Temporal Walker

by AcelJean

(Chapter 3) Ms. Misunderstood

Ms. Misunderstood: Chapter 3


You could say it’s weird. A tree being a house (Literally a ‘tree house’). The moon and the sun, controlled by two separate princess ponies? If you ask me, it’s a scam. They don’t even tell you how these kind of things were made! Yet you’re amazed by the fact the things they can do… Playing you for a fool is more like it.

The feeling was weird. Do you know the feeling of waking up in a place you don’t even know? Worst is, you don’t know how you got there in the first place. Did somepony carry you all over here? Or were you swept away by a river to that specific place? You never know… Upon waking up, I found myself at a beach. You don’t usually see ponies at the beach. I wonder why though.

There were sand in my eyes. Naturally, it hurts. I managed to avoid being blinded by white sand. I got it off my eyes. Apparently, Angel and Twilight was there too. They were unconscious though. How’d we get to this place anyway? I know it’s time travel but, why did we end up in a different place? Aren’t we supposed to end up at the same place we came from? It’s time travel! Not space adventure!

Groaning from exhaustion and pain, I tried to get up. I had lots of cuts and bruise. I think we came from the sea and then got swept here. Maybe on a boat, got hit by a typhoon, then ended up here. The two was still unconscious. It didn’t look like they were gonna wake up anytime soon. I just remembered as well, I can’t trust them.

I hurriedly went to main land to avoid being caught by the two. I wonder, is it possible that Angel and Twilight was brainwashed to betray me? I doubt it though. Angel was regretful on what she did. She obviously wasn’t brainwashed nor do I think she betrayed me. Tears were running down on her face like a waterfall.

There was a forest just beyond the outskirts of the beach. It was filled with banana trees. Who the hell eats bananas? In my opinion, only monkeys. We’re ponies… we eat apple typed food. Anyways, I was hungry. So whether I liked it or not, I need to eat something. Nearest things are, you know it, bananas… I’m actually allergic to these things. Not the type that my body is, just me actually… I hate ‘em.

Fluttering up to the trees, I grabbed a bunch. Do you know the heart of this kind of tree? It’s actually where the next fruit will grow out of. I wonder why they call it a heart though.

I took one off the bunch I got and opened it up with my mouth. I took a bite and my tummy had blissfully stopped growling. Apparently, the fruit which the tree bared was also as blissful. It was rather delicious. First time I actually liked eating it. Maybe it was due to the hunger I was feeling… Whatever.

I left the bunch of fruit on a side of a tree and flew above the island to see where I was. It was a simple tropical Island. I guess you can even say we were stranded there. On that thought, I remembered Angel and Twilight. I should probably get back. I need to give them something eat too, wouldn’t be fair if I was the only one to eat now would it?

So I headed down to get the bunch I got earlier and brought it over to them. I didn’t bother to take another whole from the one of the trees. It would have been a big waste if I kept taking it without thinking. You see, a lot of ponies also gets stranded on islands like this one.

When I got to the shore, I dropped of the bananas near the two and went into hiding again. I’m pretty sure their alive. Don’t even think they’re already dead. “What am I supposed to do now?” I asked myself.

I really shouldn’t just wander off the island alone. But, I don’t even know if I could trust the two anymore… It’s hard to give your trust to somepony who’s already waivered it.

While looking for signs of anything around the island, I checked to see if the girls were alright.

“The hell?!” I told to myself.

They were already eating the fruits I’ve left for them. And after they did, they started looking for me. Being this high up, I feel like I’m playing Sims just seeing the two. I went closer but not too close that they’d detect my presence.

I hear the two talking and was listening to them from behind the bushes.

“-What are you saying we leave him? He might even be wandering the sea right now!” Angel claimed. She sure is worried huh… I almost forgot that you were the one that dragged me in the first place. All your fault really.

“I’m not saying we leave him. I’m saying is that we build a boat so that when we find him, we can sail for the world summit! I’m not one to leave a friend behind!” Twilight shouted to clarify her thoughts.

Wait, friend? I thought you were the one who tackled me? I think I’m losing my mind… What are they up to?

“You build the boat on your own, Sparkle! I’m gonna go find my best friend!” Angel told her and then took off to the forest.

I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. Whose side are you really on? With that claim of hers, I followed Angel. Secretly that is… Is twilight arguing with herself or is Angel arguing with herself? Their argument earlier was confusing really.

