There's no way I just...- He thought to himself. Realizing something...He sort of...In a very small way...'Liked'...Having her around. She was the first pony who wasn't his friend that wasn't afraid to be near the so called 'Terrorist.' What's more is that she refused to leave. Why? -How did she know I was here? Could she have been following me? Observing me all day?- He asked himself mentally. -Does she...Li--- He cut himself out of thought again. The idea was ridiculous. Why would somepony like her, a gorgeous mare at that, want to be around somepony like Scythe? He was the one who apparently destroyed a city. And that tugging feeling in his chest when she was around. All these thoughts swam through his head, mixed with the feeling of not knowing anything about why he's in the position he's in now. A new addition to the stress. "No...No!" He said softly, smacking himself in the head with a hoof. -Stop thinking like that! You don't want her. She doesn't want you.- He shrugged it all off as he finished his business and walked out of the washroom. Standing by one of the wine-stocked shelves, was Rainbow Dash, tasting a sample from a bottle of 'Royal Canterlot Daffodil Red Wine.' "Eugh...Yuck! I don't think I like alcohol!" She said with a dismayed look on her face. "Son of a...Put that back and get out!" Scythe furiously hissed through gritted teeth, flailing a hoof in the direction of the door. "What did I tell you? Answers first, THEN I'll leave!" Rainbow Dash said stubbornly, crossing her forelegs. "I have no intention of telling you anything. Out!" Scythe hissed. His anger was starting to get the better of him. "You're going to answer at least ONE question, or I'm not gonna budge!" The Pegasus said, landing gently on the floor of the Shop. "No, I'm not. For the last damn time, get OUT!" Scythe nearly shouted the last word. This was the last straw. He couldn't take much more. "Answers first. Then--" Rainbow Dash began, but was cut off by Scythe's nearly explosive anger. "Alright, you know what, skittle mane? I barely know you and I'm already fed up with you! You need to sod off right now, and go bug somepony else, because I'm not fucking interested in you or anything you could ever possibly have to say. Sod of, take your over-estimated ego with you, and get the hell OUT!" He lashed out on the cyan Pegasus with cold fury, shouting the last word. He instantly regretted it, however, upon seeing the hurt and saddened look on the Pegasus' face. The feeling he felt minutes ago suddenly rushed back, bringing him to a sudden realization: He DID like having her around. He...He WANTED her around. After a few seconds of shocked glaring from Rainbow Dash, Scythe opened his mouth to apologize, but was cut off before he even spoke. "Okay...That's fine..." She said sadly, with a tone of coldness. "I was just trying to ask a few questions, and make a new friend, but I see now, that you're not that kind of pony..." She finished, turning to the door. Scythe sighed. "Rainbow Dash..." He began. "No. Just forget it. Sorry for trying to just talk to you...Jerk..." She opened the door and walked out, tears in her rose eyes. "Rainbow Dash!" Scythe shouted after her, not caring if he woke up the two sleeping ponies upstairs. He felt truly sorry. He was truly sorry. By the time he walked out the door, Rainbow Dash had already taken off into the sky. "Rainbow Dash!!!" He yelled to her, with no response. After a few minutes of standing out there, staring up at where she flew away, he just sat on his rump with a heavy sigh. "Damn...What have I done?" To Be Continued... Written by XtremelyXtreme