//------------------------------// // Anger, the Fire Inside // Story: Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale // by TheothersideofSunny968 //------------------------------// Sunny had teleported himself at least a quarter of a mile away from where he and Alister had been competing, on a road that lead neither to Ponyville or Everfree Forest. Frustrated and hurt, he dashed off of the road as fast as he could, not paying attention to where exactly he was going. All that mattered was that he put as much space between him and Applejack and the farm as possible. He ran so hard and for so long that when he realized that he couldn't feel his legs, he found himself at the creek that was just down the way from Fluttershy's hut, about half the town's length away from the Apple farm. The yellow stallion collapsed on his haunches at the edge of the river, head dropping as tears ran steadily from his eyes. He may not have had all his memories back, but he knew in his heart that he had never felt this hurt. Not even when his father sealed him away... Because... Because he never thought that Applejack would ever hurt him... "Well well well" and all too familiar and most unwanted voice interrupted Sunny's thought. "what do we have here?" Sunny raised his head to see the unwanted image of the three pegusi, Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score, as they hovered in the air just above him, then landed next to him by the river, chuckling lightly as they did. Not wanting the three bullies to see his tear filled eyes, Sunny turned his head away from the three pegusi, sighed then asked in a weakened voice "what do you three stooges want?" "Awwww" Score said as he walked over to Sunny and gave him a forceful nudge. "Can't buddies cheer a pal up when he's down?" "Yeah!" Hoops agreed, taking Sunny's other side, opposite of Score. "Cheer up!" "We saw ya balling your eyes out after your marefriend told you off" Score continued while looking back behind Sunny for some reason. "And we thought we'd come to cheer you up." Slightly confused, Sunny looked over to Score while wiping his eyes clear of tears. "Really?" "Yeah, really?" Hoops said questioningly at Score, earning the dim pegasus a glare from the shorter one. "Ugh, I mean, yeah! Yeah really!" "So to do that" Score recovered and shot Sunny a plastered smile. "We're going to help make you more at home..." Before Sunny could ask how, Score flipped the Stetson off the top of the head of the yellow unicorn. Sunny's vision was then cut off as Dumb-Bell slammed a bucket full of mud onto his head, covering the yellow stallion in freezing cold mud! As Sunny stood up, struggling to get the bucket off, Dumb-Bell, kneeled down on all fours behind him as Score and Hoops pushed Sunny from the front in his confusion, flipping the yellow unicorn over! Sunny landed hard on his back, his ears filled with a ringing from the vibration of the bucket as mud was pushed into his mouth, ears and nose! His head rang as Sunny removed the bucket and wiped the mud from his face. When his eyes were clear of most of the mud, he saw the three jerk pegusi high-hoofing each other for completing the prank. Unfortunately for them, Sunny was in no mood to be messed with... "That was awesome!" Dumb-Bell said as he head butted Score, still laughing in mid air. "Yeah!" Score agreed, chucking at Sunny. "Nothing like dirt to make him feel right at home, right!" "He he, yeah! Dirt!" Hoops agreed as he hovered close to his friends, just barley above the ground. A moment after Score gave Dumb-Bell one last celebratory hoof bump, he saw the yellow stallion move out of the corner of his eye. Score looked down at the stallion and chuckled again as he moved to hover just above Sunny. "Ha ha, feel better? Want some manure to go with it? How about our apple cores from lunch?!" As Hoops and Dumb-Bell broke into more fits of laughter at their friend's joke, Sunny took one last deep breath and let out the anger and rage he held burning inside of him. Score was about to make another joke but his laughter was silenced as his eyes met those belonging to Sunny. The once green and white eyes have darkened, the green irises had shafted to a bright red, where the white sclera had taken the color of glowing green. Score only caught a moment of the frightening sight as purple flames enmities from the stallion's eyes, and in that moment, his world went was swallowed up by shadow! Score did his best to shake off the uneasy feeling that had suddenly overcome him. When he did, he was back at school! He looked himself over and confirmed it, he had reverted back to the age before he even got his cutie mark! "What the-?... What's going on here?" "Hey there, shorty!" A screechy voice rang in Score's ears, one that sent a chill down his spine. Score watched as 3 mares from his old school, ones who were a few years older then him and thus already obtained their cutie marks, approached him, chuckling amongst themselves as their eyes