//------------------------------// // The End, and Also, the Beginning... // Story: Angelic Vampire // by kurusagi16 //------------------------------// The End, and Also, the Beginning... With the assistance of Discord and the Magister's magic, everypony managed to securely bind up the Half Blood vampires and place them into a prison wagon Discord had conjured up. The Draconequus himself stood off to the side and watched as the Pure Bloods were offering their thanks to the Magisters for their assistance, and assuring them that the rouges would be properly punished for their crimes. Now that he was finally free, Discord was contemplating what to do next. Where could he go? What could he do? It was then that somepony walked up behind him and tapped his arm. He turned around to see Alistair, standing there with a hard to read expression as he looked up at him. "Discord, I believe it was?" Alistair began. "Is it true that you helped take care of my daughter while she was with Eldra?" Discord was silent, wondering how to answer, until he finally said, "Yes." Alistair took a step closer to him. "My daughter also told me how you pretended to know me and pretended to be a pony just so you could lure her into a trap set by Eldra." he added. Discord cringed, not wanting to think about that. He spoke up, as he tried to defend himself. "To be fair, it was on;y partially my fault! For one thing I had this nonsensical contract with Eldra, and when--" "Enough." Alistair interrupted, cutting Discord off. "Whatever your intentions were cannot change the fact that you worked with Eldra, and manipulated my daughter." 'Oh dear, here it comes.' Thought Discord, expecting the stallion to break into a loud and angry outburst. But much to his surprise, Alistair did no such thing, instead, he sighed and looked over his shoulder at where Fluttershy and her two friends were chatting about all that had happened to them. "However, you also showed my daughter kindness, and helped to subdue the Half Bloods as though it were nothing, and for that, you have my gratitude." he said. "Um...thanks?" said Discord unsure. Alistair looked back up at him, his eyes hard as he looked into Discord's face. "Even though I'm willing to let your other transgressions go by, I want to make it perfectly clear that should you do anything like this again, I shall take it upon myself to punish you as harshly and as painfully as possible. Is that understood?" Discord wasn't afraid of Alistair, but then again, he was Fluttershy's father, so he replied, "I understand perfectly." This seemed to satisfy Alistair, as he trotted to his fellow Pure Bloods to thank them for their help. Discord watched him as he left. He wondered curiously what sort of punishment the stallion could have that could possibly affect him or cause him any real pain. However, he didn't get a chance to think on the subject any further, as Fluttershy approached him attentively. "Um, Discord?" she asked. Discord snapped his attention to her and replied, "Yes, my dear?" "I just...wanted to thank you again, for everything." "Please, there's no thanks necessary!" he said, waving a talon at her words. "Still, it was a pleasure to be of service to you, despite all that happened with Eldra, this has been the most interesting experience that I've had in eons!" Fluttershy gave a small smile. "I'm glad to hear that." She then glanced down and scuffed the ground with her hoof. "And, um, I was wondering...now that you're no longer with Eldra, what are you going to do now?" Discord stroked his beard, musing over it before answering, "Oh, you know, a little of this, a little of that. Why do you ask?" "Well, I was thinking that, if you wanted to of course, you're welcome to stay at my home till you can find place of your own." "Y-you'd do that for me?" Discord blinked at her in surprise. Fluttershy nodded, her cheeks lightly blushing a rosy pink. "You are my friend after all, and despite all that's happened around here, I'd like this to be a chance for us to truly become friends. Given time that is." Discord didn't know what to say. The corners of his mouth curved up into a smile as he wrapped Fluttershy into a hug. "I'd be more than happy to." he said graciously. In that moment, both their hearts beat rapidly, they quickly pulled away, averting each others' gaze as their faces grew warm. Fluttershy cleared her throat, finding her voice. "Good, I'll tell papa that you'd like to stay of us and see if we can work some living arrangements for you." "I look forward to it, my dear." replied Discord. Fluttershy giggled into her hoof. Alistair watched this from a distance, narrowing his gaze on the Draconequus, he'd have to keep a very close eye on that creature. He may have helped his daughter, but he was still a male, and he wouldn't allow another male around her