Angel tried getting more bananas from the trees. However, she can’t even reach it. And to top it up, she was rocking it. She tried bucking it and even reaching it. But she can’t seem to get it. Sympathizing with the poor mare, I flew up and picked another whole bunch. Why banana though? There’s some apple trees at the middle of the island, but it would take some time getting there.

I flew down to where Angel was standing. It was near the edge of a cliff, a perfect spot for anypony who’d want to see the sunset.

“Here”, I gave her the fruits I picked.

Angel looked up and stared at me. Her eyes was filled with joy, as if seeing your long lost sister or something.

“W-Walker?” She stuttered and cried. Her tears was like a waterfall yet again.

I tried to be rude… On purpose of course. “You want to say something I presume?” I asked sarcastically.

She wiped out her tears with her fore hoof. Well she looks guilty. And sorry... “I’m really sorry… Sorry I can’t tell you the truth”, she answered back.

Now what is she talking about? Is she hiding a secret from me? Whatever, like I care… “That’s fine... I guess you wouldn’t do that kind of thing without a valid reason”, I remarked.

“Still, I feel bad for doing such frivolity. Would you ever trust me again?” She asked.

Well, I’d be lying if I said no... Either I’m very trustful or she’s just irresistible! So… “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I still can…” I answered.

Angel then smiled slowly. Happy with my answer, she kept crying. Tears of joy… No matter how much feud we get into, we still understand each other and forgive. Funny how that works…

For a moment, Angel was giving me a weird look. Even as her tears ran down her eyes, the look on her face… shocked… so I asked, “What? Something on my face? Why are you looking so surprised?”

Angel didn’t answer. Instead, simply pointed at my flank. I was more shocked to see it than Angel… A cutie mark, suddenly appeared on my flank! And both sides too! But I was having a hard time figuring out what it was…

Angel then finally spoke, giving her opinion. “It looks like a clock… A broken clock that is”, she corrected.

I looked closely and it did resemble an analog clock. It had roman numerals for the numbers and was colored green, but broken… The clock cutie mark that I had was shattered! Like a glass, it was simply disappointing to look at.

Angel suddenly spoke as I looked at my new cutie mark. “It’s a destiny cutie mark… And pretty rare too!”

Wha-? “Destiny cutie mark??? What does that mean?” I asked her.

Angel took one fruit from the bunch that I gave her while saying her answer. “It’s kind of a cutie mark which appears only by fate. Take Twilight and her friends for example… Without the sonic rainboom, they would never get their special cutie marks and have other ones. Get it?” Angel explained.

Wait… I don’t even know that that rainboom was significant. And to be honest, I can’t keep up. “One more time please, in English this time”, I asked her.

Angel sighed in disappointment, fully expecting me to understand. “Do you know how Apple Jack got her cutie mark?” she asked.

Not really supposed to answer a question with a question but I’ll play along. “Yeah… She realized that her place was actually at Sweet Apple Acres and went home. When she had realized that, she got her 3 apple’d cutie mark…?” I answered. “Why?” I asked.

“That’s how you got your cutie mark. That’s what a destiny cutie mark is…” She answered. Well that was pretty abstract! I was looking for a more direct answer.

“Whatever”, I pouted and then looked away.

Looking at the sea, I frowned my face in a childish manner. Perhaps this… time traveling and this whole ordeal we’re facing is part of my destiny… The only pony who could answer this question for me, is me. A time traveler, huh? Now there’s something you don’t see in anypony’s flank to be their special talent.

“Anyway, I’m glad to see you’re okay, Walker… I was really worried”, she smiled at me.

I turned my head towards her and chatted for a while. A few hours later, the azure colored sky has turned into a touch of the sunset’s shimmer… It was already getting late. Normally I would just let it pass, but seeing our current situation, I need to think of a way to get us a shelter for the night. Or at least, get us off this island.

While we were enjoying the sunset, a voice called out from the forest. “Angel! Walker! Where are you?! I hope you’re not making some sort of miracle!”


“I guess we need to get back now, huh?” Angel contemplated.

She had her eyes as soft as cotton, her mane shimmering as the sun went down. Angel stood up as she made that remark.

“Yeah, I guess”, I answered. She pulled me up and said, “It’s not every day we get to see a sunset so beautiful… We better go get Twilight before we lose her”.

So with that, I stood up and followed Angel while feeling a bit tired. I really need a well-deserved rest.