stabbed into the young, much shorter, Pegasus. Score suddenly felt sick to his stomach as the uneasy feelings of his past suddenly rushed back to him, making him forget how he even got sent back in time in the first place. "Oh look! Isn't he such a cute little baby!" Another one of the trio commented as she pinched one of Score's cheeks. "Hey! Cut it out!" Score said as he pushed er hoof away and rubbed his cheek that was now throbbing in pain. "I-I'm no baby !" "Oh?" The third one sarcastically said as she raised a hoof to her mouth. "Then why are you wearing a diaper!" Score looked confused for a moment then looked behind him. He was shocked to see he was now wearing a diaper! An actual, big, puffy, baby's diaper! "Awwww! Is widdle baby gunna wet himself!" The first mare teased again, now appearing three times her previous size. "He smells like he already pooped!" The third one commented, also now three times her previous size, as she pinched her nose with her hoof and waved at the air around her with her free hoof. Score felt the tears build up as he tried his best to hold back from crying, he hadn't cried in years. He forced himself to ridden up so he would never cry like that again! Looking around the school's hall, more and more students stopped and whispered to each other as they looked and pointed at him. It was no use, Score couldn't hold back any more, and began wailing as the three mares continued to laugh at him. The more Score cried, the louder the three mares' laughs grew, and soon, the other students began to laugh with them. That laughter, the thing Score hated the most, filled his head until he couldn't even hear himself crying any more. After several hours, room and all the details faded as Score continued to revert back to an actual baby and the tree bully mares continued to grow and over tower him, their cynical laughter never fading.... Sunny washed the rest of the mud off his face in the river before picking up his Stetson hat, brushing it off, and setting it back on his head. With a deep breath, he looked back at the three pegusi that were now curled up in fetal positions on the ground, muttering different things to themselves with red and green eyes similar to what his were, only calloused by their worst fears, blinding them from the sights of the real world. Sunny let out an angered breath as he was about to leave the three bullies there in the snow, knowing they would do the same to him. But...he hesitated... Just for a moment. As he looked down at the three bullies, a small voice inside told him not to just leave them like this, no matter how angry and hurt he was by their actions. Something inside of him just couldn't leave them to freeze... Sunny looked down the way and saw that Fluttershy's chimney had smoke coming out of it. She must have been home, or somepony was. Sunny walked over and hid in the bushes, making sure to be out of sight as he levitated a few small rocks in the air. He sent the first rock flying at the window with enough force to just get the attention of the pony inside. Moments after it hit the window, nothing happened. Sunny guessed that the pony inside didn't hear it, and sent the second one flying. The same thing happened, nothing. But after the third one hit the window, the yellow animal lover appeared at we window, looking around outside, slightly confused. Sunny then levitated a few more rocks around and let them fall on the ground, makes a trail from Fluttershy's cottage to the three paralyzed stallions. Still hiding amongst the bushes, Sunny watched as Fluttershy emerged from her cottage, accompanied by a relaxed looking green mare with a bandana on the top of her lumpy looking, orange mane. Once the two mares reached the three stallions, Sunny made his move and quietly snuck away from his hiding spot. After he put a good distance between him and the two mares, Sunny decided there was really only one place for him to go now. He focused as hard as he could as his horn began to glow green with his usual magical aura, and in a flash, the stallion had vanished. -Sweet Apple Acres- "The nerve of that colt!" Applejack said as she stormed into the farm house, waking Granny from her nap. "Eh? Wha?" Granny asked as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "After everything we did fer him!" Applejack continued to rant to herself as she went into the kitchen and poured herself a tall glass of cider. "Well ah guess if he ain't in th' spotlight, then he ain't happy.... Ugh! The nerve! Why If brains were leather, he couldn't saddle a June bug!" "He he, we gunna trade th' flea circus in fer ah bug rodeo?" Granny called out to Applejack as she looked over her shoulder, chuckling lightly. Applejack looked around the corner, her anger some what subsiding with the sight of her injured Grandmother now taking her mind off of Sunny. "Ah'm so sorry, Granny, did ah wake ya?" Granny waves a hoof. "Don't worry bout waking little oh' me, AJ. Ah'm just glad ah woke up before ya sold th' flea