until he proved himself worthy enough of her. And he still had a long way to go before then. "Alistair? Is everything okay?" Alistair turned back to Scarlet who'd been trying to talk to him. "Er, yes?" he said. Scarlet sighed. "As I was saying, I wish both you and your daughter good luck, and I look forward to hopefully seeing you at the upcoming Blood Moon Ball." "Likewise." Alistair replied. With their farewells said, Scarlet and her husband turned to prepare the Pure Bloods and captured rouges for transport. Meanwhile, Twilight was having a quick word with Magister Celestia. "Magister Celestia, do you mind if I ask you something?" she began. "But of course Twilight." said Celestia. "What is it?" "Well, I know I was sent to look into the vampire attacks, and to report back on my findings." Twilight began. "And now, that rogue vampires are captured, things will start going back to normal." "But?" "But, I think there's still some things I'd like to continue looking into, as part of my research." Twilight gazed over at Fluttershy who was chatting and laughing with Rainbow Dash. "Fluttershy and Alistair have allowed us to come into their lives, and with their help, I believe there's a chance that we will be able to better understand not only them, but the rest of the New World vampires. You said so yourself that you wished to change things between the two species for the better." Celestia smiled wisely and nodded. "I did say that, didn't I?" she said. "Very well then Twilight Sparkle, you may continue your studies with the guidance of Alistair and Fluttershy, and occasionally report back on your findings." "Thank you, Magister. I promise I won't let you down." said Twilight bowing her head to Celestia. "Please, there's no need to be so formal, Twilight." said Celestia with a laugh. "Sorry." Twilight replied with a sheepish smile. "Hey, Twi, get over here!" Rainbow called out to her. "Coming!" Twilight called back. She turned to Celestia before heading toward her friends, saying, "Excuse me." Celestia stood and watched as the young Unicorn trotted off. Luna chose this moment to come up to her sister's side and followed her gaze. "It seems all turned out well in the end." said Luna. "I suppose so." Celestia said in agreement. "It also appears that "You-know-who" has resurfaced as well." Luna pointed a hoof to Discord, who was walking up to Fluttershy and her friends. "Should we confront him?" "Yes, but not now." answered Celestia. "If Discord wanted, he could've left by now and resumed his chaotic ways, and yet, he hasn't" She regarded the way Discord looked at Fluttershy and the way Fluttershy would look away, unable to keep herself from blushing. It was an intriguing sight. "For now, I'm curious to see what happens next." "Man, I can't believe Eldra's not only your aunt, but that she did all those terrible things to you!" said Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, well, I'm just glad it's all over." "Yep, with Eldra in the Pure Blood's care, I doubt she'll cause anymore trouble for a long time." said Twilight confidently. It was then that a shocked scream rang out. Everyponys' heads turned to the source of the scream, from Selene, one of the Pure Bloods, who was staring at the Prison cart with wide eyes. "Selene, what's wrong?" Scarlet asked with serious concern. Selene shakily pointed a hoof at the cart as she answered. "I-i-it's Eldra, s-she's...she's gone!" There was a collective gasp. "Gone?! How can she be gone?!" shouted Alistair, rushing to the cart for closer inspection. Sure enough, there was no sign of her. Phobos shook his head. "I just don't understand it. How could she have escaped? And not only that, but where could she have gone?" Fluttershy shivered with fear. Her mad aunt was now loose, and there was no telling what she'd do next. Discord saw this and comforted her with a tender squeeze on her shoulders. "Don't worry, Fluttershy." he said. "She may be free now, but it won't be for long, not if I or your father have anything to say about it." "Really?" she asked. Discord nodded. Fluttershy smiled at him. "And don't forget us." added Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow's right." said Twilight. "We'll also be right with you to make sure Eldra keeps her distance." Fluttershy looked to the ponies who were around her, offering her their support, her loved ones. She smiled at them. "Thank you, everypony, thank you so much." After she said this, Fluttershy felt for a moment, an odd presence watching her. She looked over her shoulder into the woods, but whatever she sensed was no gone. She shrugged it off. It was probably nothing anyway. Many hours later, at the old inn... It was now nighttime, and Eldra was seething with rage. She'd had everything planned for her triumph over Alistair and the rest of the Pure Bloods, only