We went left towards the center of the island where a giant volcano is located. There’s something you don’t see in Equestria. “Come on!” Angel whispered loudly.

“Why are we heading towards the center of the island?” I asked. Not to mention it’s also dangerous here…

“I can sense Twilight’s magic somewhere around here”, she answered. “To tell you a secret, unicorns are sort of addicted to magic. That’s why we can never stop using it even with just a simply levitation”, she added.

That explains Twilight’s addiction to knowledge. So it’s not a matter of laziness, but addiction.

I tried changing the subject. There was something I wanted to talk about. “So… mind telling me what the truth is now?” I dotted on her.

She gave me worried look, bad feeling about this one…

“Maybe when we get to the… you know”

“No”, I answered in a dead pun. She’s avoiding me again. What’s with that? At least try explaining why, Angel.

“Alright”, she took a deep breath and started explaining. “You know why you got your cutie mark? I mean ‘the real reason’?” Angel started answering seriously. My heart beat hastened when she said that. Still, I kept my mouth shut and waited for her to finish, Angel continued.

“Time Turner went to both of us and told us to do… ‘That’! And take you to the meeting…Nothing more…” she kept pausing while she explained.

If that’s really the truth… “Then why’d you attack me? And you were really serious before we even got to Canterlot!” I bellowed, pointing out her flaws. Their flaws…

“I-I… ma-may have… o-over reacted?” She stuttered.

Pft! Tsk! Yeah right! There’s more is what you really want to say. “Well?”


Angel looked away regrettably. Her eyes filled with sadness and … regret? I-I don’t get it… Now I feel a bit guilty for making her turn to melancholy mode.

I turned to Angel and held her hoof high. “Sorry too, for being such an asshole”, I reassured.

Angel shook her head. “It’s alright… You’re right, you can’t even trust us anymore”, she whispered.

Didn’t we have this conversation before?

“You’re just a little misunderstood, Ms. Misunderstood…” I told her and then hugged her tightly like my own sister (which I don’t really have).

Angel said nothing and simply replied by returning the favor. I could feel her tears running on the back of my mane and on my coat.

“Didn’t we have this conversation earlier?” Angel asked weakly.

Dotting on some of my memories, I tried to gather my thoughts. I really can’t remember. “Not really… at lease, not exactly…” I claimed.


“Isn’t it a little early to be so intimate? I mean… you’re just 17 years old, right?” A voice echoed from somewhere dark.


Both Angel and I had the same exact guest of whose voice it was. Apparently, there’s only two ponies in Equestria with that voice, Angel and Twilight. So I guess I can guess who it was without even putting a lot of effort in thinking.

Angel pushed me out of her grasp and I ended up stumbling across three meters tops. And that wasn’t even exaggerating it.

“Ow!” I shouted in pain.

“Oh! I’m soooo sorry, Walker!” Angel quickly trotted to where I laid paralyzed. Apparently dazed and was completely distracted by Twilight’s claim.

“Wow… talk about showing it with all honesty…” Twilight told herself.

Just a quick note and observation… This Twilight is really different from what everypony knew. It might be because of time distortion. So don’t blame the writer of the novel! It’s deliberate!

“Let’s move the story along, alright?” I told them. “Where we’re you Twilight?”

Twilight galloped right passed us before she even said a word. “I was trying to find something to hold the boat together… Luckily, the tree sap from the center of the island did the trick. And I was also trying to find you two…”

She paused then after. Waited for us to respond. “We really weren’t-” Angel was stopped by a wave of Twilight’s hoof.

“Yeah… That was a joke, don’t take it seriously”, she told her with turning to us. “So defensive…” She murmured.

The awkwardness is really… well…awkward. I guess it’s time to move the story along. “Let’s head to the boat you made Twi”, I told her.

So, on that note, we headed to the beach even if it was already late. In my shock, the boat twilight built was as large as an inn. It had everything you could think of and need for a small ship. It wasn’t even a boat anymore.

“Is it okay?” Twilight asked as.

And then Angel replied in a speechless voice. “Fine…”

“That’s an understatement”, I felt myself say.

I heard Twilight sigh in relief. OCD…

When Twilight told us that she had already finish building it, I was even more shocked. So we ended up leaving the island after a span of… 12 hours. You call that stranded?

(The next morning)

At the boat, we settled for the night and headed to what we now know as the world conference. It’s the gathering of every and all representative of each race in the world. Saddle Arabia, Fillypines, Equestria, etc. are gathering there to discuss certain things. Feud, supplies, shipments, everything!

