//------------------------------// // Bubble Bath! Bubble Bath! // Story: Spike's Crystaling // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// Flurry Heart's bathing chamber was decorated with finely polished, smooth crystals that matched her coloring. "Wow," awed Spike as he turned on the faucet for the bath tub. "And I thought my bathroom in the Castle of Friendship was cool." "Bubble bath!" chimed baby Flurry Heart as she peeked over the tub's edge to watch the purple dragon use his claw to check and adjust the water's temperature before putting the stopper on the drain. "You know," said Spike while finally getting the temperature just right. "A bubble bath sounds like a great idea." *** Spike didn't have to look long before finding the bottle that was labeled 'Magic Bathtime Bubbles'. "Nice!" awed Spike as he dumped the contents of the bottle into the tub. "I normally just use the 'Soft Scales' soap Princess Celestia makes just for me to make my bathtime bubbles." The green-bellied dragon thought on how the soap not only made his warm bath all bubbly, but how it made his scales feel so soft and clean. This then brought him back to how his arm, chest, belly, and legs had a bit of Flurry Heart's 'accident' on them and how he really wanted to clean it off. "You know...," he thought while looking towards the powder-pink, baby Alicorn. "I don't think anyone would mind if we shared a bubble bath together." Flurry Heart smiled, flapped her wings, and cried out "Bubbles! Bubbles!" *** Spike gathered up a soft cloth for both Flurry Heart and himself. He then got the baby soap and shampoo combination bottle. "Alright," he said while working off Flurry Heart's sagging diaper and making a most disgusted face as he held it with just two clawed fingers and quickly tossed it in the trash. "Let's get all clean." "Whee!" cheered Flurry Heart as Spike picked her up, turned off the water, and stepped into the tub. "Ahh," he said while allowing his body to take in all the warmth of the warm water and bubbles provided. He then gently started to dip Flurry Heart into the water where the tub had a raised seat so a foal would be able to soak without going underwater. "BUBBLES!" she cried while taking a big hoof full of bubbles and tossing them into the air. As she did, the soapy substance magically turned into large, rainbow-colored, bubbly orbs that rose gently towards the ceiling until they popped and showered down a gentle burst of sparkling, rainbow light. "Ooh...," awed both Spike and Flurry Heart. *** Flurry Heart was a squirmy giggler as Spike worked to gently wash her. The baby Alicorn also found plenty of amusement in kicking the bubbly water at Spike's face, which caused the magic bubbles to form and pop on every part of his body they touched. "Pretty!" she exclaimed as she watched the colors sparkle about the dragon. "I should be called 'Spike Sparkl' after this," he said. "Mr. Sparkle sounds better than Mr. The Dragon." The purple dragon then began to think on how surprised he was that Twilight hadn't named him after her. She was, in a sense, his mother. Well, Princess Celestia was the one who he first really knew he could call 'mom', but then he became Twilight's assistant since she was the one who hatched him. "Perhaps I'll ask Twilight about that when I go home," he said while finishing Flurry Heart's cleaning. "Thanks for giving me the idea, Flurry." The baby Alicorn responded by tossing another big wave of bubbles at Spike while letting out a loud, squeaky laugh. *** Once bath time was over, Spike toweled off Flurry Heart and himself before gently bringing the little foal over to her changing table. "Okay," said Spike as he placed Flurry Heart upon the tiny mattress. "Twilight and Cadence told me that I first have to gently lie you down before wiping you all clean with the special wipes that are in the drawer with your diapers and baby powder." This task was easier said than done as a squirmy Flurry Heart required that Spike gingerly hold her down with his one hand while attempting to hold her hind legs up with the other. "Hmm," he thought. "Cadence and twilight said foals like singing and toys during changes..." The dragon began to sing a song he had made up about dragons, but Flurry Heart didn't stop fussing about. "I don't have a toy and I don't want her to fall if I let go to look for one...," he thought. It was at this point he remembered how he had gotten little Flurry Heart to focus on him before. "Hey!" he announced with a smiile. "Look at me, Flurry!" FWOOSH "Oooh," awed the foal as she fixated on the gentle torrent of green, dragon fire that Spike was spewing out from his pursed lips. "Perfect," Spike complimented to himself between breaths to keep the soft stream of ethereal fire going. Flurry Heart was no longer fussing about, which freed up a hand to do the necessary wiping, initial diapering, powdering, and completion of the little filly's change. "Okay," he gasped with pride. "All done." Flurry Heart appeared sad that the pretty, green flames had come to an end. Fortunately, Spike knew the face that showed how she was about to cry and quickly reached for a rattle that was tucked into one of the drawers on the changing table. "Who's a good little girl?" he said playfully while waving the rattle about. "Wanna' play with this super cool rattle?" Flurry Heart was quick to grab the toy from Spike's hand before swinging it about wildly. "Okay," said Spike. "I think it's time for your bottle now." Flurry Heart didn't acknowledge the caretaking dragon. She just continued to flail the rattle around, which resulted in Spike getting smacked in the head a couple of times. . "Ouch!" he groaned upon taking another whack to the noggin. "I need to remember to give her a softer toy next time."