Broken Diamond

by The Bricklayer

Part 4: Yep, Mental's the word for it...

All three of the ponies rushed to the Children's Hospital, where they were led to Diamond's room. Each of the trio had conflicting feelings. For Script, this would be his first real meeting with Diamond and he didn't know how she's react. Would she hate him, or actually thank him for saving her life. Script suspected the former to be honest. Twilight meanwhile was nervous for Diamond's wellbeing. She had to know what had happened by now and was certain to be in grief. Potion, he just didn't know what to think as he has no prior meetings with Diamond and only had hearsay to guess at what she'd be like. The trio quickly found they weren't alone outside Diamond's room, as the CMC were already there along with Silver Spoon. But there was somepony else as well, somepony new. He was gray furred, with a top hat and a monocle.

"Wait, who's he again?" Potion asked and his father shrugged.

"Don't know, probably one of those bloody lawyers." Script growled, as he had a real hate for them. Nopony had ever been able to pry out of him exactly why and they figured it was just Script being himself. Twilight however was more interested in something else. Or rather someponies to be exact.

"Girls, what are you three doing here?" She asked the CMC, who looked at her in confusion. "Isn't Diamond one of those two fillies that are always bullying you about your marks?"

"Don't remind me..." Sweetie Belle muttered, and Apple Bloom gave her a harsh glare while Scootaloo shushed her.

"Mah big sis always to me to be polite and nice to anypony no matter how much ah think they should wallow in the mud or no matter how much ah hate their guts." Apple Bloom replied. Twilight blinked before giving the youngest Apple sibling a smile.

"Well... Nice to see you're listening to your big sister." She said politely. Sweetie Belle mumbled something under her breath as Silver who was sitting nearby rolled her eyes while Scootaloo still didn't know what to think of all this. Nurse Redheart appeared a few moments later.

"You can all come in now." She said. Script swallowed and said what pretty much everypony was thinking about then.

"Time to head into the lion's den, eh?" He murmured sarcastically.

Sugarcube Corner:

Meanwhile, at Sugarcube corner everyone's favorite Party Pony AKA Pinkie Pie had called the other four members of the Mane Six, alongside Spike and Raindrops who was still in town for the time being before she went back to Cloudsdale later that night, to her place for some much needed help.

"Hear ye, hear ye! This meeting of something You-do-not-tell-that-grumpy-gus-Written Script will come to order!" Pinkie exclaimed, while behind her a cake baked in the oven.

"Darling, as much as I love seeing you this circumstance is quite mysterious..." Rarity trailed off and Pinkie just looked confused and let out a small "Huh?"

Rainbow facehoofed and muttered "Aw come on..." while Applejack gladly explained.

"What she means is, will somepony explain what the Sam Hill is going on? Ah've got Apples to buck, and Ah almost certainly do not want to get behind schedule." Applejack said, her accent pronounced in her annoyance. Pinkie bounced around the room smiling like a cat who got a canary, almost as if she was on a permanent sugar high.

"Well, I was just baking cakes, y'know as you do when my Pinkie Sense just went all crrrrazzzzyyy. Crazy, I tell you!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"So I soon figured out it was telling me somepony was about to get adopted and I think it's Diamond who is about to be adopted by your cousin!" She said happily to Raindrops who still wasn't sure on what was going on thought she did have a feeling on what it might be.

"Meaning...?" Raindrops asked.

"We should throw a Diamond-Gets-Adopted-By-Script party!" Pinkie said, and Rainbow stared at her in disbelief.

"Hate break it do you, Pinks but it might not be Script who does the adopting. Guy's a jackass anyhow. He probably wouldn't even want the damn thing." Rainbow replied with a annoyed tone in her voice before Pinkie shoved some soap in her mouth which was quickly spat out.

"Silly Dashie, bad language gets your mouth washed out with soap!" Pinkie cried while Raindrops tossed her fellow pegasus a angered look and jumped to her cousin's defence.

"Rainbow, I think I can judge for myself on what kind of pony my cousin is. I admit, he can be a jerk sometimes... Okay, most the time if I'll be honest here but he's got a good heart somewhere deep down in there. You just have to look hard enough. Rarity married him for some reason, right?" Raindrops asked.

Rarity remembered how things went in the six month period she and Script actually were married. During the time they dated and during the marriage Script actually seemed to be making a effort to become a gentlestallion. But the marriage failed largely because neither of them could make their jobs work well enough that they could spend time with each other. After the divorce, Script reverted and as far as she could tell was taking his rage and heartbreak on just about anypony he could instead of dealing with it in the way he could have.