“Hey, Twilight. How far are we from the world conference?” I asked.

Twilight was inside the cabin steering the ship with her magic. She answered me over the window. “A week’s travel and we’ll be there”, she answered.

That wasn’t really a distance but I’ll take it. More to the current point, I don’t even know if I’m tired anymore. Apparently, I’ve been awake for who knows how long! Then I was knocked out cold during the time travel. I wake up at a beach with nothing to eat and laying on a broken plank. I don’t feel like sleeping but if any of the two said how long I was out on that beach, I might faint…

Twilight used some sort of ‘come to life’ spell to run the boat automatically to the destination. But I’m a bit afraid what will happen if this thing backfires at us. We might get stranded again. This time, there might not be any wood to get us out of the island.

While I was deep in thought, I noticed that Angel was calling out for me.

“Walker! Food’s ready!” She shouted from below. I didn’t know that this boat had a brig…

Angel cooked dinner for us while Twilight was busy looking at our course and I was busy doing nothing. I smelled a cooked banana like a barbeque. I think I just got hungry.

“What am I supposed to do?”

Angel went up deck and brought me 2 sticks of bananaques. “Give these to Twilight and after that, go get yours down here, okay?” she told me.

I guess I have no choice but to eat these kind of things… I never did tell them to just get some apples from the middle of the island. So… I took the food to Twilight before I get mine. When I got there, Twilight was simply writing about something.

“Twilight, I got your dinner”, I told her then settled it down on the table. “What are you doing anyway?” I asked her.

“I’m trying to record every bit of knowledge I acquired about time travel and ‘your’ Cutie mark! This might help me understand how alternate universe works!” She answered.

(We got a mad pony here guys… Call 911) that was very predictable of her. So on that note, I left her meal there then decided to go get mine. I just realized at that moment that I actually never eaten anything except that one banana. I feel like crap too! This is just great!

“Can I get my food Angel? I think I’m gonna pass out…” I said in a very weak tone.

“Maybe you should rest for a while”, She suggested. As much as I want to say no, she’s actually right. I need to rest. “I’ll give your food to you later when you get some much needed rest”, She said.

I said nothing and hurried up to the cabin. I found some banana tree leaves spread onto the floor like futon. There I rested and made myself feel at home. I know it’s hard but we’re ponies! We’re used to sleeping lying face down. Drifting into oblivion, I felt the world fade…

*** *** ***

“Where am I?”

“Where else brainless?! In your dreams!” Somepony answered.

Huh? That was supposed to be a rhetorical question… who answered? The voice was familiar like a cold chill in my spine. In fact, it was too familiar… I turned to my back and saw a figure of a unicorn that looked like Nightmare Moon. Now, if I didn’t know anypony with the same color, I’d say it’s Nightmare Moon… But I do.

“Time Turner…” I murmured.

Even in my dreams I’m being stalked by this guy. How lucky of me… “What do you want now?” I asked sarcastically.

“To tell you to go with the flow. I know you want to correct the past. But it might just be inevitable”, he answered.

What’s that supposed to mean? He wants me to just seat n’ watch? You got me into this mess, you’re gonna regret it! MY revenge is inevitable!

“What kind of thinking is that? You shouldn’t say something like that to somepony! It might hurt their feelings!” He pointed out.

He’s a mind reader too? “How about I hurt you?!” I stroked back at him.

“You wouldn’t hurt your own mind now would you?”

What does he mean? I’m confused. I’m really gonna sack this colt, put him in a bottle and send him floating off the sea forever! Even in my sleep he puts too much strain on me!

“Just remember to do the right decision… If you, for somehow made things worse, you’ll be sent back to the present in an instant. And you might not be able to fix it, ever!” He warned me then vanished in the darkness.

That was weird. But I think I just might take that into consideration. I have to ask though, why was he in my dreams?

(6 days later)

Angel, Twilight, and myself, made a carefully thought out plan to get inside the world summit without ruining everything. Apparently, since this was the very first summit, we had a problem knowing the exact detail of the structure. So we won’t be able to just sneak in. Angel’s plan was apparently, bad. She told us to just tell them directly the problem and then talk about it. Too direct really. We need to make the time and space balanced without putting a dent in it. So then we go to Twilight’s. She planned to persuade Princess Celestia to take us with her into the summit which was direct but decent. The only problem was… what will be the reason we want to go in there with her?

