//------------------------------// // Save Her, Servant! // Story: The Love Demon // by Hazel_Hester777 //------------------------------// “How embarrassing, Bunny! I walked in there and then (hic), I fainted in front of her! (hic) Like a flower!” Fluttershy sobbed as she cried on her alien friend. Bunny kept patting her on the back. “No worries, Shy. It was my idea to come visit her anyway.” Fluttershy pulled out of Bunny’s hug and paced on the floor. “But if so, why did you even suggest it in the first place?” “I didn’t know it would happen there. I was just trying to help” “Help? It’s obvious: she doesn’t love me back, she loves Pinkie” “Twilight loves you, I know she does. I sensed it, she was even worried when you suddenly collapsed. Why else did she hug you when you woke up?” “She…she did? But I…OW!” Fluttershy fell on the floor, her head was aching bad. “Bunny, what’s going on here?!” Angel asked. But a bolt of dark aura blasted from Fluttershy and onto Angel. Bunny still had some holy water left in her jar, so sprinkled it upon Angel before it could’ve consumed him, saying “The power of Christ compels you!” She ran to him as soon as the entity left. “Thank you” he said. “Don’t thank me yet” she replied, turning their heads back to their Mistress. Fluttershy screeched in pain, until she was no longer in control of her body. She gave in, and let the demon take over. Her skin turned from yellow to white, her mane and tail became red, her irises turned black, her pupils red, and blood poured out of her eyes. Bunny growled at the beast, knowing her mistress was no more. Angel and the other animals cowered in fear. The demonic beast stood up, turning its attention to the young alien. It grinned at the sight. “Well, well, a rabbit growling at a demon?” It spoke, unaware of what his opponent really was. “What have you done to Fluttershy?!” “You ask for your little friend? Heh, a feisty one. But you won’t live long enough to tell the tale” “Just try me, you rotting beasty!” That did it, the demon tried to lash at Bunny using it’s dark aura, but failed. It hissed when it felt her essence. “A Servant?! Impossible!” “Nothing here is impossible” Bunny’s white aura began to glow. “Won’t matter. I can’t absorb you, but I can absorb your animal friends” The demon lashed and levitated all of Fluttershy’s critter friends in the air. The alien was scared and worried at first. But Angel and the other animals were brave. “Don’t worry about us, go and come back when you have enough power to get rid of this thing!” Angel called out. “Leave you behind? But, Angel…” “Go” “But…” “GO!” That did it, Bunny ran out of the cottage and closed the door behind her. She casted a spell that will prevent the demon from coming out. Then, with tears in her eyes, she ran as fast as she could to the Devotion Garden Grounds. ________________________________________ Bunny’s experiences with demons were terrible, especially for exorcisms. As she ran she couldn’t help but think. Where did that demon come from? How and when did he get to her? What’s his name? What does he even want? The questions were about to be answered, because she had reached her destination. She closed her eyes, concentrated hard, and before she knew it, she felt His presence. She bowed down to her God, still shaken. “Little Servant of Faith, why do you fear?” He asked. “My Lord, my friend Fluttershy…she’s…she’s….” “Possessed. By the demon Loveithan, he took on control of her when she felt her heart broken. For months, it’s been feeding off her broken heart. But she can be saved” He pointed to the young alien’s stomach. When Bunny saw it, she was shocked. A sigil, red with a cross and dying demon, appeared across her where her cutie mark should be. She knew what that meant: She had to perform the exorcism. But the mere thought of it terrified her. She recalled her past try, it was disastrous. And because of that, she wished at times that she wouldn’t be sent for the duty again. Especially on her closest friend. “Don’t be afraid, child. You weren’t ready back then. You may not be able to change the past, but you can save the future. Don’t fail her. Don’t fail and make the same mistake with your friend” Bunny finally nodded. “Kill the demon today, face the devil tomorrow” “Good girl. Now get some rest. I will make sure he doesn’t try to get you in your sleep. Tomorrow when you wake up, gather the rest of your group.” “Yes, Father” Bunny went to the closest branch, hanged herself upside-down like a bat, and slept. She knew at dawn, she would have to begin her mission.