Raindrops then changed the subject on noticing Rarity's expression.

"Anyways, a party's bound to make Potion happy and I do love doing that. So... Let's get to it. Move, ponies!" Raindrops ordered, with a voice not far removed from a Drill Sarge's. Everypony present listened and got to work...

Ponyville Children's Hospital, Diamond Tiara's room:

The whole group of ponies wandered in to the very clean if not somewhat clinical room and as one their eyes all gazed at Diamond who was in her bed looking out the window. At one point she sniffled. Script winced while Twilight looked away. Only Silver was unaffected, as she'd seen her in this state once before. Diamond looked horrible, with her tear stained face and some burns making her a rather pitiable sight indeed. Nurse Redheart knocked on the doorway, getting the filly's attention and making her turn her head towards her visitors.

"Diamond, you've got guests." Redheart smiled.

"Hello." Twilight said politely while Potion gave a little shy wave before shrinking into himself. Sweetie meanwhile was having second thoughts on her hatred for Diamond. Apple Bloom might have been right after all, what would it be like for Sweetie if she was in her archenemy's place?

"So... I'd say this is more of a bloody proper meeting instead of that one we had before." Script said, before Redheart smacked him and said "Language!" Script rolled his eyes in response and ignored her. He could talk how he wanted.

"Oh, it's you." Diamond muttered before she pursed her lips at the sight of three certain fillies. "And I see you've brought the Cutie Mark crybabies with you."

"First thing I want to say is how sorry we all are for what happened to your parents." Twilight said sadly. Diamond glared harshly at her and Script.

"Oh yeah? If you were really sorry you would have saved me and my parents wouldn't you?" Diamond snapped.

"We... We didn't get there in time!" Twilight stammered and Diamond snapped back at her.

"Then you should have made time and got there before... Before they... You should have been quicker! I hate you both!" She yelled as she tried to resist the oncoming flood before the dam finally broke and it came.

"Surely you don't mean that...?" Twilight said, as she knew Diamond probably didn't. Not really anyway, she was grieving and not dealing with her grief and pain properly and lashing out instead at anypony she could. It was then the pony in the top hat finally spoke up.

"Hey kid." He said, with a Manehattenite accent. Diamond rubbed the tears from her eyes and blinked at the stallion.

"Uncle Caeser!" She said and buried herself within his fur.

"So sorry, but when I heard what happened to my brother in but blood I came as soon as I could." The newly named pony said in a sorrowful along with a somewhat embarrassed tone of voice.

"Oh yes, she hugs him and all I get is scorn." Script muttered to himself. Nearby Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie "Uncle?" and the other CMC member could only shrug.

"Not by blood, but he might as well be. Runs a big law firm in Manehatten." Silver whispered back.

"Dummy Blank Flanks, you should know this. He's famous." Silver sniped as Script heard her from nearby and sighed in disgust at himself. Now he remembered who the guy was.

"So he is a lawyer!" Potion exclaimed happy his father was right.

"I'm overjoyed, now Diamond can sue me." Script replied in a dry and bitter tone.

"Well, look at the bright side." Twilight smiled before continuing.

"At least she's going to live with somepony she likes and who'll care for her." She said before Potion spoke up.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." He said nervously. "Care for her he can, well I assume he can but..."

"You're not making sense." Twilight frowned.

"No, he's a idiot." Diamond said. "Can't you just be happy for me?"

"Actually, I'm dancing with joy." Potion said, without any hint of sarcasm. "But there is a slight... issue. Wouldn't you have to leave your friends here to go to Manehatten? Silver's mother is Mayor Mare so she has to stay put for the time being. Has nopony else thought of this, or is it just me?"

Silver and Diamond both frowned, they hated to admit it but Potion was quite right.

"Well, this does present a problem." Caeser muttered.

"Which I could fix!" Script jumped in, and at once all eyes turned to him.

"Why do you want to adopt her anyway? You've never said." Twilight asked.

"I... I have my reasons." Script admitted while looking away from everypony. Both Potion and Twilight saw a very small tear drip out of his eye and onto the floor. After a few minutes, Diamond would finally speak up and give her final answer on the matter.

"Alright, I guess I'll give it a shot if only for a month." She said.

"But if by the end of the month I still don't like Script..." Diamond trailed off and Caeser finished for her.

"I adopt her."

And that was why a few days later after all the proper legal forms had been signed and dotted to a "T" and Diamond's stay in the Hospital was complete she found herself in front of Written Script's home.

"Alright, it's time to take the first steps of what for all I know might be the rest of my new life." Diamond said nervously. "Here goes nothing."