I thought that was a great idea so we went with it. And I told them about that flaw, Angel said ‘we’ll cross the bridge once we get there’. I have a bad feeling about leaving that matter unattended.

(Night before the summit)

“You look pale. Did you sleep well for tomorrow?” Twilight asked.

Sweet Celestia! I’m alone with her again! I wish this moment never ends! No dude… stay focused!

“Walker?” Twilight was trying to get my attention.

Because of my fantasies, I lost focus on my surroundings. “Huh?!Wha-what?!” I stuttered in shock. I was trying desperately to stay in complete focus but got lost in Twilight land…

“I asked you if you had enough sleep for tomorrow. We never know what might go on our way you know”, She repeated.

I suddenly felt livelier than six days ago. “Yeah… sure”, I replied.

Twilight looked at me intensely. As if knowing what kind of secrets was I hiding. What’s that look for anyway? I’m pretty sure I didn’t blush nor did I show any signs like so.

“Angel said you liked me…” Twilight said in a deadpan voice.

HOLY CRAP! I’M SCREWED! What else did Angel say?! I sure wish NOTHING! And she calls herself my best friend! That’s strike two Angel! Strike two… How am I gonna get out of this mess now?!

My hooves were shaking but I tried to act cool. “Ye-Yeah… B-but I g-got… over it! Yeah…”

Twilight then turned her attention against me. “Oh… For a second there I thought you still liked me… Because you know… I could have returned the favor”, she pointed out.

Sweet mother of all ponies! Did I hear those words correctly?! Am I dreaming? Somepony please pinch me! I wish this is real!

“Well that all depends… Do you fancy me too?” I asked her. Holy shit! I can’t believe I was able to ask that without stuttering!

“Are you kidding?! Of course! You were my role model in Magic Kindergarten! I mean, a pegasus who was able to create potion to use as magic?! No pony but a zebra can do that!” She boasted out.

WOW! This is amazing! Twilight is actually a fan of me! I can’t believe it! “Really?! You really think I’m amazing?!”

“Yes! And I love you Temporal Walker! You’re the best pony in the world for every mare!”

Oh Celestia!!! I can die in peace now!

“Wake up, Walker! Don’t die!” A familiar voice cried out.

Huh? Where’d that come from? I think it was Angel’s voice but I’m not sure.

At that moment I realized it was all a dream. I suddenly found myself standing in front of the Golden Oak library. And in the very same state we left it too! I felt the world fade and saw a blurred vision of Angel’s face too close to my face.

All my memories came back as I was pulled out of my dream. We ran aground right near the summit and our boat (More like a ship…) sunk. My wings we’re tied together by a rope from the mast due to the ship falling apart. There was a landslide because we had hit a cliffside. Which caused us only our ship… Twilight tried to grab me before I sunk with the ship but she couldn’t reach me. And then, I woke up here, being rescued by Snow Angel.

“Are you OKAY?! Answer me, Walker!” Angel was hysterical.

I pushed up using my right hoof while Angel was holding me with both hooves from my left side. And then I answered, “Yeah… I - think I got enough air”, I replied, still feeling weak.

Angel sighed in relief. Twilight was lying near, facing the stars. It looks like she had a tough time.

“What happened? I went too far beneath to be able to reach. How’d you got to me?” I asked. If this was a simple matter I’d let it slide. But both of them look awfully exhausted. I just needed to know what happened!

Angel let me stand on my own hooves and lied down beside Twilight. Then she started explaining. “We couldn’t reach you… So both Twilight and I created a bubble shield that could prevent water from entering. Sadly, the spell was like an artificial air bag. We could only use it until it’s all out. It wasn’t enough to get to you so we both went down ourselves”.

That’s crazy! If they weren’t that good, they could have both went down with me! I’m really lucky to have friends that would risk their own tail to save mine. Which I would want to return the favor someday. Really…

“You need to get to the summit!” Twilight shouted to me.

“We can’t leave you here, Twilight! Neither are we gonna do this alone!” I told her.

Angel turned to me, her eyes was field with regret and bravery. “I’ll stay here to take care of Twilight! You need to get to the summit! If you don’t go there now, Equestria’s future would stay the same!”

Me?! I can’t do this alone! I can barely brew a potion without an explosion except for when I have somepony to assist me. “I can’t do that!” I told Angel.

“Yes you will! We have no other choice!” She barked at me.

Sheesh! No need to get so worked up! “Alright, I’ll do it!” I said to her.