circus. Mind pourin' me ah glass of cider too, while her there and all?" As Applejack poured her grandmother a glass of apple cider, she thought it would be best to let Granny know about the incident that just took place. Se was going to ask where both Sunny and Alister were, and was going to hear of it eventually. "Granny, do ya know what Sunny just did?!" Granny took the glass that Applejack carried over to her, took a small sip and licked her lips before answering. "Got himself inta some trouble?" "More then that!" Applejack said as she began to see red again." Oh that colt! He's got me more steamed then ah dragon tryin' ta blow out birthday candles!" Granny just chuckled at the sight. "'Bout time!" Was all she had to say to douse Applejack's own fire, leaving the orange mare speechless and confused for a moment. "It ain't healthy fer a stallion to seem so perfect. Needs ta make ah mistake some time. So what trouble did the fella get into?" "Granny! He challenged Alister to an Iron Pony competition, and set th' stakes so if w had won, Alister would have ta leave Ponyville! Fer good!" Applejack emphasized the 'fer good' part of her explanation. "Hmmm" Granny thought as she polished off her whole glass of cider. "And did Sunny win?" "He did, but it wasn't th' right way" Applejack narrowed her eyes as he looked away from Granny. "Alister had ta leave, and Sunny called him out. Sayin' if he had left, he forfeited. Alister had some 'portent things he had ta do, and accepted those terms. Those stakes weren't right! On top of that, that ain't th' right way ta win!" "Hmmmm" Granny thought to herself as she stroked her chin. "Ah wonder... What was it Alister would have got of he had won?" "What does that matter?" Applejack snapped, her anger building up. "Ah never thought I'd see Sunny act like that! Ah thought he was different! A decent stallion!" "Now Applejack" Granny spoke calmly to her granddaughter. "We ah'll know Sunny. And ah've never seen him act like this. Must be some reason fer it." "Well there ain't!" Applejack snapped again and walked over to er chair and plopped down in a fit of anger. "And if he never wants ta come back to th' farm, that's his problem!" Granny sat there for a while just staring at her granddaughter, trying ta find the right words to say. When they came to her, the anger in Applejack had simmered down a little. "Perhaps it's for the best. After all, he's cause quite a bit of trouble around here...." "Yep" Applejack's anger flared again at the thought of the yellow stallion. "And it's not like he's pulled his own weight around here or nothin'" Granny continued. "Right..." Applejack began to calm down more, thinking of the days Sunny would spend working from dawn till dusk on the farm or in town selling apple products. "He probably had no good reason fer actin' that way, anywho" Granny fake yawned as she began to close her eyes. "Best not ta have a feller like that 'round here. Not like anypony else round her has ever gotten so wrapped up in some silly contest, that they may have lost sight of what th' point of all it before..." "Ugh..." Appeljack's mind flopped back to when she and Rainbow Dash competed in the first iron pony competition. Both her and her cyan colored pegusus friend got so wrapped up in outdoing the other that they almost ruined the running of the leaves race. Applejack tipped her hat downward, feeling her cheekS beginning to turn red. "And it's not like Sunny ever felt like he was really ever at home here" Granny continued. "Why, I bet he couldn't wait to leave." Applejack said nothing to Granny's last statement. All the freckles farm mare could think about was that first day that she met Sunny, and how he vowed to look after the farm and the Apple family. Applejack felt the strength behind his words. Felt the passion in his heart when he said that. In that moment, Applejack's mind began to reel with the memories she had of Sunny being on the farm and in Ponyville. All the good times they shared, all the fun they've had. Then her grandmother's words popped back into Applejack's mind... 'No mater what, Applejack, our home will always be wherever our family is. Weather on this farm, in a house in Boltimare, or even a cardboard box...We'll always have each other.' 'But who does Sunny have now?' Applejack though, her ears laying flat against the side of her head. 'He's always had us by his side, and the farm to call home... He is one of us! And ah got ya go get mah stallion!' Before the elderly green mare pretended to drift off into slumber land, leaving her granddaughter alone with her thoughts for a few moments. It didn't take the orange farm pony long before she was out the door, heading in the direction of town. Granny smiled at the sound of the door opening and closing combined with the sound of Applejack's hoof steps as she did so. The elderly farm pony smiled and sighed as she really did drift off to sleep, hoping to have a nice, pleasant dream. "Oh ta be young and in love..."