Spike's Crystaling

by Yosh-E-O

Foal Logic

"Ooh!" awed Flurry Heart as she stared into Spike's gaping mouth. "Noisy."

After all the fun of magically spinning the young dragon with her magic, the baby Alicorn got sleepy and drifted herself off to dream land. This gave Spike the idea that he might as well treat himself to a little nap, too. So, after gathering up some extra blankets, pillows, and cushions, he curled himself up and fell asleep. However, it wasn't long before he had flipped up on his back and began to snore. This eventually woke up Flurry Heart who was more than interested in investigating the source of the nsound.

"Touch," she said while climbing onto Spike's belly. Her goal was to see what one of his fangs felt like.


"Hmm?" she cooed with interest after feeling the curved tooth that stuck out of Spike's mouth.


Spike continued to snore away as Flurry Heart took every opportunity to explore the dragon who was watching her. This ranged from looking into his mouth when he let out a big snore, putting his claw in her mouth to get a better understanding of why it felt the way it felt, nudging against his head spikes, and mouthing on his green fins that extended around where his ears were.

Eventually, the tyke got bored and was tired of the young dragon's snoring.

"Ah-ha!" she stated proudly while crawling over to grab one of her pacifiers. She knew her mom and dad put it in her mouth when she made too much noise and it made her feel better. So, obviously, it would work on the snoozing, purple dragon.


Flurry Heart was so proud of herself as she climbed back on spike's up-and-down tummy as she worked to press the pacifier into his moving maw.


The light-pink Alicorn whinnied with delight as the annoying sound of Spike's snoring was replaced by him suckling on the pacifier. She had done good and felt a sudden desire to rest again Spike's breathing and heart beat made for a soothing combination.


"Hmm?" wondered Spike as he began to wake up.


"Wha...?" wondered the little dragon as the pacifier rolled out of his mouth. He then looked on his belly to see Flurry Heart curled up in a ball.

"D'aww," smiled Spike. "I should get up, but I don't want to wake her."

Spike suddenly began to feel warmth on his belly. Kind of like what he enjoyed when he took one of his bubble baths.

"Wait...," he thought as he woke up a little more. "Is that what I think it is?"

Spike's belly felt warm and wet. Careful inspection revealed that Flurry Heart's diapered flank was right on it, too.

"Oh, no...," moaned Spike. "I forgot to change her before her nap."


Spike thought on how to handle the situation. Having a soaked Alicorn on his belly was certainly not comfortable. However, Flurry Heart was fast asleep and cuddled all cozy right on him. If he picked her up, she could get grumpy about having her rest interrupted. However, if he didn't, he'd be negligent in his duties of properly caring for the curly-haired, baby alicorn.

"Okay," he said as he formulated a plan. "I can do this."

Spike slowly raised his head and claws up towards the slumbering foal. He then moved her towards his chest as he worked to slowly bring himself to his feet.

"Phew," he said as Flurry Heart remained asleep. Her over-saturated diaper now leaking onto his arms as what had leaked on his belly made its way onto his legs.

"Well," he sighed. "At least nothing got on the floor. However, I think we're both going to need a bath."

As carefully as he could, Spike carried the infant out of her nursery and made his way towards the nearby bathroom that had a sign on it that read, 'Flurry Heart's Bathing and Beauty Chamber'