A Burning Desire

by FlameWing

Jealousy and family traditions

Gasps where heard throughout Sugarcube Corner, as what had just happened came to light in everypony's mind. Rainbow Dash, one of Equestria’s saviours, the mare that so many adored, the fastest flier ever, was a lesbia! A fillyfooler, what a shame! A few stallions' dropped to the floor at the sight, while a few mares in the establishment perked up a bit. Some ponies were whispering to each other.
“What a disgrace,”

“What crazy pony would do this, take it to a private place at least, pu-lease!”

But the happiest face in the entire building was Pinkie Pie’s.

"You know what this calls for?" Pinkie asked nopony in particular.

"What does it call for?" Flamewing asked dreamily, not taking her eyes off, her, mare.

"A PARTY!" she cried happily, throwing streamers from nowhere. "Ohihavetoesendinvitationsandgettheballoonsandmakethecakeandgetmoreballoonsandstreamersand-" She went on like that as Flamewing and Rainbow Dash walked away, out of Sugarcube corner, wings wrapped around each other. Just being happy, finally realising they could finally be with someone they loved, with each other’s presence. So this is what is feels like to be loved... it's nice Flamewing smiled.

Pinkie had pulled out all the stops for this one, balloons hung from every corner, streamers hung from the ceiling, and everypony was there. Well almost everypony. As the two love birds enjoyed their special evening, everypony knew now, everypony in Ponyville. They both didn’t mind, it was as if they didn’t even notice the other ponies were there at the party. Only, there were two ponies who could not bring themselves to come, for two very different reasons.

"Ah'm happy for Rainbow and all, but another mare Winona, it just ain't right!" When the down to earth, traditional cowpony Applejack had heard that Rainbow had found love, she was very happy for her, but when it was revealed, in the same sentence by an ecstatic Pinkie pie that this love was between two mares that happiness had been tainted by a bit of...something. Was it resentment? No, she did not hate Rainbow for being a fillyfooler, although she was not too happy with the other mare, Flame-something, for bringing out the lesbian in Rainbow, but no, not resentment. Was it disgust? Maybe, the thought of two mares together in the same bed was just....ugh. Sharing what was meant for mare and colt, ugh. Applejack shivered at the thought. Disgust was the only thing she could put her hoof on that made a lick of sense "Oh Winona,” she asked her dog, the only one she could talk to, “Ah just don't know what ta do!"

Far from there, a butter yellow pony was crying into her pillow. Her pet bunny, Angel, trying everything he could to comfort her, Flutter shy lifted her head meakly, and whispered to Angel.

"Oh Angel bunny, why couldn't it have been me?" With that she plopped her head back down, crying freely, alone in her cottage. “somepony beat me to her now I'll never find the right pony!” She sobbed into her pillow again, now starting loud howls. Alone except one bunny who was on the verge of tears himself. Angel was a tough bunny, but when he saw his owner, his lover, hurt. That was what brought him to a breaking point. He only vaguely grasped what was happening, though. something had happened to or with that other one. He thought hard and came up with a name and a picture in his mind Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash had done something to his Fluttershy that she did not like, and by extension, he did not like. Angel decided he was going to do something for his Fluttershy, though he did not know just what yet. All he knew was that she needed his help, so Angel cuddled up with his mare and slept, hoping to comfort her with his small, but warm reassuring body.

The next morning, Fluttershy woke to the sound of somepony knocking on the door. Angel bunny hopped out of the bed and ran downstairs. The sound of the door opening and a familiar voice filled Fluttershy’s ears.

“Fluttershy? Fluttershy! It’s me! Rainbow Dash!” She heard footsteps outside her bedroom door. Rainbow Dash opened. “Fluttershy? Hey? What’s up? I didn’t see you at the party last night, did you know there was a party?” Fluttershy kept her head in her pillow. “Wait, that’s impossible. Um.. Were you sick? Was there an animal emergency?” Fluttershy still kept her head still, eyes closed as she heard Rainbow Dash guessing why she wasn’t at the party. Rainbow kept blabbering on, until she heard somepony, slap her in the face which brought her silent.

“Thanks Angel,” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Fluttershy! Please tell me!” Fluttershy turned around, her eyes red. She sniffed as she brought her face closer to Rainbow Dash’s. “What’s u-” Rainbow Dash felt a pair of lips press against hers. She opened her eyes wide to see Fluttershy in front of her, no-pony else.

Realisation struck Rainbow Dash.

She had just cheated.