//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 // Story: Another Story where a human enters Equestria // by insert uncreative name //------------------------------// I woke up in the middle of the night to find that I had been left to suffer alone, and oh man was I. The Grand Reaper my have tricked me back to life, but only just. My entire everything felt like I had hit the ground after being violently assaulted in the cranial region. And just in case anyone wasn't paying attention that's exactly what happened. But enough about me let's talk about my situation. Escape, that's the goal here. First I need to get up and evaluate the lay of the land. As I tried to get out of the bed I immediately received a message from my neck. A rough translation of that jolt of pain can be found here. “Alright you listen up, If you go and try any funny business Imma gonna be forced to resort to some rather drastic measures. And you won’t like that. So you just lay there all happy and nice 'till I get this whole mess cleaned up. Capiche?” Whimper I humbly replied. So the direct approach ain't getting me no where. And I'm confined to this bed, so that means that there is basically nothing I can do to save myself under my own power. Well I guess what they say is true and I quote “We all need somebody to lean on.” But here I am and I have no one to ask for help. Is this the end for Martian Williams? Will I just lay here until Twilight finishes me off in the morning in some brutal manner? Will I keep assuming the worst of a children's show? Probably. A little while later none other than Owloysius flew in the window. “You.” I whispered. “Woo” Owloysius replied “You.” I repeated. “Woo” replied Owloysius “Y... oh right.” I said. Well I feel stupid he's speaking owl. Okay lets see what can I do here. Well for one I can't speak owl so that negative one so far. What can I speak English, Chipmunk, Bluejay, and Oak. I know oak trees have a language I would not have called that, but it turns out they're quite intelligent. Also they're always willing to help out. They usually give me or Zecora a heads up when a monster is in the forest. Yes Zecora speaks Oak too. She taught me actually. I decided to try Bluejay. “wing extension, flutter, flap flap, tweet” I said. Oh please be bilingual He looked at me for a minute before responding “Wing flutter, flap, barrel role, stick the landing.” okay obviously neither one of us are first in the Bluejay language, but It's all I got, so let's try this. “ flap, flap, wing flutter, glide, wings to the side.” He gave me a confused look telling me he didn't quite understand what I just said. Okay let me think of another way to reword this. Umm. “ Wing extension, wing fold, small hop, and wing flutter.” Owloysius took a second to process the information before taking off through the window. Now what I told him either meant that I wanted him to get Fluttershy and a neck brace, or an ice cream sundae it can be translated either way. I think. Again I'm not fluent in Bluejay, so I may have asked him for something else entirely, but I'm pretty that's what I said. It just dawned on me that Twilight speaks to Owloysius in English all the time and I could have just asked him to get Fluttershy and a neck brace in plane English. Smooth Martian real smooth. Man I feel like an idiot. After some time I heard the door to my room open. Fluttershy walked in with Owloysius behind her. “Martian what's going on? Why are you still in Twilight's house?” asked Fluttershy. “Well it turns out that against all odds I was right and Twilight captured me thinking I was some great evil.” I said. “But then why do you need a neck brace?” She asked. “Well Twilight recruited Rainbow Dash to help capture me.” I reply. “While she was detaining me she injured my neck. Right now I'm in no condition to be leaving this bed. Much less that trek back to my house. But I can't just stay here. So I was wondering if you could help me get to Zecora's house.” “Umm okay, but why Zecora's house?” asked Fluttershy. “My house is a lot closer.” “Well Zecora's house is further out of the way.” I stated. “Well in that case can we at least stop at my house so I can take a closer look at your neck?... Well that is... if that's not to much trouble.” Asked Fluttershy. I gave it a quick thought and said. “Yea that a good idea let's do that.” “Good, now hold still while I get this neck brace on you.” said Fluttershy After she got the neck brace on me. I asked “Is Twilight still asleep?” “Of course, I wouldn't want to bother her while she's sleeping.” She responded. “Yes that would be awfully inconsiderate of us.” I said with genuine concern for Twilight's health. “Do you think we should leave her a note?Asked Fluttershy.”... I mean, I don't think it would be very polite if we just without telling her.” “Well I've never been in a situation like this before, but I'm sure that's no reason to forget good manners, so yea lets leave a note” I agreed. After I left a note simply stating “ Dear Twilight. I have escaped. Best wishes, The living incarnation of all evil☺ ” We started planing on how we where going to escape all the way to Fluttershy's house. “Was it really necessary to sign the note as 'The living incarnation of all evil'?” Asked Fluttershy. “Well it's the only name she knows me by, or was it 'The living incarnation of pure evil' I can't remember. Whatever I'm sure she'll know it was me.” I replied. “So how are you feeling with that neck brace?” asked Fluttershy. “Well let's put it to the test.” I replied. I started to get out of the bed. It hurt but not like before. However the next problem quickly presented itself. When I put my weight on my right leg it immediately gave out. If Fluttershy hadn't been there to catch me I would have had a face to face encounter with the floor. “Are you okay Martian?” Asked a concerned Fluttershy. “I don't think I can use my leg. What now?” I asked. “Can you use your other leg?” Fluttershy asked. I gave it a quick test to find my other leg working relatively fine. “Yea that leg is fine.” I said. “Alright umm...” Said Fluttershy. “ stay here I'll be right back. Fluttershy left and came back after a minute with a large stick. “Do you think you can lean on this?” Fluttershy asked. “Let me try.” I said as she handed the stick to me. It was difficult but I managed to get the hang of it. We left Twilight's library and started for Fluttershy's cottage. After a while we made it to Fluttershy's house. “Alright Martian please lay down so I can get a good look at your neck.” Said Fluttershy. “This isn't going to hurt right?” I asked. “Don't worry Martian I'll be very careful.” Replied Fluttershy. “ Now just lay down and hold still.” I did as Doctor Fluttershy instructed. She removed my neck brace and started to examine my neck. As she did so she started to start more and more concerned. Eventually she left the room and came back with some potion. “What's that?” I asked. “They're special eye drops I bought from Zecora.” Replied Fluttershy. “It gives temporary X-ray vision. I use them to check broken bones.” “That's cool.” I said. “I should learn how to make that potion. How long do they last anyway?” “About ten seconds.” She replied. “That should be long enough for me to see how bad you injury is.” Fluttershy then applied her eye drops and looked over my neck. As soon as she did she went silent. Without saying a word she put the neck brace back on me. While she was doing this she looked very worried. “Fluttershy, what's wrong?” I asked. “It's bad.” She reponded. “What's bad?” I asked. “Your injuries.” She replied. “Can we still make it to Zecora's?” I asked. Her eye's went wide and she gave a panicked “NO!” This caught me a bit off guard. She apparently saw that I was scared a bit. “I sorry I didn't mean to say that so loudly. It's just that... well umm... I'm just not sure what to do. We shouldn't have moved you from the library in your condition. Had I known you where in that bad of a condition I would have... oh I don't know, I just don't know.” At this point I think I could see tears welling up in her eyes. “Martian your neck is completely broken. I don't even know how it is that your even... even alive.” “Trust me I feel like I should be dead.” I joked. Apparently that was a bad idea because that only seemed to scare Fluttershy even more. “Martian” She said between tears. “Don't even joke like that.” “Sorry just trying to lighten the mood.” I said. “I hate to make anyone upset. Don't worry Fluttershy I'm fine. Well considering I've just had my neck snapped I'd say I'm doing great.” Then without warning Fluttershy puled me into a hug. She was crying as she said “Promise me that you will be alright.” “Yes Fluttershy I promise that I will be fine.” I said as I hugged her back. After I let go she stayed latched on. Um Fluttershy you can let go now. She Didn't I gently tried pushing her off. Nothing, so next I tried gently pushing her off while saying “Fluttershy I'm going to be alright, so you may let go now.” This only succeeded in causing her to tighten her grip. So I tried applying more force to pry her off. Eventually I was pushing her off of me with my full force and I am ashamed to say that Fluttershy has at this point completely overpowered me. Minus infinity man-points for me. Not that I have any left at this point. Still it's the concept. There was nothing I could do but wait this out. It wasn't until my stomach said “Feed me.” did Fluttershy let go. She stood there for a moment before saying “Sorry it's just that... um well... I can't handle death... or the concept of it very well. stay here I'll get you something to eat.” After she got me something to eat she made me promise to stay put and went to bed. After finishing off my meal I looked at my right leg. Whenever I tried to move it it didn't respond properly. After giving up on it I decided to get some sleep myself it had been a long night. ************************* The next morning at twilight's The sun shone through the window waking all that dared to sleep through it's glorious light. Twilight groaned at the sun to show it what she thought of it's “glory” then she reluctantly got up. It took her a moment to remember in her half awake state the transactions of last night. She walked down to where she was keeping the human. On the bed laid not an incarnation of pure evil but a note. Twilight cast a spell on the note to make sure that it wasn't written with black magic and to make sure it wasn't booby-trapped. After determining the note wouldn't kill, harm, injure, or seriously maim her in any way she took the foolish risk of daring to read what that evil incarnation wrote. “I feel it's making fun of me” Thought twilight. ******************************** Back at Fluttershy's “I hope Twilight appreciates that note we left her.” I said “Oh I'm sure she will.” Responded Fluttershy. You know what I like... Comment's, Reviews, and useful insight, so why not feed my addiction by leaving some in the approved review/comment section.