//------------------------------// // MISSING! // Story: The Love Demon // by Hazel_Hester777 //------------------------------// Twilight spent yet another restless night, thinking about what may become of her friends if she doesn’t admit the truth. Yet, at one point, she nodded of and fell asleep. When she woke up, she was still worried and confused. She called out for Spike, but the dragon was nowhere in sight. She checked his bed, no luck. She searched for Owlicious, but he too was missing. “Where could they be? It’s the crack of dawn.” She thought to herself. Right then, she heard knocking at the door. She opened it and saw all her friends. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. They seemed all worried. “Girls! What’s going on?” “Twilight…” Pinkie began. “…The Cutie Mark Crusaders…” Applejack continued. “…and our pets…” Rainbow choked her tears. “…have gone MISSING!” Rarity finished. “What?! So did Spike and Owlicious! Come inside, tell me what happened” Twilight gestured for them to come in her home. “Now, tell me what happened exactly?” “Twilight, (sniff) I was having a good nap, dreaming about parties. But when I woke up…Gummi was gone! I searched everywhere he could be, but then I ran into the others, then we found out all our pets were GONE!” Pinkie sobbed dramatically in front of Twilight. The Unicorn found it rather over-the-top, Applejack was confused, Rainbow was rolling her eyes, and Rarity acted mature. “It’s okay, Pinkie. I promise you, we’ll find Gummi, and the others” Twilight tried her best to fake that she was still called Pinkie’s marefriend. “Thank you, Twilight. I knew you would do anything for me!” The others looked at each other with a deadpan face. Pinkie puckered up her lips, as if about to kiss Twilight. The Unicorn had to think of an excuse fast. That was when she realized one of her friends were not around. “Where’s Fluttershy?” Pinkie stopped, and looked around. “She wasn’t here?!” “That’s odd, she has the most animals to take care of plus an alien apprentice that won’t leave her side. And yet, she isn’t at all here?” Rarity asked. “Unless, she could be the one who took them in our sleep! Oh, when I get my hooves on her and that orange minion of hers, I’ll snap her neck!” Pinkie angrily growled. “Pinkie, calm down. That can’t be her, and Spike is Bunny’s friend. They would never do such a thing. And Bunny is a companion and apprentice to Fluttershy, not a minion” Twilight reasoned out, trying to protect both her love and the companion of her love. Bunny was immortal, so snapping her neck wouldn’t kill her. But Fluttershy was just a normal Pegasus, if she’s done, she’s done. And if the mare dies, her apprentice would lose her head and try to take revenge or bring her friend back from the dead. Twilight wouldn’t risk it. Just then, they all heard yet another knock on the door. Except that whoever was knocking it, they sounded as though it was urgent. It sounded like two hooves at once, rapidly, and they were even trying to tug the door open. Twilight opened the door, and there she saw it. ”BUNNY?!” The alien looked slightly different. She had the Exorcism’s Mark across her stomach, she wore a cross on her neck, and looked a bit drained. She was slightly paler than her normal orange and she had small eyebugs now. She looked obviously scared, and worried. “Hurry, Twilight!” she pushed the Unicorn inside, and locked the door behind them. “Woah! What’s with the cutie mark, Bunny?” Rainbow was wide-eyed. “Where did you get that necklace?” Rarity was astonished. “Are you pale today?” Pinkie furrowed her eyebrows. “Bunny, what’s going on?” Twilight glared at the creature. “I’ll ask you the same question: why are you all here at the crack of dawn?” “Oh, nothing. It’s just that last night, we went to sleep with our pets and the Crusaders were still around. But when we woke up, even Spike was gone!” Applejack told calmly. Bunny was afraid again. “Spike?! Oh no!" The alien teleported all over the library, searching for even a hint that the owl and the dragon were still around. “Spike? Owlicious? Where are you? Come out, come out, wherever you are!” She finally tried to sniff out Spike’s scent at his bed, and at once she saw a vision of what happened: Spike and Owlicious were sleeping, until a red tentacle grabbed them both. It brought them to Fluttershy’s cottage, and the demon inside began to harness their life energy. She also saw the Crusaders and the rest of their pets in with them. The vision over, she was put back to the present. Looking down, she was even more of a risk than ever. ”I should’ve come earlier” “Why? What’s going on?” Twilight was concerned. “I know where they are”