to have it fail. She would've been carted off with the rest of her Half Blood minions, if Drake hadn't sneaked past everypony and helped her escape. She was now back in her room at the inn, sitting on her bed ranting, as Drake mixed up an elixir for her. "I was so close! I should never have used that spirit! I should've just used some of my minions instead." said Eldra bitterly. "I believe that not only most of my army was wiped out, but that no good hybrid was actually able to best me! Me! It's just not possible." "Here." said Drake, handing Eldra the goblet full of elixir. "Drink this." "Thank you, Drake." said Eldra, taking the goblet and drinking its contents in one gulp. She tossed the goblet on the floor and continued to rant. "Well, this isn't over yet. Mark my words, I'll be back, and when I get my hooves on that no good wretch, I'll--" Eldra was about to continue, but found that she wasn't able to talk anymore. Her body started to seize up in paralysis, unable to move or struggle. Her mind instantly went into a panic, wondering what was happening to her. Drake chuckled darkly. "Finally." he said. "After all these years you finally shut up." Eldra's eyes looked to the empty gobblet on the floor and then darted back to Drake, wide with shock. "What? You didn't seriously think that I respect or was ever loyal to you, did you?" He laughed in her face. "If you thought that, then you're even more of an idiot than I thought you were." Eldra's throat tightened. What was this? Why was Drake turning on her? "All these years," Drake continued. "You tried to groom me into being one of your faithful little minions, but unfortunately for you, you've vastly underestimated me, and made it so easy to get you right where I want you." Eldra tried to shriek, but her body wouldn't do what she wanted. Drake slowly advanced to her, his normally sea-green eyes turning as red as his mane, a red she'd seen not to long ago when looking into the eyes of Fluttershy when she transformed. "I am Drake Alucard." Drake said as he got dangerously close to Eldra. "You killed my mother and tormented my sister." He looked into her eyes, and though his gaze was cold, it also possessed a kind of fire, a fire of wrath. "And now, prepare to die." He opened his jaw widely as his fangs extended out. Eldra let out a choked gasp as Drake plunged his fangs into her neck and begun to drain her of her blood. As she grew weaker and weaker, she felt her life slowly slipping away. By the time Drake had finished, he licked the last bit of blood off his lips, then leaned in to whisper into Eldra's ear just as she was about to die. "Pitiful, your blood is just as bitter and tasteless as you are." He let Eldra's body fall to the floor, looking at it as if it were no longer his concern, which it wasn't. Then, he calmly trotted over and pulled a cloak from the rack and draped it over his body. He took one last glance at Eldra before heading out the door. "Well, I'm glad that's all settled." Drake muttered to himself as he headed for the streets. "But there's still a few things left to be taken care of before I go." Drake pulled down on the hood of his cloak, so only parts of his mane could be seen from it, and trotted off into the night, thinking to himself, 'We'll be seeing each other soon, dear Fluttershy. Very soon indeed.' At the Alucard villa, a little celebration was taking place, for there was much to celebrate. Aside from the safe return of Fluttershy, there was also the defeat of Eldra and her minions, and the welcoming of the three new guests who would be staying with them. Fluttershy had cooked up a delicious feast for everypony, along with a scrumptious-looking apple cake for dessert and plenty of cider to drink. She even got out a bottle of her father's specially stored blood just for him. There was much merry-making as Discord made quips and told a few stories over the meal. During which Fluttershy was smiling the whole time. Never before had she experienced such warmth and happiness with so many ponies, her dear friends. On a couple of occasions, she would find herself looking away each time Discord looked or smiled at her. She figured she'd have to get used to it soon, considering that the two of them would be living together for a while. and even then, the thought of that only served to make her heart pound even faster and make her face grow warmer. As the celebration was reaching its peak, Alistair tapped his glass and made an announcement to everypony at the table. "I propose a toast," he said, lifting his glass. "To our dear new friends, for if it weren't for them, our lives would surely have been in peril." Fluttershy looked around the table at her smiling friends, and raised her glass with them. At long last, her wish came true. She clinked her glass with the others. "To friends!"