Merry Celestmas, Christmas for ponies

by Broneyofnoel

Celestia and Luna

"May we tell ours?" Luna asked as she and Celestia walked through the doorway.

"Princesses!" Twilight exclaimed as everypony bowed for them.

"Well?" Celestia asked.

"Of course!" Twilight said.

"Alright," Luna started, "Mine was 2998 years ago..."


"Mommy, why does Celestia get a holiday, and I don't?" Luna whined.

"You will get a holiday very soon Luna." their mother, Galagos, said.

"It's not fair!" Luna yelled, looking at the ceiling.

"Shush!" Galagos said, putting a hoof in front of her mouth.

"Luna, guess what tomorrow is!" Celestia said.

"What?" Luna asked, sighing.

"Memas!" Celestia jumped, a huge smile on her face.

"What?" Luna was confused.

"Get it, Celest," Celestia gestured to herself, "Celestmas!"

Luna walked to her room, hoping the day would just end, her sister had been bragging about getting a holiday for months now. Every day, she went on and on, I have a holiday, you don't she was tired of it.

"Luna, Luna, come here!" Celestia said as she ran in to Luna's room.

"If your bragging about your holiday, shut up!" Luna said loudly.

"No, mom wants you," Celestia was bouncing around like Pinkie Pie.

"Fine," Luna said lamely.

Luna walked out of her room, led by Celestia, she walked up to her mother.

"Luna, i know that you want a holiday, so I have given you one, since one day you will become goddess of the night, your holiday is Nightmare Night," Galagos said, a smile on her face.

"Really!?!" Luna jumped ten feet in the air, running around, yelling yay.

"When is it?" Luna asked, a smile still on her face.

"October 31st," Galagos said.

"Awesome!!" Luna said, October 31st was her birthday, so she loved that day.

"I knew you'd like it," Galagos said.

"Now, time for bed, Celestmas is tomorrow," Galagos said, looking at an excited Celestia.

The two little fillies ran to their rooms, and Galagos went to Luna's room first.

"I love you Luna, I am glad that you like your holiday," Galagos said, she kissed Luna on the cheek, and Luna gave her a hug.

"Goodnight Luna," Galagos said, walking out of Luna's room, shutting the door quietly.

Galagos walked into Celestia's room next, she bent over and kissed Celestia's cheek, Celestia was already asleep, so Galagos said,

"Sleep tight my little angels,"

Galagos walked, and she sat in the living room for a moment, adn then she went off to bed, needing sleep for her speech in the morning. She was the Queen after all.


"I thought you hated Nightmare Night?" Twilight said.

"No, only after they made it about Nightmare moon," Luna said, looking at Twilight.

"That was awesome, I mean, you got a holiday!!" Pinkie said, a huge smile on her face.

"Princess Celestia, do you have one?" Twilight asked.

"Well, if i must, my favorite Celestmas was one year ago..." Celestia started.


Celestia and Luna sat there, enjoying the Celestmas party dinner, Luna wasn't quite adjusted to many people's company, she looked a bit uncomfortable. Celestia walked over to her and said,

"Sister, it's been three months, I know you were gone for a thousand years, but you still seem uncomfortable around more than two people," Celestia said.

"it's not that, I mean it is just that i am uncomfortable, I remember how cold it was on the moon, and it is nearing that temperature now, and memories are coming back," Luna said.

"I have an idea," Celestia walked over to the chefs, and asked them,

"My sister is uncomfortable, can you bring her a warm drink, and turn the heat up a little,"

"No problem Princess," the chef said, immediately going in to the kitchen to brew up a warm cup of tea, Luna's favorite was hot green tea.

The chef brought the hot cup of tea to Luna, who gladly accepted it, she drank it, even though it was near boiling, she looked less uncomfortable, but still, something was off.

"Celestia, can I ralk to you?" Luna asked.

"Yes, what's wrong/" Celestia asked.

"Well, I am not feeling well, i mean I am not sick, but I feel off," Luna said.

"Is it something to do with the moon?" Celestia asked, looking at the large, full moon.

"Possibly, can you close the drapes?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Celestia closed the drapes, the room darkened a bit, but nothing very noticeable, Luna perked up a bit.

"Thank you sister," Luna said.

When the party ended, the sisters went to the main room on the third floor, they watched movies for a little while, hen Luna became tired, Celestia accompanied her to her room.

"Goodnight Celestia," Luna said.

"Goodnight," Celestia said, turning off the lights, "my little angel,"

Celestia cleaned up the main room, turned off the movie, and retired to her own room. The next morning, they awoke around the same time, Celestia looked outside, as always, she had the weather ponies drop four inches of white powdery snow.

"Merry Celestmas sister," Celestia said with a yawn.

"I got you a present," Luna said, giving a little box to Celestia.

"Oh, you did, what is it,"Celestia opened it, it was some black powder, she looked up at Luna, who was smiling.

"Philomena," Luna said, the ash floated up n the air, and it formed into a new Phoenix.

"I love it,' Celestia said, looking back at Luna.

"I have something for you too," Celestia actually did, she handed a book over to Luna, Luna opened it, it was an old scrapbook from their childhood, she gave Celestia a hug. Luna had lost a lot of her memories, thanks to Nightmare Moon, but this would help her get them back.


"Wow, that was an amazing story," Fluttershy said, she had loved it.

"Thank you," Celestia knew how shy Fluttershy was, so she knew it took a lot to get her to say that.

"I'm glad you could make it to my party,' pinkie said, looking at Celestia, and then Luna.

"You're not starting without I, are you?" the blue mare said as she entered the library.