With that, I tried to get up and get to the summit as fast as I could. As luck would have it, Princess Celestia has just arrived! I better get to her fast.

Apparently, she came here being escorted and brought by pegasi. I guess not everything could change after even a few century… On that moment, I approached the princess just before she gained entry.

“Princess Celestia! I need to have a word with you your majesty!”

The royal guards, as you would know, interfered.

“You cannot speak to her Highness without being spoken to!”

Then Princess Celestia order the two to stand down. She looks intimidating and yet, peaceful.

“No need to do that… Temporal Walker is it? I was hoping when your next visit was going to be”, She said.

Wait. Princess Celestia knows my name?! How is that even possible? I’ve never even met her in person before! “How do you know my name Princess?” I asked.

“Oh! This is your first time travel isn’t it? I wondered when that was going to be…” she muttered. “What is it that you needed? Is there trouble?”

I scratched my mane feeling really confused. “Uhm… something like that…”

Princess Celestia then clapped her hoof hoping to catch my attention. “Please tell me the details, Walker… Or otherwise, we cannot hope to fix this”, She said to me.

“Long story short, your majesty… Equestria has reached post-apocalyptic standards”, I told to her straight. “The zebras started a war with Equestria because of Princess Luna…” I added.

“What can we do?” She asked.

Fortunately, we already planned this one out. “I’ll try to know the problem first, and when I spot something fishy… I’ll deal with it. Just please try everything in your power to not make Princess Luna look completely evil!” I explained to her. Short and simple. And doesn’t mess with anything in the time flow. That’s what I’ve figured out. It’s the best plan I’ve came up with.

“Act respectable and follow me. Do not wonder until I tell you”, Princess Celestia explained.

She then took me inside and we got through the guards without a hitch. Apparently the place was 8 floors high. From floor 7 to 8, the summit takes place. It was an ideal location because of the lot of representative from every races everywhere in the entire world!

We then reached Princess Celestia’s seat. Unfortunately, her place was very near the center because we we’re the most dominant species. At least, that’s what I think… She then gave me permission to wonder and look for time turner or otherwise somepony that could be responsible for the time distortion.

“I sense no other ponies except us”, somepony said beside me.

I turned to my right and saw Snow Angel watching the summit! On my left Twilight was also looking at the summit. How did they-?

“Angel! Twilight!” I exclaimed. “How did you get here?!” I asked.

Twilight went to my right beside Angel then explained. “After being saved by a certain pony… I teleported both of us here. Don’t ask who or we’ll just start another misunderstanding!” Twilight told me.

I was simply speechless and glad to see them here. “You two… are a mystery to me”, I claimed.

Angel cleared her throat then turned her attention towards me. “Maybe there is no pony nor anyone to stop. What are we supposed to do then?” She asked.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe what Time Turner told me had some meaning into it. I was to simply do nothing… We’d do nothing to stop it. Or maybe… WAIT! Did he meant nothing to STOP?! Maybe we’re here to participate! THAT’S IT!

“Twilight! Angel! I know why we’re here!” I tried catching their attention.

(10 Minutes later)

“So you’re saying that maybe… Time Turner sent us here, not to prevent anything, but to participate in defense for Equestria?” Angel ran again.

I then nodded in reply. “Pretty much”

“And you trust his words? I thought you hated him?” Twilight claimed.

“He says he’s simply playing with me. Then acted serious after a matter of a minute! What if he wasn’t a villain, but a prophet?”

Angel then made hoof gestures like she’s frantic. “Are you even hearing yourself? Just a week ago, you blamed him from everything. Now, you’re not just defending him, but actually telling us that he’s telling the truth?” She pointed out.

Truth of that is that no pony else hates him more than I do! But what if he was simply trying to be an idiot while also helping? I won’t know unless I found out from him but we’ll participate in this summit!

(An hour later)

The summit started and it was our turn to discuss our problems. Princess Celestia has fortunately agreed to let us participate. The topic about Luna’s return then went underway.

“OBJECTION YOUR HIGHNESS!” The zebra representative shouted.

The room was filled with anger. The rage between the zebra and the ponies was starting to reach its point.

“Please state your case, Chancellor”, Princess Celestia permitted.

He then inhaled then exhaled heavily. “We cannot permit the return of Nightmare Moon into our world! Not even in your own lands!” He stated. “You, yourself told us that you banished her because of her intent will to destroy you and dominate everything and anything!” He pointed out.

Wow. This guy really knows where to hit us hard. I think it’s time for me to strike. “May I say something?”

“Please do, Walker”, Princess Celestia stepped back.

I nodded back at her then turned to the chancellor. “Thank you, your highness”, I thanked the princess. “If I told you that I came from the future would you believe me, Chancellor?” I asked him.

The chancellor was utterly shocked and for a second, speechless. But after a moment, his voice came back with a hunger for payback. “WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?! Are you making a MOCKERY OF THIS DISCUSSION?!” he barked at me with hellish anger.

Then I answered him at a deadpan voice to let him know I mean business. “No…”

The chancellor then cleared his throat. Knowing that my intentions was truly and only curiosity, he answered me. “No I won’t”.

“The unicorn with the lavender coat sitting right next to my dear highness is named Twilight Sparkle…” I told to him. “She was the one that stopped Nightmare Moon from bringing eternal night to Equestria. Some millennia, in the future…” I added.

“And you expect me to simply believe she was from the future?” He asked sarcastically.

“No sir. I simply expect you to believe that this mare and her friends can handle Equestria’s future which includes teaching dear Princess Luna about her mistakes”, I replied.

“If so… What did you expect to get from our country? If you need not help you nor help us… What did you expect to get?” The chancellor asked.

“A peace treaty. Ensuring that your country will have no conflict what so ever with the ponies of Equestria”, I claimed.

“Will that be all, Princess?” The chancellor asked Princess Celestia.

“Yes, Chancellor. That will be all for that topic. Thank you, Temporal Walker. You can take a break now…” The princess stated.

And with that, I ensured that our future was corrected. I knew because my broken cutie mark got fixed. The analog/roman green clock on my flank was whole. I think I understand what Snow Angel meant from a destiny cutie mark.

(After the summit)

Princess Celestia met us outside the establishment to say farewell. Good thing is that when we told that we were from the future, I thought something bad was going to happen. But I noticed that wasn’t the case because Princess Celestia already recognized me and my abilities on sight.

“It must be hard for you to be doing this every time. You do have my gratitude, my little ponies”, Princess Celestia told us.

I just noticed we’re gonna be stuck here forever if we don’t do something. Then I remembered that Princess Celestia knows how we time travel. Maybe she knows how to get us back?

I then quickly asked her. “Princess, if I can just ask a question. Do you perhaps know how to get us back? You know… To our own time?”

She then started thinking hard. “Do you have some sort of weird crystal orb with you?” She asked.

“Yeah…” I answered.

“Put it in the middle of a time mark, then you should be able to get back”, She explained.

Time… mark-? What is that? Twilight noticed that I was clueless and then started explaining.

“A time mark is the drawing you use to time travel. Though in this case it would seem you have a shortcut… Where is this crystal orb? I believe I gave you one when you woke up in the golden oak library…”

“Right here”, I claimed and then pulled out the crystal orb. “But where are we supposed to find this time mark?” I asked.

Twilight started burning the ground using a laser. “We can just draw it anywhere…”

After she drew that weird mark again, I placed the crystal orb in the center. The pentacle glowed and then the time portal appeared yet again.

“You might want to get ready…” Princess Celestia warned us.

“What-?” I muttered but was unable to finish because the portal sucked us like a vacuum. As the last time, being on the portal stung at me like a thousand bees. And then we had to get sucked by the time portal too. But amazingly enough, it didn’t hurt as nearly as it did the last time. Must be getting used to it.

“WAHHH!!!” I heard both of them scream but quickly faded as the world around me itself, faded. I’m uncertain as to where we’ll be landing now… But I think we should worry about something else.

*** *** ***

It felt warmth as I opened my eyes. I was inside the Golden oak library. And I smelled an amazingly tasty mushroom soup downstairs! But what happened?

I tried to check my surroundings to see if my friends was here with me. But the only pony I saw was Twilight. Boy… she sure looks cute while sleeping. Wait! FOCUS, WALKER! Where’s Snow Angel?

I went downstairs and saw Spike cooking with Snow Angel. I felt a big thorn was taken away from my chest. I was glad to see Angel for the first time…

“Angel! We’re okay! You’re okay!” I claimed and then fluttered towards her and gave her a big hug. “I’m glad you’re safe…”

“You’ve been asleep for 3 straight days now, Walker. You should learn to cope with things from now on”, Angel told to me.

Spike then dropped a nice and tasty salad in front of me. “Snow Angel told me everything that happened. So I made sure you three got well rested”, Spike said to me.

“Thanks Spike… I really appreciate it!” I replied.

His purple cheeks then went red. “Aww! Come on!!!” Boy… he sure knows how to
NOT be modest.

I then sat down the table and took the salad spike gave to me. Judging by the smell, Angel was the one that cooked this. I wonder how Spike helped.

“Do you like it?” Angel asked.

I was too busy chewing. I simply nodded and after gulping it down, I then said, “Yeah”.

Angel turned back to her work and continued talking. “Good. Because Spike was the one who got all those ingredients. It would be a shame if it wasn’t”, She claimed.

My earlier question has been answered, apparently. Now I know how Spike helped out. But… I did have some questions that needed answering though like the fact that, “When did Angel wake up?”

Spike was heading upstairs but was still continuing to talk. “She woke up a day earlier than you!” he shouted from a far.

“I’m kind of worried about Twilight though. She still hasn’t woken up yet”, Angel said in a vexed look.

I presumed Spike heard us talking then because he said, “No need to worry about that, you two! She’s already awake!” He shouted from upstairs.

Angel and I looked to one another, apparently having the same thought. We both rushed to trot towards the bedroom. We then both saw Twilight up and about. Apparently healed and ready to go at it again. Not that I want to…

“I need to write to the Princess Spike!” Twilight dictated.

Spike took out a quill and a parchment and said, “Ready!”

I nudge Angel and pointed that we’d head downstairs now. I wouldn’t want to distract Twilight while thinking.

“Is something troubling you?” Snow Angel asked.

I was a little bit startled being asked that question. “Why do you ask?” I inquired.

“Because your cutie mark’s gone? I guess?” She pointed out.

Now that I think about it. We are back to our time so it’s probably gone now. I sure do wish it’s always around.

“Not really…”

(That night…)

Spike sent Twilight’s letter to the Princess, which I bet she already knows… While Angel and I went out for a little walk in the moonlight. After about 9pm, she went back and I stayed outside. I actually think it was a bad idea because a certain pony visited me that night. Yep. You guessed it. Time Turner…

“I got give it to you dude. You did great!” He said while approaching me from the shadows.

Pft! tsk! Like it means a lot coming from him! “What are you up to now?”

He sat down, horn glowed, and then a moving picture from magic was floating right beside him. “You see that? Do you know who that is?” he asked me.

I had no clue at the time. I saw a grey unicorn… or … was it… a unicorn? His horn was pulsing with dark energy and looked like a devils horn. He was wearing a silver helm and a red coat that match with it like a king. The pony was enslaving these crystal like earth ponies! Unable to refuse anything he orders them to do. Seeing how I was so wrapped up in curiosity, I turned to him and said, “No. Who is he?”

I zoomed in the picture and showed me his face. “That right there cousin, is King Sombra. He was the last ruler of the Crystal Empire before it was banished or more correctly speaking... before IT vanished” He explained to me.

I was confused by the fact that he’s showing this to me but I don’t even know what for! “Your point being?” I asked.

“You’re going time traveling again, cousin!” he claimed.

I’m gonna sack this guy, give him to Celestia, and have him sent to the moon! I have no idea what he’s talking about, I’m irritated by his presence, and he just wants me to go back in time again! After… that!

“Don’t tell me you haven’t solved my secret yet?” He probed.

I turned my gaze away from him. “No. I did. I just don’t trust you”, I pointed out to him.

“Good! Me neither!” he claimed. Wha-? “Now. Before you get back in time to visit him. You’ll need to visit Discord first! Right?” He added.

Why do I even-? “Why do I need to go to him anyway? And why am I supposed to start from Discord’s time line?” I asked.

He then took out a notebook. Which was pretty similar to the one Angel had. He then started pointing out the details. “You’ll need to tell the princesses where they’ll find the tree of harmony and introduce yourself. After which, you’ll save the Crystal Empire a couple of years after turning Discord into stone”.

From his statement earlier I remembered something and told it to him. “Didn’t you say the empire vanished?”

“That’s right! But just go with the flow and everything should be fine. In finding the tree of harmony, you’re on your own though. Good luck!” He told me and then took off.

His intentions might be clear, but I still hate him. I got roped into a mess which clearly shouldn’t be in my hoof! I think I’ll go back to the library for now… I want something to eat too! I’m starving from all that time jumping.

To be continued…
End of Chapter 3