//------------------------------// // Part 3: Getting Some Advice // Story: Broken Diamond // by The Bricklayer //------------------------------// Ponyville High School, History Classroom: "What in Tirek's name were you thinking?" A female voice, one belonging to Script's cousin Raindrops yelled at him from in front of his desk. "You could have gotten killed and once again your son would be left in a orphanage, probably the exact same one! And you know how that would have turned out." Script winced. His cousin made a valuable point. For almost fifteen years, his adopted son was in a orphanage after he'd been left there by Celestia knows who. During that time, Potion had been constantly bullied for his different appearance compared to the other kids. As a result, he'd been left rather timid and with a low self confidence in himself. "Don't you think I know that? It was stupid of me to just rush in there, but-" Raindrop's voice became more compassionate and understanding, far removed from it's original fury. "I know. I know why you did what you did." Raindrops said, remembering her only cousin's past. "That poor filly, she's going to need your help over the coming weeks. Make sure you give it to her when she needs it." Ponyville Children's Hospital: In a room at the Children's Hospital, Diamond awoke at last. She blinked at the lighting and looked to her left. On a bedside table next to a lamp were some cards, with colts and fillie's handwriting inside them and drawings made with crayons on the cards themselves. Diamond was confused, why would she have all of these cards? She was so focused on them, she didn't see a nurse, Nurse Redheart to be exact enter the room along with Silver. Finally she did see Redheart and looked quizzical. "Um, excuse me. Why do I have all of these cards?" Diamond asked in the politest tone she could muster up. The nurse looked away, and Diamond could have sworn a tear came and dripped out of her eye. It was then the filly finally noticed that her best friend was in the room as well. Diamond was even more confused then ever by this point, as Silver looked as if she'd been crying. "Diamond, there's something you should know..." Redheart began sadly, and Diamond at this point really was in no mood to dance around things. "What, what is it?" She asked impatiently. "I... I don't know how to tell you this but..." Redheart trailed off, and Silver finished for her. "Diamond, your parents..." Silver sobbed. "They're dead. They never made it out of the house before..." Silver said, unable to bring herself to finish the sentence. Diamond shook her head rapidly in denial. "No... NO! It can't be true, it just can't!" Diamond yelled and Redheart let out a small simple "I'm so sorry." "I want my daddy!" Diamond yelled before collapsing into sobs as Silver hugged her tightly. Ponyville Police Station: Meanwhile back with a certain grumpy history teacher, he'd gone to visit somepony he knew at the Ponyville Police Station, which was located smack-dab in the middle of the town, not far from the Golden Oaks Library... "Written Script, as I live and breathe. Well, haven't seen you since the last parent teacher conference." The detective on duty, Bon-Bon greeted as she put her hat on a stand next to her desk. Currently she and Script were in her office. "Tell me, my son get into trouble again or something. Something tells me this isn't a social call." "No, it's nothing like that. Trust me, I'd be much more grumpy if that were the case. Actually, I'm here to ask you about the Rich Manor case. The talisman the arson guy found to be precise." Script stated. "Concerned about that Tiara kid are you?" Bon-Bon teased, and Script just rolled his eyes. "No! Hardly." Script said, though Bon-Bon looked skeptical. "Call it... curiousity, mainly. And yes, I know what they say about cats and that. Hate cats." He added, as a afterthought. Bon-Bon laughed to herself and smirked slightly. She knew Script was lying to himself. He was just too damn stubborn to admit it aloud. "Well, we do have some leads." Bon-Bon admitted, although she knew she really shouldn't be discussing this case with those not on it. "We couldn't find any hoof-prints on the talisman so we figure it had to have been handled by unicorn magic." Script growled. "That's not a lead, that's a just a bleeding theory!" Script snapped. Bon-Bon waved her hooves in a surrendering motion. "Hey, you asked for the best we got and you got... it." She trailed off, as Script had already gotten up and left through the door in disgust. He was already heading home. As he did so, he heard ponies point at him and whisper between themselves. Script shook his head in disgust and sighed to himself. "Honestly, can't they find something else or somepony to gossip about?" He asked, to nopony in particular not expecting a answer. But that was exactly what he got. "Because we at times often have little else to talk about." A female voice said from behind him, and Script growled. He knew that voice and muttered to himself "Rarity..." "You know, most are pleased to see me Darling..." Rarity commented, as Script turned to face her with a annoyed expression on his face. "Call me a exception." Script drawled. "Sorry, rough day. Ugh, I hate being famous." Script muttered, and Rarity raised a eyebrow at his apology. He never apologized for any of his sarcasm or his demeanor in general. Something was off, and if Rarity didn't know better she could swear the Script in front of her was a changeling. "Ponies like having others to look up to. Gives them something to strive for." Rarity said kindly. "You should be proud of yourself for becoming a idol, that was a great thing you did, however foolish." Script rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't start. I've already been read the riot act by my cousin. And anyway, I don't want to be famous and get some huge Celestia-forsaken ego like those berks in Canterlot." Script grumbled. "Is being normal too much to bloody ask?" "Nopony's ever really normal, are they?" Rarity asked sarcastically, and had to admit to herself in enjoying Script's stunned look from her sarcasm. "But that's not what's bothering you is it?" Script let out a loud "BAH!" and walked off. Rarity just huffed to herself and muttered "Rude as ever." Script Residence, basement AKA Potion's Science Lab: Eventually, Script made it home and found himself wandering down to the basement, which had a sign on it's door reading "Keep out, and yes this means you!" Script rolled his eyes, he needed advice and much to his current shock there was only one pony who could give it namely his son Potion Bubbles. As usual, Potion had shut himself away down here and was hard at work with his chemistry sets creating a new mixture. Potion was a teenage white furred Bat-Pony with a black mane and matching wings. His Cutie Mark, unsurprisingly enough were two bubbling beakers. Despite being rather cheery most of the time, Potion thanks to what was mentioned above was not brave by any means of the word. "Come on ya little..." Potion muttered to his latest creation before jumping as he saw his father. "ACK! Dad, didn't even see you come in. Need something, like me to clean my room? I promise, I never even ruined the carpet despite how it may look!" Script raised a eyebrow, but brushed off Potion's words. He'd look at his room later. "I need... Celestia above, can't believe I'm saying this but I need some advice." "And here I thought teachers knew everything." Potion teased before flushing red. "Not that I'm implying you don't but... I'll shut up now. What kind of advice? Wait, wait before we say anything else I just want to say that rescue of yours was pretty badf-I mean cool. Not just a stodgy old-Again, shutting up now." Potion said in embarrassment. "Don't make me give you detention next Monday." Script muttered to himself. "Anyways, it's about the rescue or more accurately who I saved." "That Diamond filly?" Potion asked in shock. "Why... Wait, don't tell me you want to adopt her?" "And that's just it!" Script snapped, and Potion flinched. "Taking care of you is one thing but a little filly?" "Stop, just stop right there dad." Potion said. "I think you'd do great, or at least not suck anymore then you did with me. Look at me, we've had a great life... Apart from a few embarrassing moments when you walked in on me in my room doing... stuff." Potion said, and flushed red as Big Mac. "I shudder at the memories." Script said dryly, before doing just that as Potion blushed again. "Hey, uh listen I know I'm new at this but thanks for the advice. I know I'm probably mental for doing this but you won't know what happens until you try right? Celestia above, that sounded cheesy." Script then saw Potion's mix bubbling in a rather dangerous manner and soon he noticed it as well and put in another chemical to fix it. "Well, that was... close." Potion said, stating the understatement of the year. "Just avoided disaster there, huh?" He laughed nervously. Both him and his father then heard a knock at the door and rushed out the lab door and up the stairwell before opening the door. Twilight Sparkle was behind it. Behind Script, Potion was fussing with his hair and blushing. Script rolled his eyes as he watched. "Yeah, what is it? I was in the middle of a father-son moment." Script grumbled rudely. Twilight ignored him and delivered the news. "It's Diamond Tiara